8E3---~)Cf 5759
<br />THIS bfOIiTGAGB ismadethia....... ~ at~ ........... .... dayy d . .. NavtatttDer ,
<br />29BO..,h~,'~~gg.,PFlI,IIP.M.. MARTiN AND ,IEANNINE f6._ MAFfC_IN,_husGand anti .wife„
<br />(heeedn "Barmwer"}. and the AEaYgatdee, Home Federot
<br />9avisga and Late Aeaot:iaWtrt, a catparatioa organised and egg tender the lave of Tl:e Urrited States a[
<br />Aagerka. etltoee addew is 2213eaLh Lrwuat Shteet, Cirmd leLnd. Nabraaket (heroitr "Lender"1.
<br />Wtgtttsas, Bamwcr ~ ittdetsted to Lender in the principal steer of ~QU~'_ ~.E'!~N.7k~.5A-~. €!C#~: tRl~30RE0
<br />FIFTY ,AND, ND/ 1.00------------------------- DtrNars, which indeb6edttetss is evidetttxd by tiaroweri note
<br />dated < ...November; . 19, , 148[1.... (~~ "Note" ), providing for mo»thty it+ntallmertt+ of principal and intpmt,
<br />with the Iralaace of the indeMedttess, if trot sooner paid, dta: and payable on.......~f~per . l , .299.0, .....
<br />'ta Sttcuae to Lender {a) the rcpayttxtn of fhe indebtedne.+, evidenced by the Nste, with interest tht'3esn; the
<br />paymxnt of ail other stints, with interest thereon, advanttd in accortfance herewith to pmtect the- security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the perfotttntuc of the covenants and agtceatents od Borrower herein contained, attd (b) t'he repayment
<br />of anYfvture advances., with interes[ theresn. made to Borrower ny Lender pnrsuant to paragraph Zl hereof (herein
<br />"'Fusee Ativaatr~"). BotroMer daes herby mortgage, grant and conwey to lxttder the folltnrirtg describal property
<br />ktcamd m tltr Caumy ~ .............. NALL ,State of Nebwaka:
<br />...................
<br />i 25 '~kxtvnu3nt k?~arJ . , , . ~ran~i ! i anJ
<br />rrhir$ has the addtm t+f ............ ....... ................ .
<br />Itiigwt tc+tr4
<br />NattT~~k73 hat30 t .... (heroin "properly Address") ;
<br />....... .... .. .. ..... ..
<br />tints .aa xtf. cant
<br />FRiLT1R1 tirim alt rile iraprOwC'a1en43 HOSE tr{ [rrrrHltef t[rrled On f~`lr pNpCi1V. Jfltl ai4 CaBGNern p, rigtris,
<br />~, tetrts, rt.~teities, sninerat, oil atuf gad rights seed prah[s, water, water nghts. anti water stx;k, and ail
<br />fiYrures Haw or hareoftar atau:htsi tct the prsprrty, atl t~I which, including repiacemrms stet additiwwt thereto, ,hall he
<br />f trs h4 and retufaiu a put sf the property ewrrrd by ibis Mortgage, stet ail ..f the turegoutg, tngettfer with said
<br />pra~party fat the toatehtfh! estate tf thin Mortgage i.e tin a [easeirvid 1 arc to inn rrfrrrcd t.. ad the "Property"
<br />Barit~~r e~ that Bortaa~r c FswfuBy srisrt3 of ttte extetr frersby wnveprd and has she right n~ intr. tgagr,
<br />grant ttatt ct~sy ran Property. fhat fhe )'rztpc rty is nncTCUrn$craYi, and that $..~n.wrce wdi warrant :.nu riefrru
<br />•'i tht t$ S'~ Peop<rtp a~tirrot a#) c!a:~ stet dernarttlt., suhi~t t,. any'i"=;artttrz~_*, ea~nxnts nr •vee!r_aetr_ty
<br />'s°atxi tr.: rfic rd ~~ ii: ..,.~rag`r .rr awy t.tk :tssurarz~;,.• f;z;4rc: ~nsurtng :.r.rc ~.r'e na.er. st r., the ar~perty.
<br />- - i ro t f aa.tr-. b- T1~-t~atltarf~ tMiaM N6Taat1~12
<br />