<br />[,seder's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shah pay the amount of air trtortgttge insurance premiums in fhe
<br />manrter provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Atsy areratmts disbursed by Lrndsr pursuant to thta paragraph ?, with im^_rcst thereon, shat become additional
<br />indented of Bcxrawet secured by this Mort~ge. U'nkss Borrower std tender agree to other terms of payneent, sstctt
<br />amounts shs11 be p:yabie upon ttoticc from Gender to Borrower regtxuing payment thereof, and shall beu inteteat from the
<br />date of dlsburt~mtnt at the rate payable from time ra titnt at mttatanding principal under the Note unka payment of
<br />isttaeat at torch rate would bt contrary to appiicabre law, in which evtmt such amouata shall beu interest at the highest rate
<br />ptxmiribie under applicable law. Ncxhing contaieseti in this paragraph 7 shat requite Lender to incur arty exptmse or take
<br />. aay action hereutttier.
<br />g. [oyectlor_ f.emitr may make or carts to 6e made reaxnable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that IRtider xhx{I give Borrower notice prior to anv wch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lentfe2s
<br />iota-est in tlse Prape~; .
<br />4, Ceai.-a~Anw. Tht pracsedx of any award rn claim for damages, direct or canxgttmtial, in mnnxtion with any
<br />condemnation or artier taking of the Property, or part thereof, ar for conveyance in Lieu cif condemnation. arc hereby assigrred
<br />and shall ire paid to Gender.
<br />In the event of a meal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall ht applied to the sutra secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the etcna. if any. patd to Borrower In the event of a pania3 taking of she Property, unless Borrower aml Lender
<br />cihmaise agree in writing, there shall M applied to the wens •scored by this Mortgage such proportum of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that pn>panian which the ammmt of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediateh ptitu m the dare of
<br />tiskint bears io the fair markrr valets of the Prooeny immediatcfy prior to the date of [eking, with the dance of ihs proceeds
<br />paid to Hrrrower.
<br />if the Property is ai>atdotted C+y Harrower. ar if- after notice by Czrder to Borroavsr that the xndetortor ofterx to make
<br />an award or ~atttft a ;:iaim for damages, Harrower fails to respond m [.ender within Jo days after the dare such notice is
<br />mailed. lsnder is atttharired to rnilert std apply the proreeda. at Candor's option, tithes to reatasation or repair of t)m
<br />Pntpeny nr to the Soros secured by thn Mattgagt.
<br />(:nits !.trader and Harra:cer .xtcerw'ise agrsr in writing. anv such appficatian of proceeds to principal shat not extend
<br />or postpone the due data of tier monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t am! 2 hereof ur change the amount of
<br />suds irtatatrrnms.
<br />!®. Borrower Net 'Reitamd. Extension of the rams tar payment or madiflcation of atttottiutitm of the sutras secured
<br />by thts Mongage granted by Lttder to any successes :n interest nfi Borrower shall nrn operate to release. in any manner,
<br />tnr fiabrliri of rite origrnal Borrower artd Ciatrower's succesuss in interest. fender chall oat tae required to commerttt
<br />presctrdings against such suceesaat nr refuse to extend time far payment cr otherwise modify amoniutinn rat the sutra
<br />secured by tots Mcngagr by reason of a:ty demand made by the original Harrower :trd 8arrawer•s Successors in interal.
<br />tL Pearieavaece iy' fsader Nat a Waiver. 4n. fntbearanct nv lerxler in zxrrcising anv right or rcmedv htnextnder. or
<br />othe:x'iu afforded M• appticabk law. shall nrn he a waiver of nr preclude the rxerciae of anv such right nr remedy.
<br />rite procumnent of insurance ar ihr payment of rases nr nthrr hens nr charges by (.ender shall rase he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accetrtaee the maturity of the ~ndehtcdneu secured by this llnrtgage
<br />C2. Beaps~aa Cantt~tite. Ail remedies pn:vrded :n ehia Mongage art disunct amt cumulative to anv other right or
<br />retrscdy cosy--r this Mortgagz or aftardtd to ?aw or equrrv. and may ix ezercr.ed rcmcurcrntiy. eneitpendentty or succevivth•
<br />i.t, v_---__..._ at~ A~l4a Beaadt 7e}at arr~ c!Fa'eraf! tlaittta't t'apitens, ~TMP n•.^^aR!- 1'd ~~F4r<;^e:: w5 :eiftia
<br />,i .Waif ~tnu. and the ngnts hercundes shall :note to. tot rcspecttve successors and assrgr~ n( t-trader and Barrowsr,
<br />subitut to she prosiatsms ~+f paragraph !' hereof. All cavenanta and agrcemrnts rat Bnrmwer shall t±t ;pint and several.
<br />'71u ~aekons sail hsadmgz of :he aaraxrtohs of thin Monaaac are for ._onven:et+ca ,xnly and -tt +urt to t,r ,_-.J to
<br />:nief ;:,re ~r define iM fira•svk,a+n !?trCat ., _. W
<br />P9.s ~~atfrr- P_ `?- for ~ _ t._s rsryusrrd under at+Nx.aiak tan t" ht stern ,, aruhrt manner. ' nrv notice to
<br />:#- ri:v..er . _ -tde>i for .n ~h.s birrtyagc shall i,e grvrn by malting uttch ,peace by .srttfitd malt tddrrsxd•to Borrower at
<br />_ -,duns _- ,. ~ -dv',•~•s-+ a, &,rraa-- - v .ltsignatt '-v -n:rc ender as pr..,viri+•d i,rr~ir,, and
<br />fl+s Aris•naktct'!n I_enetrr +hall she green by ~serirfkd ~nnrl, return receipt reyussted, to ! cnder's address stated herein nr to
<br />Sarah .whet adare•_s as Lrrskr lose drstgaatt by ,entice to fLsrre,nxr ss pmvuied hrrttn 4rv n.-fkr ;.mvtded rot in thin
<br />Mortgage snail ix deemed in hart t,ten given to Borrower nr Grader when g:vrn in the manner tlestgnated herein.
<br />r _S, (;r~trrat Morfgatt: (:et+traiag C.aw; !kveratb9f(y. ihts form of rttortgage cominnra .:mfarm covenan[s tnr national
<br />use and m>rruntfnrm cewenann wiin timdcil vanahons try ;unvircnan to .orutnutt a umform Yecuniv msirnrtum covering
<br />tart proprrri T7,is Mortgage shall ht govrrtxd by the law ,+f the iurrseheoan ~: which the Prapertv :, It,cafed. In the
<br />event ghat ant provraeaa nr clause of this Mongage .s the ticrM <nnfiicts -with apphcank Iaw-, such „utflict snail not aftttY
<br />ot3tte tsnav rsie;{ta ,nr oars Mortgage .*r the :':rate whtcn can i,r pwzn eflsct witneFai eras condtcung pmvrswn. and to the
<br />erd Chc pravtsians ,~f ±ht Martgtt;r xnJ the 'JOtt art .+ectared to he aeverabit
<br />14, slnereaer'a C'apy. 8¢arr met c¢tsFi he fuzroslwd s :;unfnnntd ~otsy of rhr 4ote snti :,f thix Mortgage at rhz pros
<br />of execiHian or after trx,wdatkxt heres,f.
<br />I7, Txatri<xr of flee Pr¢Pettty; ,+lvrsytiow. if ad err any part of the Property or an rntertst therein is sold .+r transferreel
<br />by Atxrawtr wdhaut Y.etu3er's poor written .ottarnt. excluding sat eras creation of a lien .+r encumManae wtxardmatt to
<br />t$.s ,`+`aa.sgagz, title rite .-rtati(m ~+f a pun.nase rtx,nty securits mtrrrat tat hauseM,id applian-ea. !ct a *rtmster t+Y deviu.
<br />sfesGrlft or hti upetstuaa .af law upon !ht ,ttxitn of a ;a•ini tenant ar till she gram of any ieaaenoid mttrtat o{ there years ut itss
<br />nut cnntatnmg an .rpiian tx+ purcnaxc. I.crrtler maY. at Lender's ntN+on, dtc late ,rl! !ik wens !.reared by ~h:s Mongage :a he
<br />:tatrae>;sxte?y u:rc and payable. f.cndx-r st•.aii hive waved •uc opttem t+a ,xczkratt :f, pri+s to the +ale nr transfer. Gender
<br />stet the Istaxeur is wham ;tee Ptapsrty ;, to 4t x,ld ;>r transtzt red reach agrrrtnznt .n wrung that the credo of +tnh petxm
<br />is satistactor? ~c f_endtx acrd shat tM: interest ,nxyxbie an the sent. xi.., tai by thu Motxgagc shall hs at sus.h tats as C.znder
<br />shalt retµstvt if Lt»det has waivtai the npinm fa accelerate pracrded in this pangnpn 17, soil if Borrnwar'x sttccesaar in
<br />interrst has czscuCai x wrtten assumption agreatncm aa'epan! in weinng by Gender. Lrnaer shall rclzase Homawtr from all
<br />nbitgattatn utukr this Mongage aril t~ Nate.
<br />.i Lettoct c.• -- sc~ia .~tssrtn ec, accelerate. t ender shah mail B?,rrow«c narks at accekratmn !n accoManet with
<br />yrarngrs(,h "s nes~asf tiarcF. ostler serail prendz a penal of oat leas [tau 19 days Insn tiro dxtt the nutter is mailed wnhin
<br />which Harrower rtxay pas z;te sums declared due. li Bartawer fads %a pay such ,unto prior fa the rzpirancwt .,t stx'h prrird,
<br />C.eesa#cr tmsy, wnihtut fun'razr rwtxce ,>r ~~mand on Harrower, mavke any retrtedtss ptrmutad by paragraph 18 i?ertof.
<br />tic;;.-i,;.r-ttxxaxt C'tn•E>axNrs 8srtn,wtr ark9 kcrsder further covenant seed egrst as CMkowx:
<br />li. Arrn3arasMa; Raeaa6k.. ldaept as pressidpl in paratataplt t9 icravrf, apes 6arreweis iteaci of try coveweef or
<br />~~ %# ~ is sits h#arggtge, iaeladiae tips rrveaaea to pay wbze der aaly sotto s~ntred r% tlds Mertfage.
<br />~ p~ w rw::catraaers viii rye stapes to °aanewet b praevfaed /a ptYairapi it tact( apcrlfyiaR: ill etas imavii
<br />qg} tic tsefiws srgyfesd ro caw wait iaeaaht t3) a dw, wrl ire fiaa W dari from tie Oats the mMfce Y nraikd to 8arowae,
<br />iY wWsb ~i tsasari carat is crmF, tsA i4i tittl fsa'htrs to cam sari iaeacb an a islets tie dttY yrttiYad la the ttoiiec
<br />wag' r lea aeekrYiOtp d Hap atuaa stctarad iy ttda Martha. fawcbawe iy fodltrai ptreteedhy sail sate of tie Pr®perty.
<br />?eta Radct ttiW farliat folettai igartvtwsr of Ma etRffi Ns teiarptaiit altar atradatM#a sad tic rlRis to arse is Me feteeieaam
<br />Praa`aaiktti ipa +roArtaiaarrs of a irfaaeM a aaJ WMs ttdatra at Rerraw:r is attelarre{oe amt fewekrprm. $ the Iwaarp
<br />lb tai e^awai tea as ivissrr tie craw apvtMs# is tic ttoWe. i.,eader N Isaier'a opaLwa rat dcalaa sill of tM strop aecwed iY
<br />#~ ~ to is icy bet sad pWrY3e wf~eK faraisr daraastd sadl iaay fawsia~ae h3 taikiat prezasdiag. I.eaa4ar
<br />akail tae rte to cwt In aue.A ~o---'~' RM !-''_..._" ed foroelo®te. ttttled4g„ !`a! eta ta, cow M axataaasary
<br />a`et~iaa4'a4 aiRttacta tNti 7His tseparh.
<br />~.~, a eft 3a ii3AWap5ti. ~sAw-aftxEarwiitsg f ~e4ar's accsrietatu,n .-,t rtw .ren?s sar:vrad try: fhn Mort;a¢r,
<br />i`rotzz'awrsr sfraii na'.ar' Fria s-igAt ts; Ir.aare aat'r Mr•:~ta+iroAte >;pgun t,y i a„oiler so rntw~c rhts Manyagt dtrtcummzead .s. any r,rue
<br />