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'?-~ t)~t-x,712 <br />Lir+evtnrat Cmarssrt•r's. Borrowu acrd Leader covenant seed agrte as fo#ows: <br />t. Ptgmeel ~ Pe4tatip! a~i IttAaeest. Bortosver sha# promptly pay when due tta; prittcipai of and itttuest on [tw <br />itsdt>bt~tas tviskaeed b'y the Mote, prepaymeatt and lue charges as provided [n tfie NWe, and the ptincipat of slid interest <br />an a~ Fnitae Adtraaces ses:tued fsy t6h :Norcgage. <br />A Y~t4 fee Tags ati t~ Subjxt ro apptieabk law ar to a written wvvcr Fry Lender. Harrower skali pay <br />w i.sader tyre for day tnaarlrly iu~afi&srarits of paitscipai slid interest are psryabk tender the Nou, utstiE the ?Vote is paid in fa#. <br />a svat Ihereia "Funrk"? etpsat to oactwrdYdt of IM. yeatty toes and aaaessments whkb ttaay attain priority aver this <br />Mrx~pt~, aru[ growd resat Mt the Prtgrerty, if atty. plus one-twetNit aE yearly premium instaBrnenes foe homed irtwram. <br />pixm area-nvelftft of yearly pt~sium isazaitmenta fea• ttuxtgsge rtssunxe. if any, ail as reasonably eattmaad initially and liven <br />time to !arse l-9' Lxudex oa the harais of amts and bi#s amt rsasonabk estimatsa theeeot. <br />'['be Futds sM11 he Mhf in an insiitut}on the depaa[ts or accounts o{ which arc insured or guaranteed !tq a Ftderaf or <br />stair agercy 1 including Letder if Lender rs such an ittstitntton 1. Lender strap apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />iiSitttartCe ptxrrdisnw sad grtwtd rants. Ixtder rttay »ot chargt far so hakfirtg and applying the Funds. anatyziag said account. <br />air ~ifyi;;g and e:otnpiliag said aaaeasmsab and bi#s, tritieeas lxtder pays Borrower interest em the Fimdx sad applicaNe law <br />perxtats tinier 4o ttrake stscfi a chatga Bwrowu std lender may agree in writing at the tlrrte of exectititat of thin <br />fHatagage that iexerest on the Foods shall isa paid to Borrower, std voices such agreemter is made ar appfiubk law <br />rsgtutes such tatarest to ix plod, lender shalt riot he regturtd to pay Borrower any interest ar comings on itre Funeffi. Leader <br />shah give to Btxrawer, wttlsout charge, an annual arxaurutng at the Funds ,bowing credit amf debits to the Fuatds asd the <br />purpose for whsh each titbit to rise Funds was made.. "Ilte Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums se_rtrtd <br />by rLzs :sfmtpga. <br />3f iha aroewm of the Fiends trdd bl• [xndet, together with [ht future monthly tnstaltrttents of Furtds pagabte },rtor to <br />~t t:.~. a of :axe, at~.:~cts.:ttsttsam:e prgn»ur..s arar grc:,~ti :r,.:s. she#t ex.•ttd ::~ r-stsartd to pay said taxes. <br />aaseaataents. trtsurarace prem!mtm and grvwrd rents as they fall dye., sack esc,'ss shalt be, at fHrrrower'x option. tateer <br />prnsapely rtps!iu: to t3ormser ~ credited to E3ortaxwer an mssnrhty ~a~sru#irtsrsits of Fur',ds. tf the amount a€ [he Funds <br />Ifftid by Candor v9eNl tset he sudtcitas to pay loose, aasessmcnxn. irew,ras~ts:t premntms sad gnttmd rents as Ihey Q~all due. <br />Bssrrrawcr shalD }xy ra I_ee5der anp tmaum r[satarsary to make up the dsfic!ttrcv within 30 doss teem tht dart nonce i.+ mailed <br />'by !.coder nr Barrrsw~cr rerprtating paytntnt etrereot. <br />SJptm paytnart[ m full of ail clonal secured by tits Ninr7gaMc. ftnetl+er shai9 promptly rotund to Harrower any Funds <br />held k!h^ Lender. ff older paragraph 9g Ix:tist the Prapeny .s srdd or !ire Property .s .xherwtve acquired by i.etder, Lender <br />aiamii apply, nss rater tfim i~tnartdiate3y prior to tlm salt c,f the Pmpe~rry- nr .[s scgwsuum by E,ertrkr. any Funds held by <br />Ltodtr a[ tlRe urne of appiicatien as a cnxiit. against the swiss me,:wvtd bpi [Mv Nlartgage. <br />1. .8pgiitafiau d PayaMfY, t:mtsxs applicable law pr<r~„its ,xhrrw!u. ah payments rectived by Lender under [he <br />',}art aid paragraphs }and 2 boreal shall hs apphtsi try I-ender t}r+e to pas rntrc : t amounts pay:sMe to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph _' 7xreat. thin to tn[errst payable an the \o!r !hen :.~ the prtnc!pal at iht vcxe. and then to interest and <br />prrrsrpat cis any Fvtvrt Advatsoes. <br />i. t»•efa'at fMtw Ba,rrerwer +hati pay a!# !sae.. a nments and .=thce :;tar}xs ti+rts and imp,xtuans attr!bwahte to <br />sttC Property whk:h may auabr a prtaxuy ovtr tniv Mortgage. end Itaxcholai p:symtnts r~r gramd rtnts, tf any. to the manner <br />yia:: i,`ec'd wsdes paragraph ~ ftereayf ar. ~t red pa!d en sucft manner. -rev Hcrrower making paymtnt. whrn due. directly to the <br />payee t}rtnnf. Bcxrrswar sha1F psarnptty furn,sh [n !.ender a+( mxxzn s,t .!mounts Jur under ;Ms paragraph, and in the event <br />drawer vf4a/1 [hake paytnena dutcdy. ells!! nr,rmp7t} !urmsn !,, louder recttety eviden.:wg such payments. <br />Burr»w,er <ha1! nmmnalw dtai:#sarrit any ;tea wt•..h hx. R:,^ ...: _• •a i „y,.}:c <r`.r.;i y .r-...a-zr 4a!! r,.• s•t• <br />~}uxrd in etwrehargt anY sloth #xtn fir kutg as Ikurowe, ~vnaN ..grte .n .r:rtmg w;. ;ur pa:ment :,t the „rrhgatx n ,ecursd »y <br />ssatif }ten t.t a mantitr ac+ct~}+ta~ ra Colder, or shat! in gwrsi tasth a+?nre.t cstch item hv, e+r .istm:t rntnrccment of such litre rn, <br />Segal pnr.~•tedtngs which c+prratt to prevent rht tnfiorcrttw~nt of the i~rn ~_- forfeuurz :,[ the pn~periv or :env part thermf. <br />~. 73llzaay! lataeeasca. tlurr6ner shalt >i<-*ep tRx <:npre,semert, 3,ra . ,u.amg .~; .^•c[e,[::er e:rrr~teJ ~~n tht i'r„pertr~ mk:re•d <br />~lairlat trm>s ay [tr'e, tiarnida trKine#ex} wrttnm sire item 'rxirnded .,svrragr and a e,h ,•:Fxr fitizarsis ax !.coder rssas reyasre <br />seal r~n !!v,:it atntsuwa and tau ssa.h t,r!'auds av ! r,ukr !nay itqu:;±, ;, .vcdr+t, :ha6 Itendrr .hail n.,t regturt that !h.• amn[!nc ~=t <br />at! .,i _ nor 4:k•_=1 clue asm.a_ <t asgr~ r ~,.,-.,•d !. fs '+s - !,•~i n.. - N _ <br />the rraasrans,~ ,:amtr pm.rdt»g rise msuratuc shall Pre ~ h.vsn »v- Ht rrowrt ousel t a~pprovat by I ender. prc-vrded. <br />fls~i suers atrptr+eaE >ia#i .:_a ire urne.serrseiti ~shrreid. ~tii prcrosoret, , r m.uricki iw sr.~cs ,hail i>,x pasd .- ':hz manrttr <br />ptavtdtd vttt3rr paragraph ~ herezN .sr, it tux pard en usuh tnanrnt, h+ #orrower making payment. whey, title. ~hrrttfy ro the <br />}trauraerx catrxx. <br />A# ittassrance pdream and rurew ale thereof shs[tl he to !nrm a,.~.tptaMt to ! zn.ier end shall :reciudt ., stx~:dard mortgage <br />clatruc ,n fear of and en tram acctptattdt to I.rrWer i.ertder xhalE have the right t,~ bald ihr palates .,red nmcwals thtresi. <br />aad Brarsrwer sfla}i praxnpUg- furnult to !.tenser af# nroewal nouces end till rtxttpts nt pard p[tmuusx- ir. !ht zcent c,t Sow- <br />Barttrwer sttsti live pixxtrpt vrttcc tv the niwrattce ~anttr and Ixnder. l-order n[as make pnwt ,N Inv !i Wax r.tadt promptly <br />by Bornwru <br />L'taas #.usafer amf dtrrawtr txatetwsse agree rn wrtuug. !ostievt,:s prrn;etaiv shall he appircd [a reswrnuon ,>r repair <., <br />tb[ Prc+pxrrr 3ama{ped- pravr.kxi ss~#f rtsturausxt err ttpart ,s ea!tirmrratiy fzavtbte xttd the sec;urtty of tMs htartgagt i+ <br />mx !ItttraVtp imiparssd- it such trsraratam ar repair sx not ria.rn,maaih' ttasth}e nr i[ the vtcurity of thtu Mortgage would <br />be aopautd. Fits ;trsuratp_-t prcx:eests shelf bt applied i:: t!:t ..sins +c:e [reed rev ;his Mortgage. .,uh !ht ts.ess, !f ens i'atd <br />to Lam tr. t} t}~ Pt*_+ptsn s eAanat±:rtasi by fk,rr~rser .,r ,t !}!!rrowu !~:i, r<• !c;R=rr±+.f eo t t.+dtr wnh!rt :tl day. Ir„nr tM~ <br />dale natwc is n[.w}exl t+v t..trtdtr to fiv,rawstr roar !ht ;nsuratp:e :orrice „tier, ;,+ stoic .+ .ia;n! [:,! !nx,ran:.e hentnts, }ender <br />u :q~tfant+eed ;,; i:.;Se..t uv# app!} tht nssuratnr pn,CCeds as }ender', „piwn c,fher t,> rntora[arn „r :epatr ,~E the Pn,psns <br />ar ecw t}# >rum aa5.s:tt+1 t=s ttua Mt:rtgagt <br />L:niess L-tiller axrrt H~rc+w~rr r°±fsrrsue egret ~n wrttrng. ens .,w.h appns.rteon a,f ptt~crds !„ Pr~n.!pa! .!jai! n„r eatertd <br />tx plvstpe~ the ux dolt arf -rte rrxmsts#v utttatimstta< rota°:red tx, ;r paraMraFhv i ,real ~ I:err.,t .,r ..bongo +`re ans.+rmt ,_, <br />utA9 t=nxaditnaaty. }{ ttntftr pu'agtapb tit besets tht Ptcpem~ r.s as:gwrcd ha txadea, all right. ut#e sad mtercvt nt Horn,wer <br />to sell ts•. ens ttsvtuasrct pataats ate! m and to the pn+ctnis !htreat resulting tr:,m :iamage to the Pnsptr:v pc mr to the ,a}e <br />txr acgtaratran shall leers to I.rsdtr ?. [#st tvtrnt ,rt tot +ums ~cwtd M tire; '.Ir,rt;age !.nmtdratety prior :, ,acre salt or <br />~.=~. <br />~. iafao atad a4pac~xr nt Frapsriv: f.€ t c~apsiaiwns; E9faard 1.'~ fhrtfvpmcats. It::r r,*•.::r <br />!stall !crap rite Ptrs{!ttsy m g+rnd rtpa:r and vlsatl [x,t =:cxrtintt ~,~avre ..r permst unparrntsnt ,,r dt[ertorauoo of the Prapetn- <br />aod firait cst®tp4y wi;fi rho-ptnaisxaas at any tease !, this 44orxeagt +. ~m ., ieawtwW- If th;. Marsgage !+ mt ,~, .~ <br />,:xarta;n ex .: p#rzrrtari ua:t d~tvti-,~trntrn. H.xra:u-rr .Wait trl~.rm aL' ,ri H#tsswtr s .rhtcgat:Uris ;-»dir the dcc}arxtr..n <br />a€ ~.~rran~~ creatang ar gs,,s+ernsreg rfa .vnk meutven ,=r },atrnaa vnd dsvt}cpment. ;~ ha-ISU. ,,red !er !:utrnns ,>t the <br />t urdwnutwnt ar piapttsuf tenet ckvrla}wtsem.::W c<.nst rt:!cnt ,hxurnent¢. f; ,; axrndrraunwnt s. planm-d unn ,nr,rf„pmtnt <br />ruin ;s taaauttsi ey RurHrwtr oral tYl'-soles! t: ~}M,tte~r .s hh taus 44.utgage. 't+e .oyrn:tnr> .;:a! agmrnunE_ :. ,~!.h r~dr: <br />a+•sa€ta past frnssm~ _ ",,,~>..,_ -.._.- _ _--....,~,._..,9_.......a ._,_r ......... ........... ...., .-.. F.,+ __ .. ..z ..,.~. <br />_- td I.eelar'a ~atat;lp. !t l9orrsxvrer ta,is !a ryerl,xm ;he .uvena»ra an;i eyxtsmt»ts .,,stained :n this <br />~. err tf airy a.:rran ra pnzerdrng ~. s+rmnaascsd wh,rn mare:t4iy aloe [, t.rrtvizr, ;nitttst tr, the Pr:+y,,.n <br />iFbcfiaFiyngs irni' n,Yl ftrtsstad trS_ ernxrwM dwraen.:%rasirenet, .t'de .nt,=r„a°Ritn[. . _t :'angti»snsv :rat radii^.5 yciu ink as <br />Wraisru5a cxr ,kA<viiebst, a1€e» l.txxacr at l-entki'n :xrnxm- ~ippn merx,et a+ #nrmuer~ n. ranks s,kh .~epear. +.. avMuu ,oat <br />tstnss arpf take r2~ir a'2;trsat m u nts:~ art [s• prrxt.:~t t e,u{rr . ~rterr.Yt ::,...r;;sng i.ut i..-,, ,m,[e,f t~•. .;,vn!;ty-ntrm .-t <br />r _ ____ atxwxteq", tea: a»d €ntre upn,r rtrt Property % n?air ,_ 1, t <,x3rr .rslt!,rr,i '.-: _ ..... ....a ..- <br />~tmsdst z+t asraeiprs Edit loan ms;.araal is} t;rn (5a°rs ,over „q f ,., ..n.i V . nt :. a:e»a!.: ,.,:!, <br />tansttarr.C s+s s~tcr ,:Writ west trtrxr as fret !s~SM'etNasat For *rr.h :r orator ~_r..r, •sr,:x .. .~.., ,+,:h fiavn=u cr~. .,t.<. <br />