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23~°+~tl~ i i.~ <br />M~~tTGAGE <br />z~s MURTGAGE is made rive .. .......... L ".7..... , t~... .................. <br />f 9..~. bet+oeen tlee Mortgogw, ...$i.i.lY. ~.- -Si'wu..-s+ri .datsw. xf.. 3k~ . htesLand -sad. vifE ........ . <br />............. .................. . .... f hmin °8orrower"}. and the Mortgagee...Ca~ae~t:3A3..Fs3~s'sl <br />....~}4~'~9. ia~iti .IRi9a3. +°4raRC~~T~08 ............................ . a rnrpot~ati¢n orgsaiud and ez~ling <br />tandet the taws ot.. ~!t)tt+W4kit ............................ . . . whose addrtss ~.. 1k541. Dod~t S'traet.. . <br />.. r.~'AR~Gt1..68.132 ...... ............... .. ................... (IfeTCln "Lttftka"). <br />tYttaitana. HOrrnWCr is indebted to L.endtr in the peineipa! stem of - 37raotty . ±; O'itS'. J110V~iOd, 2h~ , hyEtid~Yd <br />,~Qf~{t4:"-"'-~'-.. ~a~2#s3Q4.99)......... [Mtlarx. which itedec.edt.ess is rvidenced by Borrower's >rote <br />loud.. l~+IF'. ~ .~.~~..... (Etercin "No6r"). providing for monthly itestatlrnents of principal and interest. <br />with t~ bafaetcs ~ the indtbtedetess, d not sueater patd, due and payable ae[ . - . Deceattbser..1.. 2039, ........ . <br />TV S>~iine ro L.eader tai tfte repaytnept of fne indebtedness evidenced by the :vote, with interest Chereon, tfx <br />pay~+a? of aI9 othar sn~, wit}e i,nteeeat thereon, :aivana~ee~d in at~:ctrxdaace hers~with to prefect the security a# Lhis <br />Mesrte, sad the pertoratanee of the ecn'epants and agreemernv od' fhsreFxwrr herein captained, and (bf tlx repaymetut <br />of any ~rtua+r advatu,-es, with i¢ttrest tlureu,x. made w tlarrc*wcr bw Litxfee pursuant to paragraph Z t hereof ;herein <br />°p'teasre Adrnletces"`), Barcroc~er durua hcml?y mortgage, grant rtnd u.~rmvey n> Lender the 1'crttowiag described property <br />Iaeaemd~, is the Camty of.... kfAi+i. .. ....... . . ... .... ....... .. State at Nebraska[ <br />let Fix~a f'i } f F.s+cr)St >Chat fiow#h k iva f !S) Fr~at Th~rrsaP } is Bltrck Favsr (4) itt <br />bgg~a.ils ?r "(ksxser Subdiviai~t in th• vi2l.age of Caixo, tia12 Covm2y, Webraska. <br />vr#iia has the addramt ~.....~0~ .iiR"F9X'..~#A6......... L.alr~p.. <br />[ w::n <br />..~4 ..~...... - . (herein "Prtxpeny Address ' 3 . _ <br /> x~ cawu <br />iwcln[Hi 'RRIi ~ u45 ;I~TrS?geIITCmS tF(J1R tF[ teGleal Ez.'r c-fCC[ed =m ihr pnl]xrt :'. x1114 all fa4emeit~, ritttitx, <br />appvufarattaces, fea6, tergritities,. mi¢crai, uil and gai rt¢3eds and prnhty, wFatcr. water nKhts. end ~a~.itrr vtFxA..ind :dt <br />ftFaaecs prow tEt hcteet[ter altac#ted iP the Rmpettg, ali .ri whrch, inci¢diag repEarcnrents and sdditic±Ft4 citeretn. ,hail tcc <br />war FRt tts0if7n a Pam rd tbe~ pra~tEy rnvttn; bs ttu~t 3.lur`rgtr, atrtsi uit =a ttM: iuxe~gaxa~, ..>t;rt~r .v[th eau.i <br />pvi+~3rrlr'~SfN Site fEStsRf7t9kf eaNatr [f fha3 Mvr{~tgs is c3sF : h-aurhatst F afs here;[s ! Wlcrrrd to ;cs ine ~ PrcF{mrtr' <br />~rErF.kaf t~ ]` ('{~e"n'r w'i"r F :ai.'fii€x sFP.u'rt iii i,, ~ytatrr i~:f~i:t 1+~. .. tied ]n :FS. !:f' rF~tlt [eF IrFet€i~a¢Z, <br />,~ r nw ,~.. st <br />~ .Y ~'.;~:;~ .~ fir.--~-- . , -~~ - _, 1~..~..., - ''-u:~:. .. _. _. '„a, r F -.-rra. n.. ~et:~nC <br />~~r~pa ~=.ttxt~ur .ev ag~~~;.*.z c5 ~-[,~,. .-;:-h. a'', ,~ :: __:: ,,.~~A;:~,-, ,,..._:.:x - .~. E,., <br />+~ <br />^,. i e.w.mty- r_ ."-- cttlfp+rWK alglt nlyfilpMla? ,. ,:Y ...... .,. <br />