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Lenufer's wriittn agteetntnt ar appFicaWe [aw_ Borrower shat[ pay the atnottm of a6 mortgage instrrastce premiums in t[sr <br />mtmner prevrdeC under paragraph ? }ztmf. <br />- ,.ray amnums distxfrseC by Lauturr pursuant to this paragraph 7, wish interest thctwn. shall ttrXOtne adtfitiena! <br />indtAtedtstss of Borrower secttrtxf by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender ague to ot[[er terms of paytnem. such <br />aanartncs s'[al[ hr payat~ open rwtxe from L.etsder to 8prrower r~uesting payment therto£. and shalt hear imerest from ttx <br />liar of <tic&+rseinent at fhe rate payable feast tint to sore on oWSUUrd'stg principal under the Noce unless payutent of <br />rf itrtetest at such rata we tttd tx tr>•:stran in applicable taw. in which event stroke atnoutna shah bear interest at the higftest rate <br />perntissibie utultr appYtcab[t law. NMhisrg castain~ in this ptsrtr;taplt ?shall requite Lettdt[' to itrenr arty expense or take <br />~`" arty anion hereunder. <br />- ~? & trpeeller. Lender may i#taltt nr cause ta he made re4sititattlC entries utxrn and inspections of the Property. provided <br />- C..r that I..ender shat! give Barrowrr notice prior in any such inspection specifying rtasottable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />r+ intttest io the Prnper[y. <br />IT- 4. Coeietnsra[aa. The prnetrdc of any award or claim far damages. d@tat cu emtstqueatia[, in connection wit4t any <br />coetdeausatusn nr trtfiCr takrng of the Propem~. er pan thereaf, ar for conveyance en lieu of condtmaatiae. arr hereby assigned <br />and sdta@[ ht pa?d to Ltadtr. <br />- [n the rverr of a ts>[a@ *.along :'f the Property. the proceeds shark be applied us the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the exccsc if any, pa,C to Bnrrnvrrr. in the event crf a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrnsver and Fender <br />tx@tenvise agrct "rn wri;:ng. rhea shall [se applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage sttch pt+oportiott of the proceeds <br />art is cGUai :n that prnp+±rtinn whit: t: the attuwnt of the coma secured by this Mnrtgate imtnediettly prior to the dart sf <br />+ taking t+earx :u the fair market vatuc xvf the Property tmmediatety pnor to the date of raking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid n+ Bra<-nnn~tr <br />If the Property is aharsde?ned by [k+rtr-vwer. or d. abet notice by [.ender in Barrt?wer that the condemnor nffm to make <br />an a-r-ard nr ;state a cainr f;;r damages. Berrouer fails :, rrsptanC rt [.ruder within 3~ days after the date such t[otice is <br />mailed. Lxndtr is authcvrieed to a+@lex-t ;end apple the prnrcrids sr F,rn[ler's nMi~on. rilher to rtrttnratitm ar ttpai: of the <br />Prnprr'ty ,,r ,,,, tax sum, secured F.+' skis M,rorgage. <br />[: nlt;ss Le ndrs and &rrrc* ~ez nthcrwrse agrct in writing, :nnr xtz~e'h app7icatinn of prnetrds to principal shalt not rxte[tei <br />or pxvnpcmr t@yr. ,Fete late .,f the tmssuhly irataFtttu.nnt refarrt@ ?n in paragraphs ;and 2 hereof er change the atntntttt of <br />a>,uc;'h I'nstal@nxnta. <br />10. 6xnnwwr lYa Rrclaaaed, E~xtan^uan of the ume tar pna'vmcnt or mcdiflvattion of utnt'?rtizafion of the sums »a:vrcd <br />'by' ih6s Meu^tasRgr erantrd ht [.trole~r 1r? any sue: mo-snr rn in[cxrsr of Bmrtnwrr ahaEl rent operatt to release, in any rnantatr, <br />_ The leahrtlir,~ .~.f' the :'rfZSnat Bovrawcr sod Florrawrr'c sur:crs,sors ;rr 'mterrvt 1. entice wha~#[ not be requiter! [o comteten~ct <br />proxs~pdittgs agauna sxxh serecessar ;rr refuse m rxteod ti'mr fnr payment, <ar otberwrst tnodi~Fy atrurrtftation of the stuns <br />- securtd by :htv RI€+rtgags by *car,+» :,i :.nv detnansi mash by the ~riamat Borrower and [~ rnwers xuressson in [nttrest. <br />11. ¢'atbrtQaaee by trader 'let a Wadvsw. in. fnrl+caratKr by I etyder in exernsrng any right nr remedy hereunder, or <br />oitxrwrsr atT~r:fed by agpl;cahlr 'aw shalt net hr a wan•cr .•f +,r ;srtt[ttde the exercise ++f any such right nr rcmedy. <br />lire prot:.ureruztn a! ittsusatiet ar the payment of taxes rx rather 'rent nr ,;bargee by t ender shalt not hr a waiver of Lender's <br />rght r,~ a:.rittaxe the iryfUritp reT the irtdrMOdnscs '..~:rrcd hs' rhea Mortgage. <br />IL tsmttlissfae>.blltllre. At[ rrrnedin provided ;n t;srs Mortgage are distitnt and .:umu@anve sn any rather right ni <br />ecttsed* retteer ttan htertgagt or aNordrd tw'.aw nr cuuity. and may E+r rzcrc rsrd wneurrent[y, mdeprndendv ar su<cc, ivdy. <br />it. 4atcr!ayny and ,latintea Srtta~ Ittiol attd Snx+ai t-ia~fy: <'tydows, il[t ;ovenants and agrtcmentt herein <br />Ec.nta:~±+- ~~-i h:•sc_ end ?frr r+.el?ts herr?maicr Kiralr :rs~rc is*. the rrss+rre:vr se,cc ., - .,r r pnhp. a•xt u.....v.w>r <br />s++~^4,«+ru:t to hr } ^.=vwon+ :-: ;wsuara7h i' hero t itl s~t>venarrt. anal ..grersments • t &.rrnwer chalk hr jotm and several <br />TTtie ~'~,aptwm t.Rn.t hrawfmgv of thz yak ayraphs =5f thn Mt;ngage .x.c r..:z ::+•nvrnrttrce .•niv an+@ art nna ro hr =rsed to <br />mdcr«!rti Cr c[irtlt4a' the nrn4'xtnns herrnt <br />Rif. !alas, fa •ept t',tr ant nrnrrt swu*rnC .:ndrr atspfiicahlt how ::~ he }!evert ~n another manner. ;al any notirc to <br />&.~f-;','war -:-~, uc»cd `c+.- 'n r?tis 'sArrtgagr ~.t?a`.[ fa -,+^a by ,ling •+:,vh :. ~4c by ;ertiRCd mail addressed tt'! Borrower at <br />..-r[if <br />. rtes r.•;•iye,=: ~6tidri~i. --r - ..t L~ .rrhss ,there=. ~>• B. ;~~.r, ;m:s, ties+tr ---z 4: :,v S r ;-'+..r; ,z prm•ic c~cf herein. aru# <br />Ohl 7:ry '.!yak =_+ t.: { ~><~r xtwi! tar gvven hs- ~srt,tleyt matt- : r + rece,p* rcgraeserri_ to i cny~r s ads@ress slated ircrtin nr to <br />t ch .xthst de$re~s as I i n .'< des+s~nute h a«yta;r t,: NWsrntwer as prnvrtkl Mcrrrn Any nrktu:e omv'idtd for ;n thin <br />- M ,+°t~ltagr Shaaf I.z ,fectrrrd .- r,c 't`ern grcr +. far, ~-.-~s.-er , r i ~ndrr wisrn grsrn to the tnantrer designairt herrtn. <br />_ i=. i~ona Mme: t~vrns~ l.arr: Serrr~hz. ,i: _ <- . ,.t nsartaage ~r~mhmrz cmd~m,-s,->:narsr. f.-r na[;c;:rai <br />use and nam,.nr£<srr[t awenants -.c i[h lim:[e,t ranarr,ms by ~- r s•:}., to n u..:nmutntr a amfarm seenrity instrumtnt n+vrnng <br />real pregerts -fhn M,xtgagr ,halt f>r goverrxd hr she taw ~=t star .•ensdtiu,m :. whtch the Prtperty rs hxaeed. in the <br />' Cvrnt :htt=- aav pnwrcrem +,r .:;an:x of the. Mnneagr ar the `time e.mtlrcts cc rah applirahk law. such cnnNict .hall not slits <br />other ;, rrrstirrs ++f rhea Mortgage •'r +hc wt[rs:h n [+e green edt_t ~i nhoui the ,;nnhicting @rrnvision. and t:+ this <br />- end tfirrpr,±v,strm ,•t cht Mertxatt a .. the t~xe arc ,irclxrcd :,, he •<vrr ah#c. <br />li. lWetpnters Go'y. B+arrcrwrr ~-.boil x furn:sttcd , s.•nfvmr+t cony „t :ht \otc oral :?t rhea Moneagr at rhr ums <br />Cf cxei uti,-sn .:r state r, ~,7rdatam htrr.+E <br />1T.. TtmtFer ~ rile >'mFe+*!'; Aawtgtgsts. Ft std ur an; pan ~*i the Pmpenv nr an ~nttrrst therm h wid nr transferred <br />b3- Brun>wer ..nhout lsrukr'~ pro-~r v. rure~ ;<,nssn[ +•xctuding rat tax .rests+n .,d a Iran r,r rncumbnnce zulrixdinate 1.+ <br />they MatgaSdt- !hs rtx .-rtatwn .u .. [+uarhast esxsnn serunn ,ntemt i.,r hottsrheW aPp[ran~'es r.i a tramfer by desist. <br />desccrnt e,r f?y ,ri+rranan c+l law uf+ran the .ieat:s ,•@ a ,r-,na :enan! :+ „ir chr gran: r. any rcasthotd rnterrsi „f there years .,r less <br />. r <br />- r'rt -Yantxi n„ nn +,ntum t? p„r~h~sa ter!drs ma; .tr Lenaftr-. ;iptrv+n_ +4~.'Iarr .11 the •Umc scoured by th,s Mortgage t:, he <br />:rarmeuratsiv due and pavahtr [ender ;hail h.asr aar>:rd su.n .:puen t:. accticrate it. I+nnr :,, rhr .ate ,+r rranaftr, 1 entice <br />stud the [xrx+a :.~ ~-ho:z. the P,.,perr+ ,•: rn tK t.},! nr srannrrrm) rta.h agreement :n wrn:ng that the creatu of stn.~h pen,+r± <br />_ s* !aiufsrt>,.rs~ ~„ t-rn,!er _,=sd that the tntcrrs+ t,avahte .m the =r,[nn sca:utrd h> •F•.ic Morigagt .hat[ t+r at each rate r. [ ~nCer <br />shaft reyurst df }.ender has watvrxl [hc oPt+an to ac::eierats pmv:drd ,R thrx paragrph S7 amt ;e Borrower s sttcccsxrr <br />trattrtrot t!a, z-xec:4t~d a wra+aen aasumRt;:.v[ agrstmtrt ac::eptrd +n ~. rrung tsv ..eacter. Lender shall rtiease Bamrwrr tram alt <br />- nbfigattass :+ntk:r this Mottgttge attd tha Nat. <br />[f i.ttndv esereises s.sclt opttan to alxktat<. tinder :tut[ mail Oairrower narce ~xf ad:cNeratiam m aca-aManre wrth <br />- partattaph t. hettof. such aWtcr attar[ pmvtde a perurdf or not less than If} day's from the date the nJiicr rs mai3td within <br />te'n` tt~ - ms's -~_+ - ~= e~-.;r ~C.:. rC3 = ?i! p 4~ ~t:t1: pees fhm a eavrax~::n _ h r -et~_ <br />n .,xF - s. <br />[,.n,t7r. rttxv uit[u?trd p •rh+r notr~c =~~ns?sd _.. B*+s*gwpr .nvc!ts arty rertstsHss rwrm•ired by parzgraph rN hrnent. <br />N<da.-L.`wtrxrax f.'.avrr,s.r es ~t€nvrsr amt t_er~r further ctrvtn:€m stui ague as i+;ltesws' <br />lt6 Aar; ateved~s. bxt+sga sa praviid v garagrttN FT 6asdeof, wea Mssmwx's ktesrM of ry cevraa a <br />- ts~s+aat o! laets+es lr ttl;t Mastlgagt, tre5stisR der eavsarts to py sMw date » .[ass secaed bt tMs Kt+tOge. <br />- i.ariar /ttle+ b arealrsaNew ski tali tsalisr m i+rs+sar a prw+dsd M PstaltrapY ti 6aeal +tPaefrvitsR: tit 1M bs'rrlt: <br />tai tltz as4ir !a era weM lisadt[ iii a isle, w Was elan N dtsps frtta He drle tAe ttrstlre L tried to iaeress:r. <br />- by ssliett sewtt ls~znelt ~ 6r rave,! smd t#i mat fttilatx tar ere stn! Aeatte~ era a 6e/atr tin data seeldrtd in the ntsgre <br />ma7 eaaalY ie rtdteefalt wf that sores nacasad h tlNtt M1i.saptOt• Erairaa k IasBtiai rawtia+Wt tttd~sttk d !k Pr6lsrty. <br />Y1r; ahs;R tatUrt Lienta M!4tsswee d ®st AgAa b tvtitttttaaa ttM rc+`tis~tlww tad t-tr tiglsi ate weasl 'w tYe f+xaclossnte <br />`-• gaewatilsE xa ~s eg a rfegrrlf tsa err asitr dafrarte d ltuarrtstr is ascelesstitra ref totasiearas. It t-t MreM <br />° b• drat card vta r Is~stsa tit t411e tyre[lttl W the ts011sec t..riar N Lerda"te spNea tttrat dacWe rd d tlse stt~s trersmvd by <br />- ' ilY a M ,Its rtrel g;rvaile .itlsstM firsYie tfatrrtad tM matt twseWse iiy htArfyi • [asrdar <br />akaM hr trdOFai ~ s+dlsrt [^ raiu'sstarJYak aY irMtwt f/ Atraeirraq lats.r4, w wa@ ierMsd w. t'roan at iesatrrtarr <br />esditste.:.:.=~~.::.,. aril wga+aa. <br />I!. Msasates;tr4 kf~ to iRahause *+mutli[MRmdtng Le[tder'r arvxlzrastan Evf the swm ~ key ehv M,xtgatte <br />$drsracvrsr staaai t Fite rsgbf m hac€ asv?v Preveaar~ttgx hY lsmdtr ae- ravfnrce thct itartgage etisec[nnxvxd ai any nine <br />