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_ ~ ~__ ~~ C} S s` i ~ <br />Utrorgtaa Cavatraxn. borrower >md {.corky tbvrnsnt and agree a fd[ows: <br />t. rt9~ of hfitcilai nri htNeraR. Bortowcr shill pt»mptly pay when dot the prirsdpal of and interest wt flu <br />iMebtedaesa evsdenttd by itte Nou, prepaynseat and lac charges as provided in the Note, and the prirtsapal of aM intern{ <br />on arty Furors hdvit»cCS sectaed hY this Mmt~e. <br />~. I!ait fYrr 7aturs shad bsettrace. 51tlsjset to sppBusEk Wr or to a written waiver IrSr txnde[, borrower shah PsY <br />to Lettrkr ate ttx day monthly itsaatltnasris of prioeipd arsd rtiratep arc payable coder tht Note, um0 itse Nou is paid in frill. <br />s sail Otereitt "Fuet6r") equal to ooo•tweHtit of the yearly taws and aaawenettts which twy attain priority over thin <br />Mortgage, atx! ground rants on the Property, iE any, p!m otte>twdith of yearly premitsin tt»adhoents for haaatd insitnnce, <br />phrr ~tnetfUx of Sroarfy psembrm inttr}Imcats tot mortgrge ataurasice, if stay, alI as rersmably estitnaud irtitialty and from <br />time m rinse by' Leader on {fie basis ryf aaaainetits and bath aril rttaonabk dtirturd therwt. <br />:'he Firxb shall be ixid in ae imtitarion the daPoaia or ascouars of which are iiuraed a gttaraatesd by a Federal or <br />slats agetscy { ixttdfng Lender if fxmlrr is ssich an imtatnrion). Eentfar shah appfy tlr Ftmd' m pay sn;a-faxes. asxanmms, <br />irssuranre prrirtit6m and ground yenta. L.tidtr may rsot tirarr8e for so holding aril app%ting the Ftut~, analyzing said accrnmt <br />ar verifying sad compiling said assessments std bith, uakn I.endar pys Bortower interest tin the Foods sad appkicable law <br />pmadUt L.ersder to mrtce attrat a charge, ikrrrmeer a;~ [~rsdar may agree in writing at the time of eaetaxtion of this <br />Mortgage that intent on [hc Ftrmis shall he paid to Borrarer, sod {mica srtch agnaerrssnt is mails or applicabb law <br />:Mpsira attsfi intareat ro be prid, I.csader shat{ not ix required ro pry Borrower any interest or earmtiga oa the Funds. isnder <br />shah giro to borrower, witttoul chargs, an annual accauntitig rsf the Funds showing crcdats and debab to the Funch a~ the <br />.. ptuyoae Ear-which zadt debit to the Fumis was made. The Ftrt'rrk are pledged as adda[iorul security for the strma severed <br />by this Mortyige. <br />.r •` ~Sw.i of itte Fug. ha'fd hY t.tader. rngetfter~wirh lire fmtrrc monthiY inataiiments of Ponds Dyable ¢o <br />the due datsu of tart. asaeastnerrtrc, rasatanze premiums and grmutd rants: shah excixd the ssnsDnrtt required to pay sai4~ cu.a. <br />ssrmumpsts, imrsrantx prsmismss and ground yenta as rtxy fall disc. wuefi excess shalt be, at barrowels option, either <br />preariptly repaid la botrawst tx credire+d re bnrmwver oo rarsntfity nsamaiimeras of Funds. If the amount of the Ftmt'h <br />head five 4,elydrr stall riot be srdl4citmt ¢o pay ta:ea. asemrsxanzs, tnsurarice prettrruinx trnA ground rcrtrs as they felt hue. <br />gnrrowsr sk+alt pay tea E.a~ndar any amatn2 l~+cessarY to make up ttse ilcficrena:y witlsm 30 days from rho dau notice rs mailed <br />try Leader to Burrower requesting payrrsmm tberrwf. <br />Upon payment en tu11 of ai! xucas nezured f>3^ elan Mortgage. Lerder shalt promptly refund to Nurrawar any Funds <br />hold ir+• F.cuder. fE wader pstagrapft 16 hereof the Property is sold or thz Prnptrty is aufierwsaz aegmred by tender. lxader <br />shaU3 apply. oo later shun rmmmdaatHy prior to the sek rtt the Prtsperty oe tta scyusnutvr by L.enc[sr. any Foods held by <br />{.,ender a< the trine of appiization as a credit agarmt she sums secured by {fits Mortgage. <br />3. Apgflcalina ad rV"tr'sraa Unless apptieabk law provides otherwax, alI papments rettived by Linder under the <br />`Jac alai paragraphs i and 2 hereof sbaN be applied by Lender first to payment of amDUats payable to f_rnder 6y Borrower <br />tinder ptsragTapss '_ ttzrsnf, then to m[erat payable un the Kole, then to thz pnnctpal ut the Nate. and then to interpt and <br />pnncrpai a>n any Pu[ure A.dva~. <br />;• Chsrgsac Eiai. bartower shill pay all :axes, assessments sod .,thrr charges. noes and rmposntuns at[nbutabic to <br />-uw Praptety which rosy apart a ptaaraty over {fits Mortgage. aril leasehold paytnema ur grouMl rrnrs, if any, in the manrur <br />""""`t"'!'rr!+;"'~ ^ar=grsph ' Mtn .a .l ^^+ n~.ct .n s!kh rrtanr,rr i,v Nr.mwrr matrne r?avment wimp due. dtrecdv to the <br />pave thetenf. Barraw~ sfsall pr~lgt}v tterrrah til j_en+i=• a}S r.~:yes art amounts 1u: ;;tries {fits paragraph. and in the evtnt <br />Nrxmwsr shalt [Waite peymrnt dirserty, ttarnwcr .hail primpeiy iurmesh to Lxarrie.r rzcamts rvaiznemg xuch oaymcats. <br />iiCnrawts etas.[; pnmsptty dtsc¢targe any ern wrra:b has praanty ,veer tdtes Mortgage: Frartuerl, that Barrowar shall oat F,e <br />rstqutrsd to dractsarge any suefi here ~ iattg as &xrower shah agm an u~nttng to thz payment of the otnltgauon secured i,y <br />sorb tans rn a msn»er at~usprrtbk ea l.entkr, or shalt in goad Yatitr catrrres~ stauh hrts bY. ~.~r rclefend enlbrcm~~meea oil sail{ lien rn. <br />!uzai pre+r~nndirtgs wirieb ~~~rate to przvent the anftucemertt ,:E -he: Ytzr; .,r €nsr3zrturr ,.i ahc Property ur ant pan ansrtxrt. <br />#, llattisr+d Irasraree- flornrrxr virsN keep th. rma:urenrr-nxs n.rxw rt. rvr,nR "e twreaEter e.=riszz! ,ve {het nr..,rv.•,ty „-:n~ed <br />tkgaatst I.t~: !?y tare, t:~atrh i.' ~'intkr! wrthta tits term =.tzmded . ra~,Rc" and ra:tp :HPoer haz,artii ax t cr:drr :nav rzymrz <br />-_' _ !~-'h . __ ;9trit a• _ ,.a v., ._, .ney rG,}ut ~. -_n .d.~t. t.,- v+.iz- sha[i reyueo-e {fiat r m„ - t,i <br />a3:icdt ~ns*crage excaKri Chat amauni t cmvrage~reyuncd ro pay the ,r.v~m:a ,rr ttr dpP*y {fits Mortgage. _ ~_ ~ ~. _.-. <br />~m itasnrears carr..r presvi3ias tits :nauFancr shad he chtMCa by llnrrowzr steh;cet ;o apprrn~at by Linder, nrovtdeil. <br />that such approval shaiE mat be :mreaatmat>vY wuhhel+t. Alt premsums on mwratxe pe,{izra shall t•c pnid in thz manner <br />play{ ircf tessder }mra~rspb 2 tter~rf ar, a( tart pard m arch mwazr, by Bornwer makm <br />tnarirarce asrr~. 8 prymait. when drx, ,itrcctly to the <br />AN insuratsre pWrcies era; rerxwals thsrcirf shat! 6e en torn{ a<szptabh to Crosier .mil shall tna:iude n ,tnnrlard nwngagz <br />clean an favor of and en fmm suvptable to Letrder. izrWer zhsii have the right err hold the paltctes ,mil renewals thzrroi, <br />sad Bmnrwer shalt pirirrgrly fttttswh to {..ender ail rtmewa3 rxaKSS and aif rceerpra aH partl prsnuumv. In the event of loss. <br />Borrower shall give prompt rsnttwe ;a :he truwarns carrxt slid i.crulcr. Lender may mxke pra>,?t a,t loss ti not ntaiir pnrmptly <br />try t'kJrFOwer. <br />t. niters Lendat atzd Barra-ter attsernrse agree an wrattig. msuranzc prtx-.seah shall he applrt6 to resnxeta>n ur repair of <br />till{ Proper¢v ciamagad~ pruvrdW .itch reatonttun ax reparr is ecitnomnaNp fcasthlz attd the .ecurrty ~*f this 4jortgagz i. <br />A1at rfr~ty-by uapatrtd. It stt+:h rcaturatxst u ~pau ra n u .~ururmxaktY teasrbk ur :1 the security ,:t chrs Mnrtgagr w.;tdd <br />4tt'~a"nil, ths'~=a-"'''e ~-r.~ ;isle; '„a ar"pisad tr. tfrc e,~ szcursd iry ;fits ±9origagr. »,rh the eaa:csa. of any. paid <br />to bore,?au~rr 41 the Property is atsandoned by 17tirn.wet..•r :; t7ornswrx Imis ;o rtapvml to Isndu wuiim 3u clays from the <br />data twairw ti uueisai by 3.riwter 't: Ni:nawer thy[ the artwtarire aarrrcr otlen w xnlc .t .iatm for rnsurana:e hemtits, Ixndsr <br />ell aW.As'rn e%tai t~ : ahr:t tmti apply tfrs :nsurszs:c prr,.aesh nt letater-s ,•lu:on a[her to reatrvatn in ::r -epatr ,st :nr Prr+prrto <br />per w tine! xarirs ~urnd M tttix Nortgagc <br />L;h terrier as+d txitztwix agrsu an wrNmg, env ,tuh atppivauun of pr,xrWa !u prartttl:al ,hall not rxtcsrd <br />a' poryswra the dtrl dace .~ tfsa mimiMy iugaltmsntt referred ro tat paragraphs 1 grid 2 heraut ur change the amount of <br />vide crsatailrr>zeb. It {cedar paragraph f 8 hersut the Property is ar:ywred h} lender, aN ngiit, utk oral interest of Narrower <br />to sail y, soy usaursyce pnticaas and in ,tad to the prcweais iherw! rewinag from damage to ti>z Prapeny prior ti. the sate <br />t °~~~='=~ '~ ;-~ <}' ~• .. a ex.z-rrs :.t t;tz ucrrvs ,~~;;Ft.; i;y th+~ ?i..rigsge ~mmcdrateit poor t~ us.~h vale „ <br />_~.~.~+_._._.s~t" <br />a. igravraMasr aril ?tfriafewrarze at Prtepesiy: f.raeh.wx ('attriaaardrrast Plaaeed ffatt nevelttprreera. kinrcowcr <br />rhait keep tfx Prs~rarty ra goad rs~+uu sled strait rnr caarmir waste ,x pcFmn tmpat: incr.{ or dsunoratictt of the Property <br />dikl =t`r w-APx the psc vy~sxis, c~ app ierase ;i th+s Mortg:Me is nn .t ieaswtatrid. ff fhb ~lurtgage n „n ,t unn m .a <br />snrt13+a1uaasrt ,a ar'ut`•ned aria derekgrmsar, Borrvwar .full par[ vin all ..t Nara war-s ,•hHgaunns under arHr dzc:rrata.n <br />or .avswmta .rutrtsg as governing site rc+ttdamrnaum ur pianrrxd amp devckepmznl the bylaws end rcgufata?o:. ,,t the <br />""""~*+rrs+ _°` ~~rnn tkrelop,~rtenr, arsd cUnatrtra'.nt .+;xnrraents If a .undumrntum .rr pianrrett c ,ie+ri,~rntent <br />'>~ ;~ "~..~ :~ ~* ar.d _~rau togcttau wrih :... tiurtgage, fns covenants ..tai „greerneor, ,.t ~cnfr taller <br />idatit Ge :at'nrptxsaat taW sad shall aaiwsd ausi suppirmsm the covsnanrs and agrsenienls of thu Mangage as .I the rtdrr <br />a~ a part Itartas[. <br />~- 8asaaesirr at leaim'a .gawrf9'. li &rrrnw'er ta.[s :o psrtrxm the stwenaats and agrrcaacnts .rutu,.•szd :n tht. <br />!d„rtgasitt: aril say actaas :»~ t-q~ttvs>etlurg :} :ernansrtcnJ whtrh matertsNy utkCzix Lender-+ :ntrrrst rn the P•.,pett?. <br />taN,idrnE, fits{ {tut i-ns+rsd tr:.:•al:~aa ttumain, nx alverKtY. -tads crtic«r.;tarent, +.v at rangemsms .,r pnti:eedings fns tivrng ; <br />it+9h dr dtrsv~t. tt~s i.t~m a; ltartrvs's t~irrxn, upcm rsmr,.z to Harrx*?var, msY male vuc2t appeavaaces. Jnixrrse such <br />!="'~ '~ '- vta~s ~.a r :ere .::ssr~, t, F~€asat i.crnirt€`r. •ntcrest. ;nciurvng. but :rat ;rmrteil to. d,shurscmcat .~-t <br />A r - .,fsv___nsa>i .. per. ~,..i eat±^r ,~~ !~ m;.st+er~ _-fie ~_~~. ir -_em..~.r ~t,.rr, ,.efe~--Kr _ <br />r~raEiisera .tr +e'staks~l. alts loss sacx+r~a; by fits Muriaage. 1t+^rro+ver rnaii na> :hs #svmtrurt>, ae~r•.rzd .. A._.. <br />r:a &3 &it rasrai~ ~fl tint ~ th!e raR}9aarnraOeRt lily `yCti :rSHft.~,iCe '^f1lr.iafec --k srat~idancs "Ile N{,thFa .u)xj <br />