<br />i,.~drr's wsitre» agttxrnant ar applicable law. Horrawer dealt pay the atnmrm of an mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mwner provided under paragraldr 2 hereof.
<br />%StsY amounu disfwned by Lender purauartt w this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />intbMedness of Borrower seated by this Mortgage. Uni~sa 1lrnrwwer and Lender agsce ro other terms of payment, such
<br />amuums shall be payahk apart notice .from Larder to 9orrosver regttesting pavtrtent thereof, and shaft bear interest from the
<br />daa¢ of rifsbursamsnt d the rate peyarfe from tune to time tm oumartdiug principal under the Ntxc unless payment of
<br />inis:rest ar as uectr rah would ix cosLtrarY to applidble law, in which event such amounq sMll hear intetrwt at the highest nh
<br />pertnialbk under apfriicabk tea. Nothing amtained in the paragraph ?shall requisr Lender to irtcnr eery ezpetwe or rake
<br />eery action hertatrtfiar.
<br />& [.ender may make or cause w br made reasonark entries upon and insptxtiorn of ins Property, provided
<br />[hat Lender shall give Borrower antics prior to eery retch irtsptxtio» specifying rearc+nabk caerx therefor related to [.ender's
<br />interest in the Prapetfy.
<br />9. CeitisesmaHae. Thr proceeds of any award or claim fur damages. dinxt or comegtxtrtial, in rnnnection with any
<br />azxidsmnation or other taking of the Property, or part [hereof, ar tar rvnveyance in lieu of caodemnation. arc herehy asigad
<br />and shall be paid to Lartder.
<br />3» iht anent of a meal taking of the Propetry. the pr<xeeds shall he applied to rtes xetms secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the azcece. if any. pad m Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unlecc Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree m writing, thtre ahali Ire applied to the sums sarrred Me this Mortgage state prt+portion of the procaeH
<br />as is egtu! ;n that proportion which the utnaum of the cartes secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />talti»g hears to the fair market value of the Property immediaeely ;nior to the Jate of taking. with the balattce of rtes ntocsdt
<br />paid err Borraver,
<br />[t tee Properly ire abattdonrd by Botrpwcr, <tr !f. xher notice by f.a»der to B'avrowsr that the condemnor often to tstake~
<br />an award snr settle a c~l¢im for datnagm. &+mnarer Cairo to rrspmni ns I.attrler withiot its slays after the date such notice is
<br />rtsailed. Lsndtr is autrpriaad to rnfkct std apply the prrrcetd~z, at Lender's raptitsn. either to roamrratipn ar repair of tM
<br />(°§sepsrry +.r !o the Hems secured Frv this Mortgage.
<br />2;nfss:s f..eftdrr Fund di¢tm»ver otturv tee ag[sc in writing. rtnv eosin .xpphcauon rut prtxeads to pr4m:Epa1 shall not extend
<br />as prwiperrse the Jae dew <<t the monthly matnfhnr..nts nftrrsd to i,m paragrantns t and Z hereof or change the atmntnnt of
<br />inCy1 »wlidlmenks.
<br />Ifl. Bsrrewer hint Ra'keawat. Extmuon ref the ume far pavmant nr rnodtlit':atinn r+f amortftatiaa of the soma soured
<br />by Erra Mortgage gramad by Lander to env swcsresa:ar ~n rntenst :*f Borrower shall not otrtrars to retsass. in anY mantrn•.
<br />the Iiahififv ,:f iht sxigtnai Borrower end 8crrrower': strccassors ,n interest. i-ender shnii not i+e required to armmetxe
<br />pracardinrsx agamsi such successor nr refuse to extend tsme Fnr payment ~, nthcrwixe mndih• amottizafion of the sums
<br />seCtrtcl by this Mortgage !rv' rea!um of any shmand made by rtu .srrgtna4 ltnrmwer artd Borrower's succesusrs in interest.
<br />11. Paeraoraace r'y t.saAsr Na a Wttiver. 4m' fnrhsaratxc by ?.ender in rrcrrtsmg am~ right r+r rcrrntdy Frereunrier, or
<br />Mherwisr affprdrd 7y appiirahls !aw, shall !not tx a warvcr nt .z precftrde rtes exercise c+f env utrh right nr remedy.
<br />Tire psncurement M imurarnet or the payment .xf tazrv nr ,,thee bens nr .hargcs t+v 1 rntitr ehali not t+e a weever of l.tnsrer's
<br />right to atcctarate the muurity r,f the rndshredrtess centred hY ;ten Nnrtgage
<br />12 Ree!••etfks 1".,-mpwYlhs, q;i remaJtss pr +~rded to ?tees Nartgags .ere 3isunct 3nJ cumuiatiti`e sv :my other right or
<br />t~trta~e*,• ••-,~-. rho !:'.enrage .v ,.:;±,° ,aw- c: ,:;tart ..nn m - .. m.+. „ s:tarr,.i;.-art'..,. ,,, , i+:i+
<br />C3. !Itezr-ante sad .Aaarps• >tera$ hive atsA Aaswai i.iaWity:<(rnr.ATM:3hrr ~. uvenanfs nerd as:rr-errttan `P.erem
<br />ctmpaanaa8 s6tnil bind, anal rho rigfns ha•nutder .noel ~.nure ro. ohs res'irrr:Trer ,nccxxm+as rend assisns ,,t l.endu and Borrnwrr.
<br />xub}ex , > the pro isiotn .tf par¢grapta .' hereof 4li , vsnnnts artc; aarcrmrrttw rot Bssrrow•rr >ha!J ?x :.rot and xevcraf.
<br />'The ,.apnnns and headings ,>{ the paraa'aptts ,:.[ inn ~Mn+rta'aga :rote Ynr _..nxmnra:sa•;. .+n9v .~:..r! .ur r+,r :: hr ~;s~rd ;n
<br />IniCri'kt.{ .u, ;le8n;: 'fee ,>rav~,xyrs !•anra+rt
<br />13. '•7afiee. except fM an F' :xtt:x rtwuusd unrest appticaafr i n tw a erp rnChar r=:~t'rtsr .a- .,ry.~. ro
<br />r. n
<br />s~e.rt rv<st ~. _.. ~±+.>3 f-nr :n :errs \!r.. •.gaaa shaft `sr -et ;-taa,mg ~: uEh t,r'. rs.r *• .: ¢:t~tff~ mm.! :xid x :* ! r r,+~rr ;:
<br />~~. Pr . nd.,L .~!....~.; , u.
<br />{hr; PorRR ?[nCdfit - t.Ct1tlrt vh t! t'< t, <C4R t:s Yrtif~laa'1 tta,! 'Cturn rc LrXeer req Mxlmtd. i'n ! r'mtnF ' .tddfca' Haled !4CTC}n x1Ptb
<br />~f<-`h +,t'rt~r acatireas as i e .,isr :nay :srsranate r.., ncx:c-r :,~ R.xrtwe~r :ra w •v,ded %- •tn<~ r*e:r~-r r -vrd~? ' r I•hn
<br />Morgage shelf +x :rarrncze ~.;+ tta•~r hen ;tree-n ro Ncxrower :ar !ender whrn iervan met he manntr .ksngnafrd Hereto ~~~
<br />95. l'W[vaaor : Gas'rniati I.aw: SevarttrWty. T?srs torn s.! mortgage +umt»nea nnrferm ...a+ann t,v naunnal
<br />use anti txm-u.-eiform ~znvsrnanse *nh 1rteutad <snnuann. M ~urnxdtcnun to canaenne a unrtnmt >ax urvn' it Karmrnl s.avrn»g
<br />teat proprm~ 'T-hrs Msnrtsaitt tixall he ;ovrrt+rd ^< the law nl the :onsJtcftun .n whn;h trx Prr•t+rrr.• ,r les:a[rd In the
<br />evesti -hat an+ nruvur.a: ., .. iausr .. ,hxs Mnngaria :ar the lore .anflicfa with appucah# raw. each asmtirct <rrail nrn ~.ifa~r
<br />ottsar pro<:ru ns .+f :§r. Nfrsnaur~ ~,r ~!ra. 4„at which .an br gss:en rffaU wnhnsrt :ht +u»tit.tsna ;+m*-Horn. ,od rn rots
<br />asu9 rFne. prasnus€as .,1 'ha Nsxtgagr .end t!w "rsac .sn .iceenrrd fa t+c ,everabte.
<br />fA. NMrrwwea's Cray. Notnwea ..[tail "+a fern»FtaJ a ;:onformsd ~.opy ut the 4atr and „( !Are Mareyfxgr at <hc sane
<br />o: tai±._~atar: ,.~ :;err r ,ra<-trttcst Res; uri.
<br />F". trarataer ad !ra IhylsR:.itrtaagfiaa. ft eel r?r any pan sxt ins Prtryxirty .tt an :ntsr+eaf thereto is ec+id er ttansitrrrJ
<br />by tisrrre::.s~tr arttxx,t L.-otters ;xr«.r -+rrurn ,.Wnstnt. exeiudtng ia1 the ,:nation ui n !ten or aneumhnnce +uhcrd.na:e !n
<br />r-i'"- #yt='r'<~`. 'h' :h= ..-.. -, ,~. ...,.- .Cxvrriiy :ritercat Bier hotrsrhoid appliances, +ct :: trnnsirr nv devrx.
<br />6e+ce:w'k r» by ever t-:m ,rl~ psyt~:rw x~th •-+s , ~,m tenam nr :d! the Rra»r r,f env Ieasehohi :vettreat .d thxce vc.us .•r less
<br />.x;: ~asnnnnry~ ar, .~ -r ;~.»asr, l.etse6er may.~st I,cnders nluron, Atxlare a!1 the rums sesureJ hr ehn Mortgage to Ix
<br />s,;Pr>a+xl: de=a a:xi :~vat~iteY , e-ss~` -s ,teal: '!:=- arvrd :ail? aptrcm + uci:c:rrale ot. prntt !n :hr ,ale .. rranafrr ..erxltr
<br />ax'ni the !pzrwm •.; wfx.sr::hc Preg.atty rs to he +oesl~.x !rasstrt red :cacheeagtrcrtrtnt rn •,vnt,n~q that the .enter of „r.~n rRt<x•n
<br />ss sst.tafacevn ~.,_ lh.s;~r sod :;tai arse mtcrxu payartio :,n the wma vecuted by ants Mnrtgagt shall ±x at s:acFr rata .,_s i.cruia
<br />grail raxiueat 7f l.aodee the watveu the ngron to acr;einue provtdgt in this , artsgraph 17. and sf Bntrtrwm's stu.esw?e in
<br />'tne6taai. has exaa:u'nd a ~wr+,tiiwa aaatstoptrrxt agraeartertt accxplad in wrnureg try Lenskr. i_etukr shalt release Born>wer f rcpt t+ll
<br />-•.+.} rihlna 4nC~tr 1IYnY. -tY{9rtf[itg! a39d iht hfp:t;.
<br />_> - - ----:.:.(,exert t- ,,;;;,~;qar€. t.€,-tier <h':>l .na.: Barr<,w-tr re.,ucr ..f accrleraurnn :r,. acct.rdattec w,tn
<br />Fat'3grt~i: !@ !_ ~;~~4w;:; wn:. ,ka:ln pi'avt~ i. f-Yrrna.t of n csx than if3 :laye from ,hr daft tine rut[. c~ sa ;nailed >vuhm
<br />nC z
<br />w'ioch Bvrr.rxer may i,av tia€ ~tms dcvciaraai tiuc tF Borrawee farts ro pat stu't ,uma prisx tr+ the ezpfraua±n .ef sneh ;+en,xi.
<br />t_eASiax ltsay, +v.ifcerut turitlar na>;rcr .}t ,fetrtand ~,ft iforruwrr, rnvokc any rctmdiea parur+(CSd 3sy naragraph I X hararf.
<br />?turi•4dwwsaas (=ova!vaurs;- {3rutxwver atW E_intkr 4urther cuvenam and egret us foefmvs:
<br />iA. Aca~razglto; .Bawtaaliart- 16acepi as 9rwidM H prragraatr i 7 hereof, uyest BwrewsrS bsar€r of soy ravassau m
<br />is M iit~tatargr io rids !ilet€gstgas tsa'irdiaC era Cayrraoiy tr prey wfiso Aare soy osms entered bt err twigrs..
<br />i ~ ~ ~~ ~.r..,~;t a..
<br />ikf die rw^Kss rMrisad to care seer rsvaart ty) a drea, ant few t w _aY Alga tm~nr r~ Aa1s tGa n +~ati{sd ~ Sorrs..er.
<br />Nye' wrieli seer teeter rtrx Na "at~tlt ~d QtI tyat eailrtra sa cwa rrsa9t basacls tw er &!ms t9a ate apaeilad iw t4e naKre
<br />nutty r•ararM rt Sea~eiiarttuoa aR tree sramr ssrsttad rs Hie Vii, ftrravistarre M lirtiafai Prac'eediR ,nA .ale of ear trspcety.
<br />t`Nr sefiait waft fsaNai iriwrm Neriwwar +d ire right a reiiAtMe atRr ascaiaaotiar tuA ere right to ratanr Fa-tM frmectnr+rre
<br />~ taw oesi•cairsso¢a ut a dePaadt m eery after Aeiaraa of Bbrrwrea to aaetriaratia¢r neat fwnsiarre. if ,Ae brerar
<br />r rrl sxaa./ ar ~ 6afosx Lea daka rNrel6ad 1st ere evLoe, i..erier at i.eaAar'a aMiae say declare aB of tae wma seareari M
<br />rein >fAaat so ra irrsaetAiaaaH dew twl taaytt4a wr4ot -i¢r~rr. tilersrrai araN 'aqs' frrrec#tge ry , ~ i.avAar
<br />sraNl Nr aadllYd H aariDKS iw stele pweaa/fag ~ •a~ww d 4rreairore, bat wet finders! ace, ;~ at daattmestiCy
<br />- - e itF'>r'tits`stcisdi`~ i.ars,#er a:aiiESai - fro -•m. atr:west - -r srt.xtaa;+e.
<br />i A': =,.~o. ~~i ~.a #Y~ ';g:s, , .ra.t a:sy ~~:ra,.riirrgs t.ngsm nv s..iuirt ::...nic .,c :#ss, W ~rtaags .itx.., nrr.ucu .,r ,sere
<br />