~'--~- f1f1~si10 Mt}GA~E
<br />3'H38Ild{1R'1!'E}A~1~ ie made shLs ............. i $th........... dal d ....... tioy~tnper .. ........ ,
<br />1980.. , betsrean she Me~t~ndar, S3tE E t< t t~fafgtet~t l.y . $!te i 1.a 6, . tfiv.8 f an4.,- .aed. her'
<br />hrrsbantf.t?tiSi.f..tt?.J,. Vt~SDE1MAk.tEa... -, atsd the h4ort~e, Home Pedeeal
<br />'3avbtp tmd ~ Aeaoeirtion, a mrp a~aa:zod and B o>e3rr the levee of 97-e UniPed .~Lli of
<br />Amerka, sr6mas taddrrae ib t419oate Lataus Street, C)trrod Idaad, Nebrmea Chstein ..Leader..).
<br />Wtssatsaa, Horrosrer is indebted to Lender in the principal acme o[..Ttl~~SfY. ~2.7~Jy!~.,'INO. P~/.I.QQ .
<br />____~_~~._e~~_~~~______------'Adiare, tt~h indetxedneaa i4 evidenced by Horrataer's ottu
<br />dated....?14~~4ks~ . ! 4,..=.`~dQ .... {herein "Note"). providing for matddy itatalltmetta of privcipd and. itr~rat,
<br />amlt she balance a[ the ittdebtedtteas, it tax sonnrs paid, dts and payable on......4@CemDt=r:.t., .2005...... .
<br />`$O `3LCUaE to Lender Ca} ilte :epaymeni of the inttebtednesx ~visienced ny the Nola. with intend ihrteon, the,
<br />payraean n[ ~ ether setae, with intrrcat ihereutt, advanced in accordance herewith to protract the security nE this
<br />1IKt5xt~st, aed the perfottmancc o[ the ctrvetranfit end agreements of l~irrrnows:r herein contained. and Cb} the repayatettt
<br />n[any (store advances, etrith interest thereon, made to t3nrrctwer try lender puntuartt to paragraph 2t hereof (herein
<br />~~, Advattcra"'}. 8orrnwet dose hartM mnrtppge. ~raat and conveyr to Lnudcr c~ !nd9owing <lrer:ribed prttpert!'
<br />Wacaast is pee Caenty rd ............... A4~ .................. ...., Stare of N~btaska:
<br />C-RAND iStAND, t3Ei3t2ASKA
<br />6
<br />sdrice has ter adtheea af .................. !~ i I .....Grand I s I and
<br />FSa,MIt ieitYl
<br />... Nt3("If$$k$ ti~t~{..... ttlefelta ~ptoprrty Address");
<br />taY1u fai rte C>tWi
<br />~oua~rpaa >tidt au tee taap~mt>varsauts raver cx hrrrattar rrected mt for ptvpeny. and aU caaeutrntr. rights.
<br />appamk°es, terse, royaEdos, tntncrat, od and gar tightx and profits. water, water rights, and water stock and all
<br />ltapxw an7tr nr 6erecaFtcr attacbrd ~ the pxoperty, at! <rt which, inc)usting replacements and additions t}rereua, shad t+e
<br />derestieti as ltr sari temaitt a parr of the pny+erty covered by t)siu Mortgage, and ai! trt the k:regoitrg, togethmr with said
<br />ptopsrny Cot t1it: tea~laatsi r34ate i[ this Alort~ge ds un a teasekraW }are hsretn te[arrca tea as Etta "thoperty".
<br />l~rsratsar tea iiorroatxr h iawitttty vvinei of tree eatatr hereby sonv+:yed and has tt~ right to tncrttgagc.
<br />.~t=.t a °-'a='Y t«~'. y, tea: ttx t't:.~tt, :.~ »;:^~°r~ .... :~: 43:;^:.-.-,.. wd2! x~r:,x:t a:a:.±N_tts
<br />y t =g I ~s'£) agate+t ~t via%'ar~ +L:s~aa~. ~.~ exa arc c~i3rsucass. e~tsereterets ar rastn:tu=Rs
<br />iianv£ et a ~ ttf rnt:cptie Est e~s+vernge in any taut insasrarsc,: poixy ar+zunug t r+rearr ~ ~;,tctr-st in it+r Fnsp:rst
<br />~...i tftttaNty.-ir ?i-.t/WfasgMt IMRNII tll{L#tt
<br />