~Q-- fl~:- ~~?8
<br />UxrFOam Covex.txrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fa7lews;
<br />1. Pay~+t®! of FzL sad ltsterest. B<nrr€~cver she#t promptly pay when doe the principx} of and interest on the
<br />intFebtadrtess evidenced by [ht Nnte, prepayment and late charger as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Ntorrgage.
<br />2:- Fandt: fur Tests t~A ltvsneteutt, Subject to applicable Saw or to a written waiver by Lendea. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Finder can the day ritdnthly installmems of principal am! interest arr payable tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a aunt there:n "Funds°) equal to utx•twelfth of the yearly rases and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />hforfgage. and grotuz2i rents art the Property, if any, plr.~s one~twclhh of yearly premium installments far ha~r~rd insurance.
<br />peas utmtwelfth o£ pearly prem#nm installments for mcxtgage insurance, ifi any. a17 as reasanahty estimated initially and from
<br />time to tuna by F.erultr an the basis of assessments and bills anc7 rtaurnahie estimates thereof.
<br />Tex Funds shadF he held in an insriiution the deposits or accounts of which zee insured ar guaranteed h}' a Federal ar
<br />slate agency (inefttding l.etrder if Lender is such an institution }. tender shall apply the Funds io pay said razes, assessments,
<br />irtsaratue premiums and ground rents. t.ettder may not charge for sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />nr verifying and compiling said assexsrtrems and hills, unless 1_ender pays Bnrmwer Interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />pemtits Lender m make such a charge Borrower artd !ender may agree m writin¢ at the time nt execution of this
<br />Mtktgagt that interest rm the Funds shal# he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is toads or applicable law
<br />requires stu:h interest :o be paid, tender shalt not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings can the Funds. [.ender
<br />shelf give to Barn. wer, Witham dtargt, un annual accoomtng of rhr Funds ~hc±wtng credits and debits to the Fonds and the
<br />purpctst far which eaelt debit so the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security-for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />F£ the atnaunt of the Funds heed by Leader, tegetttrr as'uh the tuners. monthly Instalimems of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtu dates of taxc~, assestmtmt, insurance txemtttmc and ground n•.nts, shall ezeeed the amount royuirrd to pay said taxes.
<br />attsesstntn[s, tnsurattcc prcmiumt attd rraund rent. ss the} tall due. such eecess shall rte, a1 1lnrrower's option, either
<br />promptly rtpabd to Barmwer or credned to Borrower nn rnnmhly me:dtments of Fond.. if the amount of the Funds
<br />held hl' [-staler shalt not be stttFicunt to pay texts. asxssm¢nts, uuarancr premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Botrawer shall pay to Lender any amount nccestarr ;o make tip the dcfictenc} within ?0 days tram the date nonce i. mailed
<br />t'y t~.ter to wr~.~er rt;;.: t:n3 ,~.. ant :, _ ,
<br />G,pcsn payment in full of p#i satins u~.cu:ed~hy~ ¢hrs M1fluo•tgtr{r,r.. fi:enc{u~~r snatld prc+rn ptly rrtund ti+ Bnrrctwet any Fends
<br />bald try i.snder. Ff under paragraph I Y hereof tree F'ro{xtreq ih ,~,;rhl ~•r rhr, t"rt^pcrty „ <+therwtsr. acq u;ned by Lender, Lender
<br />sltalF apply. n. later thin rmmadimtet} prior In r't~c vale ,!i ribs I'rapa•av' nr I~t.c I.quls.lunn by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender iu if[e nine of appttcatian ~a~,t :, ~c`rctit ;ogatnist t9ne~ v.:.mes ,c'currd i:~i}I flit,, Mlongagc
<br />34 .Ar~karior+ of PrymCttb. Ungewis p{. - .aCt~hr, taw t+nnvna s othernr~o~sc, aH {taymeuts rca'e[ved bp' L_endcr tender the
<br />Next and paragraphs ! amd Z'herevf ,hall tin agpphc~~ct ny 7.enr'#a d'irst tut ~Irp~~~pmcnl +et :amounts payalale na k..ender by Born'>wer
<br />a~nder pteragraplt 2 he~af, tin ice In2erest pay°ahir ran the 4tne, thrsrn n., rN~eu~ #:rtnc`q.ra! „! the tiete..md then to interest and
<br />princkpat an any Future .'tch-an0e~s.
<br />J, Cluugrit Liesa 'Borr[wtr ,hat! pay .!# taaes..n.~,mem, .,nd ,~tV:rr tharger_ fine, .,nd :mposit+ons :umbutahle to
<br />the Property which roar attain a prtarity uvrr Iht..Nortgaec. <tnd ieaschnW paymcmc .,r ;zround rents, if env. in the manner
<br />ptwtdtt-tl under par:cgrapkt 2 hereof or.:f not ps:d :n ,uch ,narnr*. ht tkurnw cr !naklni: payment, .then clue. Jtrccdy m the
<br />payer tfteteot. Burraw-er shat! prtampdy futmsh to t ender a#i uoucet :+t .,mounu .~uc „ddcr ihu paragraph, and in rhr event
<br />Bcrrt+rtwr[ shalt make pa}~neni duactlq, Botr,~•-.-rt ,hull ~ re:rnps. :ul~uk :. ! rndet tees tph rvtdenc:ng such pat-menls~.
<br />Burrower shall prnntptiy discharge any rrrn-wh4cn nee prmntr ,net rel. ~iangngr; pnwr,icd. Ih:u Borrcnvcr .ha!I not he
<br />required to +ft~'ttarge any sur~h lien w long .u ftorruw cr shalt agtrr u+ mnung to the pats attar .,! the obhgauo~: ,scared M
<br />such hen in a manr~r aceeptab3t m Lender. ~u ,hall of g,we tauh .narca -urn Lc:t bt°. of dniruti cuforicnaent nt sorb lien In,
<br />legal prsxa'Andtn$s w#ttch spCaatr to ~-rrvent ter cn r;aiert*es+., it ?h£ i„=,,...€ sot, e:;~_rr :rf €.^.e !'r.,x:t+= „z :.ey .rt :'errrstt.
<br />S. 1)tYttaed lttaanaecc. Bsrnourr :ttu71 atop tree impr ~L _ntc€,t : , , ~a,.qr ~, hc.c,.., i is e-il _n rhr 1'n,t -tsurEd
<br />agiuinst. toss F1F £7rC, }SjYrYt ds if441Mt51W Uithlst rhr Icri7T - tf'nJCt :l~Y'CO @gn - _ Old v, i4 ff i,ll rl h ,iGl[{IS 'th Lrl'Idi'I t: 1}" 1'L'gltllt'
<br />afwl ht ~qfh amamacs and ter +udh ;r~t ails ax i ~asurs ¢tas aey~:a'r. ,a ,~i. nle,~=, r!>a~rc ! Klr==lee: ,hail t.A , er,`i~tnrr t`txt 4te =;.ut tau of
<br />AtSEdh. s~.uc'GrtwgC exs-et's) .Rai :uni'txn4 ; _- ... ~ r€. _ ,.,{ _ _ _ ~i~W _- - _: ~ •rc
<br />'IFIG lnstrratx.e :art':rr f:rovid.i.r~ .ha ,e6 s ...ca~c :l, :I he ._„c.,~ ,s !-1~F-era ~ ,trRe`E ~.pt'ruv.tl •. t t.nrier. nr~rurdtd,
<br />g,k~'I ~t!la ^e}: •c*>: at f Qu .~-i 'S. t :-a-,.,;,-.. , --..;s,s _,.= a : .:,.: :~ ....:..:.. .:. ~ -..al. .,. .. ...:s:r
<br />IVs+tvBd~a titdStr E~arc.p fro}It - Nkrt ~r ut. `., nil pd 4Y7. In •4,~.: fn;ullllcl. !p} Ik4Yt rV~~rV~{:i nraki,Yty. {. }Inert p, v.f t.n~4111f, .11 ri`.~'t i}rl~r t!te
<br />Ali 1f1SUr €1--e; ~Xt11~3£s aL€~ :i?`~u~:i tY9-~ _!_ ` - e,a ".. v_ _ -..
<br />-_ - - _ - -. ---1 - - t ..
<br />douse in Fxivor of artd In teem ai ctptatur .., Letn7er tzlxlr, ~.t a, ~ , .r E:c „tor . i:t,id hr t,,,ln r, . :- d :,, ;ds uten•.nf.
<br />oral Borrower stall prutnptly 7urrash to i.rnd¢+ aL' rcr.cw a; ,:.an.r, .:,... : r. +nl, , „d pc ,_ u:ut. Gt Ihr r cot ut Io.,.
<br />Borrower ,tali gtvi^ pr,3mpt acnttc +v~ +t>z eaut,a,r ,.,tort ~:±5 l.c. r r ..u l,tt, -- _ sea. .a, , a ,- xy ,, u,_i : rage pnanpliy
<br />by Btsruiwu. •
<br />UnFcas Y_en:#er and Fkttrt,w r ,+tttetr.+,r_ ales - r t r . t : - t r.. _ ~ 1- vi 1., r - t „uul+ I r •.p:ut ,:t
<br />the Pr. pertp dattta,gs-d, provided >u.tt tr,to. s., .I .,r -ter=au :- r, --,....r,s r n„~ ,,,,d -rk _~.tt-t} th„ xis-r,gage ,~.
<br />oat thereby unpaged. H' aa~h reaw.rt„•n ,u rrya,t ,n .,. , ~.,r-.,-ru,,.,l:+, --a,:i±re . .'.:c •,,..w . . , +l:rs SS artgage x,!:dri
<br />he Impaired, tAe tnsutatte~e ;,ra~r.,:c,., ,hst4 n 1,+: r.t ... ,su.e f -. u !„ h:, ti ~+rt .,A~. -, t ~ ward
<br />t~ct Jl3curower 7t tt~ Pro~rc:. , :.. e N.: t,•,. ,:. i5o. -,,al .. ~. s s:;:a i , f c. rdrt s ^h:u 'tl d- is r.._nl~ the
<br />tr#att nnttc:r is ntat#e.7 h} Lrnu...r Ei:+.,.,sac . ,.,, :.;c n,a, ar.~r ...t .,.cr.. „ r .....,,.-, i,.-r .:s,s. a4t,.c ~ cac;:ts. ! ru.;~:
<br />i+ a~uthar,txni h? vu#ird ~nl apt!} rt7c ,trsuuu.c # accJ.a :t Lr:aa~r •, ,~pt:or e,thc; t,. tilt.,:.,,t,*~: , . lepau , . rtx' 1'rx;l>crt}
<br />id~i t'r: ice: tiucsis s -- - fig tint ~3artgag~
<br />['oleo Lsrttirt and 1{e•rr elver ,ahcrt~;,c -r,i:a: . ., o:ng.., ,,. !: „{;pL~.t n.,:. of t•i,-... . _- r,p~; ~faa ^ot vttrnd
<br />tltp ~-ist#xwut tM; due deer „7 rhr nu+ntnly hles.dlntrnl, .r -d n.., atsh r„t i,. _ _nd - , , .,7 , ,- ,. „t
<br />islet lit rt35taf#1t~"tiia „ ur',t7et }tit'' let li'i+ 'T he rC.•t ft,r' i ,F ±t} ~,l r I. „mac.. .,., ai,. -l: ,,,. ,.. ,. , it ,, ~,
<br />iRt ~I,uati t a ~ .n.si,:c;;c p:•irrtr'.- - .. , ,. a., au.t , .f~,l;t. ,_ .. ,. , .. ,, ....
<br />W SaytH- t ud ~tsr.'--; ~u it+ lx< ilr +.r ttx c .,nl .-, rt3c ~t, art- ,vents,', hs rhr $- Is:_4; ,:.trd:a n pea I ~,. .:h ,ale ..
<br />$,Gtjiii6ttN7rl-
<br />G. PiCar..!<r at~n aetl :4laiateisutt`a of Prtrpct't}; Leabe{ro}ds, t uudtttniaiumn: 3`tasmtd t sit Ilrt elsgturs attn. l1.v n;m c:
<br />- --- _ c >ti r;;
<br />rt?r asr:~.i ,r?} ~:.tt sta. ,~r.. ~,., ... ... a.3y ., .s. ..n ~:t, ,,, ,:9ry, ,r„ .,,, _ .., , .:, ..
<br />a~~?itturqunt o..a ptat.red vier-k s=,. e..lstf,u _: f~ _,,•,. c, e<t.=:. ;-cr--~-, ~ #{t~l :,:-.c,:: -. ,..,. ,:,,,i_: : .l.,r.,u, ::
<br />sr trrp.~`z+.nts create tg - ,z,+mluuig !hc . el.. -._.,. - !_.,,•.ut --, .. ak.,cb +•t,c<., .L: -} lace, .q',,, . If+c
<br />- nza€t.uc pia sots uUt ~ _y ins= d trt .. ut,. .... I- ,.. :„h ,.,. .uu, ,.~ ,~~. : , ,-n:
<br />r.dcr t5 r.ze `„ti=d 4ty t3art-rw;:r -t r ,z.; d+,..t v .. - a c t , ;,; 43 - ra,a{, ~, h s- , , - -.~, tt ~ ., f :.:
<br />siiali ~ o.rentxrratx<S ,nt.n an,t _laa! atzec•nsi rr.t i.lr,gaknrs a It.c ,. ,.ear in an I _ .,cfn:.,, .r,:-, ~7 arts as•. a, - ,~t.: +.arr
<br />t a f*~rt Its. r`,f.
<br />- -
<br />T. l`etaeatiea of feRalErtx:writ;~, t? Si:-nr.ve ;t.:. - tr;e - a;tc, ,.- ..,.,;,net! ,~+,.
<br />hA~etgxg~, txr i# art' a,'tnz,+t z•,>perrNssi _ .+mttna,s~ .rlu,°= -afacrra(} .,..:,,. 4 d,.:,•,~, ,-:.: n=-ta! ~ #:.~t„n-;
<br />t[r7W~IC,iy, h:•; swt7i iert,uc,'. i<„ cnahwnt sitvn, ~.., -w l4r ,_y,~ •,•, ,:nx-r' u,:+.rg_4... ..-~ , .,,:n, ~_, ., -
<br />~:.k.up a u-..::.?i< t, th2t; t:c.d~ .~ ...,m..t, s ,' _ r3~-,,, ,_. - . ,.: f ,,. ,,
<br />t
<br />., ~: ~ ~. .. . .u
<br />5`utnt s-n i y -.t_~F s:titha t ..._-_.,.,t ie ,. t_ , . i_. - -.. t;t .. ,tn-!cF Ivxh,. r „ :t -..
<br />I
<br />to ir: .~,aF [!.: ', lase errs r t4 :.fir=St. -< F-.,#:. - ., a. ,u,.- t, .. . r, :.. ._ .. ,
<br />s .,, ~.t - ;.a`~,y !~ tt;an x_ ,:e;: §} v§ •;-5+ p, +. ...,.. r . ,. t _ : _ r _~ .
<br />its, '.ltk: tR .~ ~ .. .,-.tt s Stir ,... ..,.. . 3 a...lE ~. .. ,, i ,t.-..t.,, . ... .l.n. i. tS". ...,,
<br />