Lender's wrtten agreement or applicable law. Rarrnwer shelf gay ;he amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided underpay»graph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lendr# pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indeMedness of Rorrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender spree to other terms cf payment..such
<br />amotmts shalj he payable open naive from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thecae!. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement a#-the rate payable from time to time an outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />-,interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />s"permissible uncle: appiicahie law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />'-any aeiinn hereunder.
<br />B. Inspection. Lender iriay makt or cause in be made reasonabh entries upon and inspections of the Properly. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection =prcifying reamnable canal therefor related to Lenders
<br />„interest in the Property.
<br />' 9. Condemaafion. Thr proceeds of any award or claim fur damages, direct er c~nsequentiah in connection with any
<br />',`condemnation or ather'taking of the Propeny, nr part [hereof, or for conveyance in lieu of cnndemnatinh, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall he paid tr. Lcndtr.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Pmperix. the proceeds s?rall he applied to the sums sectFred by this Mortgage,
<br />with the execs, if any, paid to Borrower In lire event of a partial takin¢ of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. them shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such propnrtinn nt the p: oceeds
<br />as is equal to that groimninn which the amount of the sums secured h}' this Mnngage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the procreds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandmttd by Rorrower. nr if.' afMr notice by Lender to Rorrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Burrower fails !u respond to Lender within iQ days after the date such roticr is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the ^rocceds. at Lender's option. either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Property or m the sums srurcd t+y this Mnngage.
<br />[InlFCS [ ruder nd porrnwer .eth^ area in :•riting, ny s::ch a;rpli^ tan of prncrds to principal shall eat cxietsd
<br />or pcrstpnnu: the due+dare nE the manthpl:•~instaliments referred to in paragraphs C and '_ hereof or change the amount of
<br />rusts installmenYS.
<br />IR. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the lime fur p¢tymeni o.e madifica[ion of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Martgag^. granted b}° S..encter in ;rev successor in interest of 8otrnwar +~hatl nni operate so release. in any manner.
<br />the liatiilihr of the original Harrower and Anrrowcr's successors in inte~resr. i.cadcr shall nni be required ni commence
<br />proceedings agaietst such successor or refuse ro extend time for payment c+r otheru•isr modify amnrtiratinn of the sums
<br />securrd by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made lr; the +~+rig,inal Rorrower and Hnrmwer's successors in interest.
<br />Yf. Fnrhearance by Lauder Not a Waiver. Any {orhearance i>r 1',.¢:nder in exercising am right urr remedy hereunder, or
<br />etherwis¢ afforded by ap 3icable law. ahalP not Its a waiver of nr pre^cludc the exereiFC .Nf :tn5~ such right nr remcds.
<br />The proeuntment of turn ~~~'ather liens ur char2es by [.ender shat! not ht a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the mature of the-iudebtedtress seeairgl by this 1lortgagc.
<br />l2. Reteredies Cuac~="'1~D•i!•nrvi d'i~ thiv Mnngage are distinct .md . umuiativc to :+nv ;,char right nr
<br />remedy under this Mn~aage ar a. ~r ei ..~~ .aw nr cymty. and may fx exercised :oncurremh~. ~ndcnendenflv or successively.
<br />I3. Successors and Assigns Bonrrd: Joint and Several I.ialriidty; Capfiorrs. The ~ovrnants and agrcemtnts herein
<br />contained shall hind. and the rights hereunder shalt mart u?. the respective successors and assigns ,•f ! tndtr and Rarmwer.
<br />subjr,•t tv the provisions ut paragraph i7 hereof. ,"\II cavenanis and agre¢m¢nts ni Rurnnccr cnaN he i,nnt and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of ?his Mortgage are fur eonvcn~rncr only .,red .r ir. not m tx used to
<br />interpret er define the provisiero hereof.
<br />fG. N+lii~. Ec~yt fcr acv nctiCr rzgt:ired crnd¢r appiic:rhle, law :~+ etc ¢ivcrt +n :rnafhrr manner. tai ;any notice to
<br />l3or`rrrw¢r provided for in. this Mortgage shat! 1< };tyro hrv nt:ufing s.tich entice by e:cr~sfied matt :;ddrrsstd ?u Rorrower' a±
<br />t~ha PrapctY,y Address or a,t such ether addresb ns RArruwer ntuy de~wig'~ari'ut by m0lo~ttr in l ender as pun•idrd herein. nml
<br />mill ale\' nIJL'fe¢ tt l,end¢r shat! b'r ~JV2r4 (+y ~efflmr(1 ~'uai t, r¢t Rt[n (I: L'1t1 t1( rCy U4-tife{i, t[, t 1:4"1rf F'• =4:ilirtEi stated hz rCin i~r Ct:
<br />;a;:ft otisr,r address as ., er may.',r-sigttste t+': rrv.i~t ,..: Hitrtct tr a,s rtravided h;rc~n. inv~ n~uYitic pruvrded for in tilts
<br />ir'l orr~age sihaii Re d¢rrnrd to .tare i+een a++=•++ 9,? W?'k w{ r «r l,s dt ' thrn ~ s s r ,...: ;^tu¢;ner ;k3ir :atz~' herein-
<br />It, t i:yrarnr ~fn _; 4~nrs'_-n $ f x; „i=a:~s '''::: ?€°r~•, :,d ;~,.. cis - mh ~ :r-Ic, , r,., ,+„ ~,. ,,., r
<br />WIRt Wad n.,141-uniterm Un'rnant!x Wirth limiiad sun dint. Fm ~kn n,J~ciunn r<! f,.rty{~7in~ile a uu ? 11+n,. •...e.b r'.t. irotrutnent raYefin4
<br />rtkai profxsn. ~-nis Mono gr chat! ~ •,-.stn,=d ~z :he !as4 ,.f d:c !etns:!ict::'<a :: - ...-_• i'ret><rtg :•, !!s.awd. In iho
<br />event that any prevision «r clause nl thi<~M mtgagr .~r the tilde o+uflttis with .rpniicahier law, xe,h ~ooli!cr shall r.ot affect
<br />other provisions of this Mortgabe or ?he tints math ran he gcv¢n rtiect sit t:ew ?he run@ii sing pn+viumr, and m this
<br />red fire prvvisions of the Mortgage :n:d the \om :rre .frclarrd to fie scverahir.
<br />f6. Bomrwer's Copy. Rorrower shall he forn~ah¢d a reutormrd .opy ut the -'tiote ,,n,I nt this Mortgag<° at dre nine
<br />of execution nr alter ruc.xdatian htrcef.
<br />t7. 97attsfrr of ri»e Propetfy; Assumption. ll all or an}~ part of the Proixrts or urr interest therein is wld or transferred
<br />by HOtrowtr without Lender's prior t+rioen consent. r•scluJing ~~! the ,rtatian ut a hto ur enninthtan:c ,uia_:rdinatc a+
<br />thSs Mongagt, thl the creation of x Purcfiax atone} ss.urus urmrest for houscheid aplthancc+. tc1 ,, rrau,(et by de ire.
<br />daxxm or b}' operation of taw upon the Grath at .r in,m tenant .,r td) thr Grant of any IeaeehuW intercsi of three years ar ins
<br />not containing an option to purchase, Lcndtr mat, at i cudcr's npuon, declare ail the sums stsurcd h, th~+ Sturtgugc t;. be
<br />it'nn~di:ucly du¢ and payable. Lender shall tias¢ wa:e~d ,~~~h „gt;aa !c. ac~ehrane i{. ,^.rior t„ the sic ~ o~:uafcr. ! tndtr
<br />and thr pcrsnn to whom the Property is to ~ Bald nr nansiet red reaih :,rgrctntcnt m writing that ti?c .~cdn .~i -,uch nt pan
<br />is satisfacror}' to lxnder and that the iulerest payable o^ thr sums atrun".d by this Mortgage shall he at such rata as t ender
<br />shall rtques!. If l..eud¢r ha+ waives! the vpuun to a;;:eic•r etc' prosida^d in this garagra ph i7, and it Rurrawcr's .sutc_=.:,vr ,n
<br />iGftfest has ex¢r tiled a wnuen assun'tpuoa agrwatcut a.xpicd in seritinp by l.rndtr, I ender ;hall ndcasc Rn:;owcr from all
<br />:>liligaiitnrs under Phis Mnngage and the Note.
<br />Cf Lendei exercises stz¢h option to acetlerate. t.endrr ;hut! mail Rnrruwur unties of aeceietstion in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hrnrof. Such nonce shall pnrvida -, pcnod r,•," not has thou ip days from the dart the notice is ntailrct within
<br />tvhitlt Bofraw¢f tilay pas- iht semi J¢ciucd due- If E3unowcr faits !o pa}' such soma prior le the c.t nirdinn of .,uch t>•_nud.
<br />Lrndcr map, w`rthaut further nntice• or demand nu herruwtr. inyi+kt :my rcmcdiea pernutted by paragrapt: ! 8 hereof.
<br />NoN-Urttt°Ua~t C'nvatsvyrs. Rorrower sn,l 1 ender lurthtr ,:rn'en;:nt and ogres as tullows.
<br />tit. :i,crelexat~n; Rtmeifies. E;rcerpt as ptovi:ted in par:ytraph 17 htmnt, upau Bnrcawrr's brrach of a n. eovrnant nr
<br />ag#rernent of BoltosYer iu tilts 9lorlgt~e> lartudirrq Ihr cavtnants to pay when clot au} soma .4rcurcd by this Mfartgttgr,
<br />Leader pdnr fa a¢eekraturn shag mad rraliee to Borrnlver w prurit9ed is par»graph ti hrrraf sprcifyhrg: f 1) thr lurach;
<br />(3¢ ihr aC#ian regaifeti Yo cure such breaelr4 f3) a dart, not less than 3tl days from the date the nnlirr is inaAed to Borrower.
<br />IiY w~hielY Stlril hferg'h mLL4Y hr [urr!$ and tell that fnllute- In u•h Ev~arh n : Mf.. fhH .ist., .-llie•~r .r,,, .,
<br />tstay rexttN in aerrkrat'con of thr auras aerated Icy the Rfartt;aRe, farrrla&ure by judicial prnrrcdiuG and sale of the Propcrt}.
<br />Tke nMls:a a4ait fa±r#hre inform Barrassti of fire rilY([t to rrirtstatt after as'rtlrratian and thr right to as`xett in ihr f+rrrrlasurr
<br />praresding Yhr lu:u-ra6tence of s dsttenit nr any other ekfen,r uP Bnsrcwer to aeceteratian rind torrctn,-urr, ff ttx lrrea.h
<br />is not eared nn or hafnre the dafe spect$tsti in thr notice, lxndtr at l.ruder's option may drrtarc alt of ttu; sumx srcurrd h}
<br />tF# Irtartga$r Ya its iatmedituriy dui cud pasabp: withaat furthrr titrnarrd and may farecime by judicial prvs'ttdiirg. Lrndcr
<br />r.Is~i ~ Cut;fed to roiirrt in 5rrc#t proeerd3i~ ati rapeasrs oI farrrlasaer, iuefrrd. bat not f#urited ia. , cniz of documrr:tary
<br />~•.~x`e, ~fs:ad tilt: r:r'xsria. -
<br />t-~, ra?r~'S x.913? ie R@ta;tetl`• "'~ a,ahttattdotg t°;:,i,.. ,.,~rat~ca of th -pis «_ v i+v th t#~~-tg..z-
<br />Rcrrowtr pleat! have rite tSghi h) have any pnrCrtdings bt~un bx l •ndet v„ enft+rrc Ihs `;i-rvacr ,! --- -Cr+:~sa _f -gyn..
<br />