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Loan #220534004 <br />la~~'I`GAGE <br />~~.~ 4)(-~4`~€3 <br />THIS M©RTGAGE is made this..... , ..... ,3Qtfi, , .... _ .. , ,day of... ,OCxOBER ........ . . . .... . <br />!9.$Q., between the Morogagor,..~G~!s~P. Bt .EIEIK~N and,TiiYLId1 J: ,HEIKEN ... ................ <br />.b~ls6ltd. >9irt$ .or! fps ................. (herein "Burrower" ), and the Mortgagee, .......... • ......... . <br />,S~J}~i}. P'NA~e$A.b,$APZt'FGS. AND, LOAN, ASSOt:2ATION ., a corporation ur ized and existing <br />....... <br />.... <br />under [he laws of...t~.U[tjted. St,al$s, pf AaterLca... _ . , .., wht>,se address is. BEATRI E, NEBRA.4KA <br />............ <br />WxtiRe,ts, Borrower is iruklxed to Lender in the principal sum uf. FORTY,THREE. THOUSAND, AND ,N~(10(YfAS <br />--t-~rr~r-r~rr.-•-($$3,4(~...QQ,t ......... . ....... liars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower 5 note <br />daead.....OCTt3B.>;& .30..19$0 .... (herein ":Vera" }, providing for monthly installments of prinripat and interest, <br />' x^ttps the balance of the indebtedrresa, if mnt sooner paid, due and payable on . N6~~htB_ER ,01, • 2¢1,0 , . _ . , . , <br />Tn Secuae to Lender (a} the rcpavment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nntc, with interest thereon, the <br />pa}rt~nt of art other zums, with interest thereon. advanced in acrudanca horavvith to protect the security of this <br />Mrartgage, and iha petftlrtnanu of the covenants and agreements of Burrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />sd,tsny future advartrrs, with iatamt thereon, made t:t Snrrow<:r by f.ander pursuant to paragraph 2.t hereof (heroin <br />"'Etrtttre Au3vanrxa"), Barrtivterr dcµ^s haretay mon~aga, kraut and convcu~ ca tender site foilosring described property <br />piarated'xa that t^rstmty of... , , .. ~~T,A• .. . ............... . . ..... . ......State of Nebraska: <br />~~2 ~al~stt~y~e}rr d.33y, ~ikllocit Four (4'), ',P~'le~n~~aamt, Qflam Adrlir.ion e~u t:he CIYV of Grand <br />N;1~ ,~~ihl,~X 57 ... . ......... •sRAND ISLANt) <br />lStractk iG~ryi <br />A .. ~I:. , , .... (1~•Ye'iH "I'roperey Ailttrt~s") <br />-t8UNa acrd Tn? ~srt~t <br />'r~~v _ ~K~ ~tl .~ :n <br />e'_ -•*.a scup 'cc°q'c`v_~, %:c:~ ar nerrrdf"€cr -LS';c,is,,j 1731 Llie prOfR1'ty, ants :tit s'aSemetl[S, eignta. <br />ap(grt~~ittur+:rts:_, reatts, rt~yattiea, miat.rai, oit and gks nghts send protlts, rkatcr,- water rsghta, tend watcc st c>y.f., and tdl <br />listtrrets.+ru*=b tkr,hereafl~t attarhad to the pr4.(.x xty, aEt <)f u•11ich, itrt;tuding rcptacctatcrtts and additl+:ns thereto+= she!! tLe <br />~Icr`t~'^{f.tzx be. aml rertaaiat # Isarto( #hc }~tUpt.rty ccrvx~cad ny thin M13oti.~,ag<: and aft of she ta+tcsuitt; .,+4ckher with said <br />~rv~ ;ty (or tfn• Er est~4e if tts~ ldur(aagexs •7re a Isaseh. td e are beret a rei'c trod •o as tht pro~rty", 'f he <br />u~eai,~and tda?Ayaa ~Ae Iit o ' oils hatead exemptlorr as to thfa dc?±t. <br />tfi+rl ~aw•:c a4t~';6Tf~i:~, ttt¢2 I~CrrrtlgFs`r tat Iawittit~; suss i ors" the -afore il~rt~hs~ ;nv€'rrd aagd fta, ?he rfaht rn tttc+ngage•: <br />aura and ,<,iraw the Ytteperty, titer tIr }'rarf,~rt} is upsncnr3si~r~;,- artz) that X,trrr:rwer sritf watrrant .tttd dc.end <br />::.~ =r€ +. tsr r Fropar3v a;iux€ ate zittrn, az, a ch;?issts3~, a)?):,e3 it> sr.} step>:etati:~n~,, <.l; ;~. ,. t.:..Mons <br />tsst~ n a ~ htlr_ ~ t?tcs ~._n> tt ~;;tv¢rag in as,~. rt~ ashore) r~?.,; z u -_ ~ ! « a i,ita i Eh. PrE•Frrt} <br />L!< ntsy ~u~ s+s.f ~,rttt on e^ria(~ana~ of 'yte.1~ rrzV+asred r~ nd _>xrtd.l..~) t 3 t,~ehfer. <br />_ ~l "~~ t.~ t~ ; a; ~~- s~ft!t'~#:' ~1 s;~tsR+ar ,.. 7. ,. <br />