~ ..~._.,
<br />
<br />80--U(~ S~ ti5
<br />Nebraska, containing 72.66 acres more or Less. (B) The Northeast
<br />Quarter of the west half of the Northeast quarter of Section 6,
<br />Township 11 North., Range 12 West of the 6th p.m. in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, containing 20 acres more or less. (C) The East half of
<br />the Northwest Quarter and the West half of the Northeast Quarter,
<br />`except the Northeast Quarter thereof in Section 6, Township 11
<br />North, Range 12 West of the 6th 15.M. in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />containing 140 acres more or less.
<br />IT Z5 FIIRTHER ORDERED that petitioner is awarded all of the.
<br />personal property owned by him at and prior to the marriage including
<br />each.. of the following: stave, refrigerator, bunk bed frames, stereo,
<br />color t.v., Kewanee mulcher, one-half interest in sprayer, John Deere
<br />cultivator, 1948 GMC truck, one-half interest in ditcher and ditch
<br />filler, one-half interest of used sprayer, ridger, post hole digger,
<br />four-two Brillion shredder, used wagon, one-half interest in combine,
<br />1066 diesel tractor, used Sohn Deere tractor, John Deere rotary hoe,
<br />ons-half interest in international corn picker tread, one-half
<br />interest in plantar, electric ttt~ator for irrigation well, pump hydraGxt,
<br />oz~erhaif interact in piow and o wheels»
<br />Respondent is awarded the following personal property owned
<br />by her at and prior to the marriage: household appliances including
<br />refrigerator, washer and dryer, dishwasher, deep freeze, humidifier,
<br />sewing machine; household furniture including livingroom furniture,
<br />kitchen table and chairs, bedroom set, den furniture, and cedar
<br />Chest; dishes including a set of china and silver; riding Lawn mower;
<br />electrical appliances including but not limited to adding machine.
<br />Polaroid camera, instamatic camera, and binoculars; tools including
<br />electric saw, battery charger, electric drill., spades, rakes, hoes,
<br />and other basic hand tools; one registered Arabian and one Shetland
<br />puny; cattle panels; loading chute; used pickup; Stir-way auger and
<br />mower.
<br />IT 1S FL'+RTHF.R ORDERED that the petitioner is awarded the follow-
<br />ing personal. property acquired during the marriage: shutters, redwood
<br />lawn furniture., three window fans, aa£e, family Bible, checking
<br />aeoraynt t9f Pirst• Stara Bank (S5p(1), Central NetSfask~a Go~-~p patranaee
<br />cerci£icates (54,677.18), 19; fc~<>t rxailcr camper, '9'z> i"o rd Supercrat~
<br />_~.
<br />