~~"+.o ~~~+ JVpe7
<br />{S) month prior to its due Sate the arnuat n><;rtgage rn surar:,.e ,,rennum in rrrdr. 'o provide st:ctt holder
<br />witft funds to pay sucfi premium to the Secretary of Hausirsg and Grban f3evciopment pursuarz to the
<br />?fational Housing Act, as amended. and at;plicahle Regale?ir>ns rhe.*eunder~ ar
<br />(E43 if and sp }ong as said note of even date and the utstr~rnen? are F:eid by rhe Secretary of Housing and
<br />i:rhan Devetoprrtent, a monthly charge tin lieu rj a nmrrgagr insurance premium) which she! b>_ in an
<br />amount squat to one-twelfth tI/12) of one-}=elf fl)i) per contain of tt€e average outstanding balance
<br />due on the Here computed wtthouz **-ak!ng into ace Win? delinquencies or prepayments:
<br />'ib) A sum equal i., the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums brat will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged prepeRy-plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mangaged prop^srty (a!1 as estimated by rhe ,Norrgagec; toss all corns a}ready paid tiercf.r, divided by tF.e
<br />nwnber of months to elapse betu:e one month prior tv the date when such Mound rams. premiums. taxes and
<br />assessments wilt become deEinquent, such sums to be he!d by Morteagea to trust to pa}- card ground rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and specie) assessments; sad
<br />ic) AEI payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payr.:ents tv ba made under
<br />:he nose secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Rlurtgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be apetied by the Mortgagee to the tnllcwine items i , ibe order set forth:
<br />Q) premium charges under the contract of insurance oath the Secretary of Housing and urban Development,
<br />ur monthly charge lin lieu of mortgage insurance premiune). ss the case may be:
<br />Qil Bound rents. ?axes. assessments. tit and orbs: hazard insurance premiums:
<br />(EII) interest on the note secured hereby; and
<br />{IV} amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deGcienc}• iu the amount of arty such aggregate monthly paymer•t shall. artless made good by the Mort
<br />~agor prior fo "u`rc doe ante of the next such pavr!ient. ;;arstituta a.^. ece,^.t ut <1ef;:u1= uu;le: this mortgage- TF.e
<br />Mortgages-may colleot. a "late charge"' not to exceed four ~^r~nis~ !4~) L~r each do!ia> !S I i o(each payment more•
<br />[hart fifteen {15) days in areas to rover the extra expe~ner~ mvrd ved in iuundFing de'iinouent ;~avments_
<br />.>. 'iltat if the totaE pf the pavments made by the S9nrt<ra;or cruder ~':~, al' paragraph Z precodinn -Stall t^xceed
<br />tlwe amount of payments actuat}y made 6y the llortgaefle for rzrppnd rant=, ixsr•= and s==a=~menc- or insurance prt•-
<br />mi~um~. a.9 the ese ma}~ be, .,ooh excess, if the town ~is torte+nr. ~+o: the opeuin of die ykirrgagor. shat! be r_redited h,
<br />rhe M1tortgagwe on subs<rqutrnt payments to he roads by the tlnrigra,b~cwr. r:~m n:•funded t(, die anrtgagor. lf, however. the
<br />mantltiw payments made:• by the 9lortgagor under t.', of parigrapli ? prrecc ling 4hall n+,t he wuf(icient to pav ground
<br />rent, taxes and a.~sessmeris or insurance premium-. u- the ca-e m:+t ht• a@en the ~ume -hall bernme due and par-
<br />able, then the lkrrtgagw -hall psy to the llnrtgmgee any am+tunt nera~.>an- to rna6e up the d+~ficrenct. on ar before
<br />tit= da„, sh2n pa:-ment of <ucfi gniund rents, raze=, a.=-e-~men.~ er tp~ararr~t• pn•mium~ ,troll bt• due ff ut ant
<br />time the 1lottgsgnr ~hatl ter-der to the'1lortgagee. in arco:r#ao<-<• +ritfi the prusi~i<m~ of the note ~=FCUred hereby.
<br />toll payment of the entire indebtedness reprosenird thembv, the hurt!=acre -hall. rn t~nmputing rfie amount of -uch
<br />indebtedness- credit eo the account of the Mortgagor all payments taadc under rhe p:u.isrons of jai of paragraph '
<br />hereof which the lbrtg:tgee hay not become ub(igazed to pa} to the >eereutn of Hnu~inu and ('rban llerelupmenr
<br />ants anV t3aEance remaining in the funds accumulated enaler the prow i-terns ref • ~ i of pare _raph "_'- hereof. If there
<br />shsil :i :tvfaiiEt ender 3+it of tie prosi-tun- ttf t:^.ia mar€ga~e rettrE:rrt~ rn ~~ pui+rr -a}e r, tht^ pr•mi-t•- ru.+•rt•d
<br />}termbv. or !f }he ?Dengager acquires the property otheruisr xftx•r dfi•fuu!;. the ltorty+apec =hall aopl}~. rtt the time ,,
<br />Ihe~ cammc+n rrement of such proceeding=, or at rhe tune £he crupertti i- ,rthenr :-+^ a:~::uired, :in• h:,!art. ;• then t: mu;r,-
<br />imc i€n the `u,.d- arumuiatca under, t, of paragrap}: _' precedtn,~..s- :+ a Ott ucut : t!te am:,unt n[ nrmc~t}<=I th_„
<br /><.ir,.r~rt - -,..,.:;t u,1iu.; a:d •€ ~~.d =h =!! p•,,:p- t~ •iu,+ -... --h.~.. --- - -
<br />ti5 traragrxtp9~n _}, - .
<br />~.=N ...~ -.f .,a € e i,rbund errs a, rq[r., ;,,te..n ens .::or, .a.e ~. r: nine t.il r,,, nr~rt=al
<br />,::;:.~ `,. ::r`- ,::'.-.. .a,.}..',. -- -n,. ~, r•~c ,i,~n ,;q:. +t+,:cc,: t~ia~~r hr=r•,:i - :. ~..~: 1--' - ., r•r... ;.,r .. ..~.
<br />PaS the same: and that the SE ortgagor will promptly dclivrr the uthoa! recrtpb thurfur to the >tur tgat•ee
<br />5. The 19 ortgagor aiii pay zit wzes which ma} he Ic~iad upon the llortgugee', uurrr,t n: ••srd rrai c,t.da :n~ rnpr.,; r.
<br />menu. znd which ma} he Irvied upon ttis mungage or the debt secured hrrcht' £hu£ <~nit to the ~ item the: yr„, r, col t•nmrhri
<br />ed bs taw and unfy to the extent that wch will not make this loan [t unuuv. but redudmg ;,m manse i.~, Gnrc :-r `r rarr,:t.
<br />imno~~d un Mvrt~gae. and r, ill tle the othciaJ rrceopi ,how htg .uch payment a ut; the Shrrteapr, L :: e iuh,irar_ <;! t!+:. uncrr-
<br />rx~ing-ur rf [he M1iorteag,x +s proliihitrl b} any toes nu:c w L•ereaftrr existing tram pa}mg the u hate ,~,r mr. ;•<,rit,+r; ,,; the :hvc-
<br />said taxes. or upt,n the rendering of any court decree prohthiting the pHs meat by the 1lurtga?;or at ens v,sh t: ~,c. .~r rt Luc!, r.:u
<br />or decree preridr-, th *t ;:ns mot;m ,u paid bs the ..",ioagagur ~-he!I hr crrd;ted +,n the mortgae. .irht. the A;=rtty;c~H_rr ,t,aii h.a s
<br />tfic right £u pine nines} days wrinen notice to the vw Her of the murikaged premrors- rryutring .h: p:,v mrni r( the m=<a g,:ec
<br />c4eht. !f=ace Halite he given. the ,Hid debt shalt hecanee due. pa..ahie and a+ilecuMe at the eat>rraus,n s:± ..,ra trr9irt; d,,t,
<br />fi. That siuuid hr toil la pay any sum or keep one eoe rn m+t provide+I fur w the, '~I urtg;,gr. then the `,!nrtg;tgrr.:;t n, ~q•.-
<br />tian, may pay or perform the carne. anei ail exprndr'turr> „> roads ,bait 6e ,rddrJ to the pnnrtp;:l ,um ow mp on dtr : kx;,r note.
<br />shall be scoured heraht. rind ahnll bear unerc,t at the rrtr ,rt (omit u. the ,aiti note, umil part.
<br />7. That he hereM~ :+r.igtrs. transfrn and sets a<er to the -S-Euu;_•:,gec. tv+ he :,ppirrd toss arsf the p~} moot of the r.ore :end ;,l
<br />sums secured herehs` in ca,e =,f ;s Jrfrwlt m the parformarca of an. •^f £he term, and conditions ; I thi, A(ungagc „r rhe ,.net
<br />mote-all the rents, resenncs aril income ta'ne densed frt,m the murtgagau premnr, dunnp such Ume~ :!, th< morgage urdchrd-
<br />tress sba13 remain unpaid: and the Mortgagee shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it mar desire for the purpose u}
<br />repairing said premise.. and of renting the same and collecting the rent,. re.enurs and inconrr. and it miry pa} out of said in-
<br />comes alt expense, of repairing said premises and necessary commisswns a[id expenses incurred in ranting and m.maging the
<br />n.d_b?,dn~ s~-_..~_, t ~-1 - .......:,,,, . .,~ __._-.~v _.,, r :.. , _ ,.t . _.. +< +u ,+,.... _.r r :, a .,,+.tfztp.
<br />$, ;P,at he wilt keep the imprvvemants tux existing or hereafter erected un [he rnorigeged pn}perty- incur ed as ma} hr
<br />required from lima tv time by the ~9ongagee against toss b}= nse and other hazards. canurdtirn and contingencies in such
<br />amount; and #ar such periods as may tie required by the :S~ivrtgager and u--ill pay pnrmptl}, when due, an} premiums un wch
<br />insu€anee prnv~inn tot paymen€ of which has nvi been made hereinFefacc..a}i irourance .,hall he carried m companies ap-
<br />proved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by the Mortgagee anJ gave quashed thereto loss
<br />p~yabk dat,'se. in favor of and in farm acceptable tv the Mortgagee. in rvrni of loss Rivrtgugur will gne tmmadiate notice by
<br />mail to rite mortgagee, who may make proof of lass ii not made promptly h} Pivrtgagor, and each inaurutce company con-
<br />cerned i4 hereby authorized a :d directeJ .., make payment tar ,uch loss dreaf}= to the llurtg:sgee instead of tv the Mortgagor
<br />and tfie Afortgagee jointly, and the. insurance proceeds, or any part thereu7. may he applied by the ~tif arigagre at ils option either
<br />Eo tl~ radriction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to [hc restoration of repair of the property damaged- in runt u! tarc.'s:-
<br />sure of this mortgage or uihec transfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indehtrdnr.~ ,scored berths.
<br />all eight, tilts and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in torte shalt pass to the purcha.er or grantee
<br />9. "Fhai as additional and colfa£ecal security for the payment of tFie note descnhrd, and aIi ,ums to hccomr due under this
<br />mortgage, the hiortgdgitt hereby assigns to the MOTtg=goo :ell prulits, ra venues- myaltirs_ Hahn and henehts .,ccnmrt; to the
<br />'.iortgagor under aQy and aH oil a'id gas teases ,.n rata premiss. - irh the nght to rrcrrvc and rr~cipt fur the ~:unr and appl+
<br />`. `ore .~ .~< . g«g .. .,, - ue
<br />=!:~m tc ~atd :r.deSte,ln~~, , `R+;r, , -- - a> --- eu): -rau'tians f €h;s mort;- ::a:i he =.o. t .. ...,.~„
<br />f r _od r°.caver any ,...h pay,:.ar, ~ w , ;, due a.+u payaolc ~+`out shat, m,t ne re ui, ur s, „ d<, '~h:s ,,.,r -nmern~ , t„
<br />ti - g rcnauutle
<br />and t}ecvme Holt and void upon relrax nt thiw mortgage.
<br />N L'tJ 9?743tvt iy-/9r
<br />