uPI x 31-:)6-r:3r~7
<br />r--
<br />This iurtn !R u^nfd rn CGRCWC- ~
<br />°HR n 32i-Oa4101-265 ~ iic:n :.ith n-ortyxKc-x ins urrd 4
<br />~~~~+~~~~ i under the any- to ,`our-family i
<br />provi_ions of the NaSicnal !
<br />HcusingAct.
<br />~~J-~ ~~~,~3~~ ~ I
<br />THIS MCSRTGAGE, made and executed this fitlt day of Novemhex ,A. D.
<br />19 80 ,by and between $erten Craig Hahn and Gayle Y. Hahr:, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska. parry of the first part, hereinafter .^.a[fed
<br />the Mortgagor, and Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the ESnited States of America
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter called the Sortgagee.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Forty Three Thousand Six
<br />Hundred and 00/106ths--------------------Doliars iS 43, 600.00 t. paid hr the Sfort-
<br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowtedged, has Granted and Sotd and by these presents does Grant. Har-
<br />gain, Sett. Convey and Confirm unto the M1fortgagee, its successors and assigns. forever, the following-described
<br />rest estate, situated in the County of Hall .and State
<br />of Nebraska, w wit:
<br />-~ ,: Three i33i, Wolfe"s Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Ha1ljCOUnty, Nebraska
<br />Also known as:
<br />.,~.. :ennedy Drive
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />of ehe Sixth Principal Meridiate. con!ainine in al! .;, res arc!? ~_!ng,_, r;c;vern-
<br />±rtentsarwev: city i~rof~ert~.~.
<br />~ttt j-igvt' ~rv i i'ir 1'Stl f..0 [ri Ir rk at des she r w th I~ h, ~ '. t ;-' if:e;e•rutu he€ .ar u ;r..luJt
<br />all ~he.rtirrg, ~I h _g a_mt ughri,,, n. r_ _. ,.. +1 ., r .._.... - !._._: 1 .,..:.:?._,~ .............:.. . ~. h ,,.,~
<br />untotite b"fortgdggee and to itc successor. and a>vgro. (u giver I#ee ~r rC~~,ge:r rcpre,enn• ~ .,,find tott•n ^r. tt ith_ the ~t, nke~
<br />gee, tliai ~e rvf nriga_k'aI Ira3 $tJt3d rtghi t:t CCfi ana :: t, f'.vey sa!d prt•n11 '. final !fret • free i. +m t'nl'URkt'sn. ~', _n f ;het +hr
<br />MOngagot will warrant and defend the same against the lawful Harms of ell per.om whon:soe-. er. and the s,,id ~inrtgagor here-
<br />by relinquishes atl rigbis of homestead. and a1I martial rights, either m fact nr in egnny. and ail other conungc•et mrcrests of the
<br />Mortgagor in ami to the above-described promises, the intemiao beutg to comet herebt en nh>ulme rule, rn fcc tun plr. ;nciud-
<br />ing all rights of homestead, and usher right. and Interests as aforr>aid.
<br />PRJVIDED.ALWAYS, and these prevent arc execuied and delivered upon the fni:a+t mg c,md!uons. n, a n-
<br />The bforigagor agrees [u pay to tha Mortgagee, or order, the prncipal sum of Forty Three Thousand Six
<br />Hundred and 00/IOOths----------------llollars~S 43 600.00 %.
<br />wish 'interest from dale at the rate of Thirteen per .ennrm t 13.00 ~~) qci annum ,:n
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and mteresi r;hatl (ic napable at the other of Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Englewood, Colorada o! .~ sdt athe; p!a~c .a fine h,~!de! r,i
<br />the nine neap dasignare in writing. in monthly installmems of tour Hundred Eighty Two and 65/lOUths-------
<br />°---------------------Dtrtlars ;S 982.65 i. .'c,m mcndmg on ;hc hot dst ,d
<br />January 19 81, and on thr firs[ day of each nx:nth thereatte; until the pnnapa{ :mJ ;m
<br />[crest are fulls' prod, exrept that the final payment of principal :o,d iaterett, d not .Donor pall. .hail nt du. enJ
<br />payaiia u=a tP~,rat dag r3f u2co;F~er 2010 - -aft a._o;dmg=,, ;P,c ic~: ,:,~of .: _s-ri.onpr,:mn-
<br />•,ory note of even date herewith executed by the said Alortgagor
<br />The Mortoi' in nrder more fully to protect the >ecnrity of this Mortgs!ge, agmes.
<br />!. plat he wiii pay the indebiedne», a. --,nbefcre prcv td° Pr:+aegc ;s :__ _ trd !.: pa) the drbt ;n '.t-h„!c..• m .,
<br />amount equal to one or more monthly payments on the principal that „re nest uue~wlr!he no;e. ,,:; the !u.; aav at .~ ,•~ vu4
<br />prior to maiuritY: Provided, however, That written notice of an rn iention n, eaercrsc •uch nnv;fcgc i-. pncn .rF Ire-~! ihrn, ; lrt~
<br />days prix to prepayment.
<br />'. That. 0.igether with, and in addition u,, the. mnnthiy pay ment> r•f pnnc;pal a;;d :otne~: pay.,bic untlat tla- fer,:r, ,~i ;ht
<br />note secured herehy, the Ftortgagor wiii pay !„ the Lltsrtgagee. tin the hr,t day of aastr ;,1„nth u.:_d .h. ,.:id n,~te .-, fu _, v.,;d _i~~
<br />foliowiog sums:
<br />(a} .Amount suflicieni to pmclde the horde[ heretic wrti, Iunds !re nay the ia-x; u;•.n=~sEC rtsu:a!xe p; ~_,ne,r. ~! !~;r.
<br />fiti3CCUnle!}t and fAfe n!')tC 5eGUted flit re[Ii' afe In&Ur's`~. '3[ ,4 n=vnt.aY i113l tv' f,r; ~.-~~ -,- /It1;{i :~i.f?AYiliii~ <
<br />7#fun:; if they am Held by the ;iecre taty of Housnag ~attd ti;ban F}tv?iop n!rm. ~_ :-,ik:H~,a
<br />iij 6l and so Zang ax sail note of oven date am; rl:;t ,7at ~ ..,rn .,,.,... i . - ,,. ..~ ~ .
<br />vlstune Irf the. '.Vauonrd florsing, Aes. on uatnum -1;6:.,1, ~,..: -.. ~ . :!.~ :..:..... .... ...r •.:.
<br />F:a:r':ar, esFN:~,-2i#3~8 r.n<n,+,syt»....rto :::qtr: ,.,rrGi, ~; .:.:.+..s.m, , ii~~,??I' f. }3t ~i1
<br />