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.~~ `F' :'..' f ~ ~1 it <br />~ ~~ <br />!t). TFtat fhe >iartgagor wilt keep ihs buildings upon ;std premiss in 2;><sd repsir, an6 nether rnmmn nor permit caste <br />upan said lend, nor suffer the Said premises to E,c used #or any unlawful purp,.:Ys <br />f i. Ttsat if the premises. >r any par; thessaf- be condemned ender the ;a.=per cf eminent damain. ur acquired for a puh:ic <br />use. the damages awarded. tfte proceed, for the caking of, cr tfie cnnsidsratinn for such acquisition. to the extent of the full <br />amountaf i:uiebtednes upon tkis marzgage and the note which iz is given to securr rema;ninz unpaid. are hereby assigned h}~ the <br />?tfortgager to the A4txtgagee. and shzEi be paid forthwith to :aid 'riartgagee to r±s :,ppued ty the latter or; zccovn€ o€ the next <br />maturing instalftuents of such indebtedrtsss. <br />1~. The ;v3urtgagor further agrees that shouEd this mastgage end tae note secured hsssEsv not i~ eii>~ih!s for ir. <br />surance under the Natianai Housing Act within ~~ da s from ttx data h-eraof twrit€en sia¢ement of any afficer <br />of the ikpartment of Housing and ;,'flan Ekve opmet~t cr autharired agent of the 4ecaetary of Nnusing and Urban <br />Llevelapmertt dated suMequcnt to the SO days time fram the date of Phis mortgage: declining to insure said <br />Hate and this marsgage, being deemed conclusive proaf of such insligibiiit}'i. Marigagee cr holder of the note <br />may. at its aptian. declare all sums recurred hereby immediately due and payable. <br />t3. That if the Nartgagor fails io make any payments of money when the same become due. ar fails to confarm to and <br />comply with any of the conditions ar agreements cantained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures, ~zhsn the entire princi- <br />pat sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable. at the eieciian of the Mortgagee: and this martgage may <br />thereupon hs foreclased immediately for the whole of said money. interest, manffily payments, costs. ground rents, taxes and <br />[he cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to th:: rims of commencing such foreclosure suit. and a rea- <br />sonable attorney's fee. aEE of which shall he included in the decree cf fareclosure: and the contract embodied in ibis martgage <br />and the rtnte secured Etereby, shelf in all respects be governed. construed and adjudged hg the laws at Nebraska, where the <br />same is made. <br />The cavenants herein cantained shelf hind. and the benefits and advantages shall insure ta. the respective heirs, executors. <br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. t4`hs .ever used, the ;irgular number shalt include the plural, the <br />pturaE the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicahte to all Benders. <br />The foregoing conditions, all and singular. being performed according at their natural and legal impart, this conveyance <br />shalt ~ void and said premises released at the expense of the Marteagar: otherwise to he and remain in full force and effect. <br />t1'WIT'NESS 6Yt-IEREC)F, tae Mortgagor(s) ha ve hereunta set their ha.ndtsl the da}~ end Year hnt <br />above written. <br />En presence of: <br />~.~~ia~~,.C~.~.~.. ~ SEAL- 1 <br />erten 3 Hahn <br />~p,~~~ i SEAT. j <br />Gay ~ yL~~~.1~ ~ _ i SE.AE_ i <br />--~= I S f A L i <br />tiE:al. I <br />S"I'A~1'E OF NEBRASKA. <br />ss: <br />t=C)U~+'`E~4' Oh' Hail 9 <br />On this Sth day of . A.D. to ~etorre nee. <br />November , F3Lh._;- . . <br />....ta„ry ~ Sb4' __= a~eu ~vr ~a.,a~ _ _ <br />Berten Craig Hahn and Gayle Y. Hahn, husband and wife <br />. Personally to nre knave n <br />to tw the identical persons whale names axe affixed to the above and fore- <br />going instrument as Mortgagor, and they have acknowledged [he said instrument and the <br />execution thereof to bs their voluntary act end died, for the purposes therein expressed. <br />En testimony whereof, i have hereunto set mV hand and atRxed b}`~, sea! at Grand 3s land <br />an the day sad date last abavewritten. - <br />~ ~ ° ' O ~'~-1t x C~ ~ [~z s ~'~ <br />~~~e.aru~~~~ _-- :'v'otary Fublic <br />5'f'ATE:OFNEBRASKA <br />Filed far record this day of <br />at o'clock <br />recorded in Book <br />~~ of <br />A.ll. ly <br />i9., and entered in tvumericai Endex. and <br />of Mortgaees. on <br />Register of Deeds <br />HUi)-52t43M 14.751 <br />