V~.ri 1~(e'°°116V0
<br />l driLir.'-''i '.vr; ttCn agt2tment aC 3pp)atatitt ?ass" tfnfrf`wtr shat; .^,-aS r31k° am."M.Fir :sf ail ra<'.~gaPC ISaySird nCe ptemtums t't the
<br />mattrttr pre-:F:ritt3 undeF paragrapta ? heroo#.
<br />any amounts disburat+d t7r 1_en:atr p+arsuant to this paragraph °r.:th ,nitrtst ;ttertan, shat9 1-_ctKrat adtiitinnat
<br />,nrle3?rrdntss. ;.f Bvrrr+wrr secured by thi- Mor*gagt L.'nlrss Borrt~,sr a~ ' rT•c3tr ague t=, nifur items of payment. such
<br />attuxenis~ stta3l ltt pay~thk +tpott tts~ist from (-ender to Borrower rtts+aesiing ~as•mtrtt thereof. and shalt hear inttrest from the
<br />dat€ of dishursetrscnt at the rate paYahk from time ?^ rmt stn autstanditxq pr;nc=pat +_mdtr the NMe unless pavmmt of
<br />interest at sash =ate would be contrary to applicable }aw, to '.vhuh even: su+;h amrnrnss shalt hea* interest ai the highest rate
<br />petmisttits#c tmdtr apphcah)t lasa•. NtNhing contairttti en t)rix paragraph " shalt staurre lxrtder !n incur any txpertse or take
<br />any action hcreunder-
<br />ti- itrrr~tttha. t.znctes mat make ar cause to i!z made rcasnnahfe rrrrics upt,nsnd inspections tsf the Property. pravided
<br />/hat l.snder =inal)pivt Borrower mice psitu t:= an 5' sv:.h ;nspesrnn -rrc„r:••ng reasanahle ca:tse thtrefar related to l.eradei s
<br />enttresi vn it?e 1'rapeRS.
<br />4. Caairrrrextfan. The grr,:ecds ;,f anv award ttr ctarm fns t±ama2t?.:lirt-.t ;,r ::::nsequentiat. in cannection xifh any
<br />crrndemna:u,a +rr .,Thee taking of tht P'rr?pertv nr part iherrnf n... - s.,nsevancr° :n lieu ;•t _andemaafian, ase hereby assigtxd
<br />and :hats he patd to under. .
<br />In fist eieni of a fatal raking ,+f the Pmpen`. the prr><-tz3s ,haft he anptrt;i *.n the ,firms secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with tht tectss. ;f an}. na,d !:, Barr:rwtr. to tht event of a partial tekan't ,+f ihr Properrv.. :snless Borrower and Lender
<br />;uher-wise egret in wrir,nti. three shall tx• app)ied t. ihr sums secured by ?his Mortgage such pmpottion of the proceedx
<br />as is e.}itai m that ,nntpr,rrion which the :tmtwnt of the sums wecuted t,s this Martgagt immediately prior to the date of
<br />takirn_ bears to tht Tarr market vah,e :,t the Pr„r+errti~ rmmediatch~ Hoot r., the dart t,t takin¢. with the balance of [he proceeds
<br />paid .n Borrawtr.
<br />tf tlrt Property ~y ehattderted by &,rmwer. nr rf. after n~ rice hr !xnder to Barmwer that the condemnor offtrs to makt
<br />an awned •+r sett3r ., ;latrn hu Jamage,. Borrower fails to respond t~ t.rnder u<thir. iR days after the date such notice is
<br />marled, lender is authorized to cnlltct and apply the prnseeds. at 1 eridtr'e aptian. eitfier to restoration or repair of the
<br />Praptrty nr :ts the arm, secured h, tbs. Mortgage.
<br />L;nltsv Lender atw' Barrawer ruhtrurse agree .n writing, anv such application of proceeds in principal shall not extend
<br />v,r postpone the dt.rt base ,,f tttr tttonthty mstailments refzrred to in paragraphs 1 and "' hercnf or change the amount of
<br />such mstatlments-
<br />18. Serrrwe- tia ilefes~. F.xitnstnn t)t ?he t,mc tnr payment or nt.sdificanon of amartizatton of tM sums secured
<br />by they 4lortgagr grunted by Lender to nny ax:ccssor ~n interest of Bnrrawer shat! not operate to rekarr. in any manner,
<br />the ttaM)it; +;f the arigtnai $arrowtr and Borrnwrr's st2Ctrssors :n interest (-ender shall not he required to commend
<br />prer~rdings a€ri_:r sezch .., verts__. nr refUt~ t{? ..rewn.i tint far pab'ttTtnt ;, ,e t>"'^!~iv_ .rnndify mnnizan.sn of the s,~ms
<br />aft;tated he nhis~ Martgnge by teas<,rr ttf ,hnY dtmand made Fs the o-rigiaal F3arrawer and Brnrrowtr's sures^sxors in interest.
<br />11. Ftir~Ricara@ee by txadtr tiM n tYidver. Ant fnrhearan~r.• by f.rnder in rxtrr,sersg anew righa err rtmtrh hereunder, or
<br />eHherwixe afforafed h} applic;tfalt taw, ,hnit noa her ., wanvrr „i r.r trnvchtde rhea utse~rciwe of app swab right or rtmtdy.
<br />JT~~h~e,,~iyresi:qurttntnt of irnttrarxx or the ~s?r~ment ,)f r,ayrs ,*r tether teens t,r charges hlu !-ender chaEl ncnf he .a waiver of lender's
<br />ef~Mµ.;.id~' "'j~,t~,~ of tflt ~F]{ti^.t?rl'dfFr.Rh ul`i 4.]li'd )+4' t;t BS tl,t i;,i r?~"1972p.`.
<br />12. iCarreiRes CmmrlWba. rltl renw.t'fies per*s+det) ,~e this Ste+rigage ,,rt diatNinct rind c~urcnuaiative to any nthtr right ar
<br />rtinetfn~ L;atder fixes Fsierrgage err afforded hw law nr s•;tunc. ,rri mar ltr fie?:are`wsni tesnci~errtantPs°. independcntFv nr ntecCesHively.
<br />9:9. '9nsrr:'essttat€ aad .4tiipaa Buaad: .lofaY aad !tir.vrral l.irtatlhy: t:"aptineni. ('hr ;avenanrs and agrtemenis hcrcm
<br />cottta:neJ short hind...nd the rights t?tre.tndtr .halt :orate ?, . ?hr tes pec:is.r- stvcce„<,r•; anti assigns tri Lender .sod Borrower.
<br />sabre='? ?_, ehr F r.:=•istnn• , +. t?atatraph .7 hereof A4I ..wenante a,e,f .:grrrmtnt, .,t tat+rrc+saer ,halt he i;rint and s€veral.
<br />'i'ht s~apits>ns amt )trod+ngs *.>{ the paragraphs nt thts Mortgage ere f-,7 ~: en.ventrnct .•nVv and .ere not k, rte used to
<br />;ntrrprvt ;=r tfcfritr the pros-ssi.,ns hrrtc,f
<br />ti. ''.~otitt, 8xce,t for any rxtitce tTyuired nn<kr :)pp)icahie law t,+ he ~tven ,n another manner. tat any notice to
<br />Borrower pr,?sidrd €efiz :n `his Mortgage shat? t,r yrvcn h} marling .tn;h rt,ttct hs :_€rtified mail addressed to Harrower at
<br />the Pn~ptrtv address :tr st stxlr esihrr actdrrss as Bt,tr,twrr n,:,s dcs,gnatr by nout.r tt, t.r.nder .ts provided herein. anti
<br />ih} an,' ~ to Ler~:lts =,#€a#', t~ g:-en by c~rt€ rr€a:l. return rr~s-=-'=.;*;rea#utstcti. t,, :.e:scier's adcfrest stand herein t,r to
<br />sttt:h ,.saber .r~tidress :.5 1-es+der rn;r•. ;)esrgrsxtc by tn. -r_ ,,, lir)rrnwtr :r_s nrrtlails htrt~,n Any' n,?tit•c- provided for :n this
<br />'ht,~nga~*r shaft ~ vieerned to [rave [set a,ven fir, 63 rnvo~er t,r t crtd€r +l~tcrt krven .at the manner designated herein.
<br />15. !~'arrta ~4bii~gigltr: Gor~ereiagf haw: !~everabBlir. ih„ roam ~oY rnesrtga,ge ~nmhfints rttrform covenants fr,r naUOnat
<br />suss' nna axe ,€-,r"fr rm -s=tn, r.is .-rtii Tim iru;i ~,}r+l++ron. r"_ _ -_. n ~~ons~rn: ~ _ -•r€t ,: r2r trnr~: ta5trurnrt:nI cnvermg
<br />teal ~~rs gz=tit .,v„ -...,igrigv ,i.ai9 `.,,c. rtrs-a r.eo~u „ ...>« , )hr.`c arr.<i,;, i:,•r. 4+tR)c. '^a• rraprri ;~ ,s itix.ticd to ihr
<br />e ~)
<br />eatnt shy. ;- ,r.°:~a,tyt =Y ':.. s.,i. is 4t:,rtgarc ;rt th;e '4 u. - +;.='?a ;~„ mouth ap}~kc.t!le s,aw., s;.is:h ct.n+),; ,h tit y.;t a'ftct
<br />c. __-- ~. - ~ sac _,_ - r _n -- ` -- - -' v - - - .:. .. *trr ..._ r_ . -.. .._. )a this
<br />trtd tree C.r ,~?ina, i :h;. 'vit.rtQa.~e arxi h- '4.=rs. z x~.lav sd t ;)hi =t'+crar,lr~r
<br />fib. Surrvwer`s Copy. Barmutr shalt ix f+rrnt,ited e ,,+rtorrnrd t.,y>v :+! the \nir :.Hsi t,t they rlortgagc at the. ante
<br />of txec.+tw~xt ar .+frer r;t~.=rdati«rn hereof,
<br />I'f. Ttaraitr of [Ere rr~,y; gstraapiion. It aif :,r am Hart .+t tax Properly :,t .ut interest thereto is xt,ld nr transferred
<br />6y Bort.+wtr without C.enderS prtoi wrns.n aarrcnt esciueii€cg •a, the aeauan .+I a Leo or tnarmhrauct sulnxdmate to
<br />this 1Nixtgagr. List [tit sstat+t}zt t,f a peer,:nass; rsx)re} ua~rua .uerest (-+r h„vrscht,id .,pplratt~es. i; r ;, transfer by devise.
<br />dc'sz-t-nt <sr b5` c~eracsvir of lass u~)n the tf>raii::,# a rvsmr tensor v,r t.it the K,ant.,e .em icasrhoid :nizrrst t,f three t-cars .;r le4s
<br />eta>t ,: r>ttt=eitsitig ast option tt+ nurti'hase. [ender rnas. at t ender , +~pt,.•rr atetiarc .:.I the ,um, ,et:urtd by they Atnrtgnge tl+ t><
<br />tmmedtasey due and parable. I ender shut[ tta,e .s e:.rd +utt; %.nt,on t.+ .r~tete:ete i! t+rxn ±.: the ,alt ;,t transfer I ent)tt
<br />serer tin: 1K:,ant u) wttc,ttt the Psa,pzrts i, t.t t+r -<,;.'_ ;,r transferred rea[h ~ptren,ent ,n t.r,t,ng that the ~rrd,t c,t such lxrsan
<br />ss satisfaatcry !o te;+,.`.tr and that errs trot rest pa.ahir ;vt ehr smm yes surd h, rht• At urtgage shall be at such raft as 1 etxjtr
<br />s z;t rC-:lei', ,f i 2r)dtr has ::~-t'v ~i] the .~y,t sxr ., a.aeieraie f`rt„+ticc !o tit„ p;€isf(raph 7 , anti ,t lit,rrnwrt'r ,tt~arssnr ::,
<br />,nseeext has executed a wrrtun assumpt+on 3grer3utnt aa.rt+rrd +n .arutnk by t rns4er 1 ender .hall release Borrower Pram alt
<br />ubirgu7,tazts e,n;er t)tri Mvetgagt ant! ihr tisxt
<br />at i..tets~': t.a; e'a l-,Z:F ,it`tt ;,%r'rt itrs, it: aL4C11:-3.aic, i 4ac111 +:td:i E)iai; !}t)re~Lw€t 1112 ti C" ~+I .il€Itt Ullnn fn :il4C ifddnl.l: Wiln
<br />-ar~sapi: '? htrrs~t. ti-ach ns>t;sr. ,hs1! ; +sKir .v ;,vrnz3 +=t .:,' lrs. rha:i ?Yt uat+ tru,,m +!.e slate Ihr n.Hi:c a: ntaitrd wiih,n
<br />whe[# t~sxriswtt ntar i?ay the sums drxSarcd d at it Rorry+wtt ta,l, •,+ psy su6h s;rnts prior to the repirauun of su:h pretext.
<br />ientirr mar'. witMaut further nut+,:r ,sr ,remand ..n tisurowtt ;+ase~r ., n, rtmedrts t+rtmntrtt hj paragraph fig htret)f.
<br />c'?s-.' -L~ti+rslRia {--iii Fi~v rx_ Lh Pzw'er an41 t rrxtCr i!li tilCs i. it cn.s •]! ei?d 'r;tet' ,i. .-,.I.rWY
<br />Et;. .'~..- ___..~.., ~. r~`a~ ;~. ps~kcG ~ i%at~$-:HAS t' Azie.,+. ;~trr ~:ir:i:.at', brercii bf a»7 r-o:s~aai o.
<br />t+alai ref Nerwarer i• the >inrl~a~e. isanlriiur rlar eo,rraaais to ~} write der try tarts srcar'ed by tbia ~iorq)rtKt•..
<br />ixitdrr pekwr 6a ihtiY wad rsdiste to ttiierr~wrrr ~ tyrvsided it paraErtrph iJ 6ereaf sp€,rifyiaR: ilt ihr broach;
<br />i1~ idle ac•~ regafteeit is terra wtY breath; iii 4 tote, aei knot thaw M day. frwr the dale the entice is nisikd to Norrowti,
<br />by trrhitr6 tdith betrrb ataat hr ttera* tai fd) rrbN ftditfre it hart swrb breach ew w bettare the dm eperiged is the asiticr
<br />~J rsaa7t is ~ of the traaa rrrctertd by thia 11orfRitRe, forsvthziwt b, }adit6ai prsxxrdirg aad sear rd' the 1'reperty.
<br />1'he tatafkr fttittua' hNerm iaerawtr od t6t ri(tht tst rehtxtatt after a:reterritiga tad ihr rpthi fe rlmCtt in ttir farerMsure
<br />~g the aaibrat•t of a detatill a iaiy weber dtltratt ©f tor,rower io arcekuaiirre read frreeticerirr. it the booth
<br />it aW cosod era or haters t£ie dlakt specWai is fret autirtr. i.tadar at f.rwdet's rplirm rear declare ~ :,f rite ewers ?:seared br
<br />1diiE ~ br llti lirait~iiMfij Titre grid Waliht widhrat frrrihar tkeenaad may fntrv}NSt br jrdkaai pras•erditgt. 1-errdrr
<br />ri141f! be eies~itt tw s~ler:t tat web pMt'epthi~ ~ exprsaier sd' fseseci®rare, irtladhtg, ~r Hari tinaiited w. seiga arf ducaraeartttry
<br />~., r~krfettt eat r+rggt#.
<br />i`s, irntarats"s ~e~ tltr ~t• ~Wwnhstartdtrrg S ender s atse+trattua t+i the sxtnts *satared hr thte Mortgat#r
<br />[ttssa~a~ .isx93 3ca~ tirrt ; €+* tart=r ase; prix-~dtngs 4m nt i ern~r s., cr,;crac tr+, .'.fiat Igagc .first-a,ns+nne-r! ar Hole trtnc
<br />