$~ ~jri~:~f3~~
<br />~;xtt=rutfx C's-rv~nnvrs- Harrower and Lrrtder °rnrnant arsd attrrr ac fol3aws~
<br />2, li'aytae~t of la;riae~ sad imtreA. Barr.-•wer' shat} prsrmptl±. pay °mhen due eta priscipaf c;f and :merest on the
<br />iftdrbt^_dtfeas cvtdtnced by fhe Notr, prepayment ar=il tale charges as aravi:fed tr. the Note. and the prirtcipal of seal i.^.ttresr
<br />aft atry Fttturc Advarsets secured by the Martgage.
<br />Z. Ft~ !or Talus tad iawra~ee. Stfirjecr fo applicable taw ar to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Ixrsder an the day monthly installrttents of principal and emuest are payable tartder €he Note, until the 's!otr is paid in fait.
<br />a awn flterein "Funds"7 equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which tray attain priority over this
<br />Mex2gage, and greitutd rents on the Property, tf any, plus atx-twelfth of .early premium istatailfxtmis far hazard insurarrcx,
<br />plus one-twelfth arf yearly premium rnstallrnents for rrtcxtgtsgc tnsurance, rf any, ail as rettsnnably estimated initially and from
<br />time to tune by I.txtder on the basis of assESSmrnts and 'hills and reasonable estimatex thereof.
<br />'rI*z Funds shalS be heldrn an institution the depnsrcs c>: accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fetters! ar
<br />state agrrtcp i [tutuding Lendrr :; Lender a such an Etniuuuan t. t.cnder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />inaura€tce premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for +ar hn{ding and applying the Funds, analyztng said acccwnt.
<br />at vertfvtng and compiling said assE°sstnettts and bills, unless txneier pa}+ Borzawer totE:rest on the Fonds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge:. Harrower and Ixnder may agree m writing :rt the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest nn the Funds shall rte patd u, Barmwer, arts unless +ttch agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />requires such interesr to be paid, Leaser shall not he regwrrt! to pay Harrower tins ,merest or earnings an the Funds. 1 ender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge;, an annual accaunting of the l=ands +howing credits and debits to (fie Funds and the
<br />• ~trpose '.' which sec:f dabit t the Fvrds -Has made. F'.te F;:nds a.c pledrsr:i as :tdditiana! s~uritc fer the some secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />i[ the atnesunt of the FurtEis held by [tinder. tagethrr with the tenure monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dtx dates of taxes, assessments, tnsurantx premiums and ground rents. shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assesstncnts, insurance premiums and gmund rents as the} tali due. such excess +hali be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid io Borrower or credited to Barmwer on rnonthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hedd by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, :assessments. insurance premEitms and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender an}' amaunt necessarc to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is matted
<br />by Lemtlrr to Borrower requesting payment thereat.
<br />Utpaut payrttent in full of ail sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph I8 hereof the Property rc +uid ar the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shttU apply, rro later than tmatediatety prior to the tale at the Property or Its acquisition try Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Leader at the time of application as a a:redit against the sums secured by this Startgagc.
<br />3. Aisa td ! ~n!e:s app#i;:able !aw prnvidw Etherwise. a!I payments rece:ved by Ixneler under the
<br />mate and paragraphs !and 2 hereof shal# ere applied by Lender first ut pxyntent <ri amatarrts payable to Lendrr by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to tntcrest payatr{e on the vote, then to the princtpai [.f the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />A. Chattiges; [.ieos. Harrower chal# pay .ell takse+, us+essments :End uthcr chargees. fines :end :mposiuons attrtbutahlc to
<br />tier Pcoprazy wltif:h may attain a priority over ibex tiforigagr. and ieauuhold payments e,r grouted rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof or. rf oat {:natal :n such munne.r. hy~ Boer[rawt~r rrt~akirag payment, when dare. clinctl.v to the
<br />payee tlterrof, Borzower cleat! promptly f€[rrnsh fa bender all nrn.rces of amortms clue undre than paragraph. and in [hc avant
<br />Borrower shall make. payment [iirtetfy. B[srrawer +hatl promptly' tunztsh per I..ettder art:eipts a^vrdencmg ouch pavtnents.
<br />Iorrower shalt pretitptiy discharge any IEen uhtch nas pnonty ,r,.er the :vf ortgage: pro.~:ded. that Berrrwer ,hall net tx
<br />required to discharge any such lien sa long as Harrower +hal# agree m tinting r<, the payment :,t ;hc nbbganun ,ecured by
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lendrr, ar ,hall m good lanh Conte+r +uah teen hv, nr defend cntorccment of such lien in.
<br />legal proceedings which operate to prevent the enlurcement ul Utc i~cl; .•r tortelture nt the Propere7 .x any part thereof.
<br />5, Hazard lamnraacY. Boaower shall keep the :mpn>vrmen[+ neni cv+hng ..r 'zercattec rtectcd on the Property meured
<br />against loss ny fire. hazards included wnhtn the term '~rxtcndcd .:u+~crage:~ . and +uih :uher hazards as (.ender tttas' reyenre
<br />and :n such amounts and fur such lxusxls as Lender rnay- regmre: pu,o-rded. that (cosier ;haft r=ot rcgwre that nc~ amount of
<br />suctf wveragr exa:rxd Shat amaunt of a:oserugr rcqu:red to pay the ,u:m ,.eaE:rr:d ha kh:+ Mart gage.
<br />Erse rasara[n.e earner p~rawidtng rr~ to>ursnee +halt kx' ~hox.u ''S Hntruwur :EUbpctt r:r apptara'a# E+y i.cndcr, provtdrd..
<br />that such ~apprmat shall naa¢ txo rutreaaanably :vithheid :~Il ptemurm, on ,n'settalrce 'ultr~eLa ahm0i ne paid n: ih~e manner
<br />ptavtded tattier paragraph 2 tterrof a!t. !f teat paid ur such !nunuct. !?y Hurrownt tnak.uag ourtr:ertt, when due. ,LrrcllV to the
<br />iastewrtce a:arrrec.
<br />ell in3;:r:=r:a:r ,....> -, a^ E .r... ..als er£t,t =lRa. ~ tt :o,t - E. «;,?_hlt r , ! . ;. 3,. .. +4s- +.1-~d, e;dy: ! i. -y,'sr~~'
<br />aiaux in laver a€ and un form ~urptabie tar Lendrr. Lcndet ,halt h:aue the rtpllrt ta, ttu.oid Ohre pub<rta+ .uzd rrntasai+ tnereut.
<br />tins: &rrrrtwtar shall prnrttlNa,} terrnttttt re3 1„sinter a'il rrerewai nnu.es a~tEi -t 14 rc`tl:a~.•t1MS of !sues'! lmrtrE,~nn, lea the e=crn of iti~s,>,
<br />~rttfia'w4t s;zal, yzvc ~u~rf`r'. t~iri' io i~ ~naurar>*.-[: ~atr[cr anal i.endcr. i.cruu: m., _. mnr:z ;,r c:.: lass :i r.st m.:dc prcTtnptiV
<br />6y BOrrawrr.
<br />tnlrss I-easier arsd Borrower oth,=rw[x agree in wnttng, insurau~c prv~eed+ shall hr .rpplted ter re~torauon „r repair of
<br />the Prapeny damaged, provta~ai such rrstarauan or rrpau is econonttcady tcastbie and the +ervniy of thES Mortgage ~,
<br />nut rhereHy itnpatred. If such restarauarn ar rrpuu Ei not econonttcai#y ieaatbie .u it tltC xcuuty e,t the !Mortgage would
<br />ix Empau'ed, the insurance pru'<:reds shall t+e appiE;.d to tha %tu'ns ,c~urrd by the Mortgage. •s-nh the cases, if any. par!
<br />to Sorsanvrr, if the Proprrfa' is abandoned I~ly Hnrntwer. an ,t &nn+wer r,ui, tr, reeptntd to I code[ wuhm iU day+ team the
<br />date txsuce h entitle.! by t~ndet to Barnrwer that ihr insurance ~arocr ~,tter± ar +ettie .: ~#aint to[ nz+utancr tmnchts, !_endei
<br />to autburtzCU to cuEICCf and apply the ,nsmatnc pra?ce~ls at Le~de~~, „puVn cuhv[ to redorauun or :epau :,i ithe Prolxsrtr
<br />or to the swrta sauced by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lrtxkr and Ban ewer r,thrrwtx .tgECC .o wr[hng, ens ,out appL~anun :,f ptocceds ro ptmc,pal .hall nut extend
<br />of ih~btpatnC the due date r,i the reEOnthl+ utslalMnrnt+ ract;ed ~:. ~,, tsar ss rep~6,. ~ .nd ~'c rr•; :. ,lr,mgc ,hr .,:nrnr,t .~!
<br />such tnstaihrrcnts. ll ufalar puragrapit '.~ he[eot tin: 1'r.,~at, ., ~yu::rrl :~. Lc~mJ.~: _:::-ght, -,tie .rod ~nn•,e,t .=t Ho;f,:,>•e:
<br />in asx! fer ctnv resat guar po7tere~ an~a :n and n. tax #rE Oa_aed+ theteut :r,u:uug I.~au uau.a;te t;: she I'r,:ixa, ;=rn=± ~-. ;?say =-,n
<br />ar as~uuetarn sha#! ~s+ to fs~tuier R+ tttr e,ECnt .~t the ,wn> -,c. err,: ' . :tr, tt,,;tgagr ..raxe.inuci. ;+re ; .. .:ch ,ate , .
<br />BC,tiUiStti66.
<br />b. Ltr~trsaYwst acrd ~ittiots+wuc`t ed Pruprny: i,rstsrlwtlels; l'uodoutiaiutar: Piaeerd !belt I>k+rioptttepu,. tt<+r r[+w c!
<br />cleat! keep the Fhuperty ut goad rs°patr aril shall not :omtart ~sastc ,•r #nrm[+ ~mpa:rnten[ or drterturntnaE of the Pro#+etn
<br />ate # ~a~~ry'~sE` -- ~~ pf"~tia;'#;s 4ti air ~asc- ..r., Yfca.~,age - ., .. ,,.aa~:<-.~.. .n; .i.,, ,.~at:>_ ,.., ..,. ...
<br />e(rrta#Vftiuttitrrt or a i)'i~tItMGSI etr}tt dC+e;aapinenl. Ba't fr:r*CI et}tx~ fa.tir:l n: ,Ell : ! Hal [t?wvt+ ,~hitgdlx:ns it (.del ne .1,. eaE.nl, •it
<br />ar wavenatatx '-reatlttg nr ya~krrlrtty; lets ~,•ndoiirll ',err . i j`i:tf1lieit ~11ie. tic~u4lpnaa'ui. 'hl ts4 iaw+ :#,1 ;its Ls;:,l~ .`~ '. hY
<br />Ce8]tlfi#71iXtttanY cat ~3Ra~ tin1Y QGkL`h.3lrtnetn, stul n+ttl ttrr;l .k i:ntr;a+ if ~ ..,.,n,r •IEUr»am .t. i+lazvtc-d ~.:: .ir.. i. ~pntc r,r
<br />f'ider iS r<:kttiiitd+d by BBtArwer and trcnr~a! ea.gefhet ~~+: ch Hie, 9lartgage. ihr ~v+en:.ut+ ti=ed .lKreCtktrut+~,. _,~h udc:
<br />shit! EEC rm;orp[tiatcai into and shaall .amend sent +uppktnrat the a+•acnaru= sort .E~uentents rt Eh:c Mnrtgake ..+ ,i ~:hc oriel
<br />s rrs +t art herd.
<br />i, ;'sfsn tsf [,aYlita=s 5tcgtkty, It t~xtower tail, ut f~:norns rho; .rtver±anh :.uJ ~.cctuw•ats :.r.nta„trd ~:. ,hE.
<br />hl6t~a~, err if ~y aitNSrE er{ }Hesze~e:,ng a ..an>lnrtns.i +.hnan nEarrrralfs ales, t cn.te, . ,~nere.t .u Else lhuf.e,tr
<br />iiltltl~ifl~ tyf6 i5a$ ittfllSCd W, e~m~raent dcanaiit. .:,*vlvcnc?. :,i+dC ~.n tr..: t•[nr. al. :<[au ue-n4•:;h ,.< ;~rt;l eECimys ~mol.: ._ .t
<br />i
<br />`~%itr~-apt txr itr,..xcf.4tat, '.hCn Lc~teiet at 2 e.t.trt', upt;or, rs[xtn n.rr±4c ;,, it„r:.=wc.. .-,:. ak.z ~ :uv .,i•pra,.:En« ..~+ ,:,.E ...:t
<br />fr~nai5 acid tike xttc`it at.'t t{F.ri is i9 [rEt,„rNCiff y' rJ irrx,k ci;, #.E:nda'I ' ?tCE E-. ...f.n .."~t,: ~ ':.tn.rt: -1. ~,!'•u.•ot ,: Ea :,S
<br />€soa~at,abie attat~y~ t~s ati auEtry .flees! the i' ;~:as tr az,[ku ~aPn,l, fl ..,r,ta; ,,,. _. ar;c :.r,,.=a:a. .,.
<br />..
<br />.ax~ltttc;., .., t„>akcng t .tzt r<s.ctt.=<! h~. :its. 3f...,t;at;, li ..e «v, ,,, ..:.,..:s.,r ti , :a.. :tn,.:t s ~ . ,,.
<br />,_?~ta*>n+k.~ .,x ~,~= E.Pai` s*es i, £rih+t =+i s•,s. rty..E=tit[rUatf €t•! •u r ~r,curaE u +.:s .. .~ _ 4;1..._,. _. [t<., s.. ,.. .,-,
<br />