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~'£3-- t1(k afl68 <br />pttior tcs entry ~ a ~ tnft~stng this !;(tort=sue rf_ tat Borro+rer pays Lcssder akd scsrtzs srhx;h tze then dzae urs4tr <br />thrs kAort. the '•lcste and hates +ererziag Ftzttsrc .Advances.:f any. had »a accckerasion ocewred; !bi Bnrrown cerrsa alt <br />tssrachts of asty orkser :xts ar agFa~eMS ~~ tinrrc~er onszwsncd :n this Mortgage; !.~ Harrower preys akl reasonsrble <br />expe~as tncttrrod Frg Lendv ixs ezsforcrag the crs*=etsanss and agzzertsents ol` Burrower caruained in shin Mortg:ae sad in <br />ez~txcitsg t-essder's t'dsstdiex as pmvidxd in paragrapR i R ttererrf, including. taut tzar kimited ta. rtarsottahk attartsey's fres: stud <br />f$k Horrtseret takes ,ast3s artian as Lender may t~ rogsure to a~rrt itz~ elsx lien of Mis 'rttxtgage, Lender's itttuest <br />~ dse y and Horrrxver's :-~btrgetion ea pay the searzs seeyred by rhrs Morigase shakd cantitszx tenitnpaired. Upon atiCh <br />paP ~ ctAe ~ Borrc+saer. tksis Mortgage and the tzbiigatuztts sawreck hereby shad( remain in fstkd force asst effect ar H <br />tw aecelersRiore bast occurred <br />Ii 4ar~enr of 1Re~ APPefsastaxnR of Raral~er, f.ewder lea fu®eaaker. At additional secvritF hereunder. Burrower <br />dzeseba zn Tststler the tents ~ the Property, provided Mat BtFnrnrrrtr shad. Saar to asceleratian urxler paragraph t8 <br />hereof ar abatzdtzrwrscaz cf zdze p7^nerrr, have the right to cnlde~ and retain stxkz rents as they hecortse dttt asst payable. <br />Gptzn aecekr:titxt under pangrs~h ix hereof car akzan<ianznerzt of the Prapem. [.ender. rn petsat, by agerst ar by <br />}stdicis$j appostxed receiver, skald he emuled to enter upan. rake posstwszan of and tttanage the Ptszpesty and w collect the <br />rrrt~ ~ tt~ rtY, irtctuding rklfv~ p~u drat. htt reins ctzttr~ted M Lm~r nr the reserver shall he applied first is payment <br />of the ccrstt of mana;ement of the PmpertY and ctzlktttinzz of rents. including, kart na limited ta. reserver s feu. prranisatss on <br />t7ceiver'a bortds and reastzrcatslc attarney's flees. and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Ltntkr and the receiver <br />snau ise iia4~ rsr accouxz: only for these reins actuak#v resolved. <br />2t, Ftspsre Alrttncea. Capon request a[ &zrrrnver. Lender. at l.endei s optran prior to release of skis Mattgage• may <br />rtzake Future Adttarzces tis Borrower rtx:h Future :Adv~neew. wrth raters(( Hereon. shall tse secured hY this Mortgage when <br />evidetuxd by ptsxtsissory notes stating that zisd ruztes are secured 6crebp. .At no tune sbal! tht principal amount of the <br />irsgebttd>ress xcttred by this Mortgag~t. non rnshiding sums advanced rn accnrdante hersv+iM to prrnect tk~ security of tltia <br />Mme. exrxed the orrginai utsntttt{ of the Nrnc ptus t.iSS 1,By.5.flfl. <br />Tx Rden~r. Uptrn paytaotst of ail ssuszs secured trv Mis Mangage, tender shall discharge this Mortgage vvitboeF <br />charge to Harrower. Barrcrvvtr shat! pay all casts of rctcrdaau*n. ~; anv. <br />IYi t$r[NE55 v1FHERxai:, Borrower haw exeeutcd this Mottgage. <br />4 p <br />1' <br />J ~ <br />/~it1~.+l71 1. r>i$l4~ ~ "'~nawar <br />'hBT;~I k! « Pi3tiICZ7lt1II ~-ioreowar <br />J~N2~ flP ~8tttsJ'lS1tA,.. !'~! . .. . t.'t33rrltY u: <br />Mkt this..... ~~.. ?'::~s; . . , .day of ... Octeber .. . , 1 ~0. .. Fzcforo inc. rtes unslcrsi <br />g»ed, a Notary Public <br />duky cotnrttixaiottes# atxk quaiif~sk fur sort counsy. pcrsanaily eaax. ~i1,iII .L.. gaastrnasin.apd, Sa7s3.M.... - . . <br />pAq~t;~fl. .~, rif~~ . to the known to he the <br />idetNica! peru7n{s) whose nazrte(s i are suC?scrihed ,s~ the fcsregoing inwtrum.nt and acknowkdgcd the execution <br />tlaafetaf to b:. , .'-~-.~. _ ..... v,~ktmzarv ~t and s~p~t <br />Witta~ss my hath3 sad ne+tarias scat at .rr7F"ttdp.'t...?.~latad. sn ~atd count'`, the <br />taro aforeattiti. <br />Mr {:ntz~it~n ems, ,. <br /> <br />~~•~•- <br />arv u <br />- - - :50w=~ allot TMs a~r.~o aa~ ~.anaer ~rw ~~:.a•asr: <br />