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e <br />a.; tea its: <br />a ~e will >romPUY Pal ekta irtdabta~a evflttetrrted kxg`~d ptamfa~tt+~"'rmte st'3tta 4t`u~d iid~5a"~°'.a <br />atra~eer titaerats provit$ad <br />b. Sa tali! pal ail tattrax aaaettttmeaa, tvtttsr rates, toad ether gavatnmantsl ar m{mkciruk eharg~; ftases,.a~ <br />i~ptadtiteta; ta{rwhich provi~uas has ttet beam made hrtrainhetare, and will pnompeky deliver the a~iak ra,s <br />S6errfar to the said ntartga~ee. <br />r. }Ir wild Eaay e~5ch exprnsea and €era as may he incurred in the protrct#un and mainteaaace of said <br />propesrty, #ttclttditt~ Lhe fees of any attarney employed by the mortgagee for the colkectian of any or ail of <br />ikwr #ttrkrkHrdneas hrreby setuxrd, ar far {orrckaaane by mortRagra a ask, ar court procaeditrga, ar in any other <br />litrgaNun ar prrx`trding afiret#ng said premittrs. Attorneys' fet* reasonably incurred in any other way ahakl ha <br />amid by the mor[Ragar. <br />rf, for knitter secarity of the indehtedereat hemhy secured, upon the regnd:t of the mortgagee; its ane- <br />cesaara ar ass#gna, hr shalt execute and deliver a supplemdata# mongage ar mortuaaPa severing ar.y .Aditi.~ <br />improxrr_mrnta. at fxtteraventr made to t.hc praiarrty hrnrrriu'~aal5urwe dracnikard :reel ak} property acggiradhy <br />iE a'~itrr the data Iterreaf fail pia Eorm satiafaciory tie ntort~,~,ngttru!:}, pnartite~rmare. shaukd mortgagor faik-'to eur~ <br />any rkrtaukt in the gayrtte.•nt of a pricer nr inierxar rnn:mhrattcr tkn the larcrperty cir tcrihed kiy this ittatrutttan4 <br />mart{gagitr herr6p agretttr to permit rnarl{taare to curt sue:lh c'rrfauit, Got xnurs~a~te is not ohli,~atrd is da sa: ' <br />seed anc}t advances s#5*E} become Fran of the iudxrknedneat Mrenraes.i }cep this inatn5ment, suhj~~ct io the same <br />irrana and cr5nditie :s.. <br />e. 7•hr rigktia created !?v t,iia raarrt~anee whwi'd rrmam irra IFnd^I' Earce nand eifert duriag soy postgonemettt <br />at rxierrsion of t#xe lima a( papmeni of the rre:ir#tiedncaK .~cidesxetd i.v easel i,roame.=nrv nc.2r <.r env part th?rcof <br />w+cured hcrrbp. <br />~. lie wii# rontinaousiY maintasn hazard rnw5ranrr, of .urh type ~=r types ,and in nrreh a5nounis us the <br />ntartxsr:•fe mac EranS time 2a trmr requtrr nn rhr tmprurrmrnts new r.r hr re•aiter an eaid property, and <br />:s}#S pay prastptky when due an7r premiums therefor. Ali ituaranrr s#tall hr carrne~ in e~patstie* a~pta:krk <br />to mutigaaa and the pakicira and retxwala thereof shall be hekd by ntartgaRse and bare attached thsrota <br />iota payable cLttuaa in Eavor of anal in form acrrgta}xka to the nassrtga~~ ~ ei<~ ~ s~r•~~= si13 ~~ <br />ittaratc-skirts noiiae in w;eittng ra mcrrtga~re, and mQrtgaitce map make taraaf of hxaa if net made antrsatkv k.x <br />tnartg~ggr, aaa cac1± u3a_uratta! rantpany cruteertarti is hereby ~autktortraai and dirr.ek- ~ W erase payt;aent f=x su::h <br />F~ ckr~ae*iy to ~ ice;==} z, ~_ ara='a,=tg;i~r~r ~s>•rS mtrW~~*1i~ .~°i~63Y, sad iha• inauranze prods, nr an7 <br />-_ ~ - - :~ »f,~.#:~. u __ ~.>« a.:ta .zp#ia,} ait#tryx trq rha. re.~ttetir5n of t?xg sn~La§t~~ ° -x~-r•eh'i <br />n:==:-y_z~ =: °° ~o ::` - ° e€~'i;-= t~ •-'~ p-u~usiT =i~~rx k~ rrA' S€ ~rcr-vra_', s ~r.~~ri r~ lr.r~si:5rr~ :~ Y~3 <br />tsx~t ••t-tf.s: t: aS~Eer ~, ~ ,~ ~ r -,-i s;t:a. e!9;t.;•rM: r,. ,rr= :=u,..G....r.,.n~. rW, e..rr~ nnre#ry, ski <br />-~r~',s_ - _ - _-___-__ __ -__ _,- s ~ .,. _~, .~ -, .~..~~.` ~ __.,~~ .,aT.. _._ .__... era:- C €a ~~ <br />e. Elr wii# `step :xil }tueRdixrgs attd rx{i5r-r .nal.r.,. r:r-nta :.,, a:d i;ray-.zrty i ens'} repair aua =+aradit#aa; <br />wail ptt,ara, ramtatt, :,r >u 7ee na waste, nnpairtnrnt, dotan.nai5uex ui -arJ preeprrtY ,rr st5v part £herauf: <br />set t#.-r rcrrn ..E Eatl;tr,- .r€ 5ri,* axaritrupnr su ~rrir she h5xti.i5n„a nn .a t.i prr:nx.e> .5nxi t#xn.«~ <rrried oa stiid <br />(:rs=r-aaise-x, or it+t#stwcaara.:rds tieererxn, trz ;,-Kral repair, the rxvsrtrar,P-r r:xaa f,ash rr i.ssre as en its :4isrrrtian it <br />snap rte r~ec-.ace - ?er t'n prz,prr t=rea«•r. atx+>n t15 r , t ,nsl tree tui! a taunt nt each ,rrni e,rrp each paxmrset <br />aktakl Rn'{otn5cakrateig ,}urr i #,a~:b#r and .hKl! fw ~rura<i ha the hrn~=f thze nn>r5~agr <br />E4. lit er{## ne;a ~y#ftpfa€!li rfs'atc^ :_: E;-rrssa:£ €a h€~ e-zz'-~r,r•;~~ ~~,trnsE ihr 4,ragxeriv u[rp€rt to thin murt~+a ~z~ <br />*nr ttrrr ar i:r;-:.e t53izst~r' =,r aup~ri€rr to ekes lir`rz z,f Eiaza r e °t;_aan ,ritharst .he r, rr€£a+u cunsrn5 tr€ tlee n urt• <br />~.:we€e: asu# Enrth~•-5, frr ,m;li t~.,= ..tea? ;; .. .,.,, :h ~a,,,- _.~ .rr.i,e :ne rratrn rri nil pFra:rr eupi.,ivirxt, :.xi:,tz or <br />mairria ie far ra~r -trrsraa:+u aE xng one! elk Lnih#t :#s ~r wry ~ .~.:.nrnts r=.r» hr,ap err.-te,l m 5rr he ern".2ad am <br />Kuini pre rw rata. <br />tl' ,=at ..... ra t..arr .,E the r?•nt :., _,ear# n=urt~a;t.~ri i:n.E~,rt a- , r ...-t:.uia~h, :,r r~=en, r <br />sat kuk,siaat£ia1lv`ultze aa:yrE i5~s5n~3 ~rtirarti the wrretrn c=anx-tax,;; tfx?-netts?+aier. -- -' <br />j. -.-elk amartkr y3 z#+tt:tarn in eas,rtariiyzr;a sat, s' .5aii~aazn~,2:;rsz E::: t.u3,h.- ,s-- r:f .;r : .r.rv trz an< v; the <br />~tayt-'rtq §i},~}{.gge f& i~tt xtt.;: €' - -= t_ ~~ „_uh sr.~t 5-,. it t__ <br />~Ea6ftiE 1+J {tatuM_83t v?! ttrY tv E3'_ ""~yrrg 5s.: ,i.°-.. _°~_ °wc-4 z_., .,s,u x s3,iE=5c~-s __ _ ., ~_ __ <br />na€aaz x a5rr sx€=art _ xa , .~ r . ute ata~ -z°,sa rr «ixi :.c.#rasaa = ,l5. -e E -z..i iz+ ,al tr .t-«, x x• s ,:..€a,a izr,•k. <br />~- 1 rti~rr,~ -~eaik €f.F°r :?,-e €a~?z: tzr erfi~.:.t ihr z r=~~~~:~ E- .5na=~e ~t .tf re.a~r -nea+ tsrrxw, <br />k,§rfan{`t rte asxc al t#x- €•caeen<t •r ,~sa ti f r# r+, ~~ae ..~ ~,s i. - y t- .~ __- _-_, <br />hx at'3r « aki~ #Cr~itaafs t s ~ rtgag= f s xi~t 3 E o xha r ns< ud t } rr xt t t3 tn" E r 5r, ~i ti « opuses ,ei the <br />ra+*rtq~gae r=r #z€a ..a:r~>~ i, ~twtp, xt,rti<s# xitat .ht` n,,,ri~a~a€}r#tai =:a urh n~Eat unttf irfarrPts [ isar5 atxx:irnrh <br />1'*ukt, {kraz t=.5ortx~:is~~: akaa3l krrrr;rar tEar r e,nrr of riI s.E akin rr>:xta en,i i nti5; a,: r::x .tEEez de•Eaul: eruriFt <br />f~ t it ,.. -.. ti .red hrrvkrg, ar5ch ~t etc r5girt to strict uy,aat e:,id i±r5t{°v-rye l,.rrt lxa t seise-an af -C=,-ri txn~* rata-.h <br />t~ata sari freest " 2'fr•~+s iuat3ttAl4taat:hall sate;-at>v a±art seal;5aaavttt wl wt relrSai a ~ . =ropa-r?t to =.ixat rstenf <br />Po'° 'a. <br />