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~:;a~~~# <br />. _ :3. 'bite mortgagor covenants and agrees tbat if rte airs€€ fait tis pay ~aidtndebtadnasa or any part thectb# wires= <br />dne; or shalt faiE 8a perform any rovenam or agreement of thin instrument $c,t€te~promissgSy rtota etcured F~re}te~-tI <br />tt#iet indebtedness hereby secured shah immediately became-due, ~~ya(ale, and co€iectib€e ~w{~toul notice aty~ <br />o}rtiott of the mortgagee or assigns, regard€esa of maturity, and the mortgagee ar'nis assigns may~befare ar m#tPr ielflk}4 <br />an3J=-wid- propcrky without appraiaemtnt ;the mortgagor having wa#t~~ att2!! atb#"~Cned C3o e~tp~»~rtgagee a~f itghta e~ <br />alaapoeaaertt+ent t : ~ - ~ - - ` <br />_ 1 c 1 at judicial lair pursuant to Eht pravisiona of 2$ U.S.C. 240i (a) ; yr <br />{ kt) at the option pf the martgugtr, either by auction or by eotfratation of aeatad ~idn,~#or thac~ilgbtstardd~- <br />beak bid ewttplying with the terms a# salt and manner of payment apeciGedin the pttbliahed notieent Bak; filet <br />giving four wrrka' notice of the time, terms, and place of such salc;~by advnitisemeiit not teseYikan once <br />tturirtg aarh of xaid faur wreks in a newspaper published yr distribated in the Bounty in which aei~ property <br />is aituated» ail otbrr teotirt be#ng hereby waived by rtes mortg:gar (amd said mortgagee, tie alp"ptxboa-taa- <br />bthalf of said tnortgagec, may bid with kht unpaid indebtedness cvidtnctd by acid Hotel. Said sale shal€'be <br />ttetd at ar tm tttr praptrty to bt sold ar at rite Fcderei, rnunty, ar city caurthoute tar tht county in whic€t the <br />proprrty is taratad. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to ezceute for and on behalf of the tnartgagor sad to <br />deii22r is the purahaser at sorb, Bak a wfliccient.cvmtyance of said property, whielt conveyance aha€€ sontaiut <br />rmeita~~aa !ri the #tappating of the default upon which the exmruxian of the power of salt heron granted <br />tbtprtttda: and tht said mortgagor hereby aarsstitutas and appibi~nta the mortgagee or mny ag~stttor attorney a# tlra <br />ttaattgagte, xht agent and attorrtty in feet of said mortgagor to maltt such rttita4 and ko etttcute avid <br />caatvtyatsee sad F~tmYty cavtaanta and agrees that tltt recitaia acs made shat) be effettaa€ ko bar all eeyaity or <br />u~:i~tat of rcarmpdion, hvmastead. down, and ail ether rxrmptictris of the nwrtgagar, ail of which art hereby <br />txpmeaaly waived amt convcytd to the mortgagee:; or <br />t'tt 1 takr any attter appropriate aetian iturs€tant to state or Federal statute either iu state or Federal <br />trourt ar utherwiae far the disposition of rite property. <br />to iht went of a tale sa hereia.abovr prvvidrd. thr atvrigagar ar any person in pvserasian nndrr the ntartgagor shall <br />etten itrramr and be tenants,h3ahfictgavara~i..ttatE~#orthwith drbrrr passeasivn to ahr. purchaser at auc6 tale or bn <br />wmmariiy dispoaseasrd, in sceordanee with ;Fite-,prtFriaivus o{ law applicable to tenants imldittg over. The power <br />and agtncv tttrcby granted are cooplad wi[ and are :rrrvaeabla by death az otherxrisr--, and are granted <br />as cttenutatirr to the nmrtfics tar caitrrtiva of xaiai indetrtr€tness previdesi by taw. <br />~. `f'Itt proeteda;~f~arap; sate said pr;rpgrty iu accarttanct with rtes prrr~di;tg paragraphs sisatt be apptitd ft*_at <br />ko pay rtes costs a of said~aai=., abt rrapatmas inrarrnid by tito~aaasrtgsigar for ti:s: pur~poer of ji~rotretitt6 or maip~ <br />tainm~ Maid prof ~Y_ and lr.~,«.~it a2?+tretEra- [~x~ ~-= d.0.yf is t:-a~y ado i~a.€rettsr.E.t ~t'~t~t l.e: tom; a.:.~l.€!a~i.:i?r. <br />txs tt-Y Ra=r axe ui :ate czccasz ors t`tst sxrr~ta :?r g,rr~?n~ i">i~i3Y ~?t#t f@d i~~iat-._ . <br />`- to ;•~` ~_ ~=~ -----'- -- - ~ - <br />.~- _ _ a ~ _~ , .anw.. =avs..__~ =l.a - - - - .+c .ai sais 's.--enausst•m <br />ttrt€nttd, aaa3 the proc~ds}arr curt stt~riapt Fo par the ta~~isndaLttdxt*ea aacurad try Chia irtatrntatut sad tvidaaced by <br />slid protaiaaary trzeka, th,s aiattgagea wilt let eatittad to s dtFtctrncv ;ud~ttnt fo€ t#tr s>vuuut of the de,€irirnry tcritltoua <br />r~tganF to appwntsx€+rawad. <br />tx. la rive crept tits mar;gagar faik la pay any P'e.€Irrai, nt<t4+~, ar local t,xa sveaastrse€st. tarottte tax ur atbrr tax Ii.^.ex, <br />charge, frr, ar athrr exfwnar rhar~r€i agauset t}sr prof .rte, ti:r n=art~agra is F:..€. by ,at}:u,t,=.! at t s s<y.ty?s i3 t;a, <br />Fh.. aatrett_ .0.ny avapx av paw by tiK -~urtgaftee shall hr atidrd is artef t~'svw.~• a frrrt of tltr p:itsc,ipai Qasxaurt a4 the <br />iaedta tx_id~et~tt by #ai€S tt4kr-, nttbr#t"et to t#3r 33axr. trr[n» and ranffiiicsn5-. tf tltk :iicsrl}'zagar ~ttRlt ply Aad <br />d'tarltarer 9tM itsdebtedpeaa eritixtttc°:d fvy said v_ - ___ y a}..ta•,,~.1 tittsii ~ .._ __....„;:i:hsii t,is:iv-°--- °ii ta.~. <br />~.F= <br />xad tittaa and lira evrsts» fecr, and ea i>etwea ra making, enfvrciug, anti sra~zttin;t ttbxsy xa;artFage, shztt lists €ttctrigagr <br />steal! bt ratttclaxl aril sarrrwalerctl. <br />*. 7`iaa ca?.rtaaaar tt+rnasax catttai~tvd trail Lied and rite Lt:aakits sad advatttagrra a€tali inurr. to tFte rmp-skive aur- <br />r~palsass and aasirxt tad rtes parki+sa brreto_ i6?haparsr ttstd, the sittg±atar numLer shah iaciuxFr€ lira piarat, errs plural the <br />aitFar_ atad t of say ~e'sitsali it all bra. <br />es, err wair~r u# a t u*xettaat h~rr~iu ar ^f klsa rsbtigati€xxt exasr€c~~l hea€:?rp -halt ar a:ss :-itrst€ t#xE ~ft~r tae aI3 `r. <br />to ba a waiver et# the kerrtts tear c ° ca sx[ elxe €taxtr. ~c-ured hrr€tity, <br />9^ fa tnrnplitante tvtt}a arettiou €bt.l t d g aa€ lire 1{utxa and ft~ti :t( t4xx• Sx;r~'. lr.,~~,-~-~ :~i~s~ttiau i 13 { <br />L`_F_bi. I@A:Y£d} Ix t - °-_=_. c t~ :.~ 8~.;;j;..;~,. ~» ~ --_ <br />- ' -t.. ~-:.&+aa`~u ea aceizr+iaues wttL appiiaairie i`etierat iavo-~. <br />€ }otkxe*at trrr.t» arrsr, ar judgatratt htttditag eaty pruvesiun ar i;artieu3 a:f the t~sstruxxxr 3 i~v: isr3 :sr ust- <br />e°ri?~=h#r..'.+ali nxt is trap way ianpair ttF prca.tvtiz t#te txa#nsratntat :s# tie r~ruaitainyy re-.-a~tsis-.rss- ur p;,zatatva of <br />tlaia to>era exnttktk, <br />aaA av.~~ eat € ., ., ,. <br />