<br />' isa:ln ,ad iate;< ibis 18th gsag t~ Oetober ,
<br />2980- , aadbetwY.en Richard fellows and Bartrara P_. .Bell,owa, husband end wife,
<br />Ehrrraaafter referred to u nxort~agor) rind ttte rAdministratar of the SatdT Flaaineas Adtuinistration, an agenav p$.t6e.
<br />forortesneat of thr LFaited Starts of rl.merira (hsreiaafter mfrrrtd to as-rnartgagce}. who-^--?--=~=-sea='..-wid-.
<br />~leoe of btednrd st Enpire Stara Building, 19th and rarnam Streets, Omaha, Rebraska b$i02.-
<br />~~, that far the comideration 3tet~ataafter stated, rereipt a5 which 8a hetrebp asEaotidedtg4tS.,tha
<br />mattga~-dries herebp tnartEaRe, se11, Rra9t. +uni6is. sad caavep-ante the--martgap~e;..bu.sue~aaia--ea3-~;
<br />o! the falFowiti6 deserihed fsropr~€ip situated aad hein~ is the Cotnntp of : Hall-
<br />Stete of .debraaka
<br />~: tract cif la>;ss s:aln~ri_sin~; 3O.CPO5 acres„ m4'Frsr. or Less, loceted
<br />in a dart caf tl~e SOUtt.eest t'Ivart;?r (SEt€:1 r.~P' ,iaytntian '~.~!"s, Turm€~hip
<br />k? abrth, Tt~ngc 11, ta'est cef t~her o,':h 1.'?[.
<br />i+a,F:re(pra~ rs et7e ur€s~i srzo.-e 7.rteg ;a;! nAit i'te~~ AiH it. _i#Yrr= aecrdbrct7 n~; hYas n€a€ trrxeitr2t €c, sYtt }:ttrui9wYas;, }arax3na~, ;t~#eb
<br />n~, .r--set€ia~ltn~, €`cj rk~rr a?ir3~, sk'na .£aa ru?€1A~, ce2g .~,naxt F;#t,€€i-YS;,, .n F,t„a a'r.d o,. ~tael e-ie ~i1ar raa.xrd pk<e~,rar 1'zs~~r#r~y
<br />ti ial:@iij{ ltf- e 1 i~_ - f -Y;_3_fk i3. ~? tay .,_„ € -rc€=. - ~ ~3='.? -,_,__ i,s _ .,.x..
<br />xa.. - .. s*a -- - *1
<br />^iak~a-+€t a ~.- _ €:1- -Ftp i, a.;e1 g'.S :..g€e .:at- .. :r .Y rat ca=, €, - arY
<br />- - rx u _ .! 34, €l.r- ..:#: Y#.: t - 6..o-rss F t? ~E
<br />a;Year=?eat~re €~;;ntc3 atl a>ih~-v e~i€;lat.~ i#rE-r~ua'a{.Ire#ci..{~i~~,. t.r ter ,ankwiy, `,.k iir€yalriit3-gt..s€stk the race~tias€ ~t1tc1 e~r•
<br />r -:are_,,, € eta;krr ~?aai rcrY€uees 3t-r~. -sr3 Yr4iet. 1e6 -- 1-ad#;ziicux, ss€e1t ¢la€ ra^xee-,. ix.,s..~s, 1a,ae1 tare.4ik;, «t ita,~ aeesa r•
<br />.~k•*rriai IY€ui•a~rY S~ [SrruruEx ll, l1Ye.rce.•.r- t3??€t ti€a= : €„:¢„s,.- -t.~l? E.r r€€:€.k~,l :.s tt - ,.u»x+.,ta: to a#t -:€iak pY, s3k:eree
<br />-~ - ~ - - -
<br />-=T - ~.- -~ ~- ,~~.-~., ~,a {€,-.~. - iz e:.:~,at €:x• rr-tact.. t. zex :€„ate ~.€#,i €x. ..~E€i €3e.~ r~,~€•
<br />-. _. e~ie YY~fi':T- a~r.i € 3€s:- .~ s:e e~.N .
<br />i - r €~ ~ e - *isFt=€i keK~1Fe-te?.
<br />~mrza-;qgt ~grtcvesl+YE4 ?{f{.Y tae: ;a€ t~g~g#e~r Y~rI_YP 4 ?€n_a ~~.~ nt z,a.i b ,~ .~- ,..Nv, .n ! ..~
<br />~ra~;~tdr.. #~§~? rlae ~3iva,r 4. a r'r;s€si ,~6k :at~cx~3trrrt=a'.Y;w rcc?fit xe 3;arr~sr~5~u++e., rs;~rit.~ is rrt~ci S~x~! tar. 1¢rxwb?r irYxri~r
<br />tY;)ttms~f d&iT tip StYyt_.Bp~Yit2 ie} Y.R.23A-'M1t t4 ~d's~:t ~rakk -F; ~, : ekF~ :sew aS BTF.fbfe3 chera4t;+ daaY Y^ta`€< tssai FBIC tCe.[ #q-#elsibt
<br />€ s'.:7 esp sett knars€,aas avha+f3a:,tare:.
<br />Y.~~ f ![l t f 4 ~1 $~ E41tS .!Y -iq~4 f 9 E'Li t a- ^,} Fay a .7:CL LR# G'?~.S ~,A
<br />? 3 i €:d a.,. a'; .t'.. , ' _ C! aa1 ars 11 to - 4 - 112 ;;y„ e4.~ € f~ e i `?'ti (i
<br />e ~~>f_ -_
<br />##'Y^'z"'i _-i4 i~, k iG°.Fan's.3 .. #a~~.k.+il#k~Fi. S:.~Er. ,.. c.i latw~ Diu .31't -. r.e~i <Y?=-~,.,
<br />- -- '.....z::-.ems -:.n+a ...:A .- - ". [~.;i.
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