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~G- ~~ 191 <br />L,endar', written agremen! ar appiicab#e taw. 8arrewer shah pay the amoun4 of ati mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />matinee praridcd ^rder paragraph 3 hereof. <br />hay amnt#nis disFxTrsed by I:andcr pursuam to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shat? hecome addidana{ <br />irdeirtadness of 8armwer secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and f_andcr agree to other terms of payment, such <br />-amounts she## ba payable upon notice from Lxndar to Bcrrower ragnesting payment thereof, and shall lease interest from the <br />data of disbatraament at. the-rate-payahEe' from time to time en outstanding nrincipaS ur:der the Note unless payment of <br />iatargst'a[ swh~rale-wou#d tie eantrary to ~applic&ble which even[-such amounts shad liar interest a4 the-highest rate <br />}aermes3tb7a nrfdar-applicable taw. llrath#ng contained in this paragraph 7 shalt regatta Lender to incur any expense'or take <br />arzy anti r~ herennder. <br />- & IitaPection. Lender may make or cause to be made rcasnnable entries upon and inspections nF the Property, pravidecl <br />that L~znder~sha!}-give Borrower notice pror to any such inspection specifying reaxonabta cause therefor related io Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. ~Cot[dtzaasttan. The prcxE~da of any award or c#sim far damages, direct ar cansequentiat, in connection with any <br />catdomnaticstt err oHter Lsking of the Prrrpertg. or hart ihareaf, or far canvcyanee in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shad ba paid.ta Finder. <br />Ltt the Brent of a total taking of the irruceriy. the pro,,-eels ahal! he app#EW to the sums secured by Chia Mortgage. <br />with the exraas, if any, peed to 8arowcr. In the event of a partial taking of nc~ Property, unless Harrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there char! he applied to the sums aecumti by Chic Mortgage such prapertian~ of the proceeds <br />as is equal fa that proportion which tht amnum of the sumo secured fiy this 44nngage immediately prier to she data of <br />taking kxrrs to the fair market value of the Prapcrty immediately prior to the dare of taking, with the balance-of the.pmaeeds <br />paid m Harrower. ' <br />[f the PraperFy is abaraianed try Barrawer, nr if. after notice t,y i.ender to Harrower that the condemner offers io make <br />~:-award rr s:;ttie a c#aim fcr darnages, Fkrrrnx:er .fails in respond to i.cndcr within 3p days after tha'date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is atrtkarized [a callext and upp#y ohs: proceeds. at t.cnder's option, either to rastararion or repair of the <br />Praparty or rco the sums secured by shu Alnrrgage. <br />Unless Lender and &yrrawer attre:xvise agree rn ,,vetting. env ~,;uch application of proceeds in principal shat# oat extend <br />ar postpone nc~ due date of the monthly instaltmrnts referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />cosh ins[ailmcnts_ <br />113, iRarrnwrr #Vat Releaard. L~xtansion of the time for pnvment ur modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Ma*tgage greeted by [_ender to any =ucecsaar' in intas€xt c+:` Borrower€E not epee-eta to release. in any marsaer. <br />the Eiabitity of the ariginai 8arrowar and ltorrowar's successnr< m interest [.ender shall oat he requ~~ired u., c-mmenec <br />prneaedinss ag.4irst such su'tze.•sar nr rcftsce to extend time far pat mint „• nthenvisc :nadify amnrizstion of the sums <br />scrsred ir,• this ?.inngage by cessnn of .my demand made hq the nrigtnal Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest. <br />Ri. Frrrfxaraa,re Rep i..eredtr 'YOt m Waiver. :\rn• (arhearancc by [.ender in excrcrsmg env right or remedy hereunder. nr <br />ethetwisa adfnrded by app#icab#c !aw, sh~ii oar Ere n wain°er :st or prectu:Ee the rezraisY- nt env each right or remedy. <br />The pre?sur~steri of irtcuramc r>r the nayment of taxes ,,r otncr Irons ar ~harecs #n• i ender efiatl oat t+c :r waiver of t-cadet's <br />right In accclamte the maturity .,f the indcb[ednesa ,reared by ahn Jfansngc <br />12, Raxiaedi~ Ca~a3nlisa .411 re-^ss#ies peso ni;^d ;n thi: '=1ar€ra•~ errv :;i=tEs~t an,i ~urneaaFive to a ;V nt`8r right ar <br />ranr_^ti7^ :coder th:c `.inrlgage ar afTOSded t>v law ,.r eyunv..c-d rase Re r, rrc:ced concurrent{v tndepr. ndanriv nr suceessiveiv. <br />T3. Snrcessirrs asd Aax~ax ti+xam3; 3n#nt argR Srvrra# t.iab#iitr; C'apilaru, ITtc ::ueen.:nts :urd agrern:ents E:ertin <br />c^niw.:..x`t a^~#!',i?;d and the. ri,Rtts t:~ct+_eeu'cr 4tralE :.note. tr,- ;..r °c`s[t.c:t.e .u::as4c.r. ane# as=.tgns of [ ender and irarrawcr. <br />- - - - ~ ?- ~ - -. - "3 n--: f C.C C ha- x~ P- r' 4 r' E. <br />C"h~ =?pfxa..w :..r! ....~.?t::gs .>I RSe pasag. ar4- of .,,:s 42.,t~?~};e ,r_ r :,. nve..:c ens <r.i .,,,,. ,._ .,, ,,, c .r._^ ..:+ <br />„a.s: pz=t =..n cCefre .::e i €z::-xei~xs ~,€m~t. <br />--- `--- - nnri.- tcq'si -'- ., , ~ iii,-. n, rr. n{ t •('(r 3-t~i %1fr +Sl'+mi<~r. '.S aOS' ItafiCC to <br />t#..r _ r? .ham 1'si'- ~ ~J . ~... .. ,,.,. ..,~.~.-... - , <br />__ _ _____ ,_- - _ _ ,,;,er _,';;r~ - - :___ x ,n:,n~:.tsc~r„aa-_ ott<c r- ~# ender rn+vtded hereiti_=aYnd <br />fn) say Pna:nar tCVI i~ndct ;hail He gtsc;: ~ctrdiril,rn,af:1 "rct„trr ey;tg~,_t,r ~ ,±ue*tcd. ,„ E en.3~+'+ ad,lt esx _rnied ta<<rei- ax to <br />-~ ~~`~=- =::3°; .. ... :fi<= _... ,c,n., , r.. ,.. .~:e r,r,,. ,toil r n ti5i; <br />i$6 Un3ltnrm k##sHgege: tiurrrrrjsag i„tx; .`t4xrrab#lti-. i <,r< £-,r , z'x.rrtr! sn. „ ,s4 trc a6ngjn,. ++:,n£. i,.r n,rtnnai <br />srn~ anti :;e+muna#i•T -sea to limitce; ,anarrnnz ; s „t:e r, _ t- nst:!:•rr ; -n.rhx~-~, vC~fY^ i=hstttanrnt , ,aermg' <br />tea# proE,eny. il:r, \.#~r£xdgr~5th Il i_ ;,_ cased r^. nc~ .. .,t :hs• u..,lrr.t„+o .., whtr.E*~tbr i'ra:~w'iv 1=kar,•,# .s la the <br />uve~.^.t th- xt' {sr<,r., x_; .,r .Fars. ,.f slits ~§;ost {:,u~,z .,, ra. 'a,:,c eun£tz: •, .uttr _{_LULapte law. loco .anti?..I .i+lii n,u ,uiuct <br />t -,~ ,. ,. <br />nthM pro.rsinn, of stn ~{ti,:~at:e _ the 'x,:, wh:; _.. ih~ ca eticzt -qt+v,d fhs ., +,„r.emd - .;-~.F.,..arod isz this <br />end t9te IT+'t1:'i±-i1rrra .:frrhd !M(€i tssai~ seed ttx ',.,t~ .,re .IS~lar~•c( r„ _ _Etat,ir~, ~ , <br />tFn, ktarravret's CsrrPp, Barrawa .hail r e ,omx.hed ., .ant~nncd .,rpy .~( the ;arc ~ssd , f ¢h:, Si.?: e>sapc m. t'.x zone <br />:,1'. caccutinn rr .s ltcr rcY~>Lda#iin `icrc:rf. <br />tY. 'L'rta~ta•r xr€ tae P:ergxrY#, .irtxrrsgtiea. tt al. , ,:., 'he t'r<.{„ , t.. , ,nsc~ - r ., - d ,-. rauxfertx~.i <br />lit Bart.-w -r .nitlLnt?t #.y,>#•:r'. pt -t ~<itt_•r ,,,,r•-., .. _ 3.J i..~, .+. -r r,:;.t:e:, ... ,...c ,r.r,r„ ~ ._1.,,n r.,t.. ics <br />thna Mt= tfaa~. Ffri ! .reuo.:, - r a { e.aet,a>.. r .. ,t ra; ,Ptao- , . _ ,+d _ r>t'. s,,, r, _, :.n,ier by derisa. <br />~ E rude .. ,a ~! note. ., -t:: ~.i.rn ., tu. ,.,,e, ..,,_d , , h„ „e.ttgap he= <br />nnenecFreteh~ title an:.i paYaL te. E-u-dnrt .hall h. esn`at ,.,R n{,t,on a..,. _zl~rae: ~. , . ... nc~ -.. ,. .ransft^C ~~1 zndra <br />a the - t-. t . , Par _.. ~ ? . .. <, .... ,. ~ e,. (-. , . r „ .., . Ik F. - <br />sa£a.fa i rs t_ ~_ _t ...xa .!:.:- eats., e,-: s '. -ah,.. , , s .., , t \f :te...ty. _ .,rc , t r_ <br />s.a#i tcgxaeat E[ I.etiue€ na> ~w,u; cdFtR:n .:pt : - ! .,...r,k a.r r, , r~_.1 :.. thre ,. :,,*ts iS „r-,~,. . .,... :.... <br />rfl#et'csi #r>:t vp,:trt a +€r?Seta ::x__ntpxix:a e:{{recanF.a:t nr::et>tc°cF •'r ..t u, ,H +r ! c ~.;c.. I z. n,i..r s.,,t -..i+-a.c. F :~,,., trc,m ati <br />a+h#tgat=.t==ac ark!, r is k+#t=rt~ay+e sr;,F tEts-'geie <br />if i este` e_tic- ,~h cp#-c=n to tcss,:rrtz. E.r,,..wx .. ... ~ „ ..,-... .. - . ,. . - ~ :.i., .: , <br />t i-I€ n , r. ".t €41x5 e+~_ [f'~' s-'.1R.3 t,~.,.r~lfx „ h. .,..... .,. - - ... <br /> ; _, #.t,L«n...rtFSe eo: , . ,.Ernu,tu -: i4-,:c .., t.. ,._ ,.-., a#a . , ,..,:._.. . 3 ~, t ...: ,,, <br />S~>= t _- -f=i<.~ a•.t -..-~€5 n-; t'fe w;.r ar;e$ I.en~iCa t liter ,.. -.,. ..,In,::, <br />Rk. Accaitrariteaxt iieat+ftfirs. P:AS'e.Pk as tar'aa3tir3 hx paragrateft E7 hercot,'upxrn 8pnux+ct'.s hra:as-h .et set ~ am oa <br />agrs:mntsut et tia:xraxcy€ in ehix ptarim [na:#twiiug t6r a,r•;xdxsFa rn s'+iS .. Errxa t#ur .+r:c n c nrrst b} tints x\f utgayt~r. <br />Ls:r. attar #p scs+rtRratT7at xhaB nAad u-iics 4a ~rfai+'vr3 an #tt€+a ietrti in uar:a~ru#th td i.x 'e nt t.e.riFt rnr. IRi she t,t •a.~fi: <br />~~ f~ ar3rAaia rs9if tat [a4_'k aaa£Rt trceaa;.k: t-~) a dBik, nC# RitiS Shan ;[tt itay3 eriP€Yl rite +taic €t5c nUtF.e i+ nxa##:'d to Rivitu;sY, <br />tsx nahirtx 5rtc31 tretach 'paaRt tea cxrraat; mail t1l ilia! taUtarc to s: erre ut%'A laeaih era ua hetx?ae #tae date s#teritird tat t[ae -s>tirr <br />iR1i4 cisrx2t ~:.3ic~katt~iiou s; #~„ aaarua rhsur=d b}' lint..\ir+rty,.a[tr, 3nrtx~tayuty try ju-xtKVUI tatvo~rra9in,g umR suSu ui thv I"txtpnxp. <br />'Tie, •se~ri , ssttt frybr€ i~ira~t~w Sterarzmz, x4 F-'.:, #ig4a. t- a~ta#a efir€ ~ ax-E,,. atuaca a:ad the elgtu ten ~s : is rs,r Fran ,nsrz= <br />{µx'u,r{w:6:,wE srt.r t,...y,e,\AgVtt;;e t>£ k e~kEFxwA2E ie€ aqy nlittrrxafePpytac of 1[exrPU'+•r to ~xs~a~iri<taa+n autl f<avrG-tr~srre. if tdtc incaah <br />• ,xut eirreu ;~n. ar mior¢ lies daRe s#peramQ 3sx ik,r ztyt}vr'. [,crtdes at 'w aaptkrrs n:a}~ ziva:. are xs4 rho ~,rxuxa 5 ire! bt <br />ti#F+ ~9a,rr;.gr: 3rr tee imtuedtit8rig ttYtp sad pa#:rk§c u~#tAxrxsrt far#31er tk`auand sxett ttta} Fear. txr..c h? Eudie:ia3 inrf_,vcdingiat Buds?x <br />~x:iF tai: .~ tali i #aa ci+7ikt'f 3m+~h (Kyt'erri±.~ t+RR e,ihrt+ses r:5 fzxsxetEsuerr, inc$crdit~,, F°.trt : s,! tiazti{r+: xa*. iu•;Ya ,,....~+rxx>:at#ts <br />s'3", tAtari i•$;x #~€i fi`.~k5ir.. <br />[+t 'a w-a'= O..xu C•~ eve a - - , - - <br />