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<br />i' t:~L`- ~~ ~'9d'l
<br />prior to entry of a judgmtrtt tnfarsiag~this Mortgage i{; (a} Harrower pays I.tttder all sums which would be then due under
<br />tlsis Mortgage, the Platt and motes sreuring Future-Advances, if any, had ao acceleration acsutred; {b) Borrower cures ail
<br />brtachts ofany uikxr cavenants ar-agt~ttintnts of Borrower contained in This Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays- alt reasonable
<br />tslitnsts--incurred by Lender is enfarctng the covenanka and agreements of Burrower contained io this Mortgage and- in
<br />etifatcing Lrndat's retnedits-as-provldtd-in paragraph 28 hereof, intlttding, liar oat limited-to, reasonahlt aktarney s fees; and
<br />(d) fit+rruarer takes such' action as Lender may' reasonably regttirt-tn assort tfiat the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interest
<br />-in-tlte Propar#y and Bnrtriwtr's-obligation Yo~pay3he sums secured by tfiis Mortgagt sha#i continuo unimpaired. Upon such
<br />payment. and sure by-Lorrowtr, this Iliartga~ and the nbiigntians secured hemby shall remain in full force and effect as-if
<br />na acteteratsnn had occurred.
<br />~' ~` B'+''~lxfb~f~°@t^+ ~'B~ef~'Cr; Lewder tat P{oa. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />taertby assigns #a Ltrtdar the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shalt, prior to acceleration-under paragraph Ig
<br />htreaf or abandonment of the Araperty, have the right to caliect and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />Upon accekt&tion under paragraph ig hereof or abandonment of the Praptrty, Lender, in persmt,~hy agent or by
<br />judicially appointed rtttiver, shah bt entit}rtl to enter upon, take patsessian of and manage the -Property and is collect the
<br />rents of the Properly, including thaw past due. Ait rents coikctsd by ixnder ar the receiver shall bt applied first to payment
<br />of the of of managtmea# of rho Property and cafitction of rents, inchoding, but nut limited to, receiver s fees, premiumx on
<br />receiver's bonds aktd rtasenablt attarnty's {~, and thin to zht sums secured by this Mortgagt. Lender and the receiver
<br />slra#I i1t liable to astount aaly for thous retnts actttatly rtctiv-ed.
<br />91• traYUtue Adsantes. Upon request aC Borrower. Lender, at Lender's option prior to reteast of this Mortgage, may
<br />make Ferrate Advattsts to Borrower. Betels Future Advances, with inttrext thereon, shalt be sectned by th#s Mortgagt when
<br />evidenced by prartissory ktotcs stating that sai0 Hotta rte secured hereby. At nn time shall the principal amount. of the
<br />~____
<br />-~--~-- ..,*„. ,~L,~,a,<su,as auvamctd in accordance herewith to protect ilia-~murity of this
<br />-9tfartga~ szcted the arigina[ amatmt of the Plate j~#us t)S:G. S.Q Qa il.Q .........
<br />E2, RWes~. ttpwt payment of alt stems stcureJ 6y this Mortgagt, i_ender shall discharge this Mortgage wit#aout
<br />charge to Bortmwrr. Borrower shall pay ail costs of recordation. if any.
<br />Ira 1~Jtrt~ Wtseehaa€, Harrower has txecttted this Mortgage.
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