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r ~~ <br />;~ - <br />.._ ~ _ <br />_-. _~s ~~:.~~ ~_~~:. ~,_~~-~a__~~ ,...~_-. <br />:. .¢'~:` `:~ .~~~:.'~: "°"~ I,..+o-~. i2.,_:~~~y--` m ~.~ :f.-~~,..F. r~~ .~~.,a - ~ ,__- _ _ - __ ~>-`~ :"3t2 ra5t Cn thn <br />- - .:~-ve-a : Nom.. ~._., is. , ~.,4 .ve ~ r ~ .,- -,:rcr,i-,_a : , r,e '.":ate End the ~nr=cipat of and :merest <br />~._.- ~ F;. ~ ~d-Ee,res tsc-r~*:-~,<<bc~ ti;:s 'd .n3age. <br />.a.- F,x fry T aaad Ie):i~ar,~ce. S.v~aRt to spp:icat 3;=, iz°,rr e-r to a °-v yttan weiver by Lender. #3artower shall pay <br />to, '.:= s:n ztrr c'~° r-~mti^:iy- r-.€saaii*ne~i ai pri:c:ip.i srs3 ;rt_re=i arts±aiz~ ,:rid?r :ice'vote. untrl the '.'ante is paid in fait. <br />a =~, €i)tr~;.. "'-=t~`i r~ua[ to arm-rai•elfth c tk ct3rLF t2=-~ ark a;s?ss.:.?nse •~~hi=_}t may errata priority over this <br />=ice: r:a~, ,. a .;;*r~~r;3 ren.~ o*.s ttsa ~rerpert}'. i:` alp. puss toe-twe;fti t* }-ear3Y p;etnium installments far hazard instrrattce, <br />pins ssverH~;fth Yf yady premium sns,ai3mtnis far mortgage tnstnanc?, if any, aft as seasonably estimated initiahy and from <br />izir.~ tc nrtx hr IzttrSer cn the basis of assessments a:.d bibs and rrsorab7t estimates t?tereof. <br />'t ~~ Fur~:s ;teat[ ~ ~t,d ;n an rnstitutia,•+ t[.e deposits or ;xcovnts of whkh art insured ar gttarantetd by a Federl ar <br />s#a',? mgtnt}• tirN;iuditxg Lender i{ Lender is suit an lust?tvtian 1. F-ender shad apply the Funds to pac said faxes, assessments, <br />tesutanc:t premiums and Bound tints. Lender may not charge for so balding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account, <br />or verifying a-td campii[ng said assessments and f>iiii, aurora Lender pays 3arrowtr imerest on the Funds and applicable few <br />petmirs Lander to make suc;t a charge. Hor-,over and Lcndzr may agree in writing at the time of execution- of thu <br />'riar;ga~ that toreros; on the Funds shat[ bt paid to $arrower. aad unless such agreement a made ar applicabk law <br />require; such interest to be paid, Lender s}tah net he required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shat, give. to Borrower, wii[taut charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purport tar which each debit to the Purds w:cs made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security far the sums secured <br />by this biangage. <br />If tbt amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with [he future monthly rnstatimcnts of Funds payable prior to <br />i[ac due darts of taxes, assessments, i:susarce premiums. and groutvl rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />ass„-.nme;t~s. E'.:;ataar.; prtmiumx anC ground rents as the. fail due, sa::; excess xha1E Iz. ai Borrawgr`s apnea, either <br />promptly repaid to Horrawer of rmtiiied to Borrower on monthly inslahments of Funds. If the amaunt a{ the Funds <br />3teld by Loader shah not be sufi4cient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall duq <br />Bonawer shall pay to Txader arty amaunt necessarn to make up the dcfrcnency within 30 days tram the date notice is rnailed <br />by Ltrsier to Harrotsrr requesting paymen*. [hereof. <br />Upon payment in ftdl of eti sums str-ured by tfars !vlortgaga. Lender stall pPOmntly refund to $arrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph i8 hereof the Propeny rs sold or the: Property as a[henxise acquimd by Lender. Lender <br />shat] apply, na later than immtdiatelp• prier to the s;de of the Pro~pam• or its actltusiuon 6y Lender. any Funds held 6y <br />Lander at the amt of apptS;atian as a credit against the sums se:;uted by rhea 'slongage. <br />3. ALeat[an of L?aymems. Uriess apphaL>le taw precedes a[henvise, ad payments received bV Lender under the <br />Nate and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall bt applied 6y Lender tint m paymem of amounts payable [n i_endet by $orrower <br />under paragraph Z hereof, tfien to interest payable en [he tiore, then to the pnncapal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />princtpai an any Future ~.dvances. <br />3. Charge<; LieLM. Borrower ;hail pay a?? Iast:_ assessments and other charges. fines and :mposruens attributable [a <br />the Propett}• which may attain a pnotity over this 5iartgage. and leaschald payments or ground rents. if any, m the manner <br />provided u,-tder paragraph 2 Ltzrea{ or, rf nut pard m such meaner. Icy Bvrrmver rn:,krng pa}mcnt..vhen due, dtrecHy to the <br />payee ihe:noi. Harrower shall promptly Furnish to Londe; sit notices of amounts duo under rhea paragraph. and in the event <br />$armwer shall orate eapmcttt dire_°tty, Burrower shell arampu> hamuh to Lender receipts evtdenctne such pavntcn[s. <br />$arrowtr shat? promptly discharge any Lien whxh has pna?rny .+.~:r d+.u hYVngagc: pravrdvd. that $crruwer .keel? eot he <br />tequt?cd to discha`ge an} sucft lien sa iovg :v L3atruwu shalt _gtcz ru ,+. utng eo lire tw}merit :-~F :f „eh atsern sc~atcd <br />such lien in a mantter acceptable to LendtP, or shall :r. gaud tauh antest such iron !±~•, nr defend entorcement of such lien in, <br />legal pracq~riin~ whrcn operate to prevent rh¢ entorremcnr of rote hen „r ivrtervare of the Pmpcrty „r :ny part thereof. <br />d€_~a~M firs~rasct, Hor.awet sba?! keep ttw_ :mpra•:emcnts rt+~k =_srxtvttg r,r i.crcalter etcc,rl ors thePs.+f+crty ua±r>texi <br />agaeirs£ ii+€, br rrc, Cr cts t.._rs r.=ca x.tLUn the t~:nr ~ z c. _n _a.._rar.-.- , r, k i Fnc __ ~ _s ,nay r~ji.rrs <br />atTa •n 5ll<')? ar!tOUt?t5 2nsSrfar sL:h rrwetyV.f$'.44 t.cndcr t ::y t!'e;,eni=.. t'rr'v rLblE, 'ha4 14extdyr ,It~i!r n, - , _-. ` [File t , m5,trnt !!I <br />,ch ,- s.~ eta .•d , ,l:~ r.i by ,h,. ~1„ <br />.xcerxoe• c~xc ..m.n,ev n..erx~en ::.:u,,: i- ..,..,~ <br />77e insursncc cars tr providing t[x insurance .haft ixr: chu,mt by Borroucr ,ubrcct t. +.tyrpro+~-ai t,v i.cnzicr. pruv-rritd, <br />Seal Stt.^. ti appraa'at aha3r [Sat i`.e rrnrea':iJnabt;' :t'i#ISt:Ct(1 .ill _ rerni[,fn, ,~. Inn:ll:ir:ce nt+t k'.1.'ti iSli t e ?'31d , .- .- ..---- <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, rt pard tit atnh manna, by $ornrwer mak utg payment, when dot. drrect!vrtto.thc <br />iosurame carrier. <br />.4h insurance pahcsts anti €encwuis thereof nhail h_•, u. i rn: r vepralk to I eu.l.r ,,od ,h,rll ~uvl+,de ., .t.rnd:rrd rrturigngc <br />daunt in favor of and ;n tor~m aectptabEe to L.cndrr. i.,endcr shall base the ulyb: n, hold the poh~:., .,na :cncK al.:here„I. <br />and Barracver shah pramQtFy fttrnrsit to Lcndtr a,1 renessal uotrve-. a .ril ;everi);+ a=t p.rrd r~rernrunr3 lr: the i•tent „f 3,;;;. <br />$otrower shat? _rvt prom}>t rauce to tkze :rsursn.e car€;et and i... u.,u ~ S ea:!cr a .ta4.c tx;~,,. ,+: l+>,: a .._, r...,!e prompu, <br />by $orvaro°et. <br />Unless Lertder end $araawer atirsr=a:'v agree n; •~rrrrng, rc.,arar;cr shall i~ ap2hest ;:, r_st„r at,ur, .: r=pau a, <br />the Propetty datttuged, provided such researauun e€ tepau s ccunonuc.;ily !eost?ic :uxi !hc secant, r.i tore Fiongakc „ <br />not thtroby impaired. If such ttstotataon or repltr rs r?at caurtomr;,tfy r~ ,e?*?c- .rr ~t the sv~.,t,t; u! tear. 4Lur igate <br />bt rmpaited, tote msuramce pr:)c xds shah ha apphtd ur the same cevurcd ~t+y ;ht> Mong,rgv. :~uti ntc ndvs, dam, pa:d <br />to narrower. if ib0 iazvptnp ra ahartdoae4 fiy Bane,wcu. ,=r ,: itarn,war la,t, m rc,fxmd in i ender wuiun 4tr days wont the <br />elate notice rs rnatted by l.etader ra $oraraar #hat tier uum anre :.,rra•t ~,tter ru .enVr a .lean rn ,n,manve hcuvtits, Leader <br />is authanzed to colttei ;std apply the rnsuran<c•. proceeds at l.rndu _s „puun mthcr to reatur.d „s rep:<u tit dtc• Propens <br />ar to tPx aunts ;e u: td by rhea ~iortrta-$-~ <br />Unirtss Letrver and Harrower vihetw rte ,rgrec 'n wr:ung..u:> v. _p[iirratnan :,t prucs•cds ru 4,r srp,u •.h.rll e.ecrnl <br />or (xis:jsotte the dot:; date of the eacmthiv tnataJntturs reterreat tr. is fmsagraph, 1 .roil ,: ?xreo! .>r .thangc uv: a .=:nrt .;I <br />such installmerts, Lt uadet Paragraph ?~ ht,ua. tree Property i* acyauvst b4 Lander..,C nghl, ntie anti overeat „t er <br />in aad to any tit-suraa+:e parries and to and to the proca~ rhereot rvsuhrng rev=ni ,la,::agc to th¢ Prup,:rt, puo: m the s.,rv <br />oa ae~uixitan shah terse to Lender to the eataut tit lha wine se:c-ueaii try the, ~9tortl:,rge inrn,~Jtuteiy nrrar r., ,uch ,al:! :,. <br />at$nishian. <br />f'r~.° .a#Le.~_ t~ ::;,:a:a..«,a,.>r . -;;Qa:.} ..,.M;.nt~ € ;~............ #':«.,..~.. ,.. .....~ ......... <br />shat kvcp the Prapett}' tg gaud repatr~arrd shelf oat cantmst w3s[e .,t {aermrt rntparrmenraor d::terroratu.u ,~ f ~'h:.~ •?'ra{~rti <br />~3 t is~ipt} wjft~t fhr. r,.Yt3v95iCiRS c>t arty tease d r[tu ifang,d.- u a ic,>_schaid- i1 rho Siang„ge , - nuu , :., <br />ca€t+~rrmi~ue <~ a pianntri !!an devefepmert~ Bnrrz?w-ia atl~i.1 post arrn z!i of Bartv,wir a ~=bLgauona uarltir Uic do€, heron,,,, <br />er eawananis acaGng at governing [hc a>ndom;niuna ar piaunc=ct ,nut dacah?pn#eut, rho by-laws .:rid rCpuia7r,xrs of ri;e <br />wttdc;nittiuttt ar pi~nixd unit der'tiapmcnt. and carrsutuent ehn~.umesus- !f :: corvtomuuum or pLmn<d tu„r ,i •.el.+pntent <br />rst~F xs e~°cuin.~ h Borrower ate rtcorcLe:S raget[eer wash rhea Alongue, the uncrwma and .raro::mvntr .,r .ersh n,icr <br />:rh-sE9 a`tt sntx>rporatt<f iota road shall ametsd atsil .us>pittnertt the ee.ueuavts ant agtrementa „i rf:r.s 4iorrg:agc :..t [hs r,etrr <br />mere a Lraat het~af. <br />7. PCS."eci$s~ rtl' ).1;.D@xa'a 5:cutity. 1{ Hcr¢u+zec fads [e lzerfurm the anvettants aryl ag[ez:rnruLS crmtautcd in !tn, <br />~f~r;€~,}{Fy a: If ally- ~.*i~}[+f9 ar p3cly:et Yr~ i5 e..pIItnreacs.l which nthtxriah) .v iENeLL Ltnd?r', :ntrra•+t :n iPte t't,q~er;~. <br />tRr.+ud6n~„ f:tit not fitnk€xd ta. enxtnesu dyist; z3n, enaahetar:ij. cad_ :~n furcci>itnt. yr ar;angenacnts or protcedmAS inv.>lrnttt e <br />1vr.;.:Litcrpt a.' dw_•edent, thers Lend€; at Ler,`,Ler'x apuatt, upon notice t+~ fk;rrorvct, mat rnakc saute apr~-.arar:vca. ,.:+htn s. ,u. t: <br />-..~ a~ tskv srr,,,°h a_t att z.5 i3 72ti~at'y tU c,nt?`c;# 4.~nd~rs ,gEerrsr ._r:i:?;ien~. e>u€ n,)# haz~u+~ct ro. .fesoursrnecrr! ,•i <br />?`raa~'1lE a.`"Ldnfi~ fen and rt..G-iPY naafi th£ rhrCCCrtY '.U ma`se secarfs. . i.rnd t 'cid u:Kil n rieaCL n.liranie ~. <br />~onifafa-:yu tr, th+a- lvaca stcur.3c3 ~~ rhea RSvrtgagc_ L{orrw . shaft s tkrr r;resn.ruar: ;z.~rau, red to e _.. _ ,<:rh <br />rua.++<w..z~. s., mss: -Gs ...aa ..-as..x atFr.~ 8a t+`.~ r£;v¢i: i°c~~>xt c~3, ..,~na .: s,.r. iYY.:. c •a,...3aC~ ,ii .,r.s. r,7,..F~.. .. •.. .:~ ....~f".. Ri..a' <br />