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~(~956 ~. <br />_ ,~sd p~r-r,'~:~.'t-iri iYS c~xn rzaare ;~ iYre ~c=''ao.. or'-prt~^_ea:'srgs, or t- r..aise a::y grxnprz>uise or,. <br />-- .. =`fa3e;fi sag vw"~e',vn ~r'r'h sa,~„-!; tak;,g Jr damace. ~_: such c:r~sc::sation; owards;: <br />dam;, rigt* '3 0# action and pr3_eeds are Hereby a ~+ed to t~r-tgagee,-who may, after <br />~caac-~:ng rr#rz~ ail of its experrses, trcivdtr.~ at->orr~y's fees, release any `T~nay so <br />r;•red by st or ap; ly the saw an arsy =ndehtedness- secueed-hereby:- 'A3rtg~,:,ror -agrees <br />execute sucnfurtfisrassignmsn-fs e# any cpiaipQnsation; `arards; damages'antl rights c. action <br />ar*.d proceeds as ?dortgagca may require. <br />ItJ. TErat?dantgagor shal`I-comply, at atf tines.,-with all federal end state laws, all <br />reuxai~ipat orCinances arid.. all rotes-and regulations. of any governmental entity heviny <br />juri5di~ction'over the premises, insotac as said"laws, ordinances; rules and regulations. <br />,pertain in any way to-:the preaiiises and thetr.use- <br />{.i- That*he' t+Urtgagee; grid any persons authorized- by tlortc,,n~E, sh,ii { hav~a the right <br />to enter-anA inspegt the premises at--a1I reasonable times. <br />IZ. t~tcirtgagor vi ii l'-.not further mot#gage or encumber the premises, or assi,ae, or <br />attars:pt to assign, h•, rent;, or'any part thereof, from,--said premises. .Mortgagor will <br />not,_except where the Jcs '= is in default thereunder;_ferminate_or".consent fo fhe..cancel- <br />iation or surrender of ar: ~;ase°af t}re premises, or ary part thereof, low ex(sting;or <br />~..°~af#~r ~r+ade,--ar r,~dify vny s~tth laa3~='sU -as, to shoeterr ttie unexpired-`farm fiieroaf°~r <br />so as tri decrease theamoe,~r of. rants payacle thereunder,-or accept-Paymen#s of--any-__ <br />nstallments at-rent to become `due undec'sucn leases for a period ofi more than-one rnanth. <br />adv nce. ivlortgagor wall not execute--any lease of any'portiesn of the {itemises-except - <br />+, sc,cial occupancy t;y the lessee theraundei-, will sat all times- promptly and faith#ulty <br />perform; or cause to, be performed.,- all of the covenants, cond'itlons and agreements <br />cantainled in aff leases--of the premises-Haw i~r hareaPter' exis*ir,g, on ttae part of the <br />!~ssorltttereunder to ee kept and: performed; alt leases upon Tfae mortgaged premises shall <br />..~ in foam and ssihstance satls_far_tocy to t,3ar'tga'yee ahd,.at the option of hlnrtgagaa, zhal.t <br />os ass i geed to -t~cZr=tgagee. <br />i3: to the-event that ;~~cartgacer makes an assrgnrt~rt for the bara'rit of, creditors, a <br />rceafvari~ appoinie¢ fnr the Ftor#gagcr odor all ar ary part ofi thA ~Sremiaas, qr If• <br />(lortciagor #ilas a.petttion or institutes proceedings in bankruptcy or is adjudicated a <br />bankrupt -under-any state (aw for ttie relief of detator or-under the bankruptcy faw5 <br />-~o.t-'tne~tSnited States, or if any of the forogoinq shall happen to ~sny co-maker or' guarantor <br />:~ th,~. rr~mt S.,_~ry -:~. to,. ;e cur@d--h@!°C~,`, 'the,,; yr ~}r ~f,{ t-"rr.- ~:--,n«.a~ ~-,:r; the-wnr~le ~* a`Itia -:_ _. _-- <br />:Ifcr~~~i,d= nd?4±~Grx r~_ ~r?€! al_i_ r?t ~. -,^''. ~~,,a~r°~ k.. =`tis -. ,~~.;'.. E~.t, :.. y - .,,a~- ~~~~. ,fib ____--_ <br />:greernent yiueta in eorrectier: wit~r ih,a loan snail', ~,smL due. and payablr~ =t anca at ttiw? <br />caption of the ~ic~rtt#ay~it~ and flcartga%zae sf~all rte erit,itlad t., d~cl:trr, thi:; n~r?"?3a~ #'o ba i!1 <br />"1S't3Ut?-~ T#.e z~ &'~tan.^.Q cT~ Cf!s~-.; ~;s~F°~-. 3_ rII a~:3. .•~, Etta ire. t..:d~.. .: arv _ -..:~ c ~r~c"5 <br />t.? nr~.-'s'r't~~~a._.m.3€it-,-h~:-3n-~3.:,_--n~},w,'+~,u= F 3.. - -- ~ --. - .._ ..Y .,r.- - <br />clasurc.5dia shai+ trot cc:ristitiat#+ ~ivrtgagce'I~ aaiiv{,:r uf~it ,i~fht r, ~7e.,_alars?#;~ the. <br />`g~uxiE~=F. i#i~-Y,~...~riiz# €ra~~:~r._.~~ a,i~ ~I! f;{xr .,~ ~' ~..ur~,, r,~r,~r+f. - - _ <br />` ` --i~r--=- z_ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ <br />any ti-t~.F~i :~L'.i T iC,s(3f Vl. C3: ir.7 Y,-"-f-.. ykf rat „R (:+j~.~' ~- <br />sacuring agreema;tt is lntts^,dad tt'i t+t~ erxctuslvc- of any ~:rther rurnc~d: yr rfrax~ct r,+.. <:anr e#.cp, <br />`ar;d avert. s~`ch- remet3y- 5h1 l bc~-cv~€ula'Sva, snr# ~.h^~l t .~,t in aslditi ,r, to uvory gtha~r- rpmad+r <br />glv~n n~€rsuctrtar-, or €~ow or ha€vaai~ter7 gx:s'is::~, :e; l.da, r~ui;y =f ~ st,~#u#u. ~#~ dakay <br />or amissiara of f.lortgagaa tc exercise carry. 'Icf„t ~r prwGr ac ru%nl ican <u;,• irtc.ult ~.~:It <br />-impair'. any si?C?t Y€r_;nt ~,~we-, c, ~iaal l vE v,~;~rtf„t~u t .,,. - ii. r~r ,if my se;f„tt :~:~eritl f, <br />or atl,acy.uitfsaereee tta;~rain, ar;v av4;ry Bower ,~nnd rerntady ci,iven by trcis ~nr)r+r,~ca;e !;n the <br />i'firSt"f r~&ge~ may i74-Bxe rCisa+3 fpm t'1 PiB t4 timA ~ Dtt~.R £is maly ~e lnerr?ed-axp.;.&if€nt )~±? <br />--- t5.;--ldortgag~ir- wll f ke~~ adEajuutp rec ors grad rc:~.,~~ -f ~e'.::cyunt irr accorda%ae.rr Ki rn <br />~~+rv,~:i`ty'8s.:~} prlne, arrd will c7@Ilver t¢x ,c,car`tsjir,;ti€,a, ;vifnirr r+' -~_y• <br />af'h~e ~#i;e s:lo.e 6f each of ~s~r~l~garr:,rrs ti:xcat ytars ~srr irae,l;sad ~t r:r,~ant ~r~,r-tit...i =,y <br />-ah c7ftiC:pr of '~}3r't,iagCt' s,._winr~ all {tata<, ~;at ~€:~c~+rx, .t:+ `~;~,nur:^.:FO i ~. rt.;t ;cx -.>>.l r -.,_ e.,r~,~,, <br />--svttlxag t~rth i_r€ edch wdstii., ra?- c~~dra*I vu t-corm, id„rs,=, lcFr rha ,,.++.:~€8irer -:;r~= t,_, <br />: -9M.. °tte tv~rm v#- tnr=a--€f{:€r-tyay~:-, ?~'. tgvtVtxr, re ;nU::lf:- i,r.~;n:ta?re;=`~ ,:i 17 '.s::l i-vu€ "`~3`.,- <br />Ct <br />r#~G1 1~tjtitFT ~ut.;'i ~.irrr, j,^,ti~rtt#tior:~--tfr ifs er~t to ,=,r. rn['irz .3a, r, ~ ~, ' <br />, ~ G a3 l,1 pr mt ~. ,a ~r t--~ ,,.;y <br />r~ tr,zrti t r•fe- ,..'rr^~, :al i #inanvi,, stn?e+me±nt, °>,al [ >q ; e ~ .at«d r , <br />.., ~ r <br />_ ;,. ~ ~3t f..~t1: r~# e ~u~u~ tom- . -.;_3it: ~n , ,,, ' € ,f ~.. __~ <br />;: ti; ,,,~ t~t':x-ar;z! to-th%~ icr~try;rf:~nt, a1d a€#y t~fdttiazrfal r.taar,~~_- rr~~;=~. =i:r. <br />- - ..- ~,, .^e#'a r+~'Y:i.s~d~. 3f.~ ~''t~.l i. al r hsi4e =~#~ al.! 'rfn=~€' !?fe: .~._ ~.. a; .r.-, ~i <br />- `r `~i,~'u -- ..,, _rid-:.-na-~a..,-~€-I$h'#u.i.l'~ anct rally kaa{ft'.,ind pariarrc.d ra~a4n =?rrs :ai; t,r Ehe <br />,n-, _ _ u~rfa+ae!w(ats herein atainad :~{° containetl in staid Tio#e cr ..any crti~s:r n~zsc or <br />;+~:~! ~€- edd#t3ona-I a~vssrCa3, ¢ten *ns CS~tM1Vayztnda shea[! Le rrrzt l and void, tRtaa'w_tiesr <br />-^fn [,r t;€~ i fhrer~. and ~#fvCt. <br />.~#a+:lt sh?ft, G'f3-;~ade_?it_~ar;!• psya,aetr; due qn said iuvte! ar` thia. it;5frc,r*arre, r ~;:€ <br />~--'- c:~ Gr =~;r'efony§+st-t=. for ~ifii-?-i~snad fXGrvaa;ca,, or it, kee,lairc, The tth_cre=;xuelmtnts ~n <br />- - - ..:m ru n5.rretG--??;;~-a;G;it:ya-C?#, w~"t-at: ices, -i,P -wr;yr PayabEo to n3 rd ~*'~.r4=5i;r4~iC',n ,.,, ,~. <br />ar;r .,-: v>,~nt~~d# ant n,a fore u'ra 5alt7prurer sr_4c, R,. 9H i,-~'lor td:r~_, ,_ <br />V r 6G . hJnf s .e.,:.,. .-d ,; s G={, ~G~t-nr~ tA~: 5 fi~'~cc~ftk. dv~[ kn,7t,v.h; , i f provbs i,,n , ~r d ^aer sr~ <br />.Yr;!(;j.T,, _ ,- ,..tidy 5+t rr.~;'t f:^`3 d. r3L+€}fii3s'C;1' init{#3e3va ' #h=±t rr ;art;«.,_ -<n.:,.v-h f.Vs... <br />... _..~.~ --..:ai-: ,. -.r in `ha bv,Gsit that.--;+k;rtfawG~Ctf falf r c~rtfq r3 a-~;ed - nvai•,_• <br />r, .. .~trC n. ._ ... 7 ''i'!.ta' ~=`,1Rd:='r€ 1 _- F -. ...-. .'1'r. _-.. .~. r_,.. <br />- i" ie~.'GSy 1r .,.`t w`f.:~l~.l u'a, tar#f tirtS .'t P:A2 ex"~S F J(~rPi.gE.J Tp: ~jr?Y <br />