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<br />if?~,,:r~d'~y :ur rir ta~ra8 cafe=..,,.,. ;;ai a^>~.,, ,° - rr-i~ pr, r ~.. r_a,... ;+y ;lust <br />. - Jj=3. it9 ~4Crur- :ed3 ."i-c:.a ~r ?:C=^?~ -si:~52~iFett r_ ~rirtr- .a :',~y oyC'~.`kTS. <br />I;++:a* in a'+°it"son ;~, and toyet'.ner wttn, ,..~:r~ostn:y irstallrr2nts previded for' _ <br />und+ar the sr.~s :'. :he atcrosaiv Prs;misuary licte and a-y a#?rer n-otes ar agreements for <br />~Ydd"aTiGnal advanrzs as_pr~vided herziri x~rtcragor wi34 gay. as an advance payment =a - <br />P~rs*3gagee on the- tint-day or each- :.onth ,yn{i t said 'ote and the 'rota! indebtedness <br />' saclred nera§y is tufty paid, an ar:aunt 25timzted of brtgagae to be sufficient to enable <br />' rye 5k}ct~agea-to_pay all taxes, assessments (eeneral or special), rents, and outer- <br />si;nal3f cYiarges-againsfi fine apcve described premises, as the same become-due. Such <br />sdvan?,-e payments shalt Ue paid each r:~nth irgether with the mer, th ly instal l!nents yr ovidsd <br />f-~~r ender-'-"the terms of said Prorni-s5ory Uota and--any .ether notes-or agreements'-.or <br />adc+ttanai advacr~es as provided herein in a single payment and =_t;ali not"Ge,-nor decm:eC <br />,1~ be, trust funds put may be cammingfsd with other such-funds or the denerat furid~ of the <br />^:' t;cgSE, and no interest shat be payable in- respect thereof. :9~brtgagor shat) promptly <br />fcr„ard +a Norfgajee a(I bills for. taxes; assessments and rents and hbrfigagee wil,i use <br />=via edva~~Cr pay^~r.#~, for-the-:-payment, of-said-.bii-1's. °P~tortga9ee: may,-from"time to', <br />s ..s opticn, waive, and atte[ such waiver, reinstate ,any and aI 1_ provisions of:_t(his <br />arayraph requiring such advance'paymersts, ay notice to Mortgagor in writing. Whi ie such <br />wa;aer is in effect; Mortgagor shall paji-atl taxes;. assesstnen#s -and rents as otherwise <br />i.~~avided-tierainafter. - - :._- - - - . <br />4, If the total of the advance paymsnfis-made by i'he Mortgagdr shall exceed-the <br />'mount of payments actuat;iy mach-by the Mortgagee far :axes, assessments or rents, as the <br />case.rray be, such excess, at the option of the Mortgagee, shall be credited by the <br />Mot-1`gagee on suhsequant payments to be made by the,Nartgagor, or r`etundaii to-ttie tortgagor. <br />tt, however; the monthly advance payments. made by 1"he t~k~rtgagor shalt not be sufficien# <br />to pay-such taxes.; assessments-and reefs, as the ease may be; when the same shall.became <br />-'~-dtie,-than-fhe Mortgagor shall pay 'torhe t.tortgagee any amount necessary-ta.make <br />up :the defieincy,. cn or befare the dat+r when payment of such taxes, assessments or rents <br />shat 1 be due. t-' at any tii;e the t~,ortaagor sh~s I I tr~ndar to fitre Mortgagee, i n aecordane~e <br />with the provisions of the Note secured,bereby, full Ciayrna+rt of the entire indebtedness. <br />re{tresented thai'eby, 'the tnortgaaea shall, in computing the amount of such indettedness, <br />credit to the account of the i~ertgagor any credit balance ~3ccumuiated,und~~r the abQVa <br />paragraph. tf t;toro sh~i i be a default under any. at the pr ,vi-_ic~ns cf it+is h;oetclage <br />rt;sui'ing"in a ptibtto sale or ttte }.remises ,;,vclru h rer[:y _: r' .f the ',~rt<;ac;ee ac;tuF,es thti <br />property otherwise attar default, iha_ t!IOrtc2a~et. ;_raif :gip}iy =u~_i~ •~ta~'rn~r > .fir <br />3 ~ <br />shat; datarm+na the gal=rnce -+t =,~_.. __ ,.a, ...',. '!._.. . ~...,.... ,.. ,.,f :..,.us u, ~ ~_~, <br />'.tr'I;y thr? -a t.~. par. ~rapb-, ~~._t-era _~'_~--Fya! -._.: _..:; .. ,~-_v-...:, ._._ ;,~,. _ - <br />it + irF. ihsu e~Y[tl+tanyc~ tRr,'.rt~rl `"1?F,.I ;~;t .;-:.,'?i >...:S .:.t..; .,~,.f ..,.. .,,, r"_. ,,,,, f' <br />-_ "t5fYl1 ^rR', r. •. C2,_i,i I_ ___ _..iy. -. H'' -z .?Qr, . _ ,:rte ~.u _ _ <br />.i7.r ee:n3slts.- 4ddi tienal- .3duBn~a>v'ts7.ra. n'i~t L ~_:.!-,. -kt .~... .. v ,_?. = -- -` <br />w{ti~.;5 .,Eh-t+2y.,~ent as~r isutit, •! lain cfiar?lt3 ,.p 't; ,.h 4 ... ,1, ',_~r:` c>7 fhb ,.c a:fi Cfi _~it2 <br />re~ntE1lV pa yltl&nt-may wti aS9e- ~;+ed bi' ih~ ~SSU 'fti i~~r,_.__ -,._. ~ ;.. ,St~£:n`~ `r;;C,{Y~f, <br />~in nandlln_t datinquent paym~nf5, thv A::a<~t~ ufior~ ,t,,td :v< rt s=i,~,t;a,t `<€r ~r.+:vpt. .sett <br />- -.rzunthly paytnenfi made after tba 'tenth day of thr,, ;rent =,t it~~_. °:.3i,. ~e~nrhiy pttymanf t;att <br />ue uvcam~anFed by the tai i arrt~unt of the i:sYb :h;~r,:y , t::,. d th ,, <br />proviesud herein. <br />D. -. fC a :3n' :;nd Fitt :mot ;eS, c." ~, .-w:t°+„ <br />C Br':3es- levied.'and asf,o5sed g?ira, ~ha prarrt~_ :, ._9r is rte, .. ,r.yy ~•te.~n~~_ t=~irs. <br />s~ured;,Getrr,, th,:y beGUt"r d~:lin,}uent , f:xr .+hlctt (sn,.,,,un, ,a -; r:a.;~ her.-rrc.:st,=rz=, <br />aipr} in dp;ftyaEt_ tt+aceof fhrr this sl~~g;v •nay ;~,ay rhu sarces, ,,.u t ~ t,~i(tc__ , arir~__._ar wl,n <br />iaFerc~,~? at tTZ ~ p f rear the daisy of '.~ct5 ;>aym~:n t •.t,.,i l 1~ r E~~a r..~ P:y;}r +-3 zi,'.,r r ,-. <br />demana, 'and siral I .bee ~o.~ured by ~thlr` 6kn:tge3,;, <br />_. .r.--. That i"~:t'g~t' w-ii! kelp tt7i3-irt`f~*`+=~r-~~:fiTg- n ;nib ..r:~e°- .--era-~~ ,' ._ , <br />tfrum f-ire-, I {,~ratnincT:.rnd other ha~ardssra.~lud~=d i_r- ±hz _:, .r;<Fr _- a-c: a ..- ~ s.,~c< t ,.ae,- <br />-meni` p t`us--- f tC1c>G t;tst£r2-nCa. whp~a roc u! red b . a -, Ala _ ~a) r; , ~ - - <br />~ Y 14" .i r :. ~ r ,~ Vhe <br />un?a3d hal.ynca ~` thw int2eb'tdr,er4'= .~cur~:d h=rtispy, N ., tSr-, ., i' ,,r - .ray~awt. .~ _~R=! <br />A~„cteiaiic~r+, in tr:t:o~ar3Y car ~tzmpanit:s .~~rE:ntaCr~ tra ih_ _~~.,, .:., <br />tt~ies ctrnr:t:n r"any .'roV~.,,i:,n tt~..t ,C)t,(d ri~i' c sr:;c ,n a :'~:te!s.~Pt{°~ + ,3t~r, <br />.- }:s; v:1~ :~~. "nY--.1G55 .r u3f,1<i~ - 7~Ei --nit iui i 7'!~:'.tnt t >_ .pis -.[ il;., n. , # <br />' a `~ - - `- - ~~ , <br />n.i, ,.,t a insuratlte tq bc, provi Jaurshal I tae- ion -- t =_.rvz.~---urn c. ±' _ ur-s tc_~_-, ~,r .' i 1 - <br />,,i , _~ , Ga-rt ~o'raticn. it M;,rtgat;or frtit ~ pr=scs.r~ _ ,,,~ r, ~i+: - ~ ,:;+. it ~~~ <br />r ' rr:,nnEtr ~paclti'4rJ-herein, t#tia kssociat{aa rrcuy, Ott .#~, a,. ,krcr,l>t~ aau ;.a=, <br />~..~ ~ -..ranee,, and a1i tiir3neyS_5c advanced Witt: int'cyP.41• a'p Ir~~a r .____ , <br />,:..n r.~..-.r~~# u a#I- bz re s ~ -,~,., +, Y i - rat <br />. =,r 7 <br />" ~I:r3+- "rc.~r'`;a~.rr -`kl k~ t`fle Gui-bdin _ aa~r~ „+. - <br />'...: 1 1 1"1 'tLI t h i :apon s~rkd- tend, npr 54t .C:r # 1E .3°%7 f~i`E°F'+!`?4. Ix~,~'~ <br />-:~r ,: .,i~ y p r. k 7as~.'kr fur"tYrer agrefts hztt ;vi rri„r 'n wtktf+?u n,or:t :>f <br />~':"r'r- ~' "+ -. .,_ ~t'7 ;;v+.rT ldings:-4?' addit lens *c .axi. -rie.c~ i'rt:ilairc7 ,hu `~<.: <br />.a_... <br />-,pvu are:a~:shzrii ;:e rfi;s ~x<,st~ri;v rn:titttr,inucJ. <br />-. .. : .,, ,..~~- >~re''ai aEie-9 f"'F.,l fi yriz°~t ,e.. ~t~;S€ .. e: t~ttta~ri ?r rj ;~;;lawe3d hY r~,3c+on <br />~r ., _ _. -. _ .._. ~ - ;.3aF .° ., Wit- -- .,. »;{;-, ~.-,. „t, ,Fg Fii. <br />., %~~i' fir. i 'a xl,-. ~ nnf+r-1€?d <F'r .s ~,t lt4rtf? ,'trrsrcst<rtC. t;, -.. t::`~+thr : , <br />