- -:ms`-~aY~~aRF~" tssur~c~es a.. io #~~ e~,ea- 'tae ?~r~~.~?~-r !n se. ', eithe ~ - -
<br />r ou-r ~~.t b{ lard- _
<br />=~sr? `a', ~y ~e~e ,~ari,~sass agree;.,er.`s, or ..?,__.r.ise; ~r :iafe+trerato sautd other :sa:
<br />cep 'ieQ srs -ers~s:> tr8f:er tt=a:s to i-for=gagar; Ee, #;aa xhaly i~sae:;tedness her=E+y
<br />~eux'sd she° 7'fiereupa; ;r a±-.any ti>r~e tnereatter;-a The op#ian of the hssoc"ray-ion, becor.~e
<br />i~dt'a#efy d an9 ca;-fait-b a xtho;rf f;zrther noti-r_e and leis =f3rtgage 'may #hen tz fore-
<br />clcassd +^ recover the sore, with inierest #hereryn; at #~~ p and a#Y reasonacle costs
<br />a,.d_expanses of suit, i~clriding abs#raatirg ar tit(c search fees.- Rcceptar:ce by `krty~gze
<br />a1 ar mare instalt;r>ert p~ymen#s an the irdebtedn~ss secures hereby suhs_equent to :ny
<br />sete or charge "rn ownership or :;:session of said real esta#e; or any part,#hereof, os
<br />aoove prayided, as Ta-which rrsor#gagee has. not graR-fed-its written-consent, shah ne-
<br />c+~nsti°ute a wa"rver of :iprtgagee's option to accelerate-,the whole indebtedness hereby
<br />sa:urect, which option ma+r be exercised by iibrtgagee afi-any time- Na de4'ay or omrnission of
<br />`l4crt~ragee'ta exercise any right ar option accruing upon any default she?Y. impair any such
<br />righ# or potion, qr stra4i be construed to be-a waiver of any such default, or--:an acquiescence
<br />:herern; and eve.v option and remedy given by this Mortgage to "the Morfigagee~:ray be exer.rised
<br />from #a!re tc it, .e z_ often as-nay be deemed expedient to ifiartgagee. _
<br />ProPided fu: the- that: in the-event ofi default in the performance of any 'of Phe tzrms
<br />'~°ianct,-tens a` tht f~rtaage, the note secureJ,liy this;k~rtgage, ar any a'her nc`es for
<br />aa~+s+ional" advar,cvsF an the part ot- the Y~Sortgagor,i,-ihe As;;ociaticn--sha4L be enti-ied to `the
<br />immzdiate'Possessiert of the premises- above desc~i,d',ed, #og=,~titer'Kith al ( the rent, reveniles
<br />- :nd i~rr9me-; ir_ciudi;^~~ any°-'.and eentraei payrr>ents',due the t'lartgacoe ar ~gy otrcr incomzs''erY
<br />any tv~c +~+harsaever, to be_derived rha~rafrom, and said'_ks,ociation may,_ in .ts discretion,
<br />use ;.: roofs sa far as i-t deems necel~sary for The purpose of making repaitas upon the.
<br />premisas; aad for th,. „3-~men,~ ~t fr,5pranc~ premi,Ums, taxF:s and assessments upan'saia -
<br />cremis~s, and for necessary expenses iincurred i~ renting raid premises and-catleetirig. rents
<br />`herzfram;~and to-.aa;slyan said-note anal notes and-agreements #ar--future-advances-, until - -
<br />i-^e i~ndeb#adness--secured is fully paid; but said Ass~ciatian shall in na casebe i~iabte:-for -
<br />tne .;Kure-fie procure tenants, ;o collet rents, or to prosecute actions to recover
<br />-: iiul.. Of ~3i.d -premises.. --
<br />ff
<br />Executed-this ~/ ' day of ,October. 7980 ,
<br />- - _- '~k'Ec(;~ ~aEET nFFFN~'"°}~ic ~''j- ~I,rf
<br />u- ent ns k.. 4 ~ t n~r~~~,_
<br />-~ __-
<br />- r~F: ,: one ~h a ~7 n>r parrn~;r
<br />., :~..
<br />- --Z:b~d-fY ~i'~:nxRf.C }
<br />,n .,hi5.tSl:~.,..^d`~ of fi,,:taer '`'~`v'` =r.==`; ~ ~
<br />{ rgrr't tr u t`,lsra r.uti tr ~zJ r ;-d s
<br />tir?unfiy pcr~an ity C.~tra t!'e a r,n nat^x YI ~E T L t,>{~,WGI'vG JAAE n sari.'" ci?~~~Tt`+F+}
<br />!„~.I1s 1 NGtN $ BF.ttGE t . ~~t t Ttt gener~'r_',~ "W `?~!'~F- ,- _
<br />-....~..$r8 t'A:f F j?~ Ia.~..,'t~ 9'fl -G[7 5 "f41 "~' ig~~ - V'~si `t? C ,s~' .~--.~..__ z' r-,3i p 3'~ rr_ ~' r -.,= itx. -......
<br />. `:~~iif 41.5 rvn~.nm arrd ths. 1.'h;.CLtd ~n 'i hercFa:, f+ ez~ 1hti it ILil s;nt a.y ~_ „-„, „~, _~~~. -
<br />_ 3tlllti;S4 L 1`;;n;} .~ ..^*~t: ~1 ___i, .~;;-i =:ta a.. ..~--.
<br />s: P3 U~ 1~-~..~
<br />•'. -.. ~ -;=s~. .F.:..,~ tea- -=. __. t2, '--~ ...T~Si„- -
<br />