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~~P--tilc~€ ~~3~ <br />~-'P>tet® . ~. ,. <br />a. lie xis PaoatPil7 par the ;ndehte¢leem evideaeed bT attid ptamiraorp »ae ae the times .sd ie Ilse <br />4 >qe ttaut parr slf rarer, asa~eem, ~ ntn, asd saber ~ernaamtal ter matdeipd eh.r~es; rmeS rx <br />fee proe~tee has tact 6aen marls htwe, sad srl8 pramptiy detlryer the o$ei.l a~eeeipts <br />thmte#or Yo she swirl traetp;ee. . <br />c. t7e xfll par such expenses and fees as map be ittrnrred in the protection and maintenance of acid <br />property, including the fees of any- attorney cmplayed hp the mortgagee for Rhe collection of any or alt o[ <br />t!x-iadehtedt¢esa hereby seaweed, or for (orrrhxorc by mort;ager's sale, or court prt¢eeedsngs, or in say enter <br />13iigatitat or prnceedin; affection said presnisea Attorneys' reran reaaoaalaly ir¢curred in any other way ehaH be <br />pod by the ~. <br />af. lror better serttrity of the intleht+tdnen h:rrby aacured, upon the regnest of the mortgagee, its sae- <br />- ~. or _, - - - :n r~e.vte - „sliver a auppl~,, tal ;;; ..=:lcaae ar ;rsartga~..- rover><rng srv na'ttioaos, <br />impmvemeots, or betterments made to the pmprr¢y herernaMrvr drac'ribed .nd ail praper¢p aegaircd by <br />i't after the date h!;reaf fall in form aatiafartory to mart;a;rat. l'urtl¢ermora, sMeold mortgagor fail to cure <br />an.r default is the papruent o! a prior or ietlarior mcurxrhraner un rltr prapcety deacrfbed -ay ilris instrument, <br />mosigagar hereby n;reca to permit mortga;ce to sure aarh +lrfaul¢, iwt mortga;re is not trbligatad to do aa: <br />earl steeh advanras shall become part of the indelatednr.:• ~wcttrerl by this instrument„ xubjert to the acme <br />taturs and cmtditians. <br />e•. 'The rights cheated by this crmveyance xhall remain trs Fu14 farce ~arad rlTact during any paaetponcment <br />or extenaisrrr ui the time of payment of the indelnednc~,-. rvideoeed by =aid prssmiaaury Hole ar anp part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />{, Ha will roatinunualy maintain Ira:a rd inaurawrr, nt xueh !vpr nr ttfxs and Sn x+reh amounts as the <br />martga;ee may from time t.r tame regmre nn the improvrmenta now nr hereafter an said property, and <br />veil! pay promptip +ehert ds:g .:.y Ia,-eaaiu>as iherrfrs. 4!1 it~xtnace s.°u;1 6e carried in cestpatai~ ac~piabk <br />to tnartgagee and the poltcias sad renewals tbt:reof shaft bn held by mortgagee and hate atitehed thereto <br />Ir'AS payable clew in favor a# sad a farm atxeptal¢le ra tltr ittortgaasre, to er~t of toga. trFOrtgagor will gite <br />irJt¢nadiata notiee ~ ±sritin,~ to eeart+~~,.~*•z and mort~e mnx ¢aakR prrxsf +x!' !tee if met marls: prmmp¢l; by <br />naartgatgar, ate each imatraatce aaampwny x~:era+;si i.. lxrrby autbariaNed and dirreeat to casks papenent !oe such <br />]stet tlir¢trtip to eaoeta¢rgaaa irtatead arf to mortgagee sad nrortlKaltee joiatiy, and she inaurr¢nce prttaaseda, or anp. <br />pert tittsesl, reap Ira apply by t~rrrt;a~s at its atfi[ir#[ Hither :a the red¢trtion of the sadebta.r°-_- +.tezehy <br />st~~eed t._r to the .arm:~„ ,r:.g~ir of t1~; ;=~c••r =tsssad~l srr •~t~:~a~~. In r-rat a! f.~rdw_r~ axe •ti~ <br />na.artgtr~, ar anther traa.iar of tr[le to wd property in Irxun;rr¢ahman[ at lbw teaefdtedneat secutMt badrebp, all <br />eft`, ziz~ irtta ~ ¢hE xtagar in earl to away irra€aaae pafieiea than in fatt^a shaft puss to rim <br />pttrehaser or mortgagee ar, at tier optimr of rhr martaa€cr, rna~~ im avrremirrr+i fora refund. <br />R• He wflt keep alt huiidings and other impraremrnts on said property in good repair and rnaditirxt: <br />will permit, commit, ar suffer no waste, impairment, dateriaratian of raid property or any part thereof: <br />in the event o[ failure ai the mort;agar to keep the buildings on saiil pramixs and those erected on said <br />pteaaiates, ar impravmrt.,rrb thereon, in gaod repair, the mort;agce may snake such repairs ae in its discretion it <br />may diem nrcaat-ary for the proper prra+rrvatian thereof; :+nil the lull amount of rack and every such payrittnt <br />shall txrmnndiatrly due and psyablr aaril shall he nerureti h. the lien of this rmrrt;age.. <br />ti, Efe will not valuntarifp ceraie or permit to be erealed against the property xuhject to this mortgage <br />any Lien or time inferior ur superiar to [Ire lien of this martgagr without the written consent of the rnort• <br />gages; acrd fnrtitzr, hr. will keep and maintain the. same free tram ins claim ai ail parsans supplying Iabor or <br />maieriahr for runalruetion of am and all lwiidings ar imprvrvrmrnts now /wing crrcteil or to ter errctad an <br />said lantaieas. <br />i, Ha will oat rem ur assign any ]earl of the fret ..f xsis3 anurtgaotrd Irralnnv w drntolisit, ur remove, <br />or sNbatantiallr altar any building without the wri[[+;u a:onarut of the tnortgager. <br />j. Alt awards of datnalten in ,enurtactian with ant- rondamoatian tnr publie use of nr injury to any of the <br />- = - °~ ~'h~`= ~ ss~~ ~"~.~g.-' _~- t~=~;;:;u: a;:.t =hat; .tea.-. p=.u' t, .art;ay,~ wL+= na; e€:~.-IT tom= <br />ssrr.E tv°r papnratu of the irsatidltneata Iasi der rusfer aai.z note, and mattk +gcr it hcrrbc auiilor. is [hz <br />nantet of the mari}tagor, to axreuto and deliver .slid a+:quittanrrs thcrauf and to apl>ral from any awch award. <br />fr. 'I`tre aaaarigagec sisal] have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any naxtuafslr tiara<a_ <br />2 LhJFaujt irtany.+tl. tht; ssuexsasr;a ar cartditiarta x! ibis ist~arunxerst. cr of the Harr ar I;san agrr,:n<-a:t s;,~ur._I <br />hasslry', a11tt11 trrtniuta#a the ¢uorigagor's right io pasxrasiou. oar, and euloyment of the praperty, at the rgnian of the <br />taartaogce or his asaigtu (it bring agreed that the mattt;agor shad haoe rush right until default{. l.;lwu any such <br />t~fault, the mortgagee shall became the nwrwr of all of the rent; and profits accruing after default as security <br />fei the indabtadar~ ereured Irerehy, with ehr right to snicv upon .aid property far the purpose v! ruilectin; such <br />ttMXa and proSL.'t'his inatrusncat shall o~raie aaaa,-aasignantat of anp rrntafs an said prnpeny to that carrot, <br />