<br />~o~x ~~ cr ~ s a 2 b~'A~
<br />79g{} hpanibetw~cea Lelat~ &, McGta®b and Lynda R.. McComb, husband and taife,
<br />(he:~+atter referrei to ar mortgagor) oad the Admimiatrttor of the Smaif Btta~ Ada, m 9 of ~e
<br />Governseni of the United States of America f hereinafter referred to as tnort~aee?, w6s saintafna m outs aei
<br />piaeaati?tn~aaa~ E7apire State Building, I9th and Farttam Streets, (3maha, Rebra&ka 681Ei2:
<br />Wtrar .that f~ the aeeQiantios. haeeieafter atami, raeeipt of trhleh is bt~tpiry ref~o+aied~d, 'tlitt
<br />ttaortr ices ha~tT mo~S+6a+ sell:-tOranG +tttt~a. ani easxap ~w_ tL+e , hi[.ataeoea~- +md aita6rye..u~
<br />of tiro foib~.fna ie+cri6ed property aitvatei a~i iRain~.~ the Coma of plan
<br />Stara of Piebraska .
<br />Lot One <I) in Block Tcaa (2} art Second Addition
<br />to Htalcotab's Higkzuray Hiomes Sui#iikivisiun, An ;Addi.t~on'
<br />tea the City Of Gicand Tsl~nd, lkall ('aunty, Nebraska.
<br />Together axitkins9~i:~, all btiidir.a'a, aii ~..ur- iax:nikinq hui not kitnited to ail pkumbina, heatitsg, Eiaht-
<br />ittg, ventikatisg, reCrigeraling, {ru•inaratits}t, air rand{tiouin}{ u}xtxaratum, arai elrt atur~ {the rnorlpuKor I+rreh}
<br />deriarittit that i4 is ixrlrndrxl tkxat the item,. herrin rnuxxsrrated -ha!! Px drruarrl to havr iaeen prrrnanrnt!}' in-
<br />.tutlyd ah }+ari uC tixe rralty~}, axxd ad! inspruvrutxnta nee- or hrmaf4•r eviritis+K thrrron; the 6rrr..iitantente, atnd
<br />ap}turtenglrcrx rand oil txthrr ri„ht+ lbeeean#e hehtngittg, or {n un}a+iat• apprrtainint5, anti lhr rever±;inn and rr•
<br />v€r={uns, rr naeincirr and rema{nder., a!i r{ght* of redrrrsption, and tktr rrnl.., ix»ur~, ant! }traliE* of thr aixare
<br />x~ribri prepewlt Fpnsvitiied, hnaever, that the mortKup;ur .help Psx• rntitlr.6 io the pur.•r•.{un of raki }r rap€riy
<br />aaJ to eelftrr atuk rMain the rettt9, ix.4r+,. ,, txt t±rtx6t5 tr~ti! e! ~'s£,xtt hr•.•€r?n=1er}. 'Itr -'_+sva s•~t !e_ h~iat 3 3s ~:.:r
<br />untxa the att>exa and the +u.-~e~~;wrs isa irrtercnt ut !hr ;rterlgagrr fare.€r i•. f€c :;i.t:ple ar .-s.•!a vt#ter es.tnte,
<br />if car, as u a#oteti: ittreaCrt.
<br />'P4as # tb~ h#-ht iatvftr~r x€laai agi p~ard ~f and hat: the riaitt to wit asxi cnrtvav ratio
<br />~9+ the t6rt. xttu is fees -front -taii--eactmtbraaadr. earepr as hereCnabove recited; ani lhat he htreJtp blade
<br />himaaH ;toi hie atuteoaaortt i#t {okermatto yr#rrant and. defend the titia aCortvwd tkroreto and rv¢r} part thoteof again.t
<br />tips rlihlr d ~ '+rbovsoswkr..
<br />"f'hix {mm#rumrsi ie givru rty ~rurr thr ps}turn! oC a ptvmiewur} note dared /{;+ . '~ ~ .. `~ _:
<br />i~~xp,xt~{d~~l~#-tf$:§~9zF _.~i.i'ey~ I,e.katld R. ??ct:smtb and Lrada ft. sCnmi;, Stca~6a+a<1 ,
<br />i.x rr~#vq't~r~` titt~taelvel;,
<br />'na.4 rw.~.' Nii s,,.txa r.yi...« 5:ivarN. ,...!a>oe.,,
<br />