<br />-- 3: 'l°fte nrartEagar rarenants and ayeees brat i# ht ehaii fail to gay sar$ mdrbtcdnese or say part-thereof-wlust°
<br />tlw4 ar ohs## fa#i to pertoren any covenant or a{ertetttem of this iaatntmrm ar tttcpramiasory.note secured hetrby, the
<br />ty9~e indebtetlnere hereby secured shall immed#atelr beoamr due, (tiii•sD$r, and'roliertibir. witltont notice, at dtc
<br />oe~of the aaartKagte ar assigns, regatdkss of mstarity, end the martgn~rr or'kis-assigns ma}~ f/efare ar aRsr carry
<br />s's proPeRy withwit appraiaertxnt ?the mart/,agar havmK-w®iv,~anj( a-siRrted ~ t~tp m~~s{¢ee aif ri~rta of
<br />a}-pealNemem) : t' i i - `; t .
<br />I t i at judicial as#e pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 2ftttl t a) ; or - - -
<br />(tt? at rise ~en of the mortgagee, either by aaction or by solicitatiea of sealed bills,"fttr the hi~at taai
<br />~ bid twmPiyirig with the terms of safe sad masher of payment specified is the pied ttotioe d sale. Eras=
<br />giving Faur weeks" twtiee of the time, ttrma, and purr of sttrh aa1a,~ hq• advertiaaatertt not less t~ Dace
<br />during melt of said four wreka in a newspaper publix#uxi or distributed in the couatq in which said pti'operty
<br />is tittuteul, a#1 other ntNitx being hereby waived 6y the mangagtrr (and said mortgagee, or say paraoa au
<br />behaU of said mortgagee, may hid with the unpaid indehtedntxs evidenced by said sore}. Said sale ehafl be
<br />held at ar an the propem' to rae eultl or at the ietlera#, county, ar ci:y rovrthouae for the roanty in which the
<br />property u-[seated. Tire mortgages is hereby authorirrd to exeetste far sad an behalf of the mtrrtgagor and to
<br />del"erer to the purrl~a~r at sarh eale a sul5eienx t»areyanre at acid ptvperip, which ~tv~rasta~ shall wate®
<br />neadta6 as to iltc haPpeniag of the default apart width t#to rxeratiaa of the powez of safe betels granted
<br />dsependas sad the acid raortgagar hereby eaaatitatawr end appbiats the monRager arany ap~tx ar attorney of the
<br />mortgagee, the amt sad aitortvey is fact of said arort6agar~ to make each reritaLe aed W etcecuta acid
<br />aaatveyanrst sad hereby coretsatax sad agrees that the rst;ita#s rt. mach shall he efl'eetua:f to bar ail egaity or
<br />ri~itt of redemption, letvatestead, lower, :and all other..rxemptiatos of the mortgagor, al# tsf which are; hereby
<br />ettptrarl'j: irair+sd aHd coaveyril to the mortgagee; sir
<br />ttt i [eke sap arbor appropriate actieen pursuant to state or Federal statute either in elate or Fedmal
<br />.ssggti,~g~~eltas:tins of the pmpertq.
<br />fa rite ~ ,• >t?},A sate atlj ~ e proridad, the mertgaRorar any pcrsan in possession under the monltattor shall
<br />then became and be tenants hok#irtp over and sha#I tarthwith de#iver paasesaion to thr purrhaacr at stteh sa& or 6e
<br />summarily d#apttsecsaed, is areordanrr ~,eth the provisiaas a! law applicable to tenaata holding over. 'f'he power
<br />and agsftcy herehv iLt'anted are coupitd with an interest and arc irrevceabk by death or otherwise, and are Granted
<br />ae eu®a#aits~ W the r~asedim for caikrtion.of said indebtedttees provided by law.
<br />A., 7CIta prooeeda of say sale of .aidprtiyexty in aaardartce with. tbr, gre9ed-iiig pters:graplu shall ba. applied (iqt
<br />m pale, tlrr eattyi acrd capenaes of said xa3a, 2h~a expettma itrcarred by the mortgayice for the lwrpeae of prateetiag or rnaitr
<br />ttt~xia,y,. mid ~~e°,y.:ssf rte :.-5.~ i~a-,.ova' fasts: ~tlly. t,~ pis tine ih.ie ter.r.s. s~vuser: ncr.~6t; and third#y,
<br />ur fir' ary aat~ra~ ar ~a is t~ parrars ~r pares ,'~r.~#iq +satti#1;sd, thtmFrts.
<br />5, !~ rim craat said pmgsz2p is sold at a Jtrliaa# faraE[scare.:a#e :u ~t in t~ ~ of h.~•.~=e=l~.r~
<br />grsatrd, and the pratxaeda see emx e~ie6eat to pay the rota[ indebutieteas secured by this ieatratsteat and evidenced by
<br />wid ptaatissaey sale, the raoHgagea will 6e eatiiled to + dehcieacy judpaeat far the amuuat of the dej+creacy tnithoset
<br />redgrd to apPr~afasenaat.
<br />5. #a the crest the ruort~stror fai#a to pay any f{rdera#, state, ar loEa# tae aaws~tetent, income tax or wtxr tax -ion,
<br />charge, frt., or arbor expereae charged agxitwi the pruprrty, the trwrtt;agre is iterehr autiearirrd at his option W pay
<br />the name. Aay cants so paid h7' the mortgagee sits#! be added to sled lterame a part of the frriucipa# auttwat at the
<br />indobtedarsa evidenrrd br said twee anbj~eet to the saner tnrnes sad ecutditiorts. If the martgagar shall pay and
<br />dmscharge the in+kbtedttess ecideucwi by eaid ferunti.wry auto, oral siwl! pay sucfr sums sad aha#f discftarttr all taxer
<br />and liana and the oaNS, fees, slid ezpaawea ttf making, eafarrriap„ and rxecntiatt this neorttraye, than this naurittrge
<br />shd~t be cattaoled sad sarrenderad.
<br />7, 77ve tatveaaats hernia eontaiated sha#I hired sad the beaefns and advaatattaa shall inure to-rise rsapactive wa
<br />eaaoni and ataigaa o! the Parties horeto. Wheaevsr treed, vht sin6itlar netmber shall inelada the plural, the plural tlto
<br />r+~ad tlta wa a# arty gawdae shall inehule ail gwdow,
<br />~ ~'-' w;#i"== of aatp ca'=~a:.a: ha~ia ar ~ rite abi:ttaiiwt secured baresyp aitaii at anp time thereafter ba held
<br />to be a waiver of rite 6arata herrwf ar ai the note eecttraal hereby.
<br />9, Ta.rwaPiiaaca with sestina 161.1(d) of the lima sad fiebttlatioas of the SataJl $ttsineer Admiaiserateoe (13
<br />C.1~'.#yt. Yl#l.t(d3lr t6iw ttttnatmt is to he eaaMnasd aed entotead is aeeordaaoe with applle federal law:
<br />tit. A 'kiaf'Aesrea, order, or 1u+llpnent haldiag any provision or pwtioa of this iewtruateut invalid ar ttn•
<br />rxtatola aitgff teat hr arty wry itnPttir ur prerltale the extforcement of the rcmaenittg pravisiana ar parxiaue of
<br />-iRap~at.,
<br />5iw r'PrtY,- ia~ ia^rsr ., ..• °.
<br />