<br />l.: fine m~6ar wtavrsanaa and ags+aea u to®ot+a:
<br />wa ~e trill P+~P~9 pap the iadrbtedtattso eridenced by said pwacirauy awd° at the time: and -in YIr
<br />mattaier elitreia prmvided
<br />b. $e trill pap ail tatteq aasaaattamimY water rates and other geavetntaental or mtraiclpai + fee:, ar
<br />impeaiiiona, for tcliieL pravlda~ Las not bem made bxreinbefwrrq and will promptly deliver the of$eial receipt:
<br />therefor W the add xnortga~ee.
<br />e. He wikk pay Hoch expenses and [sea as may be inenned in the protectiao and roainteoante of said
<br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or aii of
<br />the indebtedtatee ]tet•ehy secured, ar for foreclraeart by mortgagee's salt, ar court proceedings, or is any other
<br />litigation or proctadiug :!Testing raid premises. Attataeye' fees rtaeonabky incurred kn any other way ahakk be
<br />paid'by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of €iae eadebtedneae hereby secured. upor. the requeai of the mortgagee, its aua
<br />seta a.- :air°aa, he sktalk execatc sad deliver a suppkrmental mortgage or mortgage: covering any additkalaae
<br />itttpravetritirta. ar bettermenu made to the property bereinakwvt dessribeck r.nd akk property aetpaired by
<br />]t aftor tkrt date hereof (all in &asrrt aatkafactory W mnrtgagee). Fcerthcrmore, should martgapGor fail, to snare
<br />attr~= dt€-ault in the pa}~tr*.nt of a ptiur or inferior encnn#larance urn the paoprrty deatrihed key tkais isaatrument,
<br />martgagor'herehy agrees to permit mortgagee to curx^ :leach default, but mortgagee is not nhlieatrd to da aa;
<br />amd snrh advanrrs shall ktteomer part of the incle&atednstss lest:red by this instntmertt, xubjtet. to tkee~ Marne
<br />tCrl}36 and tanditiatta.
<br />m. rltt Rgh'!a f'reatra by 't Fel'~_ ennYC. YlIn Ct xh all rr[Raltx in fait farsH anik effec'l xk t.l rtng any' paaCpat!pCm,CR9
<br />or eatetia9an of the time of payment of thr indebtnxkne5s eridenceJ by said prnmissorc rwte ox any pare thereof
<br />secured hereby.
<br />J, tie wi13 ron[inuuusl~ maintain hazerti inau runrr. ,tf *trch ivpr ur types and ir. ~ueh amounts as the
<br />mortgagee may from time to timr require un the improvrmrnts now or hereafter un said praprrty, and
<br />=still pap promptly whey doe any premiaanas iktcrefwzr. Ail inearttnCe shad bs carrfta in compattia acceptirblt
<br />W rooitgsgex and iht policira and. renewal: thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attatbed theroW
<br />lose payalt3t +<lauaraa in favor of and in form acceptnkakt to she mortgagee. ]n even! of iaaa, zci..,gagor w:ii give
<br />a-W i~sce i;i ~ri~ag #u~ ~s~€gar~ -, asst] :r:~uri~a~ xna ~ a~~e pa~af srt ' =f ~ ,:~-'.~ fsrastat-'g by
<br />mortgs~ar, sad stoke itxxaramer: company aanrztxl is hfrelty authorised and directed to !Hake payment far auth
<br />]rma dL~y tc *~- rt__ ~ itrrtrad of to m`tet•4.gaaar aat!t rt'.te'a~r!eycag«d» joiettly, aYnal tkrrr ~inauransaa t:ra~cxwrda, or aser
<br />Ott tk~`__~_~ ~7.tr $trs* aptalimxi ~y mos^:ga~r Set its atrdtrtsra wr#tter so tkae :-rx1t_-e:ttrrrx urf the inai::lrt!cdnaa kterc{a±r
<br />-i~do--..vita v:` L'v i3is i5,>xase a:0.*a'. i:i .~r_:•ea'r ..;~ t...t,:.~:Y~r .', ~' Y. N ,.." ,.m.. ta, '.. l:. e.- - ~ ~`
<br />wrnrzsxre. nr rthcr trsrrw[er of tell! ua aus3 arra~nrrtw' xn~ n~x4i:au¢r±aahmma~ut' iaf Rkxe irut'ks~bimdness senrured kawarwebr, elk
<br />ri~vt, title, seed interest of Ckxr annrtaagor~un`autd ro an.y i!tasurarar:iet. 'fa~niG~lsvi sheer im force alnalz prat: #~o rdvts
<br />pnrrkrarsrr ur maAga>cm , -. of inr ui,t E.:, .,, ,..r ..,u u ~ -. ,.~. ..~ -,.. ,...,.. ,~.. .... e .rf ~.....
<br />g. Ne will keep all lntlhtixrga and .r#hrx tmpro.x^nreai#- „r: raix3 pxrapsr€t to yuoei rrp~rr .and .rond•,tian:
<br />will permi4 curamit, ur snffer no wafts, ~mpaarmsnt, -Ir#rnurauun ,.[ *ani pmprnv or .ins Cart tkxrrctef:
<br />xn the went of failure of dar mart gayer s.. irrg, tine burltliax;. +,u +atal 4.rrrnxxcx au.l ihxaar +~rn•trd on •aid
<br />pren=iraes, or improeanaen#s tlrrrrun, eu court rrpatr, thr ere+arty.acrr snav nrnFr -uri: rrpstr» an in its diaCrrii«n it
<br />Wray drem ru:cwsaearv for the proprr prreen:attan thrrrx,+.'..,a.i atsc (a!l au,x.usnt rJ ~~srks ,~ui r.-r rv roach payment
<br />shall kar immr-xha#eiv der and pavab3c ass., =s..xl3 l:.r -r, nr.-,..,, chr i, s, ,., the.+ m,. „. v,
<br />h. kke wifF rrnt vnlun[ari3v ::-reatr *er {.rems# #~. it +.r#r=i ..;~aw,I=s ahr f'xc+{rrrav 4ub;srt €o th=s :nortra;;r
<br />urrt~ lien or liens inferior or rotes riur po sire iien •~f shxe nvareraxr without tha~ wuiten ~ an_,w'nc ,~4 thr naxxt~
<br />~tagre: aaJ fxxrdxe r, he will krrp and rnauatam thx,; maunr Rv~a~ 3ruue star ,'t nsw of ai! err r;u,u+~upplyueg tuhor+:r
<br />rnatrriais for r'ons#rurtion of .uxw .and .ah kan3ding.. or sm}rar.:•:r.-u.r-ma n.,.~ !r-rng .•rr=ea~.! or #o bx^ . rr, ted s,n
<br />raic# itrts;ni=~.
<br />,. Fie will nx.t irrxt ;.- ,ssa;n gin. j,.,rt o- for rrue .ri ., roe se. m+.r#~,a~+e.s jsxoFtrrty ur .lvne.aiiate. ar reratove.
<br />or what#nliakly akter anYxhuiiding wr#]xru# tktr -wxaitrrt,on~r.nt =,f eFcr ruurijia~rr.
<br />j. Alk award: cat damagrs is rnrenrrtion with ;ny rondrmetatioe: f.:r p.xefrlir u>,e• of ur mjur< t::n;' of the
<br />prnprvty Rarta;ts~€ to tl'iYa nt:irtge:ge. .err ixa;reliv asatgnrxi at:d shalF Fz- patd in roost; age~r, .w _a3 may apply €ia.
<br />gar-ia ~ ~.;. ...mot :n tk.c .,,-,6kk~..... kaw. dzt.. u°?r. ~...~ rc-.~...nd ..... - .s #r«_.,t.y ..,:tit:!, er-.i. _ . Ih!•
<br />natixt` of #lee mortgagor, to exncnte anti dukinxa-' 1rd aeyrr.tt „ a ttrrrr~f ,+nxi io appeak fr n .utt~ .,ueb awatd.
<br />k, `l'b# rtxortl.;agt€ shall hays ilxe nt;;ktt to .ixxapcct the. mor#ga~rxl prrrtae:r, at uxry reraeuoakile tittxc
<br />- =~2gfsctlr in am of ekes eexvrnama ::r randtlt~na ^f ekes: teat rumrn€ =x o[ tier Hoer ur taan agrcrmrnt ne. red
<br />kiarrthy alts]] tettuitlats thertuxrtjCag+Fe,a riabt ux 1>ur„easson, srre. :net rn;c:e eseesxt .>C the; proper! e..xt t}u• uirriun utrtlte
<br />mattgat,~ee or ftis a, i~.a tit britag uYs,°rd that the ;nnrtga.,;.o~ nltal9 leave ^e:rl: nFkxt ant:! ~le~faalt?- Cjrr~ >•ttw asrh
<br />e s ,x
<br />c~.f4 ibc zuuxty~ge~.p Maki [sex:auxe tkx• ov.aeer u! aFl r:f the rtarrta ~ e , ruhts au:runt~ after r#rfault a_ <rcurlip
<br />f;ar tkse indEtf ii-c2s6 ar~curr!,l Ix-rc k,o. w'ith iho ragh€ t~=et:ir? c;p;.,n -av j=;;.;;rs tt 1rr t:ar p::: g:ure .>! ~:>?3e, tis:~ •:rrh
<br />r~ia sees] }.rxtft.ta. T4is is xtxcatnrru akta3l r:gse+rate a~ ate asa.igraiaarrax of twny rcntaSs usx ~ai,xi grope-rt- ea :krat r3iant.
<br />