<br />~~~ i1~~~91 r
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~'~
<br />~ - /
<br />S asa entered ista t~ia ~ ~ ~ ~x~'
<br />14~~ amdbetwem Harry L. Gallins and Reha C: Collins, husband and wife;
<br />(herenafter referred to v mortgagor} arai the Administrator of the Smaii Bntinets Adminiotsatitta, an agtnc' a# the
<br />Governmet}t of the United States of America (hereinafter nfesred to as mortga6ee), who maintains rn oil ,tad
<br />f'~°fatEiapire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebras&a 68162
<br />w th•e f~ t~ hereinafter stated, zvzcipt of which us basely the
<br />~' ~ hereby ~~de. sef1, Rrant, ataaign, and coorep sate the. moraEagee, his oaa~tx ~ a~4 afi
<br />of the fofbaving described progrcrty sitnatdf and bein}t in the Coamty of gall
<br />Baste of ?dehraska
<br />Lcrt nd~l.ne (9) os" "Hoicomb`s Highway Homes" a Suiadivisinn ai a
<br />Part of tixe Northeast Qxearter. of the Northeast l~ttarter {p#~~yN~i„)
<br />and r Part oz Let Four {4} Mainlaucl t13;L in Section Twenty-eight
<br />Cz8) :z.n Tns,rnship Eleven {11), :vnrth, kange Nine {9) West of the
<br />33~:th P.FS,
<br />Tv:~.E;F.--: ~aa. ~.a i;t~~:mn-az,m'.i i e~n{s+, mii nxiarr+fxce#uciiaa ignk saaut 4inri3eri nee nj.6 }nlurnx,{aiee~. iur:~tiu};c, Ffiyh!-
<br />itxtg. ventilaiin}t, rrCri{,xeratitpk, irat•incra }ift;}, air ~eunr#iii-0=nt+r~ ,v.µidrara#µ~, :eraci a}esntvvr~ {t#ee, e:rura};sp~„ur !tr Fria
<br />eBrrlarine; titer} it e: i+xtrnrlrv# u#sea tht, ete•res+ kzrrnieu aniasxrrrauirrE i.hunlli iar. sir•rturcl t.. Icae.- l~yae Frr°enx-xcr±xtid xxa.
<br />-}a5i:~;i ia.. };.art ecF t#r¢„ rra#t+?i, :uttS uiF itn}t=u •ut,, rilin ttsar. ..e~ i:ere„Ftcr +•'v i>t-r=;; she,-r,.tx_ tt_r §srer:3i}cets:c-n t> xnni
<br />~i>};ttr;r-ex,e. Y'-- ~xrt,# a P -cis~en ri*„h chartcttta e±•ickrt};ita~;~~ ua~ ice ~ t; v, irw~ sin{a€rik star- ..env. t};r~ vr.vr ii:at astrd r~
<br />var+,+i}rnw, r«otaina#rr-ttav# rr+nniflricr+., a#I ri#itt+ of re+#ernt.tiun, anei thr rrtei~, i~...urw, nnvi nrvctitr+ uF the elprvr
<br />r#tw'r'€4tcrf pttr#sertti (f)ruvi.#~:.e„ ittta,~.er, titrt iEag :w;rFS „.e:;e.r .ir:ti3 iz:• e•niitsrri i+r sLr tam+•-~etua ,,, , •,teerEa
<br />_n.} }r. ..}lu , anel ,.~_a .6u _ _ _
<br />_ .___ }!#. ..,r}~..,~: it .:..st .!;F -.te: r+r,.~r erc .nccxr x r e s~.• .fcsr P'x~iv~rP ear~p-a*.•r{i:l t`e-e ,i irx }.Ie u1. ss 3s et(5t~5 @~tni>*„
<br />tt xxtt.. ari `._f sistrtl h~reitt. -
<br />€~SS ti~tgor esvavaanta that he :A iaxluii-g-rreiaed ari Ei ~<i aF cad has the right to se33 tYtxd r~tneew ,<siel
<br />trroparty, ti#tv6 the eatse es ?rrr. ?ram a#f rnrusnhran.:es excs}r+ se iFr>=:ie3su::vr~ r.+,~.irt.a; ears the; #su S3ea~By 3xiaeir
<br />himtae3.f-wd isia.wasaaswra ifi,-itvtereet tax w~arrattt and =#e?enc3 the tii.#e :tforr~.stl sicrreta a-tc3 e~.-ees }rar} therrcai ,w~aittst
<br />tip elaizss of alt tt+a ~ttttucr.er.
<br />~',
<br />7"hi. ln.trttntert} as F;avrn to w,enre thr tY,- sent ai a ,. urx=~,.._ v t E€._• .Il .w ~'t1_~»~~-" t`4 r ;A~ y'f~r
<br />is t3h~it~v~r~i ~tamg ~aPF ?ef, OfH}.ir'F} ..fg trY Her`}~ t.. ct.~ it,:: .e rte ~ebn :al i ins,
<br />s.Fa~~~ ~..~,;v:Y .
<br />