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~~'®.; ~i ri ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~ i ~ ~ Ct <br />3. Tlae mortgagor eavenanfs atsd agrrta that if he adral) faii to pay acid ina3tbttdttese or any part ihetzg€ trhr~ <br />due, ar shall faii to perform any cavennnt or nFrremtm of this inatrunrent or the promissory tote secured lierebp,.tlig <br />eri4ire indebtedrresr hereby secured ehaii immediately became due, payahk;.and ralleei#ble without nagrtEi a; Lbe <br />agAi~t of the mortgagor ac assigns, reganlitas of maturity, and the mtirfga}tee ar lsia asaig'rsa cusp l~dore ar~fter r~tlaj•. <br />sell said property withouE nppraisemeni f the morgagor having waived and aaaiitned to the mortgagee a'fS r~ghla <br />6pp!'aPEefnent): s .... . .. ~t' s -_ <br />- ts~3 at judireal sale pursuant to the praviaiona of 281;.:,-C. 2t#0#+,a):or <br />(tt't at rho option of the morggagx, either by auction ar by moheiution of xakdLir~,`far the ~'3}glaest amt <br />hest bed stamplging with the ictnss of sale and manger of payment specified in the published itolite ~ sink, flint <br />giving four wmke' novice of the time, terms. and pure of stteh sate, by advertSatnstne not ?taw=than otrce <br />during r-aeh of said font wreks in a rrtwepaptr pub tiahrd or diaeributtd in the crittirazp inwhich saitt psopertp <br />sir stiuatdi, ail other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or any person m <br />behalf of said trwrtgagee, mar cud with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note}. Said sak shall be <br />held at or am the prontrty to he sold or at the Federal, rnunty, or city craurthotiae for the county in which the <br />property u ]staled. The mortgagee is Mereby authoriatd to execute for and on behalf of flit mortgagor and to <br />d~i" .L •~ S.;t,°°6_~_r :. ,ib aa.Lc : a'..¢.:.ic: i ..i.a~l"a, -c ,,. 'said p.`„tscaay. "~":i.Eh ~ u:~au.. '+'-ii a.~i+.taus <br />racitala as to tbs happening n! the drfault upiin whie¢b riot, eareutian of the lwwtr of sale hentin granted <br />dmpouswfa; a+iel the said mortgagor hemby ronatitutea and appoints the rnortgagec sir anq agent or attam~tp of the <br />ntmnt5t}iagarrt flit, agent and attorney io fnct of nail nnortgagar to mnle much recitals amd to tzta^nte said <br />conr~sleanct and herulay raveuantn arsd agtces that tint- rrciiaka as made ehaii let eBectnnl za bar all atgvity ar <br />rig:int caf rtdtmpif~on„ hamrattad, darner. anal alt at her rxeanptinns oaf tYtr anartg'~agar„ all oI winch art hereby <br />taprtasiy waived and c~aivr_red to fiat martgager; ar <br />tact) talte~ any other al>propriats action g:•aarsaiant to maser ar l'tdtr.rai atalCiete either iu state an Ftdera# <br />ruutd or atlierwise far the dispmaiiian of ihr property'. <br />In the exent of a sale as hrrrinaharr pra,~:<..~., t?ie marigagar or any i>e^rsan in poc..easian nnalee ihr mortgagor shall <br />then btroanr and be fen:His holding exvrr and sha#I farthwiih deliver passrmaion to ihr purchaser at such sale or be <br />amm~+arily diapoeseased, in areordanre with the provisions u( law ap#riicable to tenants balding acct. Thr power <br />and agr:ncy hereby granted are rnupied with an +nterrar and art irrrvarab#r by death or othrrw•ise, anti err [;ranted <br />as cumulative to the remedies fur coilectian of .aid iadrbtrdnr-as providrd by law. <br />+te :'lac pt'natszanla of arty snk of said property i€a aceurdanee ,with the preca~rling paragrapltn ehaii ~ applied Bunt <br />io' gamNY ihs arnrht.arad rsaps~en of said a!nk, the u}rrns§a ineurrrd Icy the. utortgagre for the €aurpaaar: crf frroist°tin~y a€ main• <br />4g'~w43x ~aa3, pa': ~s'zr _3.# :~a.a_,-t.=.i- 3t ,- f - - -- 1 t' --- e -..- -.s.:. # 3 ~..«ra.. :.€ .~.r.!?v <br />tr~n lt€ .,~ aaarp# -a :~ e> €a ahF .: ~rnra ism ii_ <rr€i€~ & €iarretu. <br />r, Fnu else s~~vtrat said praluer2r ie ems#d at s judicial farrsrl~urr sale ar ur~anutt to cite pawer~ al" vale Pacr~eina}move <br />Era..°,!€d, and LIt~ prae2e:ls a:= n;::::;~^zG:.t i:: pe. tl-rc. t - -Re.rt>-rir:rse secrarrd h inie imiremsxni sari cviucnaed `n7 <br />eniri pramissary note, the mortgagee will be entit#cd to x deficiancv tudgment for:};r amoaat a€ zhc def+rienry auirhawr <br />rs}fand to sppttitiastnent. <br />a. In the eYei.t !be naurigag:xr fat! €;> par- soy #''ea}crak, .ta€<. asr ;,ra a.,:~:+...-rt. anc.sruc tax s r e.ti.Fr tar. kse:e, <br />ehuge, fee, ar other t•spr'nsc r#sargr,k agaansr shy pn,i»•rtr, +#ar mortgagor rs ire erhy authuriar.:1 a! Ilia option to i:ay <br />the rams- Arty sums ao maid by the rnartgagtx s}aakl Lac. added to and iaevan+r a part of the priucapa# auauwat of the <br />irsdelWtdsu€±r rvitknsv~+I by s..sid state, kulrjrr4 to Eisr range trans and ,-ondi€:wr., ff the nrurtga~.ur ~#a+9k i,ay a€€d <br />desch~rrKe t#sr indebtedness evidrner.l by xui:l tern:as:rxurq Hate, nn3 Khaki pa# such :urns aged ehakl disr#aarge «aii <br />anal liens and thr rrastr4 frrr, an<# rxp:-~nar. aE nsaktug. rnfarriag. and •~.ers-,niut; Ehi-. ,m:rigagr, t6ru [biro anu.agage <br />adyml] hr rnnctltd and surrraadrrr..i. <br />:. ~~tte eeas-euaesY3 hrrr-is ; 7utai..ed ehaii hinsi and tint hr€w€€s a;ga,i uslv,inaegra ehaii enure tc the sespe'rtivr aue- <br />a asd aaasgna ref the parties barren. 'K' ha:mever rratd, the singular Dumber shall iaelr,fe the p}ural, the piurrl tins <br />at~aelar, toad the ors xf atry geordtr shall include, all gendsrs. <br />~.. #Va waiver of ~ - - ..,.. , i;€.n,i:. a. of €hs...4;:;.._.:..- - <br />ay ,"-,'~'•» -•,€;„rq• ~' •..a. r a..hsks a. any caner iiserra,irr ike ?•4ia <br />to bt a waiver^ of file tcesan hrre+rf >.r rf tbt Hate ~-rccurrd #u-a'eliy,- <br />4, In eamp-fanct with arraiao i t>l.l i d t of the (toles sad 1ttRuiatiorrs vi the Smal! lluaiatsa Admirairaratiaaa (19 <br />~~. l8-l.l:d}i. i :- '- - t is to lac a:azrsarusrl and rntorcrdsn sreordnncr with •AUlieabk F'edtrs# law. <br />l R' jts~iciaf d~rrarn, art?er, or judgawrsat laas~ir+g sot gxravision or partian u# ttste iastruzuent onvaiid cr uta• <br />Riafrwzsa§k s'saall use ten am way impair ar ;x-~a-iu 3e the r€zfarrei€trzxt a? €fir rerrrainittg prr:,rPr:ua nt purzians of <br />t tsrstruri*.xut, <br />