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~~- ~~~r583~ <br />Lenders writrGn agreetaent or apptictrtJe law. Horrower shah pay the attroum of a?( maRgage msinaace premiums in the <br />meaner pravids*t? utukr paragraph 2 ?sxr,saf. <br />A::v atswtrnts distnrrsed hry Ia=a>~r pursuant to this paragraph 7. with 4raerxst thet'~n, shat? become additiana? <br />insfetuetlness of Iforrawtr semred by tfris Mangage. Unks_a Iiorrawer astd Lender agree to aiher terms of paysiseni. stn:ft <br />trarounts shelf be payal+te apps rttxiae from to 13odrawer requesting pa}•meni titereaf, and sha77 hear interest fratn-the <br />date ofi d?sbsu'geax~ztt at the me payable from time fn time on txiuctanrHng principal under rite Note unless payvtart oP <br />interest at such tale-watdd bz-connrary• ea appiica67e ?asv, in which event stre}r amaanu shat? hear intetesi at the highest rate <br />pts[tr4stibk under appf'rcabie €ax. ?texhing etratait~td in tfris paragraph 7 sitar? require Lendu to iarttr any expense ar take <br />atry aMian hereunder. <br />~. losjettlou. t~n€!er may make ar carne to be made reasenabte entries upon and inspections of the Prapetty, provided <br />that Trader stralE give 8orraerer turtice prior ro any Bitch inspection s~cifying reawna6?e cause therefor retaied to Lender's <br />initt7est is tt~ Property. <br />4. Cotadms Ti'te pnxeeds aF any award ar claim far damasgs. direct or cousegttentiai. in canpection wish any <br />txiridemnatiart or cnteer taking of the Prnpetty. ar pert therrxtf, at far ccmveyance in ?ieu of condtrsination, are ?tereby aasigsted <br />and sha77 !tr paid to Leader. <br />In tfx evetn of a tatai takir~ trf the Pmpeny. the Drcrceeds shall tx applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the execs-. if am', paid to &ttrtlwer fn the event of a perils? taking c# the Propem, nriess itprrawer and Lender <br />ahuwisc agree in writing. there slraii be apptied to the sums srxxered by thi< Mortgage such propartten of the proceeds <br />as is egaat ra that prrtpnrt?an ranch the amount at the sums secured by this ?Anrtgsge immed?ately prier to the date of <br />taking bears m the fair market valxtc of the Property imrtediatv9y prior to the date of taktng, •uirh the P.atandc of the proceeds <br />paid to 1lor:ua.dr. <br />if the Prctpe=m• is atran~rred M• i3errrower. s?r if. after rea!ice by tender to Harrower chat the condemnor offers to make <br />an eased to stttsr a c{aim free damages, Herrurxer Caiis to respond to t_endtr wi[hin .1(t dnv_ s after the date such rtotics is <br />mailed. Leru}tr is rirtttzxizzd to c•ai`xert arx} apply fire fir<x:eezis. at lender's apritxr. either [o restma[ion or repair of fhe <br />Praper'tp' cer to the surccfi secarrd hi' this Wi.+ttgage. <br />#;niess t..e.7skr anti tlprmwer a;hcnw isd~ agree rn :silting. any' such a,pphc:u:nn of proceeds try principal she?? not extend <br />ar panlpr;tra: the due date ,:f the mnn?h?>- inseaHments refet~dd to in parsgrattti; and '_ ?rereui car change the amaxmt of <br />ataCtS rnstaSimenlS. <br />ttt, borr>7xrw•'.'§srt Reteaae3. Esi: erw rcro ,+t tht bare :ar, e~;r s~ment nr mr3.€i,fit-.-attrrn itf smesrtiaauan ,+f Phe sums tecumd <br />by this hitt+rtgage granted by i.emier to any succr*.sc?r :n interest ,yf HarroweY~ shafE nor cftdram to rdteasd, in an.y manner. <br />t!r¢ 7iafiilNty n# the ~=rtg;~7 t3ar per aaHf $rvirrmu=eP. utccessr3~ ,n interest_ i.ender sF.aii n.,t ht: r~yuiral ra carrnmenne <br />pYOiYltflitingr llg3inx[ xr4eft WtiT(°5'fi,tr air refiTKe to eMldnat Sima' Id:Yi' {'xa!.'rtt'.dnR rr.' ,~Fhdl'r'i+'a' mt+dlfY' 3mt'lrtiZ;tESV,n r+~t tiTxt Sams <br />secarrcd by t$i:s 4!<+rigayte b.- rda-.ats .+t any' ddmand meek na tfx .*rirr+mF Hcssr=+aer and F3nrr„wer's sttctcssx:rs 'in interest. <br />tt. Far4earaiece tit l.e2tder Neu a ttl aieer. Any-'arf+caranre t++ ? ender m cacr:::•:+r.e ,:n•. r,eh? ;:r rcnteis hrrdunder. or <br />,Mherxrsd afforded ?+v ypp7icaMe ?av+,. +n.,l? nui hd a wata'rr ;,i .•r rrc:luds.• •hc cycrc,t• .,( an,- .u.h riGM „r remedy. <br />'':Tre prc..-~arcnrdrt i't r:->oranct: or ihr ^ r,f ,. , ;~tbcr i~.ens ., .harry hs ? rn ire snali trot ?>e ,, ., ;fever ~.f F dnaier's <br />rigid ?t, nx~ccicrasr Rt+r meta,-ity ,*f tnc ,.;z+?hrcdncsst~~2 -, t,~d ha P~,. ~(.,ttt,e^^ <br />t2. irTtratrtl[x Cearutat#yr. ~ti rcnseir_s pn ,efed ,•a ehr 1f .gear c d~+tinct ' -i .emulative ?o env ,4her nghz nr <br />;:xtrxx`.: t,mater th.= 1,t:xtg.v ,.ides. h, ... rr a ,. ,i ,'.r . :e =xr.t -terra -dercn.tem R:: r arivei'; <br />73. Sarrtt:aarw Bud At>q?tn 9axndt dalat sad Se.craf ttatrt7I#~': ('arstioae. ihr „,a..:r:tts :Krccmrnts herein <br />,,,. is+,?e.? she?? 'fret:?. ,end +hc tt#hti ttcre:tstdrr ,i:a~:.^•. •; - ,rt;~. •. -.-'. •.~.,+-. .I - ti; - .-u Fi r:_ucr. <br />sah~ ~i ra [!X p.;tr~?x:cxxs _4f r..ztagraph F' hems? 4, ,israantx ;a s.° akt ~rFUS"•,te „r H-r.,,=sc^• haH t,c 'tat and ,rwcrai. <br />.~ _~~ - ~ ~ai,n~-, .,: •~rc p.tragra(rhx -. it^rtg _ •,. .-;r: 'r ...::*:.r .••+i; ,: .t r. ,,:t - r ,rK: t,. <br />;ntrrprdf. ~Y ~dttfit,.: [hd ~ -. ~-r.~n.. f;crcrf <br />, <br />li. "CeiirR ~xa-e7N.~far am' eMV ice 2siarred ~mddt atry'I:~: ivar ?vo. r~ by g,ven =' anntha•r atatuter ... .ttty' r ace B' <br />t <br />- m'< V. <br />sx - -. i~ *a+; .s - is hie'rtg~ttr _r!si7 ~+, _ .,• -, :.-: - -.4 .. x,.-r-,., rr ;•- <br />5+„<c .L, u.cracr aaa3: i+e = c.a L•. -rrt~zc,t , ._ -_. __.9ve _. _ _. .r, - <a: ,i h,r <br />srKh T,t4'.acr aldrr+at ,is!drt ~ ray, •ls cienatet i+s .at_~_ -, hr -.. ,,.ui:_. ,., t„< ., ,hi. <br />r -___ <br />_~ rte;. .. ;. ~ i;-a es• k,t.a tee', p,t v.- ee, to , .. ~ , t ., der vi,r, i, tr;n ii, .nd Yna,;nar .,i^.tp"a,cyt rc~reixi -- <br />.- rr v <br />~, z~ierr~'~w~i~r: ixaee~ra~ Ls,r: .',awrrux ..: ...: :.: .. ... a.a~t•. ~,....inr:..,n:r.~rrr, :. +~erit :: c .,:,r„ n.ti <br />n9x; 3n,.? niMa-t3nlfi?rni i:xnlat,ts uit}! ?ittro-?e.., ~ . ..,.: ., .t .. .. .,"rr',i c;,,,,fi'; ta' inert t`frlr ttt ~ Crtn>t <br />rn,-a=~ <br />era! ,• iR:; At:>rtgag. s.,a'! '~d ;{::: , . hc' ;. ., • ., , , ,~ !'-,.i e... ate,l 1?r, the <br />dvrnt t?fat goy •t v xr„!r o z!a e.e ..,: *trv, Ara^,t}ale :, A. ° , . _. „ '. i,.. ,.:cr- _. , -F ~~ .tail ,~„r eaFect <br />t+[hs°r pr~,Yxnm q{ r ti Mor(ggge Cr t?;r 'a'„ie ». , .. ,+ , .,,~shr •n;3,~=,ru .nn-. .,nd !n thin <br />caret f'.~: }r.ra,;;,at;±,,f the Mmrtgagx:.snai the. •,..ti is -. _...xs.. ~. ,.. _._ <br />!4. Ftfrr+tvxtier'x 4:~y. iltxrtaawa-• --.,.ri.! x .... . ... .. . ........ t ..,, ,y,r *. ,.. ,,... ~ .,,.. •,x`. - ,.o. ;.nr. <br />at elec. arise .'a after ntcsdaUati ha•rr.,f <br />1'f. Trastsdet rat tAt Tsxa@ee[}; .4ikos. '. ,. .., ,r ~,.._ g.,..a :.. ,,, -; ,z, c,r n.~r::=.r: r~, ,.:,d ...: ntct. .. <br />"'r llenan,-a'tr cr t} ,u .~ndtr•~ Fyrra't wrrtt+.~a .,,n..r i. a..,~dr ,a 'a. ., , , t _n„-,u ~.c r yri1 :ir t;, <br />?h:a fd:u tgs~ rbt the :;zat .4i :x .ai a.t ,E_ . , -.. .-, z#:-.. .rs. -. r.~.iit ..a t•,.•a isc•. <br />^tet „r h) ryat at,t7v +'i !s , tht. ;,ath , ! ~t , . ,t ,s.r,a,.t ..r . <br />_- - - --- - - - ?atra~r r t. t- r,.kr-. ,•~r,•.. dr. -_ .a.; .,. _~ ~cd ~ , ,., xi,-rraa5r n, he <br />annrda3,sucty dvxi and para..-?e. L=.•sxdrr :hall r.. ;:d , ,.-= rpr,r, , _ .. i.,.a „.: - ., a _ i : n.le, <br />.e€ri the' pct v.;¢t i,, avhrm tbt F'Yvperro ,+ r. by -. ~-,tut i t,.n Y, .. a; t - ,.. .-,. .._, - - ,~h <br />r , <br />s~:# i=3: ta>=: .,, : s:i•~c. arit i.ta, iris t ~, f ~;ix:x's c t r, ,,v - - - _ ~ . ,. µ.. _- _. <br />.t {ei: <br />_, : ; :ey'~, it ? d•e t.. has x a:rrti ehr , i:ott t:, t,.c._. a ~ n v,,t ,=,.1 +t - . - ,.... ...... ., <br /> 4-.;a. c-s . .ail a, ..._,. ~ arr,t:.a+<, ~,.ree,r ni e}.. ,. . , I .,,,:rr - .. ,.: ~ ,.a Hc~r ..,-, .n,,, -,i, <br />+~!hlegrxtaur. sttxidt this ?wl.-*r.;agt a!'kf tree \rHr <br />.,. - .. <br />,n <br />i+,sY~rh{-~{=~ :a -~rca<: s:::+ ,:, -,_a -ha:. .,.a„r. : ,t. .v .:,,. .,.. ~..,.:~ t i:,y. ,,-t ~ -;-.,,, ,,.. r i <br />(z,rrairz :xa.. „ t- ~ -` t.«,F _ - ,.." -~t ..,.._.;~• - .- 7:. ,. -.: ~ _ -- . ;,......-. r ..,.,_;~ _ ~ :..... :: ...... _,.- 4 • <br />%:.ri.i;i:. - -,. cr->.t> t. It.wi, ~_. _ _ , ,- ..:x ~-. hr ._.. .. ,r.a, ..„os, <br />tb, At'raln~iaa lir.ue9ir~. EseePt ~? pry<ided is €wrags~p6 47.E r t .ulwn Hcvxuaer's ht ess 4r ,at east c.,++aaat ., <br />atyaeugxa ut 7lsrrxraet iu Rea \i+.utitatgr, xxatadtt~i, t!t re.eaaafs su 9a? ahttn trim :uta autos cea urxW 6t this xlurtawttas <br />i.aatdrcs Wires to a+~ daati mrt~ xwrl6re M Feretxsa~r ss peas tdrs! to par~rriph ii here+>t .txra(pitxg: <f7 the her». h: <br />e,I1 tdb'n x,rYYan r to ar'aro tiar:h biter A: iii a dpta•, ci± tr+,s lhga is da}a (r~tn ".tx sate the tyrt- - s xt~teil s , H.~r rc.++.~e, <br />Sri >t6ffiO asark 4esrtcffi career: fie ra~sC read f1s tttaxi tRilrwe tae arxe :uctx htrat~p atu ur ire(are tree d.arr wprr i»cd in rh<' nxrticr <br />easy tscHtk ha satealua~exa at ttxa w»t, mewed hr thin 4t+u4F> fwxct.~sare by judk'iai lairs-Redhty sad irk of ttn~ Pnryerty. <br />fl1P,t itrxkv siaR trrtiet 8aiw~ i~rrarrxtr' tit rps' r~tN ty reitxatafr a#tat sear?erat lees xut! the itgbi tw ~'•ers is the ttcrex~fnxerr <br />irtaeYr~ig Fir libtraiiattme eet u 2a#ayh w att} =xingt xts*frt~r ,rt ii4arr ace to as.rfdriuiurx anal laser. i.raare. ?Y the irrc'un <br />is uN xaswad :an axe Fntwe ttat ~ntt xpsx:itflerf 'set (he mattsev, t,r»d<r ut f zutAtr'c r>pip,wa n~.~ strrixrc a[t x,f tha• •.uim w•t tread by <br />Nrkx ~R tx rte feusavi~ste~t± dire t~ Ps.}t~(C ,.isMrpt (ur't6er t#ruasd auJ tans f:erexhx~ #S; tudn'ixl prttrrtsnS. t gager <br />*9asH br ratllleat k. rarWct qr xarrb psea^rndtgtt art exsuasps of frrreclraatu. uts~?u:tiatr. hui itarard e.,.. =a~.t. rile Juc uxudrr(ars <br />r~xislkaars_ aWasa::#a Arad r>'ai'r tspati+c. _ - .. <br />t9, ~Stru+tt~~a Rat tta Aa&aatrix. ~+a*t,n iii:-t ... :....... . ....... .. .. r•a tt,~,tn .. <br />