~3~ ~(i~€3~2
<br />UNiPOaM CaveranNrs. Borrower and Linder revenant and aeree as tolfows:
<br />t. ?syenent of Ptincipat asd tirler^sf. Barrawer shelf promptly pay rhea due the principal of and interest on tht
<br />istd~htedscss tvidtnced .`,y the Nate, prtpagitast and late chargts as provided in the Mote. and the prncipaf of and interest
<br />ott any Future Advances securtd Mr this Mortgage.
<br />3, ~e~ ter Taws aad itsuttseee. Sub}let to appficable law or to a writttn waiver by i,endtr, Borrower shat! pay
<br />to Lender nn the day monthly instaltmants of p: in.-ipz! and interest era payabf< under Ast ivae, un¢3f tht Nate is paid in fuif,
<br />a sum (herein "Futtrla") iqual m one-twelfth of the yearly taxis and asstssments which may amain priority ever this
<br />Mortgage, atul geottnd rtnis an the Pxsperiy, if any. plus artbtwtifih of ;early premhim iastaifineots far havard insntance,
<br />plus otwtwelfth of ytarfy ptemrttm instaltttxtsts Ear mnrtgagt insurance, sf any, ati as reasonably estimated iniiiaity and from
<br />tirnt to tsme by €.etider on fhe fsasis of asstssmcnis and #silis and rte»nabie estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shat} be ftttd in an institution the deposits or acwunis of which are insured or guaranteed l:y a Ftderaf or
<br />state agency {irtt:}uding 4,endor if Lender is such an institution t. Lender shall apply the Fursds !n pay said lases, asstssments,
<br />imturatree premiurrts and grotmd rents. Ltndtr may oat charge for so halding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and campiting said asst~smtnts and bias, unless Lendtr pays Bnrmwtr :merest cn the Furods and applicable taw
<br />permits ?.ender to make su:,1t a charge. Mrrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mnrtgagt that interest nn tht Funds shah be paisi to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />rer}uir~ st~tt interest to he paid, txndtr aha13 tiro be required to pay Borrower ary m;crtst ar earnings on the Funds. i.ender
<br />shat giro to Harrower, without charge, ars a»nVat accaun[ing of tht Funds showing credits and debits to tht Funds and the
<br />purpou for which each debit to the fFuttds was made. Tkte Funds are p:tdged rs additional security -for the sums secured
<br />by this Siortgage.
<br />If iht amavnt of the Funds held by Len+fer, rogether with the future monthly tnstat)ments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due delis of taxi, assessments, irssuranee premiums and graund rents, shall exceed Lhc amntmt regtured to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments Illallra4i'1 pMQ}iumt znd griv~nit rr_•a _~c ef..v fait A,m SaCI} °x~ta3 ~hsli w. at P^r..~-.eTS „"
<br />prnsnptty rtpanri to E3arrnwer or c[tdi:td to 8orrnv,'er on ntanthly mstaPin}ents of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />!~I by fender sltait not bt stditc~ait to pay tarts, asstssments. insurance premiums and grnursd rents as they fall due.
<br />$oriosrer shelf pay to Lender nay amauut nrcessary to make up the derineney~ wi[hin 30 days from [he dare_ native is mai.ltd
<br />6y Leradtr to €iorrowtr requesting payment thereat
<br />Upon paymem m to}f of ail sums secured by thu hfurt¢age. t.e:idcr shaft pramptiy rifund to Borrrwtr any Funds
<br />txld byr i..ender. Ff under paragraph i>s htrrot tht Yropery ;~,; wld 4u the Prolxert'r :s othinvise acqutn:d t,y Linder. Leader
<br />sttafi apply. na lattr than tmrmrdiatefy pear to the sale of the Property or ;tw acqu:vticn by fender, uny Funds hifd by
<br />Lender at tht time of apptiatson as a credit against the sump, \ecurrd b\ this \fartgage.
<br />3. Arrdlon efi Paystaaais. finless appf:iabit few prrtvtdes old?crwtse dd payments recitvtd by fender under the
<br />Note atxi para.&raphs i and ~ hereat shall lit appl±ed by fender tint :n pt:nent -t maunss payab!i to Lendif by Borrawer
<br />nutlet paragraph ? hereoY. then to interest payxbii un ti:c Mcte. then to the pnnmpu] nt the Note. and thin to interest and
<br />pnnctpxl on any Futurt Advarrc~s_
<br />J. C6stges; Lkm. Borrower shad! pat' all lase, ase<:nxnas .,red Daher .h .. ..:._+ and :m^(+wmaas ,atn1}atable to
<br />the Propeny which may' anal^. a prtc rity curt this !slortgagc. end iea.ehaitl i~:+crnents „r"Ground rents, if any m the manner
<br />prev;dtd audit paragraph 2 hereof nr. if nut paid !n +uch manner by Burro=.\er ntakme pavment. sr hen due, Jtrectfy to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrow-er shag prompttc turmsh to Lender uiE naudes :,t .,tnrnmts Sue :mdcr the paragraph, :.red in the evont
<br />Hortawte shad makr Payment dtrrsuy, Harrower +hadl nromivth ?:,h ',, txnJar :icupts a.':dencmg w.it pavmenty.
<br />sW.,., - - -i p; v~frf ~ ___..-free :Yy iet.n ~+; ht.n has r ,: r :`n:. '.f 4rrt~asse. :.: v:,icd. that i3nrmwtr shat3 .: he
<br />recm,rtd .e d:saha; Ye dm , h !~ _ ,,, 4 - N._rr _. - , -. _., , .__ .... _.1.-: ,
<br />ln4~tr tten:n a manner 3 CCptabit la finder. lit Shall l _ !u ~atl'i. ~ -'~=i .S .'! _I_ _ _ )'. ~r ~,.((nJ i`'nY YS.1L1'I( :~1 sl.th 31ER In.
<br />tegaf prai:c^d:rtgs s-hxh opc-sie •u r ~ -e !.."r ..nt rc t:.cnt ,.,, ... ,...:+r :, rt~:ti4;~ .=t nc~ ih.st.,;ri. ., . + tan tnereui.
<br />_~= --_ _. --. -.. ~, r...-., „, r,::.~c - r< a ,.,a. .our,:-r. •~
<br />_. _.._ _ .._ ., ... ....,., „ ...,._ , , , , ~ , , a
<br />secfa ornvnragr. exceed that dmawu+ut ;v+eragu ('yuwcai ~b : v v:, ad b~: ;h:+ Si antt:aga.
<br />a
<br />,~ .,,g:t, ~a 4s..,~: ~ ~}~ t, is - r-.,::...,_ na....... h ~. ij..._- ...;,.,.I .q,t.,,.' ,.; r-, .: -. -. i.,,.=...,..,t.
<br />that z;rh ~Ttt ~ -..:__. _..,, .._ . . . ... ... ...... ..~. ., .... .., .. .~ .,... =
<br />pfnrtded u[tdef p.i[.lgrdpi5'•.~'. I?tleai ~I'L• fltri palat rtYt gal (,af::iit .•r' tir•: F.r,n y-rn;1n ng t,.4p elan t. \tten dlte. ,IIR,. [1\ tU (hl
<br />ItlanratlCe iarritr.
<br />Aff InYllranit' [Yalill+y and ;IInY''h :tlS inir('~`1 tl}ui{ in' ~: '„fin t .at'tlhli~ ~., a'RJt': .~ s1+:i!1 ::li S~i~t:: , .. :;,i_I l.i n _a}'a'
<br />CfaltFt L't taS(!F i~t area 'n ia\fni .'.iti i}-riah.¢ ,t~ ~.~IiLFiI , ,.r4., ` -I: ri „[ _i'E 4.I.i i.. .,: '. -.< 1",.i~_ + ,. .. v ~ 1`ttr S,~l
<br />- - to 'll
<br />and $artowtr sbn:: prompt}t tuttush to Leader sli - ~_ _n>> .:.:.-u:p:; .a 0,+:d ; ra:~:n; .; ~ ..:. _,.,n , : .~.,,.
<br />Htxrower sha:fi glue f:roaapt ttnttca h; tie;. rnnnr.,u.o ,nrr+rt ,u;d (\.,dc: 1.enJc= :.:a. n:aka• : a=i .q h>iv, .,, , :aJe r unh
<br />by Biirtiswet ~ - .
<br />(i;theRS I cr,Jtt and Bin rewgt uthent+w ayret ;, sntsy- :n,.. .~_ qJ. ±_:ap ~ aPFl:cd •. __+_, :. u,m t=-c.!;c ~ ,
<br />ttte Property Jart}a.,gr<t. pt'(,vtds~l scab -_-_, a[n .? :r _ .. .. t... -.I;. .,. „t .- .. .t::,~.st,::
<br />oat tharcoy inipautai. }[ sty-h res[atuUOn .~a renx.r ' _t r-. o,t -~ah~+ :ra :_:_ t .! }c -,4~;nv _. -z:, 410 ,_:s;< .+. wd
<br />tx ruspatred. the n}stdrau.e prc~~e-coin +hrii ! appk.e.i ~. ,hu ,u n ,_. _,:eJ '„ atro ear t ag,: •..n, , . .rn. a:d
<br />ti: 1s+?, ~waf 1t !hc' vn,.,..~r _.-_...:.: _,. .., h ..... ' _--...._ - _ .,, .. ,
<br />_ -.. s a
<br />date nnllee s m lieu by Lcn.ter to Horr.,wei ut l: m nw:auu~ _r , •`~t+ ,- ,,.ale , ., I , ~ .: t t , i': ~J!~:
<br />:.rutlsurtced to cuilect :rod spill} nc~' mu; rs u.r ; ~a<~us .,, , ~: v,a. , .,ta,,,u c: n:c: :. n,,,o:,, u,::: ~ : :: ,+,~ tar t'r:. p.nr
<br />v! t3 IG~ >attAS `n. 'crirei h. 'hla :"9i^rt~rv~:;
<br />t_,m~:. t~'t; 3_ ~ xd 17+w: _h€ ..}~`t !i e~f<~' . ~(.::..... ... ,.,,.. :, a,..,
<br />~rt ynst~?t=e site dta. „ate „ :ka ,nzxx+i?; .ailmsat, ,e[er tea ,r.eg m u _::a z_, _ _ _ _ ., .. ..,
<br />such :=1n[altntcnEs iY ,:osdrr at:seeaph ~. ;hr. !'r_~irrt\ -- .... , ;,,t4:, .. . ' ~t:c .. <... - i„ ...=.o-a.
<br />tY! alad SU i!r3\ 4rtSliiaa_C p[}trUGS alld :n t...1 -. e . - e.:ter!? th;t r . ,., t.± .._ ~ :... : ,..~ ,. . ,
<br />(sr akyut,.trttr .ha:( 1>3:.,.e .. . ,s,v,.: ,,. th.. ., , ..z ...,n , _,.. ~. , i. ,a:,... w.i,.. ~ .,. t, ail :
<br />.,
<br />G. I*msn}tiiaie usd 1iaiata.~aart+'.~ 4.E #'rus.rres t. •~sw=M,1A.,, i :,;.a..,..,.,r+r,o-,,.; t~~,,,...n t <r„ a x...t..~.e.~-,;a. .
<br />+hafi r-step t,.r, f'°o-pt rt~< is =_xi}si .-.f.a~: ~ .;}:~: _ s _u,. ,,. .. -', ,>r-a sn . ,..:,,,, ,, _, ,. , .:, ,~. ,a':-=,
<br />attd shaid a7mp18 .+Ith !ac pin tst_s3 ,,; .< - _. :, A3,nc . „ „ .. ~ .- •,6~~ .:s. ..:n ~- ~ :
<br />c>na~..~,mir.;utu o a }.dannrd .. mt .1_vc 4t tuna nt. B.n r, ...: .~ .: an: ,all ,: Itri.._,. ,- _,. a, '.e t_,: ,r m;.u
<br />or covet4tsnfs crvatang <u govere~ng [fie ._..ndvt ,..? - , ntti un:[ dc4 rinpnnem ale • utL, :+, ~.n,: a- - .~.,o . , ; a:e
<br />eundc+rutnaum Vr }}Santtrvt umt csx.l.,vtwtr;4t. ..., . ~ ~: f.eau:: to r;• I _ m.,+.n :, ~,q , _ . t ~ ,at „ . p
<br />ceder r cxe:utad by Ht`.rru - t ~ ;n.- r~au _ - ,::t, rh:-= mf:,r te..xe _..~,_ .v, . _ _r.. :.:. _,
<br />shall he :^ec*rr .;ax3 :nto a,t.:.b..:i qa'.; .t. n- a ;?pr.`r.+€o[ ,;;e c,u„ „ ,c ~:::.., , '.: _:., fit, ... , ::I,:
<br />,~<:
<br />ware i par¢ htreaf.
<br />7. PrWeadq!t o2 Lta$er"s `-i~,pr'gB, Is farxt,,,,n, lud=: :n pal t,:: nt the :ants :;~; ,gn ,..a.+., _, ,,i:,,. ... ...
<br />MtkSt~a~G'. E,t R'. 3iky dd:*nP - yr+Y:2$..it s~, =~ --Yii3t:i.r<u.: wCr14%1 ni,~~lu tail\+`Ii1'a I3 ~.!?i ~:~ ;~=1('r~.,l '. ~+
<br />In£ifEd:iljj, biJt rk Yf iq1?+!&tt lit. '.ftl4€i#:i;t k VAA h. -~ :, 't t,. '..:.. af. - ,-.na t,:. . t; .=ny~:nt:, ~. ~ i'.+.4'e(-Inf;.+ , .:, .. ..
<br />t}aGhr.3pt +}r 4r}cs~...n,?i t.~rx>v-? :s+ i ca¢r:_;. k'::;: _ ..:..:. i4_e+:=<_ .... ., _ .,.._n „d+:x..r.4 ,. ,. +. .. ~:
<br />;.atris ant! take st3h a...sarl .3 . roc+H.rry p„r+s•s+;, i ndcr, ,nta-f~.;. i -. ~.~i _ ,, ,.,h ~ ,-.... :
<br />teiSar[za",-fz' d#iirt~i.`s t~ aa~ - t~ f!u _- _ :,. _ .. ~ ,.ter .:,tom _ .;. ,. s, ,,
<br />;xxb3sui} tf rnaYsnay tau tov+t x.~,trea `~~l [tzsa :,=I~ taagt. t3=:a~ ..,, .>=alt i-. _ ttv:e.on a~r, re,t ., .- ...,. ,,, -
<br />