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prior to carry oC a ;udgntertt enforcing this- Mortgage if: (a} t4ormwer pays :.ender all scans which would Ore iSm duo under <br />tl~ Mortgage.. t}r Moto and natex serasing F`tatnto a6vatscos, if any, had no aeceletarian orcurtrd: (h} $arrowcr cares ail <br />brhes of any atSer ra'+e:ta Gr :igreeenenYS of 8orrcaver con€mined in this Mattgage; (ci borracer paps a3i rrasdma6L <br />-eagieassas ittcstrre:l SY in an€arc4ng the ~a~nsnts ar~d agt~eesceent~- of ~arrawzr cattairacd in tlsis Martga~~ and sn <br />ta€oro+ng #.ander's remaSees;n ptsovided in paragraph t8 hsreaf, iru~luding; Sits not litaited to. reaaonsitie atxorney's fees; and <br />!df i3orrawer rake astian as Lzndar rnag raasonahly regaire to aware that the uesa of this Martgsge, Sander's itti~at <br />- et Ate tRaperty aruf Borraweis oWigatian to pay tlxe s€msa sertarcd hY this Mortgage stsat! ;,.onx9rtue unitrt€yuirM. L'piut aaeh <br />paytaeni sari cars S4' Sornsssstr, this Afortgagx and ttse obligations secured bstdyp~ shaft remain in fall fat+~-and- affect as-if <br />tai accekeatian had oexmtrd. <br />3R A.r4pmwap rt RaaeK a#ilzedver; I.erd~rr la~ Pmsaatfem As aefditionat security haretttadee, Horrowee <br />hetzfiry migtra m Emdar~9re terns of the Property. pravidert that iiorrnwer aSail, prior w acceteratian under partgraph 18 <br />het or daxruttt a~f tlae property, have tfae rust za caikct and retain such rents as they becotae due and payable. <br />Upon aaett%atima under paragraph ifi# hereot ar abandonment o€ ~ property, tender, in parlor, by agent or hY <br />ralh' appanr~ rccaivtr. shall he esetidM to enter capon. take possession of acrd manage the Property and to cotkexa the <br />rem4s of the: Praperty, otu€inding ttaasa Bast dea«- Tit rents ~,ailerted lip fender ar clue receiver shah be apptie$ frsst to payetwttt <br />of the casts t£ rtsstaag~saetta of the Prapert}F aced cal[eation of ants, ineietding, tnn trot litttited to, reeiaiver's fees, premitvnt an <br />teesiwat's Saas~t ~ eaaaanab~ auoraey's frxs. and then-to t~ Sams secartal by this Mortgagc. [,etsder and tt~ reeeiwtr <br />s be leable to atxawsr onfv far tlxxe mms acnaaJly rdz€vt+i. <br />` 71. Vrara Alrrttaae. tJpan request of gorrawe:. I.ersder. at [.extdcr's optiaa prior to release of this Mortga~, away <br />make Fatat! A6~ancas to 8arrasrrr. Ssieh trutuae Advances. with imereq therrat. shr11 be secured by this Mortgage when <br />e~•ared by prs:m3~irp nu?:s stauttg drat said nratas are sassred heretri. ,4t zsa tiree alas!! the prs`ncipal amauttt of tlx <br />- serttrM by tfaif ItCax, ascu ir~ttsdiag Sams advarseed in accordaasre herewith to protect the sertarity of this <br />. . ,~~..,s: ~s et.s rw,~. ~. {,ice: Son nn . . <br />;ate ~~ :~ ~_.~._._. _____... ~ ~ ._~ ,..~ .._. ~_ <br />s. <br />23.. 1F+ LTfos paG77arair of a€t utats a~uraSSt hY rlais Alartgage. 6_renr4er shah d4scharge this h~lartgage wititettt <br />chargr, to Berr~a^ar. l~utowsr~ shall. tutu iii cos€a~ at recardatian. ;f an!a- <br />0~ar'kV#~~~ IIfs~,tF. ~r satecated t6i% AfisartgpgY. <br />%a,lvevn 9>. willies ~-~eenrnrear <br />~t?iar:e ... roilli~~s -axre>re. <br />3TA3'S Cf NEJ#ItAS&Aj <br />sas. <br />CtNJid't'Y 41' BaII + <br />'l^ea lvr~~sq i^ser+3rr~rt vas ack=~terlgelq,ast bai£ara aset '„h:a i?tn, .dlt}y o_, , <br />. :icttr i~~~~., t:y ,cal<rirr :.. ,x~,ill:te;m_.~s _yatt3 ~trtct. dalliae:!s . <br />wi,.~~b = pref. ~~` ..v2~s~:at aa~l. 3t. .'=~':s__;3 r:q~d= 1€tlarz_~_. _ <br />; - - - - -:f' ~ r,:.----~ eat" ' <br />i° _ <br />~C>ttua. Br. era t8l aa'tt dnzary i,^. . , <br />xY Caewaiaaian eapi!rear .i'~_`S. ~?,__ <br />RSH i»;:e198i+"f iJY arl]RS`G7Ke3: <br />+'!~ ?.si. ,. 't'Y.f ~'~.w~uS~~. _„ :e-'aka".-.'=x i. r.,3'_.±._: - . - :~~ti. . <br />l a'hbc:iignrsr~"'} frzz 9,^~,~d. arsd val;ra*.+i8 :cxaa xaierat zrn r,~ ss i:, isr,ui gai,:7~vy cti .•~aeGrac±«a :~crro-- <br /> Tutsd. 'sr ,an a+ex} ;uxlsr that :.asis ~! ehc~ wt:tt..w ~.f 4csras...y ."is8:~.;z:ee"' _~~.. <br />raecaape c5# w€at~:n uanaa, 3eeat3 on is Y+areby aekn wjeda4:i~, <3~*ee hereha~ .xc+sx9a, is a:, ~:sttr, ,..u <br />sari ~5ar r~ssa Aaei~ a32. iir+s rz:~r:ta, t~.tttm, area tnt+erYSt :r, a>>-.a *.o chat t:exrzy;r +sore- <br />e~ aas~stt-coat bt+ - .`=~ll~ ~•. '~-s3_ .aR~'.3t~eta_ ., i~:J.,t1. . . . u;s r~-; <br />