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<br />~.'2'eta,t~st,areaKeoaaratts~af~a.~t ~ :. , ._ .. .. . <br />.. ~ ,tin f+t'°~P~7 1~! tlm indebtedaeaa aridetteed bT said tteta at des tissea ana m tIw <br />tlt~eia . <br />~. » will >~ -all tatcaa, aaeearseeab, «ater ntea, and aeher w of tnrtaisipal ~argits, finea; oft <br />impaaa,-ter which pt Las [tae hams made 9set+~abefare,,md will pnemgtirdelitrer the o~ei.l <br />t~rerar w tba said <br />c lle will pay such expeases and fees as may be incurnd in the protection and maintenance of sand <br />propo±rty including the lees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />tha indebtedness hereby ser:ured, or for forerlasure bq moetgttgte's sale, or mart procee~dinge, or in say other- <br />litigation or ptaceetiittg afteeti.¢tg said ptxmieat. Attorneys' ftxs reasonably incornd in anq other way shall bs <br />paid by the atortgagar. <br />d. For better sermrfty of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the regttart of the mortgagee, its sus <br />t-.~zs or a~g<.aie a:l rxr....,.t and deli: -a -n~, ms`.r-.~ ~ ~rt~.~ cvxe~ing >triy ada'ivomt; <br />improreme»ts, or bettermeate made to the property hetrcinabrtxe de.acribed :nd alf proptrty acquiitd by <br />~. it after the date hereof (all in form saiisfacWry to mortgagreJ. p'urthtrmore, should mortgtagor fail io tare <br />'~'.~ any~defaaft in the pav~rtent of a prior or inferior encumhrance an tht property dextihed by this ftutrutntnt, <br />uwrtgagor hereby a~rres to permit mortgage[ ro cure xecM default, lxu mortgaitte is not ojsligated zo do so; <br />and noel[ advances shalt become pan of the indehttrlnese stcurerl by this instrument, subject to the same <br />terms sad eanditfmts. <br />v. T"Ise rights created by ihia conveyance shall remairisn fui.l loess and [[feet during any postponement <br />or exaeraion of the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secviced hereby. <br />/. He will caniinumish' maintain hazard insurance, ni such type ur types and in such amounts ae the <br />mortitagee mar from aims to time require nn the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and <br />will pay Promptly when dtre any premittme therefor. All insurance shall its carried in companies aocaptabie <br />to martgagm and thx policies and r~ewewab thereof shall he held by mortgagro and hate attubed thereto <br />'.~ psyab3t clauaza in favor of sad in form acceptable to the mortgagee. fa eves[ of inw, morxgagor will glee <br />i~«at'-data r~:~ :n wr-;'.i to mo gsgee, sod mortgad zna [salt[, pruof of foe's if sot made P~P~y ~' <br />aott6agar, sad noel[ itmnr:nee company coatertted is hereby authariatd end directed to make payment for such <br />loss ditnxaly to taortgagre iaatead of to mortgagoe and mortgagee jointly, end the i»wzmae prareeda, yr any <br />part thetseof, racy be apglied fry ttaaztgaigee at its option tithar to site rtdnetion of the indtb;ndntas ltetrby <br />'~:E~'~ == ~ '~ 3..~~L.'~t~ .:r .'L~:r :f `r.~ preipSt~y iiiinnaji~.'i lift i~a11t.`vyc~i. in r.. i :tt'. vi tii:i <br />tnortatua, ar other tnstrfer +~ title to said vrooetiy in estbtg~~u~~itsr#t nl' t~ in__ spur ~ ~fy__ a>I <br />t+gist~, dtie, and intcrast of tba tnortgrgor in sad tv soy iosurantn 'poifcin than is iarre shall paw to rite <br />purchaser <u mo.-[gag€.a or. at the optiots of ihx mvr[aagzt. nosy lee Thurreadared for a rRfund. <br />f. He will leap all baildfnge and other improvtmenta on said properly in good rrparr and condition: <br />will permit, commit, yr suffer no waste. imp+irment, deterioration of said property or any part tltertof; <br />in the treat of Failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premiere and those erected wt said <br />pnmiats. ur improremtota thtrevn, in goad repair, the morr~;agee may make surlt repairs as in its discretion it <br />may deem tterssaery for the proper pt~eerrvation thereof; and the iuU amount of Bath and every such payment <br />shall bt iatsntdiatslr due and payable and .hall he srcurrti by tine tirn of this mortgage. <br />h. lie wifl east vvl-uttarily crtste yr permit tv be rn-atrd against the property xubjrct to ;his mortgage <br />am litre yr liens interior yr superior to the lien of this mortgage without the written ronsrnt of the murt- <br />gagtt: and iurtbeq hr will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all pr.reuns supplying labor or <br />mattrisl+s for roralniction of any and all huilding» or iatllnlvcments rww bring erected or to br. erected ou <br />said partniata. <br />i. llo wilt aoi teat nr assign any part of the rent of paid mortgaged property or +temoiish, or remove, <br />or suhasaetially sltrr any building witL.aut the written consent of the ntortgay,ee. <br />j. kll awards of damages in evnnectioo with say eundemnation fur public use of or injury to soy of the <br />- ~~pt+aparty seltyest iu this mortgage sot hrtre$r assigned and altatl lee paid to amrtgagte, who may airi:lg the <br />same-tn ~yti of the ias„Adi~-.ate; l:ai dua.::a3er aai.; nuts, and rrsoragag~ r+ n Ely attthAei< < ~ tits <br />atarlte of the nwrittapor, tv <xecate and dtfiver valid acquittances thetrot and la appeal from any such award. <br />k 'l`1ae a~xtgagte shall lravt the. right to ittapeti the, mortgaged grpmisee at any reateanabic time, <br />.4. Ilanit lax eny t!f tlpE rnaeflante lrr Cottdtt[tiaa Af ihts lnatratatnt or of the note ar loan ags'temerit seruetd <br />~,Alttall.Aes~si,aaske the mvrigiftur a righk to fsotmtasivn, use, and eujoraient of the property, at the option of the. <br />ar his assitWr ii! being agrtrd Thai iht mortgagor shall have :urb right utttfl detauttf. t;poa any aueh <br />~ tlla rp9rrlgAgtae rhall hetoart the v:,nsr of all *ef else rshrts attd proiiie accruing after default ae security <br />fskr~ t~ ittltbSesfsatssa atcur€sd lsttr•lsy, wish tilt right to e§tsr _ttiwn said properix for the purtsuse of cailceting aueh <br />~ r prdsi;.ls iy9,>~1 X11 optrtritt aa~a~-rsigB9Myti of. say r>`ntafs on said proptriy to tits[ raitnt. <br />