<br />3. Tlse inartgagor covenants aad agrees thsrf if beshail fail to pay said iadebtednnra or any part thereof when
<br />dtry. er shal9 faiS'to perform any coaenant or agreement of ihiamirstmmt or the prisnrissary note secnrcd3ureby;-rise
<br />.indebtedness hereby secured shall imrrtediatdy become-dnc, payaMa arrl eolle.xibie,.withont notidr, at the
<br />optiweof the mortgagee or assigns. regardless of maturity, and-thrmos't~agee or his areip{ie rtiay-6eforeorafterentry-
<br />-, ere~°:rid property without-appraiaanmt {the mortgagor having waived and aseignrd to the moetgaRre ail riphM oE_
<br />1 i) et judicial sale pursuant to the. provisions mf 28 U.S.C_ 20(11 ta) ; or
<br />(tF } at the optiaa of ills mortgagee, tither by auction or by ~licitatioa o[ swkd bida,`for the highest rHd
<br />brat bid camplyiag with the totals of sale and maaaer of payment epecifted is the pttblished ~tia,gf` sale, fast'
<br />' -- giving-tsar weeks' seller of the time, terms, and place of such-gale; bv'advertirment sat lesa:f~ian once
<br />- during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed iethe'eosaity is:which sap property
<br />a sitttaud, ail other native 6eiag hereby waived Say the mortgagor (and said mortgsex, or any person as
<br />bah:If a( said taortgaRee, may bid with the unpaid iadebtednets evidenced by said mte}. Said sale shalt be
<br />held-at ar oa the property to be sold or at the Federni, county, or city courtltotue [or the county in which the
<br />prapetty is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and ao behaV of the mattRagor and to
<br />deSiw.e to rise purchaser at auelt sale a suf6cieM eonveyasm of said property, which couvcyrnte ehdl contain
<br />tiseiaaia r to the happening of the deianle aeon which the e:eeudaa of the power of sale herein gtatlted
<br />depetrda; and the said mortgagor hereby constitutes and appbinG the mortgagee or any agemt or attaraey of the
<br />atatlgagee, the agent aad attorney is fact of said mortgagee to clinks such. recitals aad to execute said
<br />eotevegaace aad hereby covmsnta aad agrees that the recitals as made shall 6e eSeetnai to bat all erryity or
<br />right of redeetption, homestaad dower, and ail ether eieiemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />w.xpreasly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />{ut}.";aTie aay oihes appropriatt aetian pursuant to state or Federal statute either in ante or Federal
<br />eoart oc otherwise (siq t3te. disposition of the property.
<br />in the event of ~a~aeio~as-tu3eioalteve pruzidtd, the mortgagor ar any Perron is possession under the mortgagorehall
<br />rhea bei»me xnd be tenants holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at such sale or be
<br />atatm.rily diapessessed, is aoeotdanee with the praviaioaa of law applicable to tenants holding over. TMe power
<br />aad agaacy hereby gta<ttlted are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwise. and are granted
<br />r.suffisttative to the remodass far iwileetion of rid inrlebtedaeaa provided 6y law.
<br />~ The ptaceada of sal!. saieaf said property in aoeordalxe with the peecedinq paragraphs dull be applied 5ret
<br />to pay the rests sad a:paiun al acid axle, tlta eapepaes incurred lm the ustortga~e for the purpwe of protecting ar mai8•
<br />raising said urnpertr, aad rauasonable attarttrps' fees; =r-cuerdls', is lssp the indrlttr,#a~s ~urrd hereby: aad thirdly.
<br />40 ~'" s~k ;s:, t;l~ ~: ~~ w 'u L~ ;Tt°o.°.x:3 e:r ~;~'.~. t~ai4~ °t2'i!%le~r'1 Ih!!i's'4r'.
<br />y, is the said praperry n sold ai a judicial iareeiasua stir. or pursuant to rise power of rla isercina'eaore
<br />griuated, and the ptnosada are ns~ sa6rieat to pry the total iadebtedner seeurcd by this iastrnirtent sad evidenced by
<br />rYiei~prromissory aetsy. t~ rawrtgaRCe will 6e rtittiled to a dehetracp lad~eat far the .mount of the defirsratcy withouu
<br />°~° In ~.
<br />6. In the crest the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, state, or beat txx assea~snteut, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />ch.rgr, tee, ut .sihcr xpeiiaso rltara's l a;iuinet rise. prssprrtr. the nmrtRager is hereby authorised a[ his aptioa to pay
<br />the same. Any sums so paid 6y the mortgrgee shall M; addai to and become a part of the pnncipal amouai of the
<br />ituirbtetiarry' evideascrd by said sole, :utbjtxt to the sxmr: trans and varsuilium. If the mortgagor .hall pay and
<br />dirrha~t thss i-~:.l~t,iarss r•vi:lxnr-NS by £asd prw~i~ry uutr, aad =-bail l,ay , sums and shall distisarge all lases
<br />aad lirsns eats the lwatw farms, ausi axpensas of tnakiag, anfarcsag, and exceutieasthis mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />+httll ba ~traataSod and wreeedared.
<br />7. The csweaaatr herein twwstaiard shall br' d aad the bcnrfits and advxateges ahrit inert to the respective ~•
<br />eusate aid ataigtrt sf tlrst Prttir haem.lPteeaever ussd, the siapelar ntttttber ahrU irte'c ads the plara4 the plard dte
<br />. sadtlss rtes oaf nary gender ebdl iaelydo all gardesn
<br />~ '.tla waiver of cry tovasrat herein or of the obliRstion aerurcd hrarby Mall at say time rhareafter bt }said
<br />kt ba a waver of the accrete heraof or of tlr itote hereb+r.
<br />tt la~et~ilatwsRltsart=tRl.lld)aftluRalcar,ad Rc-grslatir~w of the ynnail ~u~aass ndsniaistrrt;aa (S3
<br />C-~•t~: ``81.1tw`i.3tr drps i~ssasest is to ba mtssipased ark attiwrud ins as~rdanae with applicable Fedasai law.
<br />~'-'~~ jsaditiai daertta. er~lsr. or jadygrseat holding sac prerisioa or parries of this it»ttv[nent invalid nr ttn-
<br />- .~~li-a~.~ shy +rta3' insp+siv va' g~realudt the soforeaaaaat a( t#tr re+aauratyt prorisiatu or pwtiaas of
<br />tl~e nitr~ii.
<br />9Ai Feaea raY ta=ts} •. ..-
<br />