<br />- ~ $Q.a~et tj{i$7~ ~$
<br />$1~ moet~e mmde e»d ettataed etata thb ice- n _ ~:; ~ ~
<br />`is 8~ ,-h~ ana between David A. ?uehlke and- Paula 3. Zuehlke, hualand and. wife,.
<br />(hueiaaftu refereed to as marttgagm) end Yhc Adtttiaeatntar of the Smal! Badness Admmistna~s, as ~7 of 6he
<br />GavernmenR ad the Uttered States arf America (heretnafier referred to as atartgttgee), vt~ tnaiattti®s m o>bccaad
<br />~laesafhadartra Empire State 9uilding, Z9th and Farnam 5trwxta, Omaha, A3ebraslia 6$I02,
<br />Wns, that tar the eaedderatisa hsrafisafte: Rated, reaiprt of which » hereby- , tie
<br />' atas~te ricer hereby tom, scl1, p~sat, ssi~tt, wd convef ttmo tha ittsrtga~ee, his stresetttma ~• army a8
<br />~ the tolbtriei~.thmcrehsd ptopesty reacted stsd 6einlj is the Cotmty of Hall
<br />State ~ tiebraska
<br />I.ot. Twenty-six (26} of Potash, Subdivision.
<br />'Cs*iMthty whit tuaef inelat!v~} all bu+ItliepM, all ftxsurw incluJin}} Lts} nut litnetrd to at1 plurntdn}s, hcaiin~, lieht-
<br />lnit, vnntilgtinri, rrfttige+'utitt}t, iarineralit>x, air ronalitiunintt upparutu-, ran+! rlrvutory i the srturt}}ayor hereby
<br />slrriarinpa slat is k intratlea! thui tlse itesu.v herrisw eraai+srfa}r.-i ,bxtii hr .irersrrsi tv have hero prrmanentiy- its•
<br />j3aiiesl a., part trf tlwe malty ), anal ail ix»rir„sentrnt. n.ar, „r hrrraf}rr rxi.tinx thrrrun; shy 6rre+litarnrntr uml
<br />aplsurtenanre- and a!I ether-ri_hi+ thrrruntp hrkvngiag, +rr itr anywise appe•rtsettin;;, anal thr rrvrr»ian cad re-
<br />vet~inas, rrsaaltvder attd rr•rttainalern, all r4p}htrt of rralrrtrptiaw, and thr rrnt~, iaxurs, sad pray&eM atf the aharvr
<br />drnrrtbect ptupert} E prrhtwitlr.l, Itavrrvr, r, that the tnarrt}sa}}oc ,.halt (x rsatiiirsi to ihr pu+o-r.eia+n .rf -aSai pcuprrty
<br />anti tyy<soelleaK and retain itre yenta, 9artue~, sax! isrvr6t>< until alrfatslt hers+natwlrr)..'Ta hens astai tat €c,£i.! the wrtrr
<br />Fi~iSi t itjt~;; a~%-ate" T tii iitS'-C`tt. rlf iRG {ni)rL~~pE lHMF'4r IJ1 fGE bir{}l}jg qT 'FNrh Htl'R!t S>ti_i91e.
<br />!f any', tYr ir,Y#tlt~td, ttt?elN.
<br />'f!!C -t,4r}tt kes,'a~y r. aatd d ~' aed :tsr right try +se;l.' eesssey said
<br />~Rwycrtyz that dtt •ttaers~~i- free trram all catcurttbrataam eseept. u. hereiaabavt twcitrd;, sad tltH he hereby himd.
<br />hersaelf rmd tawito tmtcaawrtt ea iutesert tw wuraYt +tad =iafrtad the title atortmaid theratu sad every pan thereat rgaetat
<br />tbrl~at+itli tvb+4reaeavar.
<br />`1'ltir itt;,tt'Yit1d16i ie givrir }+, rsecurr the paysarn} o; a prumtiavey Hate dutrd ~- = ~~~ ` ~' . `~ k'" ,
<br />~. rt"- _'- ~ is~sv.:d ='a, e:ttehlica:• •~nd i'-suli ,5, i:sse'csike, .
<br />,~. ~.ir~rtrs=il ~ ~k.
<br />Fhtsstrr~lvvs,
<br />F4w rr,,m ez- ;x-`ar r+:..ren rse.awa, =,r ex.,.i~...
<br />