~0.., t)(~~834
<br />UNtFOaM Coy-taNAN'rs. BOrrOWe. and Lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />1. f'aDuseat M Pt3ar~W sled Lateral. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />its~btedttaa evideocec! hF the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nnte, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances xetired by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fads far T>mea tttd Ltmraate. Subject to appliwbk law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly irtstaittnents of principal and interest are payable ender the Nate, until the Note rs paid in full.
<br />a eruii pterein "Fonda") e+lital to one-twtifrh of the yearly razes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents cat the Property, if arty, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instalments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus ooe-twtlfth of yearly premium +ttstallrttenu (or mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated iriiiiall•• and from
<br />time to time by Lertder t7n the basis of asst•+csments and bill- and reasonabty estimates thereof.
<br />TLe Funds shall be held in an institution the deposes or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency lirtclttding Lender if Lender is such an instttmion t. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />tretrraotx premiums and ground reins. lxnder may ram charge tar so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessrtxnts and bills, unless Ltnder pays Borrower interest un the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Larder to make such a charge_ Borrower and fxndor mac agree in writin¢ at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Ftmds shelf tee paid to Burrowtr. and unless such agreement rs made ur applicable law
<br />rt~uires such interest to 6e paid, Lender shalt net t>r reywred to pay 8nrrowtr :my interest or earnings on the Funds. Lenikr
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual acctnmung ul the Funds ,howme credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />ptrtpose fur which each deNt to the Funds was made. The Funds a:c pledged as addmunal securiq• for the sums secured
<br />brl thin Mortgage.
<br />If the atrtount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the tuwre monthly matalimen[s of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dix dates of tazts, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shah eecced the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />aasesaatents. insurance ptcrtiiums and ground rents as they tall due. ,uch e.crsz shall he, at Borrower's option, either
<br />pal; te,^.~..=t to Borrowtr u~ cry: ~ to Bcrwcr on mantkly rnssailmcnr; of Fund;. if tht amoum o` the Funds
<br />hdtf by Lettder shell not be sutt'icitnt to pay taxes. assessments, ,nnrrancc• premums :md ground rents as the}' fait due.
<br />Borrower shall paw to Ixnder any amoum necessary to make up the dcticrencv within 30 days from the date nonce rs mailed
<br />6Y Leadtr to Borrower rcytusung payment thereat.
<br />Upon pxymem rn £ull of a}i sums srcurecf he rhea Mungage 1 cndcr shalt rromptly rotund to Hnrrtiwer env Funds
<br />held by finder- if antler paragraph Ix boreal the Property :, ,old or the Pn pem a utherwrse acyarred hp Lender. i.ender
<br />shall apply, no later than immediateh prior to nc~ ;ale rat the Props etc or krs acywsmon by Lander, am Funds held by
<br />Letxkr at the ume of appikazion as a ~, relit against the sum. ,wured by rhss Vort,gagc
<br />1. A~Ucalioa ttf Pafaxaa. i;nirts appltcabir taw pnardes :,iherv: t.c. all payments reserved by 1-ender under the
<br />Nutt and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof oh:all !re apnbed by :.cndcr fiat m payment of amounts pavatatc to Lender by Borrower
<br />urtder paragraph Z hereof, then to inter-,: payable on the vote. !hen rn the pnnnpal ai the \„ta .tnd than to interest and
<br />principal un any Future Advances.
<br />d, C9itr=ges: Lkas. Burrower ,ha!I par all t.,>,c,.: srsnn+cnis ,,rid „t her :herce~. fiat, am! imp•„n nx:, .u tnhutahlc to
<br />iht Property which may attain a priority over ihra Nurtgaga•. and Icaxhoid , aymenty „r ~rtmnd !rots ;f am. m the manner
<br />provided under paragraph Z hereof or.:f not paid in ,ueh manner. to &,nnn rr meteor pea mcnt..s hen siue..IrrraN n, the
<br />paves thereof. Borrower strait prompty turnnh to Lender ail neus..rt ~mouun .!::.::rider thy, ;+ raeraph_ and m yne c+ent
<br />Borrower shall make paymem durctia. Burn>w er ,h:ttl ;,mnrpth ':rnn,h :o LrnJrr rtarqu. .s,drm m¢ ,ua anent,
<br />Bwrewer shat! promptly ,itx-barge auy Len ~., bleu ;. n pr,,:m ..~~ .:., at,.n ga,r.. ,, ucu- ~.. ~ N,,: r,:we, .:.,,, ,.:r :
<br />rcquer,:d to discharge any such kn +o longs &uniwar ,her! ., ,:. ,r.. :he p;. the rat ,. ,..i .,hhcao, :: rril M
<br />svr:b Ittit :n a tnartxr accepta~e ; . t.,,,..,. ., . . ... . .. .... ... .. .. . ... . ..~trn.. ..,err.,,.: .. .ar:..:,
<br />ltgai pnx'txdutgs which operate to present the eon r.uurnt , . ., . ~. ., t,,,r,u-. ,;i _t he Pn+prrta :,: , n rhrreot
<br />5. llssaryrd lnwraare. Borrower ,hail Acrp !hc unpn~, nnr.,r. ,,.. .,;erg ~„ r.dtn r r+.trd ,+n the Pr.yk~~rn 'i. i .cat
<br />agar.ut s. t;: istz. iara.rd- ,dcs4 rthm hr r , .._rnd< ,tgc` _.... _rrurct: t;vu-, ,,, , rr
<br />,. t r
<br />•,•y.:",
<br />sari en au'ch :ui,~.~nts std t.. -a_h -~:e,:Js :: ! c:::Ee -. •..;..:_. , -..:... - ,::.,,.:., .~„i, -.., a , .~ ,,,a, .. . , , , .,, , .
<br />rm l- - .Yrrragz G.a.aad t., : i~ - - e„t , r. arc reuu,rea n• {,as s .. , ,~ . ".u.Ea_Cr
<br />The tpauranC+a camtr Pnw>dina tMr unm sure ~h:a;l iy ,-. -:_ „} ~ha,tro„r! ,~rh,e,r t•' , aai ! v 1 c ___ „den
<br />char sorb approval ;bait not t+r unrra,..~naht. .nkhrid it ,.s,--r. n, u.a . a , ,nal f,:u,r ..n ,.
<br />pruy;i'.ed }tt~tr paragraph -:r:r>*,t .-.r. s,i ,u „n ,,,<a ,s:. s. ,, »s.r ..s,. sr.unt. - r - s.ua. .......-z
<br />insurauce carrier. -
<br />All inatlranct Iwln+e and renrw,Js thrrct•t ,h.ui tk u.:,rtu: .. ~;^r.: h!r to l ar=,In :rid ,hnfl : r.ludr ,, ,.., w.,: ,i ;r .,:
<br />clause m fnvor of and w loon aiccptahlr ;o La ndrr l urea .:: ,,. .,.. utter r,. h„~d 'h ~ a,h. ,., .~ , „Na: ~, „
<br />and Bcxrowrr <hatl primiptiy banish to icnskr .tit mnaw ai :~,, , ,,....iii r ,crpr, , and ~ rcnuum+ ~ In nc~ :..:rr r :. ~~.
<br />BOROwtr dial) gtvr prompt ntxtec nr the :r untn~c _arr ra, ..,a [ en,;a, . en.-„ :=:.ru ~rae.c pio„i ~=t i.as ,? ,,,a r. ~~, i- -
<br />bv lbrrower.
<br />Unksa [xnder and Bom,wrr othr rwtu agnt~ ,n .*tn.:,e..:t-ws ,~ ,•e. ,hail ta~ apld red t„ r.,r„ moon •ep.+a ,
<br />the Property OatnaFcd, prondcd sr~.h rrstnrau.e: .! :z';,au :. ,.---,_t,,,isa .~n:hlo .;uu :_a .e., .,_ ,_ .. , At,•,!g-tr= ~.
<br />riot thtr'aby unpaeted. Ii sia.~h rraorat us .u reps, -, .,,. ,. ., ,: ,,. ww s „r u,r, ,>i _ ..r,
<br />be iaaparred, tht rnsuianz pran'reais :bait k .:trpl r.. - ,_ , s,n >a.., s.. rr, ttl, _ ._. .. ... ,-
<br />to Iksrrc,wrr It the Pmpem t nc4 •rrra +" liar,, ~w.i ~~ !s,•n ua. .,~ .•`~I rude: tstfh e r ,i.n. ., ,
<br />date n:'ia'e r, n:atltJ ht Lender ~aa+-,r, oat s, , .r .. a .., 4a r..: t, •: ,.eua ,.. t . .r,.
<br />rs aullHlnedf to ccdlt-; and a~la rim :n,ut m+sc a<J, ~,r,~ t ..-.,_ - .-pu.~:~ .,trr.r i.~ .~,r. r :u,;n , . ~epau ,~nrln' h:,'tmrr.
<br />a to tht soon sr. urrJ hl thi+ \fucigsgc
<br />Ltiitxs Lehr acd lk..t„~.. .1hen _ _ _ ^> -, .. .~,. - y,i, ,t'.r, , :,, ...,.,a
<br />ar ixxxlpeate rhr <iva <latr :n,° ,. nth ..r, ...,, , r,-- .. . _ ._:: 1 ,. _, , .....
<br />slob rastaihnanes it n,rtiu tar s~:~; a±n - - .._ _, r;-, __, :-,: - ,a :-. -, H..,. ..,.
<br />rn atW W anq tnwran.e pdicees and ro ara,f t than ps,ae<I, ha ... ,u,i,ny t ..,,, , s_a~ r<, hr t -v;x n. _ u L• - :, ,.aa
<br />or aeyiutduoe arise pars to t..ratir., ., the asts't„ .. :hc ~"uu» K..mw , ,.r .r,~r r,~., ra' :.r_u,cduur,a puo! :. .r. , a .
<br />nf.$!{NitKNi.
<br />6. rtaans doe arrll 4ftdaleaanm t.f Pn.prrr.: 1 r,ssciwi.k: t ,rodamanunty; Ylanara i-uii Ucv elopmruts. i;nr ,::,,;:,
<br />±>sm.13 k~+ t_he ftti~~•r.*ty s!: ~ a1 _.. a:d .hall ..~..... - -..... ..,..: ~ . .... ... ... .... ....:..:....: ... :..a ,,.
<br />attd shalt ccmiply wuh the rtoyrsra+n: auE .. tt,i:t - . „t i- .. ~i , ,..: rx~.
<br />ccvi;aumnuum or a planrasd :urtt drse„-f.urrtti i4.e._,.a .,~, .-: -: U rt.,.,, _ ,=at„ _d,_r r. 1 - ...,
<br />ar ,.QYCnanl5 arealln~` •)t j:.ti Crnttrr; t}tr ., utd,.1„t- ._ r . a,, r -, t (ie ia':~~:. t :, , u ,. _. 4,, .,:. Itw ...<
<br />cswktumxvunt ur planner} unu itcvriaptnant- _:uu . . ,_nn.. _ . ,i. ~ - u.^ ,: „ .,
<br />,.r,: ~:: •::
<br />ruler s czC4uiC4f by Bairowtr oral s c,•nkJ '„g. •r .,:h ~ _. \I-+:reas, s .. , , .i, .na ~ nut r -_, :, ,:.r
<br />shah bt nsc:orfxrratei arto and rhaH .,mc:au : n: _ r ,,,, ,, , ,,,,, ,,, _.-,r ,. , . - _ - vt r _
<br />wets a part ttucot.
<br />7, PraMciou +$ Lxadcr'e !xciuHy, P 6+•. ,war -,... na, r: •: ,,: , ,,.,., . _..: s tnrr~:rt, - w.u nr.i , d-.:.
<br />M4Kaga~C tf aby ttsatots ,=l plan ced:ne a .4 a c. - I ,. .,...fs. -lk, ..:«. l .n, ,., . --re ., , ,•l>a r .
<br />irsusedang. ¢ul ai,xt ltm+tact ta, cvnuteun don'u.n ,. ,.aria, ~...t- .:, .,-et ._ ~" net, .' - _, d,~e, - :. _
<br />hai>X'.iropt ar dctickot. nc~n t crater .,. ,soak+", r;n. -p.,,, .. _ ft,,.. ,, .,.. - v, .,,...., .r,r..,
<br />swua slid taste atr;h aunu+ ne,cs,atn ..,r --;da _.,...-.. - ,. ., ... ... „_. r
<br />fYtaWrabla attrussey •a leis AmS e!~{rY .. a,! r •F:. pe. ,.. . ~~,iF. ~ ._... ~. ..
<br />:=--vstltr}nt+ r>k +=.xakttirx tltirr trMr. nCS'ut ear h: ~ n, \i r-g.._;; it.• ..,. .,. .., _.. -. :.
<br />I/MlranUr iCl ctiti.5 1lnm ,!x.'h time ~t _ f : t •-!•atr4'{}lk - 4f,i ~,1' C. ~ v. ~ ,ka ~; , , ,.i '.t.: ... '. i5. . .... ,:
<br />