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80. tiC~~834 <br />l.etitier's written agneerimnt or appLcable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgaee ,nsurance premiums in the <br />mam-rer provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lenaer pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shat! become additional <br />indehudness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such <br />amounts shall be payable apon rtcrtjce from Lender to Borrower reauexting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbutstment at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless paymrnt of <br />interest ai such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event inch amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permisdble under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. Inipectim. [.ender may make or cause m be made reasonable emries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender xhatl give Harrower notice prier to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders <br />interest in ¢be Property. <br />3. Covdentntlvn. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or conaequzntial. in connection with anp <br />wndt:mnation ur other taking of thz Property. or part thereof. ar for comcyarce in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Ixndcr. <br />In the event of a tMai taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the cams secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the cxczss, if any, paid to Burrnuer. In the event of :r partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall he applied m thz sumx secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Alartgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Pmpern' immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ro Borrower. <br />If the Proprrh• is ehandoned by Barcnwzr. w' if after notice he Lender ro Rarrnwcr that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damage:. Borrower fails n+ respond to Lender whhin 30 days after the date such notice is <br />.^.iaikd, ',.ender is autlrrized to cciiat and apply thz prrizedc, at {.ender; option. either to reztaration ar repair or" fhe <br />Property or to the sums secured ha- this Mortgage. <br />Unless fender and Bcrrcower Mheru•rse agree in writing, env such anplicatinn of proceeds to principal xhall not extend <br />su postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in parteraphs I and_ hereof or change the amount of <br />ouch nstal[ments. <br />18. borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment nr m~ification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgagz granted by lender to any successor m intereu of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner. <br />tlx liability of the original Borrower and Aosmwer's xaecceaors in interest Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against such utecrssor ++r refuse m attend nine for paemcnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secure[I hy~tbis. Mortgage by reason of .rny demand made hs the original Borrower and Borrower's xuceecuxc in interest. <br />II. BArbeislse! by i:,evder rvirsr :a Watver. env forbearance he Lender in etzremng am• right nr remedy hereunder. ar <br />otherwise afforded by appikabiz tau. shall- ern h a waiaer rat ,+r preclude the exercise or am each right or remedy. <br />The procuretttent of insurance or the payment of taxes nr rnher !:c.^.c or .harcex he I ender :hall not he a :aatvcr of I enders <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indehtednr,< ,co.rrcd by thi, Slnrtgage. <br />12. Remedies Cemtvltdire. .Alf remedies pm+edcd :n thi, 'sk+rtgaee arc distinct and rumula[ivc to any other right ar <br />remedy under rhis Mariguge ns afforded be• tau .,r cgmtc..mJ mac he rserc,xd u,n~urrentiv. Independvtth- or urccrasively <br />13. 3accessots and Aaai{5ns 6ovted: Joint aad tiearral I,iabiHh- l'aplwns. fhc , senants ant! aurt•cmeaLs herein <br />contained shall hind. and the rights hereunder sha!I :nurc nr :he rr,txa oar n.cces,orc and assiens o(1 ender end Bormuer, <br />submit fo the pra~istars of par graph i- hrrcnt ill ., - :.rot, .-...,. .+crrrmcnt. ••f Bor n•wcr ,h.rii rv. :,,: n+ end ,e'. era{. <br />The wptiorts and headitr,3s of the paregraph> of rhis VI r _ mn• _,.ua, ... --__ "rah :red ,re not ,,, !,r :,,ed !;. <br />tnterprct er define the pr[rvtsmns hereof <br />Y.. , <br />14. Notkr. Except (or env neutce rey+arcJ :,nJcr .,pplineMe tau +,, M- c .... r :real her manna!', .wr -tor.:-' t;. <br />Baanwer proyidrd for in rhis Mnrtxaar shat'. t yr: by 4 . _. --•u.~n ~: r.. h±d tee t .-dire.:._ r - B.,. _...s r. ,. <br />the Pn~,{xrTy Additsx or ai such ether aJdre„ :, B,•rr:~u . , ,te,;_- are' t,t ::, trio t,• t a-n •. . pre+vtJcJ `rrcm. <br />thl ar?y rra, I_en_Ar• ~hau hr Qa.;.:, hr ~_rt h<, r •,::,i -•;~ a1~,...-,.r,. - - wr~ . ~crt. •. ,• _,- ~_r_ r - <br />+:xh ::tier sddross as txr;drr m:.y Jr tgr„u.:, .,, B r , , , s pm-•:dr,i .<r,..,. L,t r.rnu pr.. ilea ! r n the <br />M. -g. 4,_ .- _ deem o - h~._ ... - a,.- ,-,.. s ... .... .. ... .• ...... -t. ~ .,.. ,~:.. <br />15. a L•vNor® Mortgage; fsureraitq=I aw:'Se:rrthi&a !lr . m . n. c-ter .., .r. ,., r. .-:, .,_. r<.,,, <br />irk and a*v~rant, with limrcrd ., ra bons 'r red:: non n, roncu;rm a nnnun ~rr,t,~i^r,u nnnrnt ,errng <br />,Im ~, • <br />real property. Thos Mangagr sh::ll hr gm-enx-d by the Maur:,t thc• umdr. non .. .,., F':,.tx.n,. Ls aced Ir, the <br />event that anY pravtseun oe dauxa: of the Mortgage ,•r the \ott ,.rn(In-i, :.ith appirrnhle .. ,eh . , r.~.r,t ,n.rll ~:m .rticst <br />other pr[nrsans of this Mortgage „r the Nc,re uhwh .an be zrrrn ,•tic,e H:dr: •+,t ^be _--ntLa,n•• t•r:,; tv<,n. ,red ~- thts <br />end the provisions of Ihr Mortgage enJ the `:ore are ,ice!arrd a, hr ,es~er:ehlc• <br />16, bnteoweri (bpy. Burrower vhalt he eu nr,hai ., .onr,•rnnd .ops of rhr `: ore .n.r.:d •hr, Monyagr a !hc +rtne <br />of ezcttutiun or after mordatiun hereof. <br />19. ]•rMSFer o/ the 9roperly: .Assrxwpioa. It eI! ,•t area n:n .d tha• Prn!+<•r t, .... n enterer !herrr,r es „;Id ~.r tran,trrrrJ <br />by borrower wuhc>ut f.znder's prior wrutrn .on,cm ~;_ludme ~., ;hr .. , :.t rn.;anhran:_e ,nhanim.,tc• [n <br />thrc Mattgagr. Ib} the creaban .d .r pu rrha,r mono , . r , ntrrrs+, r r .., ,,,rn ~,f.i el,pi:.uurs .., trutsier hi do use <br />descent or by oprrunn ut tsw upset thz .tenth of ,r ,. ... ,,!. ^e ... .. .. ,x•?,n:d :•~acn~v ,~t three + _,., , r lax <br />rnN st>ntaining an uptr<m m Purchase. I sn[kr roes ,I I erne rr• .t,<,., ! .,.. _me s.. -r,-d ' J::s xi a,rt-ge r„ ht <br />rmmedeateiy due :end payahk. 1 ender ,brill bees „,,soil ~-,., ~ .•pt,rn::,. -:...Ice .: u~ ~ per.,, •., -ale , .ranster I enJrr <br />unJ the pcrswr tr. whom the trropenv r, to br •.oh .,r +r.nnr<^:rJ na,,h ,r:rermrnr ~., Anti,:.^ th., ~14~• a . ceder ••1 uJr IK• , <br />s satisfaaorV ro f ender ,rod that rhr utrert~,r p.a :!+!r on rhr ,.,:ns „- „ rd ne a+r,. ltorr~agr -Halt h,~ r.t ..:. i:: a!c .., 1 cn<Irr <br />shall reyus`ft If 1 ender hex warsrct :h;- ~~ on !. .,eclrret, pox u4rd ::_ rho oar age rph R urJ .! t7orn.wer , .e„_ aot :. <br />,ntcrest has cazctetrJ a wr;NCn aasumpt r. .gr esmens a.~<pt ~ ~- .,=: r~ - t 1 -r:r,icr 1 ,nJrr -h- I ,Ir_,e;r 8„^~ „err 'r~,m .dt <br />[attligahnns anakr this Mortgage and rhr Note <br />If l.endet txerzisea stxfi op[tun is acczkrtc. 1 atJzr shah mad i3nrmwrt nagse of . ceelrrahan , , a,. --,i-rose wrth <br />ptlraytrpit I4 ixteut. Such noose .hat; pnw,aie ., prrast of r., r !css teen al , ,hem tn= d;dt the r.+aer r, .:~d ;, rthu~ <br />Lrt:akr roes. a bean Innirrt nr*t-., .-r ,.a eta„dE tt, •::. »et ... .a ., r. ,,,adx:, ; r r , ..e _ t.e e~ragn . - ,rrr<n . <br />Nxsr,r-Unrr=[;nss Bornewtt .end 1 ender nuthee ,y•,cn,rat en[i a4trr a, nliaws <br />18. Ate; Remr,dira. F-rrat/~i as praridrd In prrygZrayh 17 hereof. apwt horn>wer's iwren•h of nny rastaaaf ,a <br />abr[1aaKal of brgrvr+r+ Ia tkrar fiFnriry{a8r. ittaiitdiv8 tht rurewaats Iu poi when doe +n+ +aan socottd Ire [h& ylortgatte, <br />l.andlr pear N steekratiwt shah mob auticr [n borrower as poriefrd in paragraph IJ hereof spn•ityiaR: I Il the httaeh; <br />S7R ~ eclhev £e cvm anr6 bntarbs iJ} a dalt• fret ~ thin .i8 days boat :4.• date she natirr it mailed t» burrower. <br />13y wlJeh •rsA ht@ae#1 at11Ei hr s-nred: abd t•ii that Iativre ra lure swh ~rarfi uo [u .`~i:,re tier [late specified iu rhr Halite <br />eye rMWlt s aKClEltlfltl'HII of rhr swap Decreed by this 'ifurq[pir, fineelrUwrr 4} judicial pr~_erdimt awd sak of rhr Pnrperly. <br />T11a Mdice tdraR tMhrr Nllvrm berm»rr aY she right Nr rriastNe after aarr!¢rMiuu amt tint rigtbl to resort In rhr forn-hssare <br />psvetttdht8 ihs arnneaiMreer o(a default err tar other ,iHeetse ut brrtrerwer to acrrirrrainer and forrehwtlre. IF ihr breach <br />9a art etvad ctrl mr hafaee the dMe yKrlNed is Ihr trulkr. I.emler at I Mader a s,pfhra area declare all u! tier sums sratlrtd hs <br />to he ~~ deer and Pa>~ wkheW further elr~taod aad :eat, turrck~ bi ia+tMlai ptarrrdiag. t r~rs <br />~ fta mtitlad as cuWe4 la tatr6 pracwraliltlg a8 rxperssbs [d forrrtasserr. inatodM¢a. bat reel titaited to. , eels of dncaa+ratars <br />ssfd~rarrr. ahakvetr and tepsr'i=. <br />i~ ~a ~ Rtd4atalr. •='[4x~rtk:ta~ci.:;g -is:n.<; ,_„lair, -,.. ...t -r_ ,.m-. _..,_U .,. eh„ i{,*<,. <br />Uorratwar ihni! have rhr riabt to have am pra><resimg. beau t . e»de !, r,c t tt„r, sv_ - nrr~ .t .r.,. ,:,,_e <br />