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f)f~~$34 MORTGAGE <br />THlS MQRTGAGE is made of.....Gcxvbtrr ...... . .......... <br />14 8Q ., between the Mortgagor,..Timozhy. Evelya .Mean. ifikhe]..husband .and.trife.. <br />...................................... (herein "Borrower"}, and the Mortgagee,.Commersial.Eederal <br />Battings. and .Lean.6ssorS.atiQn ............................... a corporation organized and existittg <br />ttts:~r the laws of.. 2~1e: tasks .. . ............................ whose address is. f+5II1. Hodge. Street... . <br />.. Cmatta,. Nebraska..681.31 ........................................... (herein "Lender"). <br />Wttettras, Borrower is iitdebted to Lender in the principal sum of. Thirttp.thot.tsaud.aad. Nn1104rrc-r <br />.... <br />r-r-------------r. (530.,.QQ0.00 j............ t?ollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated..6ctohez^.. ~~ ..1980....... (herein "Note" ), providing for monthly instailments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of rite indebtedness. if not sooner paid. dne and payable on...HoYemher:l,.2D1A ......... <br />To Secuxe to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other srrms, with interest thereon, advanced in acxrdance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants end agreements of Borrower contained, and (ki) the repayment <br />of any funrre advances, with interest therean. made to &?rrower by Lender pursaant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"Future Advaoees"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and com~ev Io Lender the following described pmperty <br />located in the (:Dusty of..lid.Ii ................................. . ... 5^.ate of Nebraska: <br /> i>ix (6) in J31ock :7aree (3) in F.e iiei~;hts a Second Sctbdivisianveizt~ a part of the <br />tforthwest quarter of ti:e tinrthwest ~tuarter (:1N 1/4 dW 1/tt) of Section Eleven (11) <br />Tourship 's:leven (11) :ie:"ti , P.ange ' en ilc) 4eest of the 5t1: ^... iia11 i;otutty, :lebraska. <br />wk:ich has, rite address of _ ..~Zslc . aTdG'.<f,454 .. . .... . . . .. . . .. - ... x-_~u,-,. . ,.o«u~~, , <br />Isir.ec3 ~rrt <br />.... Ne17~asisi3.. C~BJ.0.1 ... .. (herein "Property :lddrev.." 1, <br />t~s-«a rw secret <br />T(Ki8'rHBa with all the itnproventrnL+ quti~ ,rr hrreattrr crrdrd un nc~ protw• dii casement+. aiFh[n, <br />apparten:wces, rents, rr^„altiC_c, tmnerai, .rat .rnd gaa right, nnu profit;. a•aler tiratr~ n~hLti..uia warn .trxA..rud all <br />liAituer, maw trY her..aficr attaehvd .+, the p+ruperty, ,dl ..t winch. mdodin}t repiaa c:nrnt. arru itr.~rete•..hali h, <br />tlt7etrK0.t iSr ~^ Y.nC# rem9iH 9 pall of t1M~ property eovercri tq this ,Ltortgagr. and a!! :*f the l~rre-ttr~ar;!, ~oert}t ~t with ~anl <br />pt[lp6RY (Ur the tEaAa~txtld C3t8tE at this Mc~rtt in air a ic:~ehetef) .ur kicrc7ir rctrrrUd b, ;.i~ ttx '-Pru~iert s'. <br />~rrawrr savertants tire: lfi~rrotvei es iawicti:;' .stet:: ~.i :ee ,.t,:r. i?. r~bL ..*r,+~.;i~i :;;r,.i i;;r~- :t7~. !:t;iet ~:~ snr•r,;;ag:.. <br />~e~rn. ;tom :~-~tv..:~ Prr~p~tt„ t~a~ ..~_ f'€ f - _ ._r.-- ..,=r.'~:__ ...u ...a. ,......... •.a ,.: -,.~..3 ,.,,..:e._n,i <br />;~cltctniiy t#is titer ter i:r~ ~r ,ix•riv agarn_. sit ciainr+.niu ,'n- ~ -.u i -r „ ~tc -.-.i aur~~r. - r*errr.~r~~ - ~. _ ...rr +~. <br /> 7x a ~¢kse3luta~ id ctc~•ptiur, ire ,.overage ~ i 3 r, +sli -_.. pia.... ,~ -a. ~. ..i~ :.n"t.. ,nic~..~ .- ..u t rotmit~ <br />~~ ; 4,.4 (3w~r ?~ t'; ftpfA: flaMC 91fa~lt I1~tIFtl1A[Mt .t . _, ... _ <br />