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iJ;vtr'-aenr `OYF.HAN'1'S Boirna•'er amt Lender tovenam seal agree as follows: `"~~ `~ ~' ``~ " <br />I. Paymcat of PriyttipN sad interest. Borrower shall promptly pay whrn due the pnrrcipal of and interest un the <br />+ndebtrdness endenced by the Note, prepaymem and late rlaarges as provrtkat in the Nat, and the principal of and interest <br />on env Future Advances cecurrd by Ihrs iked of Trust. <br />2. Ftards for Tuts sad Ittaarsaee. Subject to applicable law ur to a written waiver by l.ertder, tforrower aktJl pay <br />ro S-tnJrr on {Fie day monthly installments of principal arW inrrrtsr are payanle unakr the Notr. ainiil the Nute is paid in full. <br />a xum (he2rn "Funds'? eyuat mate-twelfth of the yearly tarts and assessmems which may attain priority over this <br />[Teed of Tntst, and ground rents on the Property, d any, plus one-twretfth .>f yearly premrom instalments for hazard insurance <br />plus one-rwa(th of yearly premu+m mstalrxnts for mortgage imurarmr. d any, ell as reaconabfy esumate6 initially and from <br />rime u> rime by Lender on the basis of astt:ssments and bells atW reasonable estimates thereof. <br />~: he Funds shall be held m an +mritutian rhr akposits or accaxmts of which are msureJ nr guarameed by a Federal or <br />state agrm:Y frncluding fender ri t.rntkr is sra:h an insuudronl. t_rnrkr shall apply the Funds to pay said lases, aastsatMnts. <br />insurance prentiuma and ground rents. Lender may ern charge fur w hnWmg and applying nc~ Funds, analyzing said account <br />au verifying and aunpriing card assessmcnrs anJ bills, unless Lender pays Bormwcr maresl on the Funds and applmable law <br />permits Leader ru make ouch a charge. Borrower aml Lender may agree m writing at the time of execution o[ this <br />tTeeJ of Trust that intereu tin the Fumk chaN t+e pain tie Borrower, and unless such agreement ;s made .>r applicable law <br />rtgwrcs s;xh mttresl m he paid, Lender shaft our be rcywred nr pay Borrower eny mttrest err earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall grvr to Borrower, wuhuut s:harge, an annual xcuunnng ul the Funds Jeawrng credos aoJ Jrbits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for whrch rash ttebu w nc~ Funds was made. The Funak arc pkdgcvl as aatatfuunal ser:urdy for the awns ucurcd <br />by thrc C1ecJ of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds herd by Lentkr. rogctfeer with the ruuuc monthly installments of Funds payable poor to <br />rhr Joe dates u€ races, asscxxrnemx, msurarx-.e prtmiruns arxl groaner rants, ,half ratceJ the amcnrnt requnrd ro pay nerd lanes, <br />assessments, wsuranre premmma enJ gnxmJ rcmc as they rail Jur. xr•h c+.ecsa shall let, ar flMrower'v uptior., tither <br />promply repaiJ to Burrower ur ~redited u, Borrower .>n nwnthty msralimenn art FurWx. If nc~ amaeunt of tlrr• Funds <br />htlJ by [ enrL~-r efts ll fxir h- xalfic:ent !o pav ;a,es. rrssessnterts. rn:urancr prrrnrarms and ground rents as Ifity falF dot. <br />&xrowcr shall pay m lxnder say umormr netess:ery m rnakt up the Jtficiency wuhin 70 Jays from the rlete nohcr rs maJml <br />by I.endtr m Werrawer regtrestmg payttum thereof. <br />Upon papmenr in Full of all cams xnvrJ by ;his fh:rJ ul 1 nor, { rnJer drill promptly refund ro flnrnewer any Fundx <br />h8d by Ltoder. It under paragrapn fg irenul rhr Prnprny is rind ur dre Property rs olherw;u acquired 6y Lender, lender <br />s1lad apply. nu rater than rmrnrdialely peon w the ,ale of tteau PngarrtY ar na acyu»won ny Ixntk r, any 1LInJs hrlJ by <br />t.ereaftr at the teeter of appireanon .rs a urdir agau»t rM wm> secured by rho LkeJ of ~i~rwr. <br />3. AppNearlon of Payarprh. llnlrsx apputante law proaJc, odrrrwrac, all 1)aYmcnn rrrrneJ by Isnder antler the <br />Note and paragraphs t and ' hercW shalt err apphed by 1 ender fins m povmmt of amounts payable to f a•naier by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then ru mttrevr payable ae the Mute. Iln:n m the pnrurpal of tAc Note. and then to mmrest end <br />pnncrpal tin any Future AJvancd. <br />A. C'taarRd; /.leas. Brunawer shelf pev ail w+r., assevuucnr, .,nJ otlrrr .harges tine. and unpmnurns annbu6rble ro <br />the Properly whxh may wtarn a pnonry over rhea Qttd of T'ruar. arW IrasthcrtJ payments ar ground trots, if any, in the <br />manner pnrvrded under paragraph ? hr„•ot nr. rf tint paW ur ,urh manner, ny Borrower making payment, when Joe, JrrecAy <br />la the payee [taartuf. Burrower soar! pwmptfy (w nrxh ar LmWer .ref nooses of amounh aloe under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Burrower shat! ma#t paytnenl alrru rly, Hue n,wrr vharl pmmptly huni>h to I .:realer recmpts rvrdrnung such payments. <br />Burrower shat{ promptly Jraharge any fern -+hvh has pnonry uvrr Ih;> /kcJ ,~r trust, pravrJrJ. ;het Han rower .hall nor 1>r <br />reyuued to Discharge any ssach {ten w lung ..+ Borrorer .hall .agree m Huang to nc~ pay mein tit the .+bhgauon >ecurrd by <br />;uch hen m a manrsef asctp[abre ur Lenskr, fir .hall an ge®al lauh contest nosh hen hy. or airlenJ urturccrtcenr of such hen tie. <br />legal pnxeeJings whrch operate to prevent Ito tnlarcrrnew ul rtee hen ar lurfmuue ,d ;1x I'nepcrry or ant part rhereal <br />5. Hsasral lawtraare, Borrower shat kcep the impmveme:nls rxrw a vraung or hereafter eresrtJ on the Property insurcJ <br />ngamvt loss M• Are. hatnrdy rnchrdtd wnhm Iha• term 'txrendrd ~ovn.+Pe` .. n.l .u.h .'Iher IratarJ..u f n+Jer nay reyrwc <br />art.! ra vurR anYawnta soil for w~ix pef ruts as t.mtakr mat rcywtr, pruv,sk J, that 1xnJrt ,haH i„a rcyu;rc !hat tot arnuaer of <br />such ..uv<taye axcetxt that atarxrnt ul eavetagr rryuurd to fay the xum+ sea ureJ ny rho [haJ of bust <br />Iltt msuranae catnrr ptorrdinK nc~ inwronar shill fee chosen i>y Harrower sutgrat m appruv al M Lrter4:r. provrdeJ. <br />tk6f ssref=. tprrovaf shai! era be uneraautsatdy wrthkeld AH prtwru+ax we insaramr {taircrrs ylfati f>G pried m the rnynaer <br />prarvtddf undo WDagraph 'hereof ar, of sal fineJ :rr asrch :uaaeet, by Bofruwtr nsak rrrg paYrrxut. wleen Jur, drr~tty rn nc~ <br />.ADYnaurarre pofrc era arW ;xrrtwair thereat .hall t,r m turn avseprable ;0 1 muter anJ ',haU ur table a vbrWarJ mungagr <br />.!setae in f..tir :.f acrd .rn form aesrp:ahyt to f~ereakf tznexr sire!! Ravi :r>~ : Fh! :.; fsulJ rhr patw:.`a araf :rntwais ef.ertaf, <br />and Bonurtr shelf pr urnpdY fwnrsh to t-trrJer all rcr>twal ~ouutts and all rrx t+pn tit ParD prrmiwnv. !n the evtnr ul I.esa. <br />Hrrrruwer shall grvr faompr nsnrie ra rhr msararwc aarr~tr anJ Lcuder IxnJer rosy male l,:.xrt at larv :t uw made {'rumptly <br />by Bunuwcr <br />Unless Ixndcr and Hunawtf oUrcrwrsr ayrrt ur wnbny, u. uerrar pawreda ,heh err app) rr.l ro rcsturarwn a repau a>I <br />nc~ Yroptny damaged, pruvrakJ sax lr reaturatxm au repine ~ . ,awoaa •rfh ;ca,rhk ..w urn xsonr} =,r rn» Herd ~,1 Tnear i <br />nut thereby unpalrtJ. !1 >awh rrataraoun a:r repau rv tae e . Dear ally to-nd.le . .r nc~ , curdy .rl rhn tkrJ of I rou wamW <br />tx mpaueJ, rhr Hortense prawneJx shall err applstJ w mcawu» awtJ hY rhr+ rl kaJ .~I41 roar, w<nh Itrc r d any, pars <br />w ttor:uwrr. t( the Prupeny » abaorkneeJ by Buuoru, or d Harrower Lnl+ ra. +r+trarrW a, 1 eoJtr wuhw ,lDsJ.p> f« ine the <br />date rrrKt to rnalkJ by fender W Bert rOYCI rhw the maul afore . n,t! Defers to ,talc a .farm fur ,uan anar lMrKhla. I Uraltf <br />rs aWfrrrrrtJ w ndfRa arW aPWY the straw asst praxerJs at t cr>Jc(a ,~prnm ndwr to rtvwrarrou ur repau of rhr Pnpxn} <br />ur to rhr xunes sra:urpl by thra I)e :d of 1~raut. <br />UeJeaa txndtr arW Bur ruwsr artherwrst a~rrs rn wnutry..,uy .ash eptaraar,ou ur pr stcJs ha Ix mc+pal sluff our earerW <br />w pwrpwet Ihr due Jun all the nwnthly rrnrtsllartnra 3tterrcJ to w porngr etetu t anJ ,' lxrwr .,r .Mulpe the arnounl ul <br />artCh wstallnrtnta. If Healer para({raplt Ig hereof nc~ PrufKrry s a.yuu rJ by f coda, all ~~ght. mfr .uW lamest .,t Borrower <br />in arW ra say rnsarafivc payi!sres earl :n seal :u tfrt prua:rtafs Ifirrr.:l rew:uax ir..rr, Jarnagc l0 1hr YrupcrrY prrur to the >alr <br />ur acywamwr sisal) {rasa w Laufer w Dee eatenr ul ;hc xuna •c+urrJ t>y thra DruJ of 1 tine umrreJrnrdy Poor w vanh sale or <br />acywall WII. <br />& haerssYsa aye tNalaleaeyat:e of PraPaq: i.erraeMetrla; t~rxrdusriorrwa; 1"faarr0 Uou dyevefopaltMa. Brrnuwcr <br />.hail )cep the PruyM;rr} ~n gaaxt ;{parr auJ moll our . , nnur Na,re „i ;><~n u; nupau uk•ru ,n dtru ro; arwu of tier Pnyx:; ry <br />arW JYali cwrrply with Ihr lxuvruwta ur ant lease rf thta ItteJ id t r oat n ua ~, Ie.rschulJ I! then lktJ ul i roar is we a aria m a <br />curetfamrnrrrm w a piamrd wet rlevelapmen., lonower .fort prrlorne all tit )fur rawer . obhgatrrna ureter the declaiauou <br />err coserrania rtratreY ur lprannuhtf the wndwnuuwn ur plamttJ uun Des rlopnrtur Ihr ny-laws arW regurmwna of rhr <br />rwakatunrum .:r pfuaeud amt JRVrlopnrrut, arW ,rtuuw:w Ju..uoerun It a uakanuuum w plainwJ uvrr akvrtopueun <br />rider y eaecuta! by Borra>wer ant ra:urdeJ taaerhar wuA rhr, [TteJ of 1 near. the . vruaon ant agrreurnus of .;r, h rider <br />chair Lr4 =us;ot purafed +ato ar«f afraH xnrtrrf atW supplenrtut nc~ ,:uvruaun urur agrei went: ail th;a l1rtJ ui I-roar av .' t.+e nJtr <br />more a pyre Ittrra€. <br />i. Pseyartioa d lrsakr'e ;tKyrNy. If f{unawrr lads ro (rcrlarm rl>e ao>raauh auD agreeurrun .onf auecJ m rhr+ <br />Dysr1 0€ !'cwt. w J eery +h:UW :u lvcrcccJueg ~s armnrtuaeJ whrch nutenaHY .d)rah (raJri'c note use ~n rhr Prnpeny. <br />including. but not turuter! tu, erutxenr dorrtrru, usrJvtru:>, .axle a-niartrr~aenr. or ar ranyrhrrru> .,t pn,cerJmg> ...v utvlug a <br />huekrupl ar Ja:ex4tul, t_hetr LarrJer a! Letakr's uplruu, opera rxymr w thrrrowrr, nray n,akr cash apprarmr. r>. Jnlnuu awh <br />auras arW take ~rrh :utron as n rrortasary fa ptulect L.erWcr> wtertd, mdaulmg. Iwr our lun,reJ W. Juhur acaeam nt <br />reitMlreable attars rrtys (ed anel tote} upwt the Prxt)srrt} tvr wake rr)wrn ll IxiWer rtywrrJ nwr lgagc insurance n <br />eaadnwrr of rnakuilt rfat saran srxutaW ny rhea [hxJ of lrwt, Bunuwm >ho:t pay tt>+• Irrrruruna+ rryurreJ I., nr.untaur +u,h <br />ioaurrrwt w r#ksi Hurl such unit ac the rcyuirurienr la wrh +wurmut rrnrnnacec :a .~:. en Jana wuh tkrrrow ti's .uW <br />lcaxskr's wnUUU egreereatrn ur appirestrk law Burcarer shall pay rlu ,utwunt .d all nunlgagt ra+urance preuuums m nc~ <br />rreaaner prewxkd ur: ice psrayryrA 2 here.! <br />Ant anipiiirta <futartwvl kY (.cuter pVruwn7 u, rho turagteph 7. with .~,na cxr rtwrv.m .hall t><.,onm eJJnrunal <br />rorkbtadnraa ul [4.n ewer sxa urrJ M1}' tbu t)etd at Trwr l:nlrai 14irruwrr .urD t coder agiet au rxlrrr rrnna tit lsryartm, >a:ah <br />amaewua shall !x patyakk apse nwu:r arum Lereaftr he Harrower rcyaetaurig laa}uatn; ihtrt!f. ,~tW shall has mtatar {raw ;hr <br />darer >yf ala$uracuasnt ar [he cart payairb: {tarry Itmt ru Irate aw uwumWwg pnu.+pa, under rhr Nwt u;,lcca e-ay+tr<nt u( tnicrant <br />Y taut:h raft wuarW ere .uutrary tv applxabie Isw, in rhach cvtnr varh amuuun ,hail !war ,nttr.•>i .;t the higfstat !err <br />ptltgiaubfe uaadtr applxcabtc law- Nothatxr _emiaatxd +n tfw )xaragtaph 7 sfuH ~ayur:e [x„der lu new any taptttat or akt <br />rgry 4;tr,rr htrturakr- <br />•, 1arFetiisq. (xrrdar may nsakr w catty rxr Lvt ensile raax~rt-!lee rF} -n.. e - - - t . Pr par -- €_.--` ~Jr:d <br />!yeas i_andcr xfeafl grvr florrt>wer rr%x:t prwr k: auy awh inapt u u? sfaa.r#y "d rsaa.:+3~i It ; auv-_ 1._rc x .c:at D .. I x;:Jrr • <br />xarmdt ua eke Pr-uattty <br />i <br />J <br />_._~ <br />