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$Q-: flCi5833 REED €3~' TRUST <br />DEED aF TRUST is ttsade this........ 15.tTa of ...4ctobsr............... . <br />i9... ,. t~wrtg the Trttstor„ .lleanis, i!., Havltea_ ayd ,4'4i's~fiiAe .8etrk~ts..- .RwbBitd .aad .Yifa....... <br />.............................. ........... f hereto "Hortourer"), ..... _ ......................... . <br />Pdward q. O'$syle... ...... (herein 'Trrttxee^), and tits Beneficiary, <br />. , . , . .Pisa Points Beak a attd <br />..................................................... <br />tlebraska .. <br />a[.., ..... ' .................................. whose addtKi ~................ <br />..........o roadvslt, brand Island, 'JR .(~~„.j. <br />Boanowstt, M twnsideration of the ittdebtedneu itercm reused and the true herein r:teatal, icretroca8iy f <br />and conveys to ~' in trust, welt power of sak, the following ds~scribed property foquod ea the. County at <br />......................................... 5tfta of Neixashx: <br />Lot night (8j, in Biuek Piftraen {ZSj in Lamber'.'s (Sohn W.Zambert'sj <br />addition nerd the xsate ly ?Qtly (aQj Feet oP the ?ovtherly Ihte <br />Htrrrdrwd ?'hirty'#+o t,132j Foel oP Vacate?'. Su Pe:ior Street etverzn <br />5th 9troet and 5th Strae` in the t'.ity oP rnnd inland, Ha 11 Cormty, <br />Xebraaka <br />adtitit firs the address d... )=«:' F,rrtt. ;tJs ,`i4rret.r. !~r'++rtd. is]rut+l. <br />ISiMai ICityl <br />Ysbraaknv3tz5`+i {~~ "~~rty Addreaa"1. <br />.... titfM ttDa 2,D eaa~{ <br />Ttwslnua wrak slt rite rti#ivuvr:rttcttta +tow a tx~rratrrr n~.t.+t ,~++ nc~ frrir~rty. and all eaxtrxrrta. nttitts, <br />appurtonaucev, rents ia,ubjea however to the rtgitts and uuttlurrUes given hcrcm to l.cnder to cu)icct arrd apply w:h <br />rem+t), rtryrthres, rnutuyl, od arW gtts .,ghts arW prtaRU, whirr, ware r nght~, and wylar stink, and uii kslutrs tww ur <br />hueafror atiaeitni w the properly, all ut which, rtteluJrog rcplauma°nta and +tJdUwns thereto, ,hall t+e dremrd to t><• <br />tt#ttl rc#rrain a part td the property tXavrred by thu Decd ul fruf,[; atW ail d the forcguntg, rargetker wteh sync prar}xtrty <br />(ot the kasehWd csute it this Dtsd a>< Trust ra at a IcasukWd i era: fu:rcut re#crrcd to as the "tart+perty - - <br />TpSacuak ro Lender {a) the rcpaymctu of the nutebtcdneas ~valemccJ by i3arrvwr:r'a nWC dyterl. ~-'~'t+ctrar :~, <br />1980... (hettia "P#We")f to tpc,Q~r##~cr~~ti sutra tit. 'nT'ty Tvo 7°ho#taxvr: 'f'vu tttutdr.d. S;nsauty r i yr <br />..230 late and .*#aFCenteq¢4~rc'1?,`^rr...Datilars, wok +ntcreai ihereurl, provultng iw rttontkly +nsiylimenia <br />...... ........ px pay <br />~~~1t~~~te68~: ~~ , wNle Ei#o 41t#sKe d tkc tnJeb# ~ ~ysnis~t„s! e11 vt}ycr~iutrr~ wrii rnte ~~ tkcreon, <br />w sn~eorrlinoe hs7ewtth to proteca the +et:unty tH thls Dead u# Truat, arW tt+c tacrturrnxns:c .d ti1,D euvertanta anal <br />aiirvacatents of Burrower herein r:ttrttairsrd; ytx! ik) tfrc repuytrtcni of any #ulurc advaru:ca, w+th ,nicrrst ikcrrtya. madr' <br />~ BOrratret iy leader punwtni tit puagtaph 2 4 hereof (kercen Future ~dvarxea" t <br />iigrrr7sret cw°inatile itq}t B4lttrwCi rs htwltthy sctne4 :r# the estate h.:rcky tcarveyet! arxt #rys tkr ngki fu grant ;rnd <br />ti#ttYCjr t~v 1'+i~#et#y. th~i #~e t*re#p~rpry ra urrvrecu#n6cnvi. atW tiwar t3rerturrt wr#i warrant :.nil ,ic#enJ generoil} rhr <br />tdie trr tht Property xtptmsr y3# t:launr ar>d deRtarltk. wia#eci {u an} ~1er:iaraitvna. cane rntnts +x rrainslra>rn hatrd to a <br />trf c_~ »a ra,~z ex any rer`k ,wa+trar`~c pulrcr rtsaure:t} t tna#cr'- ;nterrsi e,a ;{ ~ Err:rpert5 _ <br />Npp1k 3/$0 <br />