~o- ~,r_~~ga~
<br />9. CrradeaawMfoa. The procce•is of any award or claim for damages, drren or c<msequenux'., m connection with any
<br />condemnation or pierce taking of the Properly, or pert thereof, ar for ewrveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigrral
<br />and shall tx paid to [.ender-
<br />In the event of a Corot taking of the Property, the prw-eeds shalt Ise applied to the sums stcurW 6y this DrM of Trvst,
<br />with tfit excess, +f any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking u( the Properly, unless Borrower and Lcrtder
<br />otherwise agrce rn writing. there shad yre appliW w the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amnunr of the sums securW by [his [bed of Trust immediately prior to the dare of
<br />taking hears to the fair market valare o[ the Properly immediately prior to the date of taking, witfi the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid ro Borrower.
<br />if the Property is abandoned by fYorrowcr, m i4 after mice by Lender w Borrower that the comfemnar otfen to make
<br />an award ar scale a claim far damages, Borrower fads m respond to Lender within 3ti Jays alter the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's aptian, enhcr to restoration or report of the
<br />Property or to ttx sums secured by this Deaf of Trent.
<br />Unless t.etxier aced Borrower otherwise agree rn wrung, any such app[rcation of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone [he due date of the rnantbly installmenrx referral to in paragraphs t and ? hsreof or change the amount of
<br />s rnalallmants.
<br />I@. bwgearK Net Released. Ewenstun of the lime cur payment or maJtHcation of amorozation of the sums secured
<br />by this Dced of Trust granted by Lender to any sarecessor rn interest of Hrtrnw•er shag not aperare to release, in any manner,
<br />[lee tiabilily of the ongutat Burrower amt Borrower i auccnusrs m rntcresr. Larder shall not be required to cwnmerax
<br />proceedings ag:rnst such saua:esutr nr refarec to extend trine fur paytncm or olhtrwix moddy amoniuuon of the sums
<br />scoured by thrs [heJ of Trust by reasam of any demami made by the ongmal Borrower and Borrower i swcesson in imerest.
<br />I1. Forhearrare by Lewder Noe a Wai•er. Any forbearance by L.enaicr m rxercavng any right ax remedy hereunder, or
<br />atherwtsC attordrd by applicable law, shall not t+e a w3tver of or prerluJr the exerc+x ul any srscN right or remedy.
<br />7'he procurement of insurarrce or thn payment of taxes or~:tiher hens .rr charges h) Lender shag rat he a waiver of Lender's
<br />rrgfi[ w aC:-rlerare the maturity of the rrWehtWness secured try rhrs 1hcJ ul Trust
<br />[~. Retwcd[ca Cemo!ativr- A!! rrnstd>•~s prnvt;ird-in'fhrs DeeJ ad Trust art Jntmc; anJ cumuianve to any other right
<br />or remedy uralar tMx iked ut ["ru.[ ur aNurafril uy lay or eyuuq, auJ may tk rxer.rxJ a>ncurrently, mdependcntly or
<br />succsssrvety f
<br />i3. Sw censers apd A>tlgoa bparanfrt Ipiot and Several I.Ia-ility; 1'aptfaewa. TAe aavcnants and agreements herein
<br />tomatnW shall bind. and the righu hxreunalrr aha61 inure its, the uspccuve srxcesurrs .utd assrgm of Lender and Harrower,
<br />ub)ect m ifie provtsra»x of {wragr•q}ph I ; herein All vvenams and agreemcnb ut Honower shall tx came umf several.
<br />The captions seal tteadmgs of tAe yiaragrapha of Chu lkcJ of Trust art for convertrnce only :mJ arc not w he used to
<br />interpret or aicfittc tfie pruvurarpa' hveoi.
<br />10, Noeke. Except far shy rartrce reyurred under applicable irw nr ty gwrn w anorhtr manner. fat any •nahce W
<br />HOrtower provided (or m thin Dad of Trwt shall he grven by ma+lutg stxh noucc by ruched nrad addressed w Borrower at
<br />the Property Address ur at wch other address as Horrowcr may desrgrrate by nwrcr w Larder as provrJW herein, and
<br />tb) any +wtree m fsnder shah hr grven by aeruticat maJ, rnurn rrcupt tryurstrd, to Ltnakis address statW herein ar to
<br />sate![ astfta aaldresa as Lender may des+gnatc by rtatme ro Hot rower as tuovrJcJ hoer Any noucc prondeJ for n this
<br />Oeeaf of Trust shad be steamed .u nz,~ been grven w 8orntwer ur Lcnakr when gwrn m the manner Jesignatal herein.
<br />IS. Urritwrw Rcrd ad 'fro; Gavrruiug law; StvertddHiy. I-firs form ui deed ul trust cumbmes umtorm covenants fur
<br />naiwnxt use ,end non-usuiorm covenants wuh iimnal vauauum hl iW rsalrcuun m conatrimt a nmform security instrument
<br />wvering rest prnpcny. This (heel ut -ft use shat! Ise guvrnred by the taw of the !unsJ+cuon m which the Property rs located.
<br />In rho merle that .any pronaon or daarx of rh+a ekes! ut Truar rrt tfie'FVUh wnthcis with apphca6lc law, such cunPoct shat)
<br />rim atfeci utficr pmnswm of ihrs Decd of (Toot ur the Note which ran be grven etlect wuhom the cmtihcung pmvrmon.
<br />anJ to tha rnJ the pronsrans of thr [heal ul Trust anJ the Nuk are tla;lard to Ix severable.
<br />f6. Borrower's Copy. Narrower vtwll t+r furmsh[d a .untonnrJ .,rpy of the Noh• .utd of rhea UeeJ .,t Trarst ar !hr um=_
<br />ut excti`WUatr ur steer raz.arJatron hereof
<br />i'., Trawrdrr of rbe P.r~€aryy; ArarrrpNeu. it sit or an) par[ of tiyt P4-p.:rtt .,r an rnrerest thrrern a u>W ur nansterreJ
<br />hY Burrower without I,rodera prior wreuen wnxert, rxclanlmg tai the cnauon al a Ern or encumbrance sulwrdmate to
<br />.Ms i?epf art Trust, t 9t [rte creatwn of a purchase rnuruy accurtty +mrrcnt for Iw.ntxfioid applutrcp, i c t a transfer by afavtse,
<br />.[esaeat ur by ..uc!+ataar ..t tar spore ahc aLath csf a tome trnarn ur
<br />t.raatcr may..rt t trrJcr s uplntn, dcckatr ail the ,u::rs srsuted by tfira [)real ul Trust to hr
<br />+mtrredearr;y tlaae ..rat patahtc t coder shad hset „ sa.•J sryh r+rn f:+ a,.r'rr air .t rote !tw ,aft .
<br />- •'in pf a' •: n=4€r. [ ender
<br />steel the prraso u: wfwrrt th= peat{srriy rs r.. t+t tariJ ,~ transtrr rtJ a.h .rge etrrnni i wrrung that rfx atrJrt ,<gt such ecru+n
<br />r luny
<br />a as!!r!a_ta>:y r-+ 1 r xkr s:a! .r,at the +»{tress ysa4ah~ <=n :hr .. a,nrat t;y Chas Ihr7-t .+1 'F"rfrtt ,hail f rrcfi rate sa
<br />? cr ire .hall rryuzai, tP Lenaier has warrrvi ihr upuur+ ra after- -a~ prvrs+Jed +n th+s ts.rr,ritraph I7 .rnal rt Bay ~uwrr-s .uaaraaor
<br />:t ;reter~t less c_ecutcd a as rHEeF-. aasanprrur. sgt aztrtc+.t accepted .n wrrirng r,r i r+uitr, i r»drr shoo rekax &>rrower hunt
<br />nil ahirgatwrta uraaer this DerJ ut lrtnt oral the Nute
<br />It Ixnaler earr;eto sruh opera, to sorter arc. I staler shat! ,aul IM.awwv uwyc of .ckunun + .wrdance wuh
<br />paragraph li hope{ htxh twu.e shall pr u,+Je a pcnaw of ~kn Irsa than q} stays rum the dnc the noucc n mukJ wnhm
<br />whwh Ifurruwu rtes) pry IF1r scans Jniarrd dw 11 Hatruwcr tads ru pay scab wrm pr u,r t.+ the czar.uutr ui such per a>J,
<br />Lender may, w+thwt fn:Iftcr nonce or aknuuJ on Burrarwu. ms afar ray runrJ+rs per,nu kJ t,y paragraph Ig harear(
<br />horv-t+rvoawsr t-uvr HSwra fyurtaurer artJ LrrrJrr Imthcr ~.nenam aryl agrce as tsllowa
<br />Itl. Acctlrsalirsa: Rrtmdits. l.sa-rpt r prvrtArd it pwytrrp- 17 6errpE, uyuo Borrower's breac- rrl awy cesetwwt a
<br />>~rrtrwral of borrower iu this towel uf -I~rwt, ins lrrltag lllr rw erurwN to pay worn Arr auY •wrrr utureA by the iked
<br />al Trees, I<wder prwr to rrcrbrWirsw ahrN eaail ep/car H [brrpw<r rw pros uFrd is pwgraph Id barest sperffybrg: 111 the
<br />trrerw b; t21 ik walipr reyr[trd Ip seer scab 6rtrcA; t31 r Ja1e, cwt leas thaw ~p da}a (new /he true 11re nplke b rralkd Ire
<br />Ynrrvwtr, by which Sarah hrrrwh wuti lye awed: red Wi thwt failwr to .car arch brt+xh ae or lyttws rhr lout speaibed
<br />ip tbt wdke .wwy rr,sell iw acarkrarwn of the srww sec wed by the IlrrJ ul Irrsl cad sale of rue Preprrsy. iltr teWkc
<br />sdsrll irefhvr irdww ifbrrpwrr ref the rtgbt tp reawlrle alter w.ekrrrawr sad the right lu briwg r corn retina w asrert
<br />Ilce oou-rausraae u(a Jtfauh ur any caber def<rrar ui borr.rwrr to as arkrWiarr aed sett. If the breach b nor cured
<br />ua w brtwe Ibt occur .aprcdird rw the uWxr, l.rmler rl l.rrrdcr'v uprwn may rkalarr all aA 1hr sows staureA by Ibis IkrA
<br />pf !"rWt iu hr rrwrtdWrt} due a+aA trayabie srttbum tarthn drwrwal awd ewa) ursrrlr thr ppwrr of sale and -aS dher reuacdiss
<br />ytertarittral by aPpfirrkr6e law. ixwrkr vtawH fx satilkd to carHra! aB rraruuaWr awu asd rape wcs tmarred hr pwswwg the
<br />rrrwsslyes pruvideA is rhia paragrryh Ia, iua lu.,rwg, hW coal hwdrd tar, rrasuraaWc Wtw.rey'a firs.
<br />it rbe power of sale n ia, ukrJ. 1 rwtrt +[wli era urJ a course W Jrlautl ra rash a;- rut) m wlrkh Ibt Pruyxrry ur auwre
<br />pYt Ibtred hlwr4d grad s2wN road aaapks ul +wrM culler ire the rrrawr prrsatibrA by appl[cabk Ww to Rarrvwtr sad to IM
<br />wbri ptrsaras praari4¢d by :yrylisabk law. .Altsa the tapir nt wab /case rt may br required by appiicab& law, 7'r'wtee atsaU
<br />€`~ P ; ~ sale b! t~ pTravws sad io the wanner press ribtd by appi~ahit taw. twica, wahpw d;srsud un
<br />lwrtwwtr, al1aH reel the Property a! pahUc aerctram w the higbru lrlddyr w ihr trwrc sad ptue and under rile tarry :ir-sigoWrd
<br />its tLr scaler at aria it ..ar w rawt pwrcek xud tr sw~6 cadre' ra l~ywtee wo3 dertnniwe. iru+ux may pwippwa role of aU
<br />w oaY pared o€ tic Pruycrty by pablk rrnuawerprM of ibe igwe cud pbct u( say Irnsbualy xMedukd saM. herder or
<br />iwrrdsr's di¢a~wee away pwrMrr t>x Pru4rrtg N awg ark.
<br />Ugpw rrrrp~~ar of pry rarer d ibr prr'r hld. irwter ahrb ddivrr lu l4 pun~hrwcr 'frwrcr's eked causscyireg the Peppery)
<br />sold. 7'Ire rtcil+da iw /4 'I~rrarrr i decd shall br prima frcir raidrur d Ibr IrWh of rice sirleraeab made Ihert/a. frwtee
<br />sbwY.pply for tsrpcreds of the salt ip the foduwipg wd~r ((al tp all rerworrble rps4 axd rspnssra ul IM sdt, laalydlug, Iwt
<br />cast Bwkad rp. l rsrltaS fens d wrN mwrr tbwr ~ / ~ of ~ 1. 'n of ehr greys sale print, rewwaabk wI Wraty'. teas cad carNS ri
<br />relic ridewtr; fh! tp a~ twass xswrd 6y ihOr eked ut ~ig/Wt and eel rbr tartar, [f auy, to the prrsaa w perawaa kid1Y eatNkd
<br />altorefa
<br />lq. Opttpwer'a Blight ru Ntiuatru. Nutw ttharanJutg l.e nJcr's r arluauaui rJ the ,ours . red ht iht, IYead ut Trust.
<br />ba,tnrwer stilt Navr the r far w tWSr any prauerdurga Irrgun by taaasJer enkxar this IkcJ .•7 f nrsr drxununucJ
<br />any turx pr~rr to Cyr: rather w ar:aur of I+! rhr filth Jay Ixfwr tlrt sak ut tfre err uprrt) parrs ant t.r the power ut sale aanu a,n[.i
<br />a Ihes [34Cd ref Tnrsr urlar rnar) a=1 a }udguuwr rntur,rrtg Thu Dctd vt Trust ri tar Itan+ow crarpay, f roJer iii scum whrah w tuiJ
<br />fx rlacu aloe urwkr etas EYctJ au trust the Natr oral rwlea x erng Future AJaana,rs a auy. haJ n,> ., .clrr sewer aya ur ra-J
<br />the Bau rrrsra scares aft brrr.ha;a u( my rtthc[ a vcnantx .err agrrentcnts ,•[ Has iVwu anttauard at Fhrs DrrJ of True
<br />0
<br />wow fis*rrow rr {va ys nil era w+mi+te a:s{- s uy ur rail by trreak~r aryl Trrr+tra art enfora ang der ., rents and agrceucenrs ,ar
<br />gl+. ,:-r€"--ca.t -n +i.,s €4,cJ a.r Tyr u,t and .n rnteuarng itnafer'z ant i- •tre-s r , ..s { taJ .t pang: ash e^,
<br />isz ecf n trrJ -g. N t tai lutanrJ to_ rrawuahk ,dwrnt Y-s ere, arm rJy lirz[r rt lake- h cua+ t rs~s, may reas.v.a[~y
<br />regtprr car a•,arre itwr rra.° fa=r .,( tees Ilcad : ! Pnrst i enter? nrrrresr ,n the ['r.;{x.rn a,+d Nom,wrr ; ..hhgau~~r ro t•s_
<br />