$~ ~i• ~i ~ 813
<br />L+nrFO~st Cornz::++ss. Borrower aad lender cu.enans acrd agree as fntinnws~
<br />I. Fayn'ieat of Ptittei~at clad Setterest. Bnrtawrr shall p.*ompt3p• pay •~~hen due the principal of and mteres[ on the
<br />indektedrrcas evidenerd by the :i7ote, prepayment aad late char-des a+ orev;dc:i ;n the Votr. and the prmc-ipat eE anal :merest
<br />on any Future Hdvaaces secured by ?his ri!ortgage.
<br />2. Fattris for Taws aad igivmsnce, Subjec? zo applicable Iaw nr to a ~a ritten waiver by Lender. Bnrrosver sF.at) pav
<br />to Lender on the day monthly ittstatimenEs, of principal : rd intrrrs: arr aayabts under rhr tiote, until the tiote +, paid rn Euil.
<br />a stmt (herein "Fends' j egtta9 to nae•fwelf:lt of the yeatF} raze; and assessments which may aetaln pnority over this
<br />A4csrtgagr, and graund rents en ttu Property. if any, phis on~rw•rtfth of yearly premrean mxtaliments for hazard marrance.
<br />pluso?se-tweif£h of yearly preatium instaltrnents fors t»-mgaga insurance. if any, all ac trasnnahiy estimated irtitiatty and from
<br />tithe to time h}';.,ender on the htsis of assessments and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof
<br />The Furais sha;C ba Iuld in an instsiutton the deport is nr accounts f which are insured nr Kua ranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agsmey firctuding Lender if bender +> .uch an insutwian i. t cn<!er shall apph~ the F=ands in nay card ia,tes. ascessmeats.
<br />irttt+rXrlce premitmts curd ground :cots. [_ettder may ra+t chatgr 7nr so haidmc and applying [t;e Fund.. anstytmg card account,
<br />or verifying attd compiling said assessments aad hitCs, unless Lrndcr pa}; Bnrmwer interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to males such a charge Bnrcnver and Fznder stay a¢rre m wnhng at fhe ume of execution of this
<br />Afuttgage that intrr,~t nn ;hc Funds .,hall to yard ic€ 6.+rrnwer. and unie,s such a¢recmcat :, made <~r applicable law
<br />requitros such inicrest to be yard, Ixnder shall not t>c recurred to pay Borrows: any !n[erest or earnines nn the Funds. Lender
<br />sFsaii gi:e fo &: rrnwer, without cftatge, an annual accounting :=t rhr Fund: chow:nM1 credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />putpase lot whit each detret to iht Funds w:rs made. trte Fund. are pledged a+ addltiuna! secant}' for the sums secured
<br />by t3tes :Murtge~.
<br />!f its amotant of Lhe Funds held t?y !,ender. tngethsr t+•ith rhr ?uturr montt+l :' :nstaliments of Fund na}•ab?e prior us
<br />the due dates ed tazea, a_asrasmenrs, iriguranec premiums ar;d {ire=and rents, chat! ezcecd the amount reynrcd m pas Bald taxes,
<br />assr#sinen2s, inzuranez pataniums and gm~lnd rents as ttircy tall duo. ouch excess shall be. at Bnrrawer'c optrnn. e«her
<br />prompt!}• rapaid Sa Butruwcr arr ctedrted to B+,rreswer .:n mcsrrth!} instai{mems of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />;ti;u a'7 I.,cu~r sir;ylt rrai tee ~.m•,- r^.t to pa} rases. assessments. mauraa::: prrmn:mc and ground renu', as they ial; due.
<br />B4irrowcr shaft pay tc, t_cpder any amount ne<r~~sar+ ii: m.:ke~ np r4e :tcfl~:rnc^r urethan (I ilae~., ?rash ,lie date nntlce :s mailed
<br />Lair 'L.ctsder to Botrnwe~r rryuut~ung~ payment rherz;,t
<br />I1pcw paypseot :a feE7 set aIt sums sec:urea9 b: rhre. 4lnnffagc- t cndav nbaii pram pti~r refund to Burrawer any Funds
<br />Ite3d ht' Lender. If uts~r paragraph tiN' herrtrf tpe PrcttMem.:, cold ,,r rhr l're:t,e°r?y i, r+thr^rh'!sz aeyurred by Lender. t_earter
<br />sltaS3 apply, no 1aier than itnntatiasrt± pn+u r.~ the lair -:,P the F'rapcr, s- nr ats ;ic:€;u+s:tsn» tzr tender. ant Flmds hcpd by
<br />Lrnutet au 3Ste irrr~tr of appCi€atv:Kt mrc a ~l;xdit against the .arms secured by than 'Mf,teagagc~.
<br />~:. ApipS¢calF~ oS Pay'mtxtatn, t: n;€ss ap;.trtattJc ia,a- p .: •=: t;a^rwr.e.:ali gsnvanents reterued by l.endre uadcr the
<br />Ai I,rOlY arn3 lraragratNhs G mad' het~^~a,d eh~,ait `•~ ;:ppteed I>r i ende~u'~f nt ,€ .::mr=ai u+1 slmr+i.niis g+ayabte to Lender by Burrow,~;r
<br />snider tmttagi#y~ ? hetmt„ then ?;a retcr rs; ; _-;ah;e :,r> :'h, ": otr :hrn rt.~rhe to mcrpai ai +tre ~otr..tnd thin to interest and
<br />prtttcipgi as any Future Adv coos:.
<br />4. C•Ftargex; !~, B=_*rrcu rr sha1, t+ag a!f .. +e, .-.r.:rs~sr.-rats .,mf .,ther : i,:arEC.. tine+ .nni rnpo.n:~,nc ennbrr,ahle to
<br />rise F?upstty which mgv atzaen a nrrarrry .'.ver :hl, iyI~.nga;yc. and Irx.<n.,l.1 {!xy ntcats ,~ nrnd rznt+ +t .,nt. !n the manner
<br />provt.4_~•ci r,a~~r paragraph : ;a:tccH .,r.:f :{h` paid :n tus;i ~rl.n=s:cr h, Borr,.!wer m:eirrnt^ pat ment. .. hen dnr. ,n rectiv t++ the
<br />payee fherertf, Bctrvwer t~~ha{i ;-romRiiy fvrntsh !.e tcrxier ail n,+t!,.:, :':r nmtvu?s 3uc .:odor this paragraph. end m the es-em
<br />Fl. rot=wtr --ti.Fii n*.a$.e I-- r;:r:ne .,.. tin _:.~f1 ; r,.mpq+ 'urr.rN: ; , t :.,.Jer r.aetn++ , udrn::ng ,nah pas rnrnh
<br />69rzrowr3 s31a[i jitnmpFty r;t*ee barge .ray hen ~.. n:;,n s:, ,:mu,rtts' -, -: :lne lharigttCC- eta=; ~dc u- .,, iiaren-w v: -,au :r.,t I,,
<br />t'toutrr~ to :it~:.hs_r€s y ~~n ;x.- - rt- -_. _ - .., . , •. ,.. ,mil
<br />such itch to a marenu tk:cel>t:th[e s !- - a?er. ~ .... -_ .. (a.t;h ..;: ,ti s! .,,cn ..z •= I,;. , r ,.titat.~ e,_r,.,.cm ,t --,r n 1- n l=-a,
<br />teyrya7 ~ct..ta7S.n~ +:$ a.t 's~:tate -,: hm uct;• ..r . ,,, :aenia^r,: .~P thx° ,. r :nrternxra~ ,Y :e. ! r<=iwrr+v ,r t'ur. Jt;,r~ C
<br />~ ~SlrszvrA Et~raatsr. Bc:rr.~~ - -aaail k - .
<br />• - Ir i Y F'-!a - I.'Ix ri ', .real
<br />a;~watut 7:. ?:; 5re. ^a.->~,dr. ,,,.1~ aw s -,~ t_.n ar :... _. : ,;.s ~- _
<br />ar~iN,i y5 re€&-r at{tExt F~11.3 Re:iN . t.t TL. ~ g:.. [.&.:.5 .a.. f .vc, ,E3t - _, ~-! .^.s f .. -?t„ -e .;.: 41. _..!:_ ... ..., : ,
<br />t ,;`tie - _..:: ~ ,.,**p.-... .~ • - -
<br />~e~r :rr.;r'a .;,:r aury~rtt p::,,ta, rlir +;ta. :. 9 ...+.,ur +v, Nve'n,>.vrr ..ahvx,ci, t; -pp+,;~~.rt a.+ t enud:r. prav~rded,
<br />rteuvrr~'1 r ,~.~ #xd, : t;err r _ :, u._. ~ .. _„_ r !- `- r _- r~r ,nv_:.-~ ..._• .. ... ...... .....~... ,....,.
<br />-uiircr. _ .
<br />~F a
<br />Att trneutanae tax@e- e_ arr! r€~:exets tP,cr n;Si •v^ .,,t ^c . +~(a a,~ a ..ndr..,-,d ,+ . ~ : ,, ,
<br />~Iatut +n t:mar of and rss F>`rm 3tieljetui+tr !., !-rr,drr. t.crr,T,:•r ,h.+l, a., ,+° u,r r:yhlt i:, ha•Id s.. r... ., s;,l r..~,-w. tn<, rc.+t
<br />xsd (lr t..~ r =stalk rs..na;,tt} fur mxh ta* l..:x3s. a: ..r.~ -.=t r.,r-, ~ a r :: „t : nrJ ra r - ~~• .,
<br />.. - t s I ~ rot -t
<br />BCtrL'+,rer St9:Yli ~"r+Y ~a,m{N t%~1~~: a' an+• +riu ,l..t raft ~.i ?, s.. rtY.l, c.: lv= " _r ..an < ., e.. -! ... ,- ::e ar1..
<br />t l~nk'.we l.cnJer and Butrr:wrt .: !t r :e$tr. ~ i - C. -at I r ~ -x :,aplt.d ~, ~,t . -t - , r cap arr ~,.
<br />the Hte+z cti}~ Jyctiag>a_ p.cv F~CJ ,u~.r r „arxtx~n , r -a?+_: a ~ tae+;t ~ . -n - =;=•d tt:a c ., .. .t ...., !fn• .
<br />slut thesel.y irrltatted. 1. 'isa.h ._ ur _{ a. ., .:.-„•. ,:~ , ..,. ' la ~.. „e ...,.:. ~ . :_.. ~,,,r ts.rere .s~~uid
<br />iK` attipatrtq{(, ine +uaurap.'.{i ps Fa:~w?~ ~ tj k~. t,.ts^.i ~, la_ e.~.ta -,-.:.ik€,.:,t ,h -.'.1,.1-~a~ - {- e-, -_ ~ _.,, tsa;4
<br />t+x Bur:sswc; tf the E'n.{trirps n ah -d- ~:eas ?_~ tr •, ,.•,s a: ~ ~ 11,,.r r, xis .: ., „ r-,r :: ;,; i .r;.,.r x-,th s'l;.Sa}, .;,,o~. +hc
<br />,tnt,n ,.v.F ._ a€at!:~ '.r1.1.,t , $. ,.,tea. ..~ - ~ - ,.,.:u ..er.. !, :.l4 . , .,.., tr ... ~sn... nrn. f a air.
<br />!s auittr[:ufK'tf to c~iea trash o;+aa!} be -nsur,r,r ~. , .-..rc.ta wt +-, ~.~u , I, ... aat41 :, :rtsav.r,ou :~r also ~I Ric PrF~t~na
<br />itt tl0 !hG 3q€t}.+ rte tercal #*Y~ I:I',I'~ta .*~ioilttajie
<br />fJn~ ~s a--..#75f u'-:*w'< ,_.. ., hs,l-:y- .. ..t ,:, ,:~. -. - cr-ea. ._1.-p..! -r,..r! r:,,t cst:. •;d
<br />seaeFl tuei~ttx€..-ts ...i.. ,u;;.{gy t~ias at;: ;z hea.,. .ice t.~.-+se.t:, .. m. y,. ~~,, r e.r, va+ : :.;i:, - ,nd ,_res! _,! Ii~xr,~:e a'
<br />;n atttt tic a, a `-us a:=te •a,ar,c;ca .,-:+, r u . -:r< , _ _c eed:, .ia€~,• nt '• ta.r., ire t.+ the ~pr,rp.:rt= pn;•t t:• !hr +,
<br />aH ac:~r+t#- ~. 5hn'st tLAi. 7'.u Len4.. -,'. tllS lcs{i. ! :i}g - i4.a. S•_~u+a._: - . -h~> 1.. 1. Ty., ~,c ~~t. ~:c,ha;cit yt~c=r ~ ua -. -,,. .~t
<br />a~e~usit~-
<br />t:. f'tw,axr.>BAicw sad I!14,taa#ttl.tr..c ,.r I'rwrrrts: 9:ea€mr~hw~; t e,,.e..,~e„r~,$.,, Ina,..t~;7 t ••€! 7•=:;=~~e-"csts. '.s,=s:_;.~.-t
<br />=A.;t k,.-=:r- rte: :d.:.:+i l,. i.-, e.. ~_a. _r,ns. .: €a,. n,a,~! ., ..etr~.,.-; .~.:,.,s „t titz: f; -
<br />t
<br />sssd sir., xr+3 ®, ;iw j,ta its :..x ::# ar5i ee>.c , .., sr :;?ib= •:! .. .- a.,. ,U -its, 'aS~ .. ,-:- .. ,u ..
<br />--,-u~ec _ _-6~-.~4b,+f a=.,:a -?c t- ~ ..~`.t . 4. .. • ,~' 3 :., ..4ti . ,.~r , ~ a,..~, -. l:v,~e ., a .r. t ,
<br />t!?i'e?i3tkii e~5r:~ °? ~.'-4<i€:+r ~, errs .c4YU - e . [ ~p t -)< n IS -. - ; ' t .r+:. •.~ ih[
<br />ee~+ck#'nsa t» u... ylatsshrcl unrE uevc-,. ~t6ni, s.4 :, rb[lt s ..uns, Pt c.: . ~,t, oar: m,u : t pl xnnad : ~ .+ea.•pruen;
<br />rta$tr as e,?s~:e~ed ha: r~s4ss aa~ ~~'~_ -°?~: •.--. €. ~,.,+ a3t - ~ r --
<br />_' ~ _`~ ~.. ' ..,..:.. ~ a.a.. ,...~~~ z ~.,;, as , . t s , rr„ a ~ ra ! h +::
<br />- .yz a~ - arF. --ea.t :i£.. vli}Yflt> , S ll:.+ ~I,Ff',Y.tet A+ i• :f:c fltlCt
<br />`kafpr +- f4.ie•"t 7C#1t-
<br />~. ~"t'i4ti +al t~s$Rr'n ~r~tti;'J. !5 i{s,trzfw-rr tr~ais r..r nc:+;, ~,m tNe .+aocuent. .vn.I ag:re_mer•:y ,,,nten':ed !n thl,
<br />'a#w°rti~age, cu tf any a;:t:can . € prsw:emtitne +- tt.a-;x-r. •y 17,.+. .tal€z . f- - t.t-:s,:et , r,tctc-! tly: t's,+t+,; rt.,
<br />,f -i,,:tteg. Flt oat .,it:.terl et=: 4.. ;rrnner.... . ,..ne*.,,... s3:: r r ,:tne..i..,, ,s•denrint. - r, s.s :. -.,I,.rng ,
<br />..:~kEt.:jY a #: '--.~.tx. ;E k r _ u - =.,c. 75 -- -: uc- •s !0.e r - pc- : -l.: r ~rh
<br />n,~tk€s sled xakc ~isCtt -.ewan a a rrc=.- _ar} Jnr,..rr." e .._rs .• ., x.- ~r ?;rth ... r=±t -m.,td t.?su.aattzt.rat :.
<br />& -ci~irEt's t~4# ne.x:. ~hsa't -,E _~= t7,:. 7'rtx{3cesy - ^:.r~a: .fn y,r. f~ i , ~
<br />a
<br />~~ ; ~;. -aA e.•~*-~t~ --. .. .-S=..egr~.. t€-: ,,.. sat -c ,.~rtt<,.srne ;c€trt,ts at r ;n:tuua ~< .. .
<br />+>~Y.--•u t _ r~?fi t to '_~ ,...s .. _~.
<br />