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.Form 808 ~i Corrective 'ft~rtgage <br />84.~. (i+l~~13 i"~E3~~GAGE <br />THIS MQRTGAGE is made this of. .QS=i=~~~.................., <br />krl. ~, between site Mortgagor,....I~22Y1S1 ,i..Sc~ti-t. and.Fatsi-c.~ A.SchRdx,..husbilttci .ax`,; joi*itly <br />~tr3, BEiF11.IA. t3Ye7S .~. rzg3':t .......... (heron `=Borrower"}. and the Mortgagee,. PZRkT .FEDF-Rf~r .... . <br />SADIN~ A~A.I.Ob^i ASSQCIAxIA.N .Q$. i~I~?GOI,N ................. a corporation organized and existiag <br />utter the Laws of..tbe. $I.A.Gt'..4f . ~+gbFsiaka ................. whose address is. 3.3:1? .4 .K. SLFee.G$ .... . <br />...Lincvlti>< .Nebraska ...6>37A;3 ........................................ (herein -`Lender"). <br />ws€x€ns, Harrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. 'Y. EIC~i .ifiC'1USANt2 .'T'HREE. 3$if1DP.E6 <br />•~,~} 1,~f~Q~___._._~_~_r_~__. ________________. L'oiiars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrowers rote <br />dated • . - ..~ti..~ .. +-~~... f hereir, "Nate"). providing for monthly irstalimenis of prncipal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sootsor paid. due.. and payabie on..Oeto3x~:r.T, .20k) ........... <br />To S€ct;e€ to Lender (a} the repaynsent of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, rise <br />paytnen[ of al! ether sums, with interest therwn. advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />lt3ortgage, and the perforrttance of the covenants and agreements of Harrower herein contained, attd (b} the repayment <br />of a v fimzre a.iy~e,ev~.< nth i,_____~ ;her,h,n..•±;ade to wr: c::er br r enz'„°,r puwant tv nph ~ ncxcnf (stCreitt <br />"Future Advances"'y, Borrower does. hereby manaatge. grant and convey to Lender the following, descn'bed property <br />located in the County af .............H<3~.........................., Stace of Nebraslta: <br />Lot Eii;ht (8) irZ Filock : ive {5) in C~Sttry Club :iu33divisian, tx.ixtp; a t~arY_ of the F; <br />Half of trte ~rtFt~tst t~ttarter {!~~-~;viw:) a£ Stacti+.~n 'It,*errty l:i2ht f2$) in T4~cartshio <br />Elevest {11). Ntxr-[Ft, lime :~it1e (9l idest of the d~ T'.Nt .rt FfaYi. f,:cst~t~r, "_~lebraas3~~ <br />c~n~betat~mr>f:,ter -~. Lv$t~ ;~., wk?c~in>anne :d:a i-l~U';l~f~F't <br />WA ~'h Ftu-s ;tax. ~rce~ i?~... >-. ~ t i,r-T c, x4'ri... ...... ,. ~t ~ - ..':1.311! <br />eta `.tft~k2i t~ii~(~)'3. <br />- .. - - . . (ht=rain I'rcp<:ty -~ Jre+s"',i , <br />t~t+wwi •rru !rsP uue~3 - <br />T't~'t=tt~ w-itit ~* the e~sp:u-=rttt.:-cst~ ,~~ yr i7ezraficz enacted 4.n ihr preperTV, sn43 alt rasatttcnr3, ng:htn. <br />npsuftersafares, tenttr, toyaFtis^s, nfi_atcral. osl and tus rsgtsze Esra/ ptc:fits. wain, writer rsg, t-s-, and wat,.r st,aik, atsd all <br />ff~tcuv.7 nuw €rr ht^reafter atiauite€i to t?se prcrtxarts. ~~fl .~ whrdH. ~nrludissiZ aeplato:e{era±.rnd additions ih~•re4u, shall ix <br />rt'sed to he;kssd rvrnain a Wit; of the prolr_^rt; :orated ^r thts ~I -tr#agr, mud alf 1,3 the `,ore ring, trrgethrr wviilt safvi <br />~prt}~ <,fi?i the k.~s~-~3d c3t3te ;€ 3 !vi~vtgag+ ~ n a t,~stus+!~u 3 ,tre Art i. ->f:ar.;1 io .r,. tits 'P•q~n4.. <br />ilufra~wrer c4as~engnrs t#at t~=rR~is aY lawfsti[y se~v:: of the Gscata ?ft.ebg c~.~n`•<cied and ha;, th:, rtKiti su mot t;:a;ta_ <br />tczaut :a.MS ti3rsvzv else Isr;y,-at"-4 tya.;..'se !r'rxa[kr.+=t -, ~sssc st~:anz!>ctC~:l, 3 htit efY3-r .trse Evslt ,varr~es s,:cs dri•+~-{ <br />r,~zxec'; ;3y #!t+G !lt°a :0 4tst; pacepdrty a'tsat ~q~ll claers~ze arxt d~tzazta,.: , -.s~~, tiE :., ~ {Y" Jcedaea s.,rs.: aae4ftcots .x r~strtette>o. <br />i~'t^$t t:9 t ia'sDCst`.:tL` !~ .1.~:'t3te '4,' ti5 Ci?B'Cr=las 'T .i{a'- r C .iii( { Y ,i -. "1- S}ia 4 -_ + kr.i - .. c t~-L'anz• , <br />(~.~k - •. t tags,.>. t - ft~l„it~.B~ 3k~giMR ULKABRT <br />