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Form 808 B <br />S~~ (~~K~$~~ <br />§ wri#rcn agrxxreteat tsr app#icab#e lour. Borrower shaft pay •?~ a_moutft of a#1 mortgnge insurance pmntivrtn in the <br />mattrtrr provi~d under paragraph 2 hersof. <br />Any smarrrts dnKxsraed by Lcrtder pursuant to this paragraph ' with itturest thereon, shaft become additiona# <br />indebtedness of &mnurr seetiraf by this Mrmgagc. tTxr#e_ss Brmawer and T<endtr agree [o the: terms of payment, such <br />amounts she## Tee paya#aTe upon natu-e from Tender >.a Harrower requesting payment thera~f, and shalt bear interest frxxn the <br />dart a€ distwiremen! st zhe rate payafs#r from tiretr io lime txt acnstattd#ng principaK tsft&r tTx Note un#ess payment o€ <br />intet'esP ar °~=ch rate would br tonirary to applirabtr law. in which txn[ such arnatsnts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permi~b}c :coder aPpTicabtt isw. Na[Ttutg amts#ned in this paragraph 7 shat! requite, T.ondet to incur any expense ar take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. hepmeRna, l.endrr may snare ar souse to be made rrasrntabte entries upon and itfspectians of the Property, provided <br />that I.erakr shall give tiarrosver niKiee prier zo any sueh inspection specifying reasanabie cattle iherefer related is T.ertdePs <br />iritetosi in the Pmprrty. <br />9. £'sa. T#xr prcrceeis of aay award or cretin for damages, direct x rnnsegcential, in sannection with any <br />cottdtsnttaiion fir other taking +~ the Property, er part rlfrrraf, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />#n [#~ esxn[ of a ferret taking of the Properly, rhr protteds shat! he app#ied to the =urns secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excru, it any. paid to Hw'rawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, can#rss Brrrrawer and Lender <br />cxhe-noise agree in tFaitin{S, there shaft he applied to the Sums securt!d by this A'fortgage st.-ch prnpoYYftsn of the pnx:eede <br />~ is equal to that proport#an which the amount of the sums secured by this otartgage immedia.taly pzdar to the date a€ <br />taking hears to rhr fair market value v# rhr Property immrdiatety prior an the date of taking, with rhr balance of the proceeds <br />paid to ~arrxtwer. <br />ft tt~ Property is ahat;xktrted by Bar*nwer. x if, after notice by !.ender to Battower [hat rhr condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar setr#r a c9a:m for damages. 9armwer talk to res#x?nd to L..rnder within itf days a'.€ir'~r the date st~h notice is <br />mxiSed. Tender is atrtlx+rizeA to rns~ and aaatV then is oatiM- ." t>"eair of rh., <br />_ - .r~cted_c. at #.."_vds- . ~- - - - ~I±sr to ro!c?an.3itan or <br />Fraprrrt~ r+r rte ;hr sums xs:sutd by *fsa Hrn:age . <br />L;rxirs f-ender attd Bt7rravexr =uiterwsur ague +ra >vritin,g, an •; srsch application of proceeds to principal shall uat extend <br />or pr;rstpnt:t t.,r due date =+f the amnthty tnszaftmrnrs referred in in paragraphs A and ' !xrtot ar change the amount of <br />~st+te#t imttai±r¢tns~rs- <br />T~. PKrn'osrer Vat Aeieaaed„ Extension ;,= she carts ft+r t+avmrm .,r atadi95cataon of amortization of the sums sesnred <br />by itsiA b!cngage greeted ito' i-~ndex to any successc+r to interest of Borrrnver mhatl eat operate to retrace, in any manner, <br />fMcr 19ahetit; ~n# cpse; cvig:nal Harrower sod B<,rrrnr.~e~a'~• su~arswrars to interest_ C-reeler sMaEE nest he required to comntrnce <br />prtscsxrfi~gx aptatr_st st~h sxaccrsst:tr .-r rctasr ux ext.end ?rme tar pavmrnt or o[hesss'ise rn+-rdifv amanizatian rf rho sums <br />•~wn'~urrti hp: !hue M4k'rttgagr ny ressaea :rf env drntarad made by the ntrig; r,ai Horr'owtr ~xrsd Borrower"s setcra^ssars in intcrest. <br />tt- P~krar~s•x bT Tatedter V~pt a Wa#rty~ * ,. torbrarar._t by ! elder en rsrrctsing env right t:r remedy hereunder. or <br />xAtherwtx a!fatttrd M; appti;:ahKe law sh=~`. ~_, tM e wn:ver .,• „r prechtdr rhr exercise .,r '.toy +u[,h right +,r remedy <br />T2te prt>curtrrrxen[ c+f ~n+uratxr <zr rise {*avmcnt~=sf +asex src r,iher i~_ns ,~r ~:harges F+r ;.t:rder viral! orrt Fe s~t ,~s-S:vrr of isnder'c <br />right a. ar~teratr rhr maturity of tp:e ,ndr'trtealsrc~-s ,ca,;cd m this 3/nrtga¢r <br />#'., ftesediea Caw~xhe. A#f remakes per=. rated ~n ten 47ort4axe srr :[ir6ncf and tumr~itntive to came other rtgh[ or <br />xxfltcr#y anxitr this biartgage cat .eA.'rrdrd hr; ?nc+ ~ r etu,t+ and rnav rte ev,2rc,ecd ~omctu¢tendertlty or successively. <br />T3. Swreswstt rsd .kariXrs ^ewsd; Sofnt aad 4errrr# L#ahiity; Captions, ilst .ovrnantiv -fr_[K sgrermenis harem <br />~.;s:tza;nrd ?hat! !*enxi- and +hr righ€s htrrutxdrr shark :ri„rr ~, >he t,..°-,x,[•:r s::<crv',+,.s .sod assigats cat t ~^srrktr .~rnd Borrower. <br />=u'sjr~-~ '-~ [~ Via..-,t grdpY, ,"• i,~rs,i ~Ii ,-c.~»aztfa ana aitrctssents c,f ior-ro rv aiiuii t',e tt,inr an$ several. <br />.TTsn ~ts€~m. am# ?teadtngs rtK ,tae para~.r4gh, f the. N.-. _o;,~e ,r -, rte ,:_re=e -- t , i ?_~ t,.. „~ <br />- ._ .__ ~ rc _ _ _ d to <br />t~ntcrprrrt rr dnfhst the }:rovtaiers hereof. <br />1~ -~#skit. F_€,~t;?t Pt,.x a»k rasitct^ s~#ct;rr.:# ::n<ier :a;~~ 3is.;;hks tau,- t. !,t „a>°en ,n art; •a;,c•r matsner. ?a) ,env -erica [n <br />!#- .'c::~t >-~v J-~ i- _. ap, .:h g-,'gs _hai# +s . ..... .,~;..: a~ - ~.;#d.-r " ?;;_rr~'er <br />t'ae ~fpr<~.xrts Addrr_••~ _~ at atatif, ztY~r =>~ie:r- }3t~rn .rev =erx..;..c -. s -,n::t to - mitt ;3 - ?vi:~d hertitt. zed <br />:s. <br />aixaC~ tr r~isrr ac'edrine~ as K.ctxrur =eau 3esggr,sa ~ tecttt.r t:~ t#arr.,,err l.x pefavaded h,r nrm guy notice provadrd fur cat this <br />ana .:- _ g.:~ ,... ~ - <br />[k;n.~ _ _,~ ~ -. a __ _, -.,-.,.~ _.. _. y,,~•r.. -.~.~ttr -~•'-igr•a.CU ..,rein. <br />=2aC sett "q:#i-ilnifC,CY1T iU~Qnartit calif! IHnitrt7 v.4rid t,£,na k'Y i~ wtt'.'tdN, SR Cf+futttlnr a ,tElttiril KiY e:rit Y~~inYtft3lrT[n( i IVCFing <br />rcai proKxrrty thls Mcrzg,-sgr sh.ti tx- csr,~ct nc.! ?•v its :a r~;! tlic ~, err whiu.~n iht Prc>txr[y :+ 4c.+atcd. in ittr, <br />evrttt resat any provtsxm .,: ,Ka;rst :u °htk ,f.vr: caitr ~~+ 'he 'w,:ta ,.~~nflf,:ts wuh .ttepltcubte law, such ~ontli+ri shall eat affect <br />Wittier ~.+vrrtiur;..d tit;, 4![sr>tagr .; tree ':.,te °+fini+ .an t-e uru'rts aHe,.t }athote tea ::enfiiging pr[svixisrn. and to this <br />extd tlx krrvs cx~,txa :,# rhr 41r,r[ga~r a,A f: ;e 4,»=_ .err ..inland ;,.. Fs; ,ew:rahit <br />iti, iSrrrrwer'x C;egs. Brat iwrx =.hai1 hr < .[:s3;rJ __•n e_c,rnt d „pv .et .hc `?,nc ~,-i ,:t ?he. 4torigtgt at the !cant <br />=nf tarcltixwx s,r ztter rc.ofdatprtt iroctrx~. <br />1L Traoet~ rt'tte tom; ,A~wp~inn, Halt ,•r a _~tt .=t the Pntpertq ar. an ;merest tisetrn: ss s:,3d of transkarrd <br />ht' ~ravtar 7ettlxx+a (,rtr#si ; cxaur ar - c+dpki5ap t,i +ha ;:rGUuo,t .rf ,i hen ,"r tntctamhrnnra su'ncardmafe u, <br />[tsss #xtcrtgagr, :b1 rhr .rr-auxxt .,i + :~ars~t,a-.e +rx=,ms =a4'„ref+- :n.rre+t rt.r hnctseh. •lil appil+:3 ',cv. i.! a tt'nnrt2t by flerixc. <br />3c+c'ettt :,r ~i-+prrai,an vP ;aw :;¢nsr+:§x ~ltatH t ! ttitnt asrt ~.,r sq, the grant c,I env hrnseho3d :r'itcReat of there sexes car tel: <br />r,._'- ~aianesng an s,,~;E~r rro pc,rct,~c 's rmitr coos, st f x:n['tar , =:pt+a: r, .1Faaeg cif +hP =ont6 se; ~,ea r,a by tPo,us ~ioitgagr to Ise <br />+m+sstil,a-tefs• due and pxryahk f,rtdtr ,hail ixae-r. -.r.,ts'est ,1,~1, .:pS..,:t :: ....cite+.r t? rrrs,e t:• ut:r. ",de. ,r.r transfer. i en.ter <br />atxd freer twtxn: to uh+uaie the Pr. ,,err} a s=+ i'n• wi~a art tram#n and t'taGh ;grtemcna a ar,ta,g rht:tt ahe .,ren,fa :rt +u>'h petsrvn <br />r,~[<s.: i e"~ °r* a€>~ ttta'r +~~ [,~i~rcn aEe, o t tkt s,.me ,c~,!reti h, tgr ~feexguy'i ~natkl '- .;a such r,xte a, !cadet <br />`3 rrgtt~sr !f i.;:ntkr has was •t+] -he ~,(te e. -- .ue!er see iN.,vtdeFa :et rho, ?hxt skraph i 3rMa .I'~R:,rz:ynete'. su:,cesxt,t in <br />fittaract itaa exc~-y`t.# s ,>rs. aaapnsp.rsrra .,gt+~an, r 3,.i-e~t-c3 to s, zsta rag hti 1 rn+,irr. i s:n+iet 4trli~N tl'wfcasa~", q~'i;,rsu,ver from r,^ <br />aaana upsirr ihri It~r=rl;tage: attd rhr tsic'+tt- <br />Tf #_teedGt ensvr,us= xek;h ,qat h t.~ aatlrra;t, t. !a.#et shall ,=tint ttnr;awee , ~t ace r, ,:ea~,ha'urf e„n i i ;. ~ortianex' w,Fh <br />r,araarsnh _r<'eryf. !s -_,_,., sh~K .~ _.,, .t. ~ ^c+f! .`__` - -- ---- ..I'..- !--. iV.,u e. { - - --~ <br />~'7tt..h licw s*,+er rrtay ca [tse+.?nss[r~+.,tesi ds,e. It fiotr,, ~ __ .,. t, r + - f-rt •,,[at.:, . _,rt _. .- <br />v . .t <br />_ r. r, i~.rr5. r ., r.,c~ } ~ent•:.#F+:'-x ,Mtfn., /_xl 4 ~~*tt d"al".: d'. HI r. rrrtff. <br />',t<ro_L'tsrtox>af *;rvi,s~r, hs°ts~><t ant#c-fdrr ,urtte, ~.,~ta=•t =rt,l===r e4~wh ~. <br />t8. A€€e-feral Rem6ditm. i•;~serps ~ pratviAeW Ka pavay?rl~h #7 #errof, trtYOn iiarr.stscr'tt Igiprrc fch a~~uk' ae} rovsrtant or <br />a~ttntwa.H pl Jlnrrtateer it tide M(auq{,~r, i~iteBKa~ tl~ rovrraaxptr fu pay ,+brn rfras pray easy! u'x'taad by iMta \iorittgte, <br />P~ ~ ar.,~r,rr`-- ~ trs r€~cr as + is Kxtua,Tr'+tp~ t3 h}r<sivi xpt+-~5#~: €t3 #ha ttre~tht <br />f2t'.!~ m:.:e+Kxrad 4~ ~ # exr~. ~': a v~.w, tai era.:.'rr-n t.~ a irts>rs>n tts r#arte ~e aoln a is rrsautvd to FSurruKer. <br />bj trf~it arxtY Greseb arwa 6e crrerh amt fd} t6m fa~rrc to rrrn +w:p 6rresak ne <er txfarr ilte Jatr +pecKtkd in arse ttal&a - <br />> eso-xalt is tuscitrrr:~a .rf the wi+>w 9atxsrrd &; Nmn >farsgarte. fs~:irasxrx >9 jrditid proctredis>Z pnd.aria of ttse Pmperiy. - <br />'P4a 4xe. +iui9 fw'f#re itaNurm 1#orxsrwer srf t}rr rt~,tu in rr#m.tare pater w:tetrr>w'i9n pfd the r#gtxt w assert sp t~ tnrar#rsrte <br />dpt tram-txlrbeerc ni Il +kdwedt ua ana +rthw~r +trfe~r rxf tarrrr~r~r to ac. e#teaSEsu aed iocsc&rrurw. If tba brearA <br />3a ~ CsMld css tfs rx~eic t9a tksa s:}azt44e9 3r !Sa +rdxtk'c. f..e~err at !.radar's .xpt#tas triep cC,~:-Kral aH C+f: t~ surer szenred err <br />'tom. i is her ~ - t~ aaA ftayrt+~ s~trorE fatri#tp+ dr+etsatK a~nA mrp t3a4e by }udkes~ pru~redFni, t.etnier <br />as~wsr *~ ~+r,: ~w ;,+ r~z=a is. sar+'s prrtrasa~ +ue eapisnac±t ref ferre'6usure. ieci„ 3roi eau recoiled i~ ;wis af, de+:uasralary <br />~~': K~aITYxa1a'±M`'• '*~ tl fix. °a ,i-w 13_rK?aLet ~ t ett+~?'t `1 xs. _ -- - _. h ...._ '~:u e~~R- <br />itrlriYt3"er y:+~t: tTav$ [t€R ri~Ksi i., oar lady t,r ~,..s+edanes t+.:_teh i*p c - -..- Vii. ,rte ._.. +v.~+ .,, ...,.. <br />