~~-~ ~ ~ 5 812
<br />I.endtr`s written agreement or applicable taw. Sorrcwrr shall pay the amour,[ of art mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />ma[mer provided under paragraph Z Ysereof.
<br />.0.ny amounts disbursed by L,zt[der pursuant to [his paragraph 7. :vith interest [hereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borraa'er secured br this Mortgage. L`niess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />a[ttonnts shah be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall Ftear interest from the
<br />dat~nf disbursemerst at ?he rate payable from time to time un uuts!srding principa: under the Ncte unless papmert of
<br />interest at suci rate would be eontrarv to applicable law, in whit[[ ever.[ oath amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt regales Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />S. 6[speetlort. Lender may make or cau:.e to he made rcasonahix retries upon and inspections of the Progeny, provided
<br />tiaf T.endar sha#1 give Burrower notice prior io any such insnectinn epecrfying seasonah!e cause therefor related to Ixnder's
<br />interest in the }`rnperty.
<br />9. Condxtenation. 'The proceeds of any award nr claim for damages. direst or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or pan thereof, or for cunvct ante in lieu of odndemnation. arc hereby assigned
<br />and shad 6e paid to Lender.
<br />Pr. the even? qC a total taking of the Property, the prt'iseeds shalt be applied to the arms secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borreu•cr. to the event ref a partial taking .if the Proper;}, artless Rorrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. ?here shalt he applied to the wms securd by this Mat7gage sucfi proportion of [he proceeds
<br />as is squat to that pmpurtier, wfiich the umaunt cf iht~ sums [scored bs this Mortgage immediately prior m the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair marker vaitte of the Pm~rty immrdiateiv prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid !o $orrower.
<br />Sf the Property is ahandottcci by Rarrnwer. a: if, a{ir'r notice hr Lender to Rorrow~cr tint the cor:demnor offers ro make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Rc,mtwcr fails to respond to Lender within i0 days after the date such notice is
<br />matted. Lentler is suihoritcd fa count and apply the prcxxce~ds. at Lender's notion, either to restoration nr repots of the
<br />Property nr to ttte =ums secured by this Alnrgage.
<br />Lrn3es:' , ,,. :: FSe err,=- .r, ~. --- --- - -.. sppS-atirrn of pr- - s - vrinci}T,! . - ear i= --
<br />c~.r postpone ifte clot: date of the montMv installments ~rerfrrrcd to nrn paragraphs 9 and x'_ hcnnf nr change the annum of
<br />stet[[ irstaiimente,.
<br />1iR Hatvuwcr '.Nun Released. Ettensirrn elf tptc time for payment or rnudifidation ref amortization of the sums secured
<br />by?his hinrtgaps granted by Lender to ary succevux ;u interest :if Rorrower shalt not operate to rcteasr, in env manner.
<br />tree !iabirliet of the urigmai Herrera=er and RcrreDwi;r s vie:.essnr~. In lnrerc~~st. i-tooter [halt not ter rrxluired to cammencr
<br />prttcerd.ings against ouch successor air refuse in ev,trnd time :rnr ;res. m?•:,t iir othe.nirtse mi+dify a€nnrtizatinn of the sums
<br />sycun_d by this Mr>n~gace by reason an .tnv xleman:a roads by the x>rievral Rt>rrow•cr artd Rnrrnwar's turce~sor_c ,a in?eresr
<br />P!. Barbearasce ~y I.eaadtr Vol a cl ai~'er. hna fnrh€:aran.:c N~rr 9,endi::r M1r: exrrcisang env right or remedy hcreunclcr nr
<br />orltenvise afforded by applicable 'aw. ~.r€li not bar .u wai t~rr of iu prcctude the exercise n? env tuck right nr remedy
<br />"fhe prxt:r~tent of insiarat~ ur rfie pacmr,m o{ rases rr other liens or rhargrs 6v [.ender .hall net he s waiver of i ender's
<br />right to aculeratc the maiwtg' nt the :ndchiedns+i ~ecurtd t+v tit, Mortgage
<br />f,'L Rxme Cumaiffi#Ive. :0.i! remedies pn.s€dcd is thi+ ~#ortgags ~ dictina± anil c;amdauvc to env othc° righE or
<br />remedy sander this &tnrtgagr ar affnrdrd by feu --_: c.;_u:;a en;9 may tr.~ =.rx;:r. ~~ce .oncurrenti}'. !rdopendendp nr sncressivelt'
<br />l5. Saccessorx turd ;Rss(gns Bnuad:.(ant and Se.rni I.iabii#h': ('aptions. the t'cnants and .:grcemcnts herein
<br />%sintamr I sha!I hind, and lh'_• rigt!ts ht€v±indur ..h:tli !n,:n_• •<, 'tix• !'erns: t„r .,:acc•..;,rx an,i ~ztcient "f i ender aaxl Rorrnwrr.
<br />subject c sY.c provts:om nit paragraph .7 here.>t Ali Want ,, crermrm. „1 Born+wer shalt he rilev and vevrral.
<br />The caption and headings at ihr patagraiphc of This MnrgAgr an ~. r _i.nten~x"ncc .,n!v end .tee not m he used to
<br />interpri;t x:r dc5nc the pre+~FSi. tx ">err-.:=.
<br />• .,
<br />Pte. '~.~~. _ - ~ r~:e -,e ~ -- -:rr r .., €~` ! - - F,. .-
<br />- , ,- ....r m.r. n: ni soy ere t
<br />tzar ;ar err ; r :€dea ic.r - .this Mer'aiti; st'an tr. ;; n. e.. n I=. .<: u i t _crt [,ed -.t ..:c.7;i ersced ti+ Rnrr<>.ver at
<br />fhw: property Addneas or at tech atfirr asiflra•.x sa. itrrrrisurr m„t sia•,rilcn aloe `ut ~c<wi;c :,, i cri. -~ , mvrdcd herein. and
<br />!nl :€ne in snit€r :Wait nc Ci:ert n ~ r rile~.l ~ :~ .+•. •:• - :~i. !ea[ sl'=°e" +.• I ; -.-.-•' ,{!-. 'v .tatci~ he?etn ,•
<br />:.-y .^.1..::}~- . .. ., .1...._• ,nits: •. ~. t.. e, z,d= --. ..,h ,rY'.ifcu .,,- ,- a
<br />rri;
<br />at • IV r .
<br />'. 31'rt1C.T VL+t 4R1ii •r`[JL~C[m£Q ile is C r+irP ~~ itl• t'S rje)r r e -. - .- t} ~.~Y1T'I 1 f -..- ... t _ t-.r.;[ hw re..n,
<br />IK. !!nifnras 4t..~~ai t.r..ars:~. 4,,,.: u..u,~srwt, _, .,,. ~ t ~_ r -J -- - •-€
<br />inSV and non ,[Wife}Trf4 t.~+:'2nanl. ~itn «imit + €,it€€ n. Y r .,. ~ .¢+r, tC.i ~. 1. .. : `+4; r,.:nx nr ~ , }erin4
<br />seat Rrfr~rt :'. ....5 iH^rtga';e 'ry:n f{' a`4 .,.. tr. [r , .,.- . .. c ,.. + I.k e i# ,i:? i7L-
<br />erent :hat anY pruvtsiEin ex Crease e.f [hts Monga><+ ttt s'a.:•€e .u.i.:. .ir h : n!~isi:.rie ---. ,us.h .n:rti,.c -, r k, r~nt :. rise[
<br />rather nt-,,s:lion, .rf this '~fcttgag~ .:r the '~latr v~hrih t a ice --_-- .., •ns ,.snrit.€Inr ;. ~€.r,+n. .rrxi r„ troy
<br />sod the prtivi>iams iS the ',inrtgage and rhr !tern arc dc.~,tred t-, ra , r..±~hlc
<br />f4. 6arnaweis ('t[~y. Burrower !,hail bc• furn:+he-d ...•n1.,rmad~.-~.pt .,f the tiny :€... .: :h~~ \iorry',t;;. .+t :!,. ±:rnr
<br />i?# esec~i.rtxNa err alter r.s-c+rdaiiun hereof.
<br />- - t `5e ~ - :- .
<br />1~. Trsat~~ itf fibs fig: ircrartrpifon. #f art,-~r eat ;, .. , -. ?mt.ertc ., an -ntrrcst rive°rrn :..o?d , Fansicrsrd
<br />by Bc'+rr.,wrr u-dhiud Lender's pnfir writton con.ena. rx;.3 cidrc>,. ~,:, me ..rat€i.it _:I -. , ,~n-;:Iiibrau=e .n A,+ntmate Io
<br />ihzs '•SJlc~ttgagt--. +:+. the .atiat:un +tf a pn€chaix : may ,. tuner ~.mrn~r h,,i ^, .,rid apniimnra _ rran~hi . t tier€ss_
<br />desrnt sir by rit>+ratrua of taw ut?on rise .lex7h itfx~€ ;.,. ..... -.-r ,. :, a.#u..,• - -tr.a.t --. th:,c .:.r, ..r lets
<br />nc~ c~~air infi era =,ptiarF tai purchase. T endeF ter, r..u # crx3rE, .,rr,, r .n t=~:. , . -...... x. _~u . ; t°ria Sfcnaakr ro tk
<br />immn<ha4}r dtw4 and payable. 1 endcx si;xil !rase ...used ~-, .i ..sat+va •i, .zit, k-rutC ~ , *u,r t., ti!s-~--air .: ..ansfer 1 ruder
<br />and the pCtwan ti. warm the I'rn#rcrrr t, 0.i ham .ok{ ,'r !.emir:+ed s: ash .u:rrc men: ~n ~....:nK €tIU! ihr ~mda ~-V ,. icit pe r<nn
<br />:;. sausfaclory tr Coracles and t!;at rhr intetes~i pat.itie on :hr -umn ,e<:aad :^`. 4. e, 3i i,np,,,~e .hail fie et tar,-h =:.ta s L: odor
<br />5ha4 rfly;u.-xt (f 1 ender has walvc2 [!tr :+piunn : „tic Faze r-ruailei± : , itui i~•a r,.raph i and ,] R,itmwet , .z ~ , art i
<br />=[[[rtes[ ha- ctctivtrci a u`nucn sstumpi!cin Itrri_.n.,st :,.r°ci.tz,u sr. .p t*r t n ;,•r i ,,~t--. r -n a(i :±ic."+a t2.r,i< {ia+rtiztt .zll
<br />s-FL'ig~i.:.rrx n -~~'; rata= ?riortt;ag. a,=x1 tttt; ',tit,tt^!,
<br />If LtFider exxrui:ts. tiuch aptian na accelerate. i enikr .'tali ntxii Res+-rawer nzitr.r . , ..c tole=atie,n i,t a.canlar+..-, i:€ifi
<br />patagraprt 13 #n'ixctf. Shah [tote's rErail niovttk v pr, Went iif oar ;e±t than iti dark iron[ ttxr date the native is ma7rei =rzthm
<br />wheel[ &yr i.twer [nay p:+k the ,uasr clot i:xscd due. it Rnrr.xaar !.. t- = tt.-iv ,t !. - rn ,, It:e <-s%*rr-suin€ .`t to=:h (~e•€,id.
<br />z-..a~ =..R ... ....... ...F,..=,. .-. .x,rzr. .a .. max,- .. _. .~ .,.. .~.. u.s „..,F., ircF~.ri
<br />i'±C!*1•-L-^trPisaRi i.¢Yt'.l:iN lt. [tats€sswxF ;Sort t e:ii.4Cr ttttthz•r ~.:t:'ii.:i;t ,:-id ., t'i ex• _:r _-..,. w.3
<br />1®, ~.cc~trtfun; Rxtrtxdiys. -:xrrpi as ptita3ded to prrraph t T hz+wnt, ufwa f4urrorwrr'a #srencA of i+u} ravruaae .a
<br />ru' 13arreawri #s t#iN' 'startga~, isrittd#ab rite eaa manta ?;: pap win ins any rain sec-arrvi kv th3e farig~r.
<br />I.yndar gofer to rxcri~rrtfaa s maid aatir~r to Harrawrr as prnaided in }taraittatsit IJ hrrrod spttitying: t#) rhr• Itreach;
<br />12) tier rcGaa rcw#attrd to eery wuh hreacA; t3) a tiers, tnu tr~i [ban 1U drrya [rose[ the darn the uasicr !: mailed to Hrtrruwet.
<br />vg Fs~ic~ ~h hxrraxA tuts ~ sttrxi#; anft tit thrt taitarx to cure suss hrem~h un its tq+fure rhr date aprc•lhed in errs tattier
<br />map regif3 #a itteyiaratitta rif thx soars .firartid by ttt#a M1for+gettr, toreclaF-err teJ jadicist prtrsrred#ng and raM erf the Property.
<br />•I'hr nitidee AhaQt fwfher ta18(At barruwer nl' thx tight IV re#nslrte after rca.~rtrrafiua and fhr r[t:bt to a i[it in fhe trrreciwnrr
<br />pr~tteedhgt, the etaa•axWeat: axf a akiaait err any atfitxr rh+fxttrx of Burrower rn acecleratias and tate+:tanutr. If ihr hreaeh
<br />18 ~ c'utt4 art ra fsfary [sty data spar!~yd fn [ht Fwtke, t.eaHirr yes !-rndrs'x xF{Ftkra¢ zany dra~#arc a## :i€ the cases arcarrd by
<br />tl~x CO#~a fa ha i~!aa~rd$Ntiy dux :wd pajaidc wiiY[uut #nrfirtr thranaw4 sari Ft+ky f.errchm At ludirial prusawv##trX. i ender
<br />aArB tit ,tntBitd to caifsa:t #a aueh prrwrrv+i#tt@ nit espeasea .ai tareclasarro. iacindfng. Scat nett fiadtrd to, aaata of ducanrratrrt
<br />mv4dr!erat aWiacbs ma9 [title repasts.
<br />I9. ~b to Witte,. ?`loiw lt!}!<i#rLtinf, t-e+-civr+ ., etc. atinn •~7 the ..errry = [urea; by the `tr-rtgdgr
<br />ft#ari~wer si[aii ht~.e tlfr+ ii?#,;=r[ to tt&+r sup `titxi,`Caiaugc hcllvtr hr 'tar t,i r, t ;.c ;hzs Yl r ta, c`sincunuti;.ed :t a - Ir;ne~
<br />