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$~~ 6i€'i5812 <br />I.Tvtr-eau. C.ovrxr..xrs, $orrower and Lender :ovenant and agree as foIInws: <br />i. PaymenE tcf ~ Inferesi. Bnrrnw2r shat! promptly pay when doe the principal o: and interest en the <br />indebtedness evitGeaeed by the ;Vote, prepayment and late charges as provi•'.,ed in zhe Nete, and the principal of and interEgf <br />on arty Future Advances saezved by this Mortgage. <br />~. FamAs Ina Tales affil Ttaeatsates. Subject to applicable law or to a wrtiten waiver by Lender. Borrower shah pay <br />to Lender on zFse day menthiy instaSiments of principal and interest are payatsle under the Note, until the Vote is paid in full, <br />a sum thsein "Funds°) €quai zn orte-Fwelfth of the yearly taxes and as-sessments ufiich may attain priority aver this <br />Mortgage, and ground renu on the Praperty, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inuallments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instalimenis tar martaage insurance, rE arty, all as reasonably estimated initially and (lain <br />tame to tune by L.ttider or. tht basis of assessments and !+,itis and reasonable estimates thtreof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits nr accounts of which are inwred or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender it Lender is such an institution 1. i_erder shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assssments, <br />iwuranee premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, anaYyzin¢ said account. <br />ar verifying and compiling said asussments and bills, unless Lender pays Bnrrewer interest nn the Fund, and applicable !aw <br />permits Lender to make stub a charge. & rrower and Linder may agree in writing a[ the time of executinr. of ibis <br />Mortgage that (merest on the Funds shall M paid to Bnrrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable taw <br />requires such interest to t>°, paid, Lender shalt not rte requrred m pay Bnrrower any interest or utrnings nn the Funds. Lender <br />shaII give Fo Borrower, withcttt charge, an annual accounting of the Funds show;ng credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additianai security for the sums secured <br />by this bfortgage. <br />If the amoum of the Funds held by Lender. togrthtr with the future monthly installments of Funds payable pear to <br />the dot dates of taxes, assessments, insuranct premiums and ¢rntmd rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said texas. <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they Fall due, such excess shah fx, at Sarrower's ophnn, either <br />protnpdy repaid to Borrower or uedited to Borrower on mon:hi}• installments of Funds. !f the amaunt of the Funds <br />bald by Leader shall not be sutEcient to pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Bnrroroeer shall pay to Lender any amount necess:nry to make rip the definency within si7 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by LGixfer to Bnrrower regtusting payment thereof. <br />3dpun payment m fttii of all sums secured by thts Mortgage, i.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />tread by Lender. If under paragraph IH 6ertuf the Propa:m :s sold ev the Proptrr. ~s otherwise acquored by Lender. Lender <br />shalt apply, no later than imtnediatety prier to the sale .,f the Property ur us as{vismon by Lender any Funds held 6y <br />Ltttdar a[ the time of agp}icattauz as a credit agairzr the lams sccurJ by €hts LLarigage. <br />3. Appliexlioa of Payments. Unh:xs applicable lau- pros iJes other•,+isc, ail payments received by Lender angler the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 atsd 2 hereof sisa~i ire. xppt~ •d by I~.en<ler hot :n r:ayrterm u( amx>rlnts payable to Lender by Bnrrower <br />utzdtr paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest pa}'able ou the: 'ti t,ur., then to the principal of Cite Notts, anJ then to interest and <br />principal nn any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; Liens, Borrower shall pay all raties..a,.ces,ments anJ other charge,. fines .mJ impo~tnons aunhutat?Ie to <br />the property which may attain a priority over thts !stortea¢e, and iea_sehoEJ payments ur ground rents, if any, ut that manner <br />ptovidtd tmdet paragraph 2 hereof ur. it` oat pard m ,urn manner. by Borzewer mal. utg pacmtent, when due. dtrcctly to the <br />payee thereof. Bnrrower shaiJ promptly furnish to i_enJer all nouccs of :unnunts due under the paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shalt make payment dt rectip-. Borrower ,halo pra+mpuy furnish to 1_enJcr rccctpi. e+:dcnnng such pay enrols. <br />ftotrowez shall promptly disch:ugt any itcn-'.+h:ch ire., pr:.:niy .~...; :t;:. til,:ngacc. ; •.:,icd. :h.u 8err,rwcr .h.ui :: ~, r*;: <br />rtqutred to discharge any such lien ut tong as Borrower shah .tyrce rn +. rn:ng :r-• the pa•}rttent .,i she ot>Irgati;~n .caurd by <br />Rauh iie>3 in a manner aCCeptaiNe to Lender. nr ,h ±ii :n ~ - .,:eth ;.>nh•<R .r:pit ir;:n h+;, :~r JetenJ enfor~Cmeni 4?! such hen m, <br />E.~.jl n -Pei, - tr,htgtt „tea _ ~ ._, ,.f-.-,_ .,at . ... ....... ..... .. .. `?.~ P ,,p.~x „ pis - `zer>=:tf. <br />S.r liasard lesuraact. &±., r,wer shall €atp [« urYr. •:tmert n-aa :also :,r izoreatrer crr•.tert n the Pn,i-cri. ~nxureJ <br />again i+ns b=; flit, hazazcls inda~d :v:thuv the :c:m -cu tenrllaw! .:,+eray+*r „rod sa; ira;ards as Lender rnaF regwre <br />_ ~. 3iiCai amanrntx acid ir5r s _- --- -His a. e eR4Yr ,n,~T' re,a 41!t:'- f?rr+'~-tded. '(oat ! en47er ~h.t is nt.1 refit:tee till! t.,_ .t. ra't:nt +~. <br />ettci} .rner,;f~,,, ,_s,,._•e t: h.. _... ~ -¢. ,~.y....~ t:: -a: in ,r., _, .; 1,. ,.,~ - L .,Enka <br />II~i;z i.-vatra,ra-e -a Bier rite allot ,nee ~.h ut tx. ~n::« r,x Fi,.ir rn r rut+,a. ~ tr s ..>~ na- I eixJr''r ,.. r,v!ded, <br />~dhat such. approval shall oat tx unrcasunaaeie' uhfut.i ,x f ~ tat t _ ,,r: ,*. _.:, _; a...i _._.: }_r!t ~. ,,.,._i !!+.:, •w~^•+•,~ <br />prtvt' u;,cier pae~,~dtnn't ~ till-rat :!r. rt n<n pard m . fah mainrc: by fl.arrt,acer onaauag puYmcnL when due. ,i:ractf} tai the <br />~ Via: i~r. <br />.'tSl insurance policies anJ reaewab thereof ,hull be m form .:icclrtabie to Lcnue; and sn:dl mdnda a ~tar,.t.,:.f murtrage <br />clause in taunt of and to form aa.eptahfe to (.ender Lrnder , i~.a,c the :rghi :,, the paab: ua .uui mnew ail :hetcarC. <br />sad Borrower shat) pr~ptfy turmah to Lender sit renewal nouces anJ afI rcac:pts nt na:J pretn:um,. Gt the c4evt an L+,,, <br />8oaawae shall grse proanpt twttce to the utsurance curr:et sad I_ntdrr Lends: nm•, ctaf,e peas of loss n not Horde pr:,mptl} <br />by Bnrrower. <br />I;ntess Lentttr and Borro:Fe: aahrtu; ~ ag: ca, :•• =.nttug.:nsuranac pm:rc6~ shut! nc appheJ tr ,es:,rrauon ,n rep:ue nY <br />the Propert}• JamageJ, prnviJeJ such rnwrnnon err report :s c, ,rcnncuii4 ta...:hie ~nJ the uau: sty of urn if orrgagc r. <br />not theatb}' irnpa:te<1. li .r.M1h rest..:rau:ru of :e}xx:v rs .. ,a..ra+m ra.:ii•. :. e,rhia• .x :t ;he act urns of th:> hlr~rtg.tga• w'a~uiJ <br />be tmpairtd, tfue tnsuranc~t prxrr~•eds shell nu applacJ t~ the Burn, ;ecuteJ h'. the= M,rttgagc, u:th the cancan. It :mt pa:J <br />to $crrewtr. It the I=ropert- is ~ha ndoned f<. ,_ z tier ._ _v-,Inln.i :., f costa: aeon:,, i'r ua; s . ,••t tha~ <br />Ja[e maUCSe is niaf leJ t+y Ltndet u> Burrower ihat~the meuraocc c_ _u a,+t4•r, ,, _ortE. ~ +Lu:n to: nv,urancc i*cnchis.~l en.iet <br />B authauizeJ to collect anJ apt?i}- the ;nsurart.,c prtiued+ .a i_enScr ,r::pr,,:n c:ihc: tv nsmraun::.,r :e;Paae :•t :}x i'reprrrv <br />ar u. tht sur,>a sr:ureJ by then Mongxgc_ <br />Unltss Lcndrr and Barmt«et other,-~i..• „- - , +. d;m,.::ty , .:, ,:pph_,,v run ,,( pen, ceJ, to :_ oat+.d ..:_„::i.~t ~, ctlJ <br />Ot p~,i~th'. ttm a .[d,e . , t';t nr,--t , ,vla ~,-t_.: Jcr . ,i :_ t - _ J- a. _ nc ua , r _ __rrc .,a tr.,.~uatt , <br />sur,:h irzstalimertts •rrlf wader par ~ vin :.. , c a _,..:., it x.r°. -. .,. ~., _ :. rJr., .;1 r-„t:!. ttlc .s~...,icir~r , : 4,: :. , c <br />in slid to an+: rn.ura .-t pt~ficits and in ann.J tr the' nr:?aaeJs !hcrea.t r•sultm}? tr4rtn ai;eu:.tge tr° d+e Yre. fw,_ ', n:r~.t f ...a <br />ar acgtusitian shall pass to L.encL r to tht extent alt tht ,tuns secured <.y tht, xt setts ke :mn:adnurrs (:nut =. ,.., r ..,,a , , <br />acquisitezm. <br />~ ~c a-€:3ii3s ~ir3 ?Y.3'SLc-sEaiia i~E FFUga~i,Fr: 1.tiM1rtfap}i5a: i „nctamiaRim ~t.9afit<-+i iRit BF.~§x•Ftr~r~3vrsss. ,,, w.. <br />xP,ait k+~p s~ie t~fcrty i€3 gtivd rcfr>nr and =#xxjs nor .emtmt ~,a,.+ r ~:rmn :urge:anent ,:: Jcte::.+r!t teen ,,; the t'r„irse <br />attd shalt comply pith tart provr.:t*ns +tt a,r. iesx ,: h- t t,a_<s..._ ,rr; ,: <a.:+n+•i.t i< :I:., Yza,r±, -, ,., .. . <br />coutktxniarutn er a }tr~xened anal aevtlnpntsnt_ Batn+w- h,ri+_ lcrt _:a: sit a,i E;.,r ro•act w ,. +,ea, .:o _f:. -_ n:=~:. <br /><x cavcnams crtaznt¢ ar ~=er mg t~ .crai.rnn:un plat. m: i .u: dcveL•t_m~,:t. rho bs to : I .ta <br />rsrndgzztimum r piana~i utvt de+clopmcut. unJ .. n,nrucm daur,mro:, I+ „ n.L,uunum: , r+p LnuxJ ,. , .,a,._, . _.. <br />zr.ter is exer:uttd by 13tlrtnwer auJ reaxded : ether s„th thrs St~rtuattc. :6: .. ~. m:.r~:l, and .. ... ..: ....: «a, <br />sbah ht uuorporattd into sett ,tur!i ,tmsnJ a..r, acrnert :he ~,- - •au- ;r.,:i ~ r:- .4z -~.t,., .!. -,. <br />wet~° a part beer-et. - -- - <br />7. !`CWECCMt! ut [eeeders Security, E± 14.,na~wer f. .._ € fix ,_ -._,.,- ~.r,. _ rtern~nrs ~. :_ .;a-.i :., ---- <br />Mctttgagt, nr tf env acnun v: nrrnceditag ,atnrr.:.arccril ,I=rs. :et_uai! .._..,st a....u. ~ ,. <br />tnctudJng, hs.,t tux i~traited t,~, eta: ,e Yt dana.rit. r. lacers _.+JC ~. _ ,;n._ ., :, r,a-•~. , u._,_, _ , <br />hltrnpt os dea-eitrzt, then I_snr9as at ;.eriCE_r- a.} tr,«, ia.r, n-=;•.e : NI r ~,.. _ -,k a.•. ,.r~ .:,_ ,. .:,, ,. ,.. <br />sums sell taEe xatch a~&!n as s nay.css.'.a'y _ pttnc a [ er;va° - t. n.;at _ ::.,~ . _. ., _ . r_ v ,, <br />reainttab}t a.ttb'rneY~6 ICES 2nd CnlfY „pur3 ih4 Prarpr -,_ i.3 -.., t _.. __. .. _ .. ~. <br />e:bttclit~n a} nakan~ EHC ittan securrci h-} th!a Mir~rty _ tt, ..:-._ ,.. c. ,. __ _ . ... -.._,. <br />lltSUrar}CS ir> RtttK4:t bdn3tE SEN:& t3nty -14 ii>h` !l';trEitellt:ef}! Y ,tip; r+_r,t f--..; ',. ~ _. i U-='-~~. [#. .A: a r_ _. <br />